        public new void CreateServiceRecord(ServiceRecord record)
            if (record == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("record");
            if (_hSR.HasValue)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("One at a time please.");
            ServiceElement svcIdListElement;
            var            newList = new List <ServiceAttribute>(Math.Max(record.Count - 1, 0));

            foreach (var cur in record)
                if (cur.Id == UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList)
                    svcIdListElement = cur.Value;
            var newRecord = new ServiceRecord(newList);

            Debug.Assert(!newRecord.Contains(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList), "DOES!! contain SvcIdList");
            // Add the list of UUIDs
            var el            = record.GetAttributeById(UniversalAttributeId.ServiceClassIdList).Value;
            var classList     = el.GetValueAsElementList();
            var svcIdListList = new Structs.SDP_UUID_Entry_Bytes[classList.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < svcIdListList.Length; ++i)
                svcIdListList[i] = Structs.SDP_UUID_Entry_Bytes.Create(classList[i]);
            Debug.Assert(svcIdListList.Length != 0, "Docs: 'the number of UUID Entries'...'CANNOT be zero'.");
            int hSR = _fcty.Api.SDP_Create_Service_Record(_fcty.StackId,
                                                          checked ((uint)svcIdListList.Length), svcIdListList);
            var ret = (BluetopiaError)hSR;

            BluetopiaUtils.CheckAndThrowZeroIsIllegal(ret, "SDP_Create_Service_Record");
            _hSR = unchecked ((uint)hSR);
            int count = base.CreateServiceRecord(newRecord, s_dummy);
        internal IAsyncResult BeginQuery(BluetoothAddress device, Guid svcClass,
                                         bool rfcommOnly,
                                         AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object state)
            int id0 = Interlocked.Increment(ref _callbackCount);
            var id  = unchecked ((uint)id0);
            var ar  = new AsyncResultGsr(asyncCallback, state, id);

            // Attribute range/etc
            Structs.SDP_Attribute_ID_List_Entry[] attrIdListArr;
            var attrIdAll     = Structs.SDP_Attribute_ID_List_Entry.CreateRange(0, 0xFFFF);
            var attrIdSvcList = Structs.SDP_Attribute_ID_List_Entry.CreateItem(
            var attrIdProto = Structs.SDP_Attribute_ID_List_Entry.CreateItem(

            if (rfcommOnly)
                attrIdListArr = new[] { attrIdSvcList, attrIdProto };
                attrIdListArr = new[] { attrIdAll };
            // UUID
            var uuidArg = new Structs.SDP_UUID_Entry(svcClass);

            Structs.SDP_UUID_Entry[] uuidArr = new[] { uuidArg };
            AsyncResultGsr           old;

            old = MyInterlockedCompareExchange <AsyncResultGsr>(ref _ar, ar, null);
            if (old != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("One at a time please.");
            bool trySuccess = false;

            try {
                // Call
                int hRequest = _fcty.Api.SDP_Service_Search_Attribute_Request(_fcty.StackId,
                                                                              (uint)uuidArr.Length, uuidArr,
                                                                              (uint)attrIdListArr.Length, attrIdListArr,
                                                                              _callback, id);
                var ret = (BluetopiaError)hRequest;
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < 5 && ret == BluetopiaError.ATTEMPTING_CONNECTION_TO_DEVICE; ++i)
                    // See BluetopiaRfcommStream.DoOpenClient... Assuming here a
                    // previous baseband connection was closing right when as we
                    // wanted to connect, so retry.
                    if (i > 0)
                        Thread.Sleep(100);        // Try right away, then after 100ms sleeps
                    hRequest = _fcty.Api.SDP_Service_Search_Attribute_Request(_fcty.StackId,
                                                                              (uint)uuidArr.Length, uuidArr,
                                                                              (uint)attrIdListArr.Length, attrIdListArr,
                                                                              _callback, id);
                    ret = (BluetopiaError)hRequest;
                if (i > 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Auto-retry " + i + " after ATTEMPTING_CONNECTION_TO_DEVICE for SDP_Service_Search_Attribute_Request");
                BluetopiaUtils.CheckAndThrowZeroIsIllegal(ret, "SDP_Service_Search_Attribute_Request");
                trySuccess = true;
            } finally {
                if (!trySuccess)
                    // If we got here it must be our value in the variable!
                    var replaced = MyInterlockedExchange(ref _ar, null);
                    Debug.Assert(replaced != null);
                    Debug.Assert(replaced == ar);
        internal BluetopiaFactory(IBluetopiaApi api, IBluetopiaSecurity optionalSecurityInstance)
            if (api == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("api");
            _api = api;
            _inquiryHandler       = new BluetopiaInquiry(this);
            _inquiryEventCallback = _inquiryHandler.HandleInquiryEvent;
            _HandleNameLookup     = HandleNameLookup;
            //int handle = _api.BSC_Initialize((byte[])InitData.Clone(), 0);
                "Calling BSC_Initialize with:" + InitData2.ToString());
            int handle = _api.BSC_Initialize(ref InitData2, 0);
            //TEST--CheckStructBytes(ref InitData2, (byte[])InitData.Clone());
            var ret = (BluetopiaError)handle;

            if (!BluetopiaUtils.IsSuccessZeroIsIllegal(ret))
                KillBtExplorerExe();  // Since one app at a time!
                // _Quickly_ try to init, as BTExplorer.exe restarts automatically!
                handle = _api.BSC_Initialize(ref InitData2, 0);
                ret    = (BluetopiaError)handle;
            if (!BluetopiaUtils.IsSuccessZeroIsIllegal(ret))
                Utils.MiscUtils.Trace_WriteLine("Stonestreet One Bluetopia failed to init: "
                                                + BluetopiaUtils.ErrorToString(ret));
            BluetopiaUtils.CheckAndThrowZeroIsIllegal(ret, "BSC_Initialize");
            _stackId = checked ((uint)handle);
            if (optionalSecurityInstance != null)
                _sec = optionalSecurityInstance;
                _sec = new BluetopiaSecurity(this);
            var packetDebug = false;
            var eap         = BluetoothFactoryConfig.GetEntryAssemblyPath();

            if (eap != null)   // null if we're under unit-test or...
                var dir      = Path.GetDirectoryName(eap);
                var filename = Path.Combine(dir, "DoPacketDebug.txt");
                if (File.Exists(filename))
                    packetDebug = true;
            if (packetDebug)
                _pdebug = new BluetopiaPacketDebug(this);