public static void DeleteUnusedShadingNode(MSelectionList list) { if (list == null) { Debug.Log("list null"); return; } List <MFnDependencyNode> deleteList = new List <MFnDependencyNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { MObject mo = new MObject(); list.getDependNode((uint)i, mo); if (mo.hasFn(MFn.Type.kShadingEngine)) { MFnDependencyNode sgNode = new MFnDependencyNode(mo); MPlug plug_dagSetMemebers = sgNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_dagSetMembers); Debug.Log("numelements:" + plug_dagSetMemebers.numElements); if (plug_dagSetMemebers.numElements == 0) { deleteList.Add(sgNode); } } //Debug.Log(; } BasicFunc.DeleteObjects(deleteList); }
public static MDagPath AddParentCircle(MDagPath targetDagPath, bool createParallelGrp) { string ctlName = "ctl_" + targetDagPath.partialPathName; MDagPath ctlDagPath = BasicFunc.CreateCircle(ctlName); ctlName = ctlDagPath.fullPathName; MFnTransform targetTrans = new MFnTransform(targetDagPath); if (createParallelGrp) { MFnTransform parellelGrpTrans = new MFnTransform(AddEmptyGroup(new MFnTransform(targetTrans.parent(0)))); parellelGrpTrans.setTranslation(targetTrans.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kTransform), MSpace.Space.kTransform); //Debug.Log("finalLocalPos:"+BasicFunc.ToCMDSParamStr(parellelGrpTrans.getTranslation(MSpace.kTransform))); MEulerRotation rot = new MEulerRotation(); targetTrans.getRotation(rot); parellelGrpTrans.setRotation(rot); SetTransformParent(ctlName, parellelGrpTrans.fullPathName); } MFnTransform circleTransform = new MFnTransform(ctlDagPath); circleTransform.setTranslation(new MVector(0, 0, 0), MSpace.Space.kTransform); circleTransform.setRotation(new MEulerRotation(0, 90 / ConstantValue.DPR, 0)); FreezeTransform(circleTransform); return(ctlDagPath); }
public static MDagPath CreateLoopCircleByPos(List <MVector> posList, bool reOrder = true, bool closedArc = true, string ctlName = "loopCircle_0") { List <MVector> vectors = new List <MVector>(posList); if (vectors.Count < 2) { return(default(MDagPath)); } if (reOrder) { int count = vectors.Count; //List<float> radians = new List<float>(); Dictionary <MVector, float> radianDic = new Dictionary <MVector, float>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { radianDic.Add(vectors[i], BasicFunc.CalPosRadian(vectors[i])); } vectors.Sort((a, b) => { if (radianDic[a] > radianDic[b]) { return(1); } else { return(-1); } }); } if (closedArc) { vectors.Add(vectors[0]); } return(BasicFunc.CreateCurve(vectors.ToArray(), ctlName, 1, closedArc ? MFnNurbsCurve.Form.kClosed : MFnNurbsCurve.Form.kOpen)); }
public static List <CommandData> GetCommandDatas() { List <CommandData> cmdList = new List <CommandData>(); cmdList.Add(new CommandData(null, cmdStr, "test", "test", () => { BasicFunc.PrintObjects(BasicFunc.GetSelectedList()); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData(null, cmdStr, "testSelectComp", "选择组件", () => { BasicFunc.Select(BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(), true); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("基本操作", cmdStr, "childCircle", "增加子层级圆环", () => { AddChildCircle(GetSelectedDagPath(0)); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("基本操作", cmdStr, "parentCircle", "增加同层级圆环", () => { AddParentCircle(GetSelectedDagPath(0), true); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("基本操作", cmdStr, "crystal", "创建八面体控制器", () => { BasicFunc.CreateCTL_Crystal("ctl_sample"); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("基本操作", cmdStr, "cthulhu", "创建偏方三八面体", () => { BasicFunc.CreateCTL_Crystal("ctl_sample"); })); return(cmdList); }
public static MDagPath CreateJointsCurve(MSelectionList jointDagPathList) { int count = (int)jointDagPathList.length; string curveName = "curve_"; MVector[] vectors = new MVector[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MDagPath dagPath = new MDagPath(); jointDagPathList.getDagPath((uint)i, dagPath); if (i == 0) { curveName += dagPath.partialPathName + "_"; } else if (i == count - 1) { curveName += dagPath.partialPathName; } MFnTransform ptTrans = new MFnTransform(dagPath); vectors[i] = ptTrans.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld); //MGlobal.displayInfo(BasicFunc::ToCMDSParamStr(vectors[i])); } MDagPath curveDagPath = BasicFunc.CreateCurve(vectors, curveName); //MGlobal.displayInfo("create Finish"); return(curveDagPath); }
public static void ConvertHairSelection(HairSelectionType hairSelectionType, MDagPath dagPath = null) { //MGlobal.executeCommand("convertHairSelection \"current\""); if (dagPath != null) { BasicFunc.Select(dagPath); } switch (hairSelectionType) { case HairSelectionType.Follicles: { MGlobal.executeCommand("convertHairSelection \"follicles\""); break; } case HairSelectionType.HairSystem: { MGlobal.executeCommand("convertHairSelection \"hairSystems\""); break; } case HairSelectionType.OutputCurves: { MGlobal.executeCommand("convertHairSelection \"current\""); break; } case HairSelectionType.StartCurves: { MGlobal.executeCommand("convertHairSelection \"startCurves\""); break; } } }
public static MDagPath AddDynamicChainControl(ref MDagPath hairSystem, MSelectionList jointChains = null, ConstantValue.HairPointLockType pointLock = ConstantValue.HairPointLockType.Base) { //get bones if (jointChains == null) { jointChains = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } if (jointChains.length == 0) { return(null); } MDagPath dagPath_startJoint = new MDagPath(), dagPath_endJoint = new MDagPath(); if (jointChains.length == 1) { BasicFunc.Select(jointChains); jointChains.getDagPath((uint)0, dagPath_startJoint); MGlobal.executeCommand("select -hierarchy " + dagPath_startJoint.fullPathName); jointChains = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(MFn.Type.kJoint); } jointChains.getDagPath(0, dagPath_startJoint); jointChains.getDagPath(jointChains.length - 1, dagPath_endJoint); MDagPath startCurveDagPath = JointProcess.CreateJointsCurve(jointChains); MDagPath outCurveDagPath = CurveToHair(ref hairSystem, startCurveDagPath, pointLock); JointProcess.AddIKHandle(dagPath_startJoint, dagPath_endJoint, JointProcess.IKSolverType.Spline, outCurveDagPath.fullPathName); BasicFunc.SetTransformParent(BasicFunc.GetParent(startCurveDagPath), BasicFunc.GetParent(dagPath_startJoint)); return(outCurveDagPath); }
public MSelectionList RestoreSelectionOnList(MSelectionList targetList = null, bool selectResult = false) { if (targetList == null || targetList.length == 0) { targetList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } MSelectionList resultSelection = new MSelectionList(); for (int i = 0; i < targetList.length; i++) { if (i >= selectedIndicesList.Count) { break; } MDagPath dag = new MDagPath(); targetList.getDagPath((uint)i, dag); MFnSingleIndexedComponent sic = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject components = sic.create(MFn.Type.kMeshPolygonComponent); sic.addElements(new MIntArray(selectedIndicesList[i])); resultSelection.add(dag, components); //resultSelection.add(dag); } if (selectResult) { BasicFunc.Select(resultSelection); } return(resultSelection); }
public static void RemoveUnusedTextures(MSelectionList list) { if (list == null) { Debug.Log("list null"); return; } List <MObject> deleteList = new List <MObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { MObject mo = new MObject(); list.getDependNode((uint)i, mo); MFnDependencyNode imageNode = new MFnDependencyNode(mo); MPlug texOutputPlug = imageNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_fileTexOutputColor); MPlugArray destPlugs = new MPlugArray(); texOutputPlug.destinations(destPlugs); if (destPlugs.Count == 0) { deleteList.Add(mo); Debug.Log("remove no use:" + imageNode.absoluteName); } else { Debug.Log("still used:" + imageNode.absoluteName); for (int j = 0; j < destPlugs.length; j++) { Debug.Log(" by:" + destPlugs[0].partialName(true)); } } } BasicFunc.DeleteObjects(deleteList); }
public static void CreateRelativeCurve(MSelectionList selected = null, ConstantValue.SampleType st = ConstantValue.SampleType.ObjectTrans, bool reOrder = true, bool closedArc = true, string ctlName = null) { if (selected == null) { selected = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } List <MVector> positions = new List <MVector>(); switch (st) { case ConstantValue.SampleType.Vert: { MItSelectionList it_selectionList = new MItSelectionList(selected); MVector totalWeight =; for (; !it_selectionList.isDone; { MObject component = new MObject(); MDagPath item = new MDagPath(); it_selectionList.getDagPath(item, component); MItMeshVertex it_verts = new MItMeshVertex(item, component); for (; !it_verts.isDone; { //Debug.Log(it_verts.index().ToString()); MPoint point = it_verts.position(MSpace.Space.kWorld); MVector pos = new MVector(point.x, point.y, point.z); //BasicFunc.CreateLocator(pos, "vert_" + it_verts.index()); positions.Add(pos); totalWeight += pos; } } break; } case ConstantValue.SampleType.Edge: { break; } case ConstantValue.SampleType.Poly: { break; } case ConstantValue.SampleType.ObjectTrans: { foreach (MDagPath dag in selected.DagPaths()) { MFnTransform trans = new MFnTransform(dag); positions.Add(trans.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld)); } break; } } if (ctlName == null) { ctlName = "samplerCurve_00"; } CreateLoopCircleByPos(positions, reOrder, closedArc, ctlName); }
public static MVector GetLinearPosByWeight(MVector middleWorldPos, MVector parentWorldPos, MVector childWorldPos) { float length0 = (float)(middleWorldPos - parentWorldPos).length; float length1 = (float)(middleWorldPos - childWorldPos).length; MVector posByWeight = BasicFunc.Lerp(parentWorldPos, childWorldPos, length0 / (length0 + length1)); return(posByWeight); }
public static void MoveSkinJointsTool(MDagPath dag = null) { if (dag != null) { BasicFunc.Select(dag); } MGlobal.executeCommand("MoveSkinJointsTool"); }
/// <summary> /// well, this action is truely dangerous /// </summary> /// <param name="list"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CombineMaterials(MSelectionList list, bool deleteRepeated = true) { if (!BasicFunc.CheckSelectionList(list, 2)) { Debug.Log("please choose at least 2 materials"); return(false); } string firstMatName = ""; List <MObject> deleteList = new List <MObject>(); List <MSelectionList> waitForAssign = new List <MSelectionList>(); MDGModifier dGModifier = new MDGModifier(); for (uint i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { //Debug.Log(i + " mat test"); MObject matObject = new MObject(); list.getDependNode(i, matObject); MFnDependencyNode dnode = new MFnDependencyNode(matObject); if (i == 0) { firstMatName = dnode.absoluteName; continue; } else { deleteList.Add(matObject); } //Debug.Log(i + " node:" + dnode.absoluteName); if (matObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kLambert) || matObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kBlinn) || matObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPhong)) { //Debug.Log("has mat fn"); //MMaterial mat = new MMaterial(matObject); //MColor color = new MColor(); //mat.getDiffuse(color); //Debug.Log("mat:" + dnode.absoluteName + " ,color:" + BasicFunc.MToString(color)); SelectObjectsWithMat(dnode); //Debug.Log("finish select"); //waitForAssign.Add(BasicFunc.GetSelectedList()); AssignMat(firstMatName); //Debug.Log("finish assign"); BasicFunc.DeleteByCMD(dnode.absoluteName); //Debug.Log("finish delete"); } else { Debug.Log("no mat fn"); } } dGModifier.doIt(); //MGlobal.executeCommandOnIdle("hyperShade -objects " + matNode.absoluteName); return(true); }
public static void Select(MSelectionList list, bool selectInComponentMode = false) { MGlobal.setActiveSelectionList(list); if (selectInComponentMode) { Debug.Log("select in component mode"); List <MSelectionList> facesListToAdd = new List <MSelectionList>(); MItSelectionList it_selectionList = new MItSelectionList(list); Debug.Log("has components:" + it_selectionList.hasComponents); for (; !it_selectionList.isDone; { MObject component = new MObject(); MDagPath item = new MDagPath(); it_selectionList.getDagPath(item, component); //Debug.Log(item.fullPathName + " has components:" + it_selectionList.hasComponents); //List<int> selectedIndcies = new List<int>(); //MItMeshPolygon it_poly = new MItMeshPolygon(item, component); if (!it_selectionList.hasComponents) { //Debug.Log("没有组件被选择,怀疑是一整个物体:" + item.fullPathName); BasicFunc.SelectComponent(item.fullPathName, ConstantValue.PolySelectType.Facet, true); facesListToAdd.Add(BasicFunc.GetSelectedList()); } //else //{ // Debug.Log("有组件被选择:" + it_poly.count()); //} } if (facesListToAdd.Count > 0) { MGlobal.setActiveSelectionList(list); for (int i = 0; i < facesListToAdd.Count; i++) { MGlobal.setActiveSelectionList(facesListToAdd[i], MGlobal.ListAdjustment.kAddToList); } } } //bool hasDag = false; //if (hasDag) //{ // Debug.Log("has dag length:" + list.length); // foreach (MDagPath dag in list.DagPaths()) // { // Debug.Log(dag.fullPathName); // } // MGlobal.setActiveSelectionList(list); //} //else //{ // Debug.Log("no dag but length:" + list.length); // MGlobal.setActiveSelectionList(list); //} }
public static void BeautifulPole(MDagPath middleDag = null, bool clearFlag_x = true, bool clearFlag_y = true, bool clearFlag_z = true, bool useMoveSkinJointsTool = true) { if (middleDag == null || middleDag.node.isNull) { middleDag = BasicFunc.GetSelectedDagPath(0); if (middleDag == null || middleDag.node.isNull) { Debug.Log("please select middle joint"); return; } } MFnTransform middleTrans = new MFnTransform(middleDag); if (middleTrans.parentCount == 0 || middleTrans.childCount == 0) { return; } MDagPath parentDag = MDagPath.getAPathTo(middleTrans.parent(0)); MDagPath childDag = MDagPath.getAPathTo(middleTrans.child(0)); MFnTransform parentTrans = new MFnTransform(parentDag); MFnTransform childTrans = new MFnTransform(childDag); MVector parentWorldPos = parentTrans.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld); MVector middleWorldPos = middleTrans.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld); MVector childWorldPos = childTrans.getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld); //MVector vec_middleToParent = parentWorldPos - middleWorldPos; //MVector vec_childToMiddle = middleWorldPos - childWorldPos; //MVector verticalBack = BasicFunc.Cross(vec_middleToParent, vec_childToMiddle); float length0 = (float)(middleWorldPos - parentWorldPos).length; float length1 = (float)(middleWorldPos - childWorldPos).length; MVector posByWeight = BasicFunc.Lerp(parentWorldPos, childWorldPos, length0 / (length0 + length1)); if (useMoveSkinJointsTool) { MoveSkinJointsTool(middleDag); } //middleTrans.setTranslation(posByWeight, MSpace.Space.kWorld); if (!clearFlag_x) { posByWeight.x = middleWorldPos.x; } if (!clearFlag_y) { posByWeight.y = middleWorldPos.y; } if (!clearFlag_z) { posByWeight.z = middleWorldPos.z; } middleTrans.setTranslation(posByWeight, MSpace.Space.kWorld); childTrans.setTranslation(childWorldPos, MSpace.Space.kWorld); //MFnIkJoint middleJoint = new MFnIkJoint(middleDag); }
public static string[] AddIKHandle(MDagPath startJointDagPath, MDagPath endJointDagPath, IKSolverType solverType = IKSolverType.RotatePlane, string curveName = "") { //string typeStr = ""; string resultStr = ""; CmdStrConstructor csc = new CmdStrConstructor("ikHandle", CmdStrConstructor.CmdType.Python); csc.UpdateParm("sj", startJointDagPath.fullPathName); csc.UpdateParm("ee", endJointDagPath.fullPathName); string ikMainName = startJointDagPath.partialPathName + "_" + endJointDagPath.partialPathName; switch (solverType) { case IKSolverType.SingleChain: { csc.UpdateParm("sol", "ikSCsolver"); csc.UpdateParm("n", "ik_" + ikMainName); string excuteStr = csc.ToString(); resultStr = MGlobal.executePythonCommandStringResult(excuteStr); //typeStr = "ikSCsolver"; //resultStr = MGlobal.executePythonCommandStringResult("cmds.ikHandle(sj='" + startJointDagPath.fullPathName + "',ee='" + endJointDagPath.fullPathName + "',sol='" + typeStr + "',n='ik_" + ikMainName + "')"); break; } case IKSolverType.RotatePlane: { csc.UpdateParm("sol", "ikRPsolver"); csc.UpdateParm("n", "ik_" + ikMainName); string excuteStr = csc.ToString(); resultStr = MGlobal.executePythonCommandStringResult(excuteStr); //typeStr = "ikRPsolver"; //resultStr = MGlobal.executePythonCommandStringResult("cmds.ikHandle(sj='" + startJointDagPath.fullPathName + "',ee='" + endJointDagPath.fullPathName + "',sol='" + typeStr + "',n='ik_" + ikMainName + "')"); break; } case IKSolverType.Spline: { csc.UpdateParm("sol", "ikSplineSolver"); csc.UpdateParm("n", "ik_" + ikMainName); csc.UpdateParm("ccv", curveName == null || curveName.Length == 0); csc.UpdateParm("c", curveName); csc.UpdateParm("pcv", false); string excuteStr = csc.ToString(); resultStr = MGlobal.executePythonCommandStringResult(excuteStr); //resultStr = MGlobal.executePythonCommandStringResult("cmds.ikHandle(sj='" + startJointDagPath.fullPathName + "',ee='" + endJointDagPath.fullPathName + "',sol='" + typeStr + "',c='" + curveName + "',n='ik_" + ikMainName + "')",true); break; } } //[u'ik_joint1_joint4', u'effector1'] string[] resultArr = BasicFunc.SplitPythonResultStr(resultStr); return(resultArr); }
public static string RenameTexFile(MFnDependencyNode imageNode, string newPartialName, string newFolder = null, bool relinkImgNode = false, bool deleteOrigin = false, bool overwrite = false) { MPlug plug_fileTexPath = imageNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_fileTexPath); string originFullPath = plug_fileTexPath.asString(); string newFullPath = BasicFunc.RenameFile(originFullPath, newPartialName, newFolder, deleteOrigin, overwrite); if (relinkImgNode) { plug_fileTexPath.setString(newFullPath); } return(newFullPath); }
public static MDagPath CreateLocator(MVector worldPos, string locatorName) { string cmdStr = "cmds.spaceLocator(n='" + locatorName + "')"; locatorName = SubUShell(MGlobal.executePythonCommandStringResult(cmdStr)); MDagPath locDagPath = BasicFunc.GetDagPathByName(locatorName); MFnTransform locatorTrans = new MFnTransform(locDagPath); //Debug.Log(locatorName+"dag:"+locDagPath.fullPathName); locatorTrans.setTranslation(worldPos, MSpace.Space.kWorld); return(locDagPath); }
public static List <CommandData> GetCommandDatas() { List <CommandData> cmdList = new List <CommandData>(); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼", cmdStr, "add", "沿骨骼生成曲线", () => { CreateJointsCurve(BasicFunc.GetSelectedList()); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼", cmdStr, "clearRotation", "清除层级下骨骼旋转", () => { ClearHierachyJointsRotation(); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼/优雅极向量", cmdStr, "beautifulPole_x", "极向量清除X", () => { BeautifulPole(null, true, false, false); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼/优雅极向量", cmdStr, "beautifulPole_y", "极向量清除Y", () => { BeautifulPole(null, false, true, false); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼/优雅极向量", cmdStr, "beautifulPole_z", "极向量清除Z", () => { BeautifulPole(null, false, false, true); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼/优雅极向量", cmdStr, "beautifulPole_xy", "极向量清除XY", () => { BeautifulPole(null, true, true, false); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼/优雅极向量", cmdStr, "beautifulPole_xz", "极向量清除XZ", () => { BeautifulPole(null, true, false); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼/优雅极向量", cmdStr, "beautifulPole_yz", "极向量清除YZ", () => { BeautifulPole(null, false); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼/优雅极向量", cmdStr, "beautifulPole_xyz", "极向量清除XYZ", () => { BeautifulPole(null); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼", cmdStr, "manyBeautifulPole", "为很多漂亮的极向量铺路", () => { BasicFunc.IterateSelectedDags((dag) => { BeautifulPole(dag, true); }); })); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼", "过渡骨")); cmdList.Add(new CommandData("骨骼", cmdStr, "lerpJoints", "过渡骨编辑器", () => { JointProcessWindow jpw = new JointProcessWindow(); jpw.Topmost = true; jpw.Show(); })); return(cmdList); }
public void CreateButtonWindow() { BasicWindow bw = new BasicWindow("Selector"); Action[] actions = new Action[3]; actions[0] = () => { for (int i = 0; i < selectedIndicesList.Count; i++) { string msg = ""; for (int j = 0; j < selectedIndicesList[i].Length; j++) { msg += selectedIndicesList[i][j]; if (j != 0) { msg += ","; } } Debug.Log("Selected " + i + ":" + msg); } }; actions[1] = () => { SetFromSelection(); }; actions[2] = () => { RestoreSelectionOnList(null, true); }; Action[] actions2 = new Action[2] { () => { //Delete For One Group BasicFunc.DoDelete(RestoreSelectionOnList(), true); }, () => { //Delete For Multi Group DoForMultiSelection((list) => { BasicFunc.DoDelete(list); }); } }; bw.AddButtons(actions, new string[3] { "Print", "Refresh Select", "Restore Selection" }); bw.AddButtons(actions2, new string[2] { "Delete Topo", "Delete Topo For Multi" }); bw.Show(); }
static void MoveUV(float uValue, float vValue, string matName = null, bool splitUVBlockBeforeMove = true) { if (matName != null) { Debug.Log("matName:" + matName); SelectObjectsWithMat(matName, true); } if (splitUVBlockBeforeMove) { SplitUVBlock(BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(), true); } MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("polyEditUV -u {0} -v {1}", uValue, vValue), true); }
public static void AddDynamicConstraint(MSelectionList list, ConstantValue.DynamicConstraintType dynamicConstraintType = ConstantValue.DynamicConstraintType.PointToPoint, ConstantValue.DynamicConstraintMethod method = ConstantValue.DynamicConstraintMethod.Weld) { if (list == null) { list = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } BasicFunc.Select(list); string typeStr = ConstantValue.Param_DynamicConstraintType(dynamicConstraintType); string cmdStr = "createNConstraint " + typeStr + " 0"; string dynamicConstraintShapeName = MGlobal.executeCommandStringResult(cmdStr); BasicFunc.SetAttr(dynamicConstraintShapeName, ConstantValue.plugName_dynamicConstraintMethod, "" + (int)method); }
public static MDagPath CurveToHair(ref MDagPath hairSystemDagPath, MDagPath curveDagPath = null, ConstantValue.HairPointLockType pointLock = ConstantValue.HairPointLockType.Base) { if (curveDagPath == null) { curveDagPath = BasicFunc.GetSelectedDagPath(0); } bool hairSystemReady = !hairSystemDagPath.node.isNull; MSelectionList targetList = new MSelectionList(); targetList.add(curveDagPath); if (hairSystemReady) { Debug.Log("hair system ready"); targetList.add(hairSystemDagPath); } else { Debug.Log("hair system need to be created!"); } BasicFunc.Select(targetList); string cmdStr = "cmds.MakeCurvesDynamic(0,0,0,1,0)"; string resultStr = MGlobal.executePythonCommandStringResult(cmdStr); MDagPath result = new MDagPath(); //Debug.Log(curveDagPath.fullPathName); MFnTransform curveTrans = new MFnTransform(curveDagPath); if (curveTrans.parentCount > 0) { MDagPath follicleDagPath = MDagPath.getAPathTo(curveTrans.parent(0)); MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("setAttr {0}.pointLock {1}", follicleDagPath.fullPathName, (int)pointLock)); if (follicleDagPath.hasFn(MFn.Type.kFollicle)) { Debug.Log("follicle exist!"); ConvertHairSelection(HairSelectionType.OutputCurves, follicleDagPath); result = BasicFunc.GetSelectedDagPath(0); new MFnDependencyNode(result.node).setName("dy_" + curveDagPath.partialPathName); if (!hairSystemReady) { ConvertHairSelection(HairSelectionType.HairSystem); hairSystemDagPath = BasicFunc.GetSelectedDagPath(0); hairSystemReady = true; } } } return(result); }
public static MFnDependencyNode CreateShadingNode(ShadingNodeType snt, string nodeType) { //Debug.Log("try create shadingNode:" + snt + " :" + nodeType); CmdStrConstructor csc = new CmdStrConstructor("shadingNode"); switch (snt) { case ShadingNodeType.Texture: { csc.UpdateToggle("at", true); break; } case ShadingNodeType.Utility: { csc.UpdateToggle("au", true); break; } case ShadingNodeType.Shader: { csc.UpdateToggle("as", true); break; } case ShadingNodeType.Light: { csc.UpdateToggle("al", true); break; } case ShadingNodeType.PostProcess: { csc.UpdateToggle("app", true); break; } case ShadingNodeType.Rendering: { csc.UpdateToggle("ar", true); break; } } csc.UpdateFinalAppend(nodeType); string cmdStr = csc.ToString(); //Debug.Log("command:" + cmdStr); string nodeName = MGlobal.executeCommandStringResult(cmdStr, true); //Debug.Log("create node result:" + nodeName); return(new MFnDependencyNode(BasicFunc.GetObjectByName(nodeName))); }
public static void CombineDagsWithSameMat(MSelectionList list) { if (list == null) { Debug.Log("list null"); return; } List <List <string> > matClusterList = new List <List <string> >(); List <List <MDagPath> > dagClusterList = new List <List <MDagPath> >(); //Dictionary<List<string>, List<MDagPath>> matDic = new Dictionary<List<MFnDependencyNode>, List<MDagPath>>(); foreach (MDagPath dag in list.DagPaths()) { ShapeData sd = GetMaterialsOfDag(dag); bool exist = false; for (int i = 0; i < matClusterList.Count; i++) { if (BasicFunc.IsSame(sd.sgList, matClusterList[i])) { exist = true; dagClusterList[i].Add(dag); } } if (!exist) { matClusterList.Add(sd.sgList); List <MDagPath> newDagList = new List <MDagPath>(); newDagList.Add(dag); dagClusterList.Add(newDagList); } } for (int i = 0; i < matClusterList.Count; i++) { string matStr = "combined_"; for (int j = 0; j < matClusterList[i].Count; j++) { matStr += matClusterList[i][j] + "_"; } Debug.Log(matStr); matStr.Replace(':', '_'); Debug.Log("after deal:" + matStr); MeshTool.CombineMeshesUsingMEL(dagClusterList[i], matStr); //matStr += ":"; //for (int j = 0; j < dagClusterList[i].Count; j++) //{ // matStr += "," + dagClusterList[i][j].fullPathName; //} //Debug.Log(matStr); } }
private static List <MFnIkJoint> GetSelectedJoints(MSelectionList selectedList = null) { if (selectedList == null) { selectedList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } List <MFnIkJoint> joints = new List <MFnIkJoint>(); BasicFunc.IterateSelectedDags((dag) => { joints.Add(new MFnIkJoint(dag)); }, MFn.Type.kJoint, selectedList); return(joints); }
public static MDagPath AddChildCircle(MDagPath targetDagPath) { string ctlName = "ctl_" + targetDagPath.partialPathName; MDagPath ctlDagPath = BasicFunc.CreateCircle(ctlName); ctlName = ctlDagPath.fullPathName; SetTransformParent(ctlName, targetDagPath.fullPathName); MFnTransform circleTransform = new MFnTransform(ctlDagPath); circleTransform.setTranslation(new MVector(0, 0, 0), MSpace.Space.kObject); circleTransform.setRotation(new MEulerRotation(0, 90 / ConstantValue.DPR, 0)); FreezeTransform(circleTransform); return(ctlDagPath); }
static bool SelectObjectsWithMat(string matName, bool selectInComponentMode = false) { if (matName == null || matName.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("matName null or empty"); return(false); } MGlobal.executeCommand("hyperShade -objects " + matName); if (selectInComponentMode) { Debug.Log("select in component mode"); MSelectionList list = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); BasicFunc.Select(list, true); //List<MSelectionList> facesListToAdd = new List<MSelectionList>(); //if (list.length > 0) //{ // for (int i = (int)list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) // { // MObject mo = new MObject(); // list.getDependNode((uint)i, mo); // if (mo.apiType == MFn.Type.kMesh) // { // //component,no change // } // else if (mo.apiType == MFn.Type.kTransform) // { // //full object,select the faces // BasicFunc.SelectComponent(MDagPath.getAPathTo(mo).fullPathName, ConstantValue.PolySelectType.Facet, true); // facesListToAdd.Add(BasicFunc.GetSelectedList()); // } // } // MGlobal.setActiveSelectionList(list); // for (int i = 0; i < facesListToAdd.Count; i++) // { // MGlobal.setActiveSelectionList(facesListToAdd[i], MGlobal.ListAdjustment.kAddToList); // } //} } return(true); }
static void SplitUVBlock(MSelectionList faceSelection, bool recoverSelection = true) { if (recoverSelection) { MSelectionList originList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); BasicFunc.Select(faceSelection); MGlobal.executeCommand(ConstantValue.command_ConvertSelectionToEdgePerimeter); MGlobal.executeCommand(ConstantValue.command_CutUVs); BasicFunc.Select(originList); } else { BasicFunc.Select(faceSelection); MGlobal.executeCommand(ConstantValue.command_ConvertSelectionToEdgePerimeter); MGlobal.executeCommand(ConstantValue.command_CutUVs); } }
public static void ClearHierachyJointsRotation(MSelectionList selectionList = null) { if (selectionList == null || selectionList.length == 0) { selectionList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } foreach (MDagPath dag in selectionList.DagPaths()) { List <MFnTransform> transList = BasicFunc.GetHierachyAllTrans(dag, MFn.Type.kJoint); foreach (MFnTransform trans in transList) { //Debug.Log("trans:" + trans.fullPathName); trans.setRotation(new MEulerRotation(0, 0, 0)); MEulerRotation result = new MEulerRotation(); trans.getRotation(result); //Debug.LogEuler(result, "value"); } } }