public UnknownDeviceProfile(string joystickName) { Name = "Unknown Device"; if (joystickName != "") { Name += " (" + joystickName + ")"; } Meta = ""; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.2f; SupportedPlatforms = null; JoystickNames = new[] { joystickName }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[MaxUnityAnalogs]; for (int i = 0; i < MaxUnityAnalogs; i++) { AnalogMappings[i] = new InputControlAnalogMapping(i); } ButtonMappings = new InputControlButtonMapping[MaxUnityButtons]; for (int i = 0; i < MaxUnityButtons; i++) { ButtonMappings[i] = new InputControlButtonMapping(i); } }
public UnknownDeviceProfile( string joystickName ) { Name = "Unknown Device"; if (joystickName != "") { Name += " (" + joystickName + ")"; } Meta = ""; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.2f; SupportedPlatforms = null; JoystickNames = new[] { joystickName }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[ MaxUnityAnalogs ]; for (int i = 0; i < MaxUnityAnalogs; i++) { AnalogMappings[i] = new InputControlAnalogMapping( i ); } ButtonMappings = new InputControlButtonMapping[ MaxUnityButtons ]; for (int i = 0; i < MaxUnityButtons; i++) { ButtonMappings[i] = new InputControlButtonMapping( i ); } }
public KeyboardProfile() { Name = "Keyboard"; Meta = ""; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "Windows", "Mac", "Linux" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.0f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Spacebar", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "space" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "A Key", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "a" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "S Key", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "s" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "D Key", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "d" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Arrow Keys X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "left right" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Arrow Keys Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "down up" } }; }
public Xbox360WinProfile() { Name = "XBox 360 Controller"; Meta = "XBox 360 Controller on Windows"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "Windows" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)", "Controller (XBOX 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows)" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.2f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "A", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 0" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "B", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 1" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "X", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 2" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Y", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 3" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 4" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 5" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 8" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 9" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Back", Target = InputControlType.Select, Source = "button 6" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Start", Target = InputControlType.Start, Source = "button 7" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 3" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 4", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "analog 5", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "analog 5", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "analog 6", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "analog 6", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Trigger", Target = InputControlType.LeftTrigger, Source = "analog 8" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Trigger", Target = InputControlType.RightTrigger, Source = "analog 9" } }; }
public Playstation3OuyaProfile() { Name = "Playstation 3 Controller"; Meta = "Playstation 3 Controller on OUYA"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "OUYA" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.2f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Cross", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 14" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Circle", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 13" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Square", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 15" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Triangle", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 12" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "button 4" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "button 6" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "button 7" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "button 5" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 10" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 11" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Start", Target = InputControlType.Start, Source = "button 3" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 1" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 2" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 2" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 3", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Trigger", Target = InputControlType.LeftTrigger, Source = "analog 4" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Trigger", Target = InputControlType.RightTrigger, Source = "analog 5" } }; }
public Playstation3WinProfile() { Name = "Playstation 3 Controller"; Meta = "Playstation 3 Controller on Windows (via MotioninJoy Gamepad Tool)"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "Windows" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "MotioninJoy Virtual Game Controller" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.2f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Cross", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 2" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Circle", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 1" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Square", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 3" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Triangle", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 0" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 4" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 5" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Trigger", Target = InputControlType.LeftTrigger, Source = "button 6" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Trigger", Target = InputControlType.RightTrigger, Source = "button 7" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Select", Target = InputControlType.Select, Source = "button 8" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 9" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 10" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Start", Target = InputControlType.Start, Source = "button 11" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "System", Target = InputControlType.System, Source = "button 12" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 2" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 5", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "analog 8", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "analog 8", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "analog 9", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "analog 9", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Tilt X", Target = InputControlType.TiltX, Source = "analog 3" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Tilt Y", Target = InputControlType.TiltY, Source = "analog 4" } }; }
public Xbox360OuyaProfile() { Name = "XBox 360 Controller"; Meta = "XBox 360 Controller on OUYA"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "OUYA" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "Microsoft X-Box 360 pad" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.2f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "A", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 0" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "B", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 1" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "X", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 3" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Y", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 4" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 6" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 7" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 13" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 14" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Start", Target = InputControlType.Start, Source = "button 11" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 2" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 3", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "analog 4", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "analog 4", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "analog 5", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "analog 5", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Trigger", Target = InputControlType.LeftTrigger, Source = "analog 6" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Trigger", Target = InputControlType.RightTrigger, Source = "analog 7" } }; }
public OuyaProfile() { Name = "OUYA Controller"; Meta = "OUYA Controller on OUYA"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "OUYA" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "OUYA Game Controller" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.3f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "O", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 0" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "A", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 3" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "U", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 1" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Y", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 2" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 4" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 5" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 6" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 7" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "button 8" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "button 9" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "button 10" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "button 11" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 2" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 3", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Trigger", Target = InputControlType.LeftTrigger, Source = "analog 4" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Trigger", Target = InputControlType.RightTrigger, Source = "analog 5" } }; }
public Playstation4MacProfile() { Name = "Playstation 4 Controller"; Meta = "Playstation 4 Controller on Mac"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "OS X" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "Sony Computer Entertainment Wireless Controller" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.2f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Cross", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 1" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Circle", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 2" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Square", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 0" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Triangle", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 3" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 4" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 5" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Start", Target = InputControlType.Start, Source = "button 13" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Options", Target = InputControlType.Select, Source = "button 9" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Trigger", Target = InputControlType.LeftTrigger, Source = "button 6" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Trigger", Target = InputControlType.RightTrigger, Source = "button 7" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 10" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 11" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 2" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 3", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "analog 6", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "analog 6", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "analog 7", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "analog 7", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, Invert = true } }; }
public GameStickProfile() { Name = "GameStick Controller"; Meta = "GameStick Controller on GameStick"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "GameStick" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "GameStick Controller 1" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.015f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "A", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 0" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "B", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 1" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "X", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 2" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Y", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 3" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 4" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 5" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 8" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 9" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Start", Target = InputControlType.Start, Source = "button 10" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 2" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 3", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "analog 4", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "analog 4", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "analog 5", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Negative, Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "analog 5", SourceRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive, TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, }; }
public Xbox360WirelessOuyaProfile() { Name = "XBox 360 Wireless Controller"; Meta = "XBox 360 Wireless Controller on OUYA"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "OUYA" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.2f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "A", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 0" // Warning! dpad left also maps to button 0 }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "B", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 1" // Warning! dpad right also maps to button 1 }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "X", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 3" // Warning! dpad down also maps to button 3 }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Y", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 4" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 6" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 7" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 13" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 14" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Start", Target = InputControlType.Start, Source = "button 11" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "button 0" // Warning! A button also maps to button 0 }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "button 1" // Warning! B button also maps to button 1 }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "button 2" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "button 3" // Warning! X button also maps to button 3 } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 2" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 3", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Trigger", Target = InputControlType.LeftTrigger, Source = "analog 4" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Trigger", Target = InputControlType.RightTrigger, Source = "analog 5" } }; }
public Playstation3MacProfile() { Name = "Playstation 3 Controller"; Meta = "Playstation 3 Controller on Mac"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "OS X" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.2f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Cross", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 14" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Circle", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 13" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Square", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 15" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Triangle", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 12" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "button 4" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "button 6" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "button 7" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "button 5" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 10" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 11" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Start", Target = InputControlType.Start, Source = "button 3" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Select", Target = InputControlType.Select, Source = "button 0" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Trigger", Target = InputControlType.LeftTrigger, Source = "button 8" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Trigger", Target = InputControlType.RightTrigger, Source = "button 9" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 1" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 2" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 2" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 3", Invert = true } }; }
public Xbox360MacProfile() { Name = "XBox 360 Controller"; Meta = "XBox 360 Controller on Mac"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "OS X" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "", "Microsoft Wireless 360 Controller" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.2f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "A", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 16" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "B", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 17" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "X", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 18" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Y", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 19" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "button 5" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "button 6" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "button 7" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "button 8" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 13" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 14" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 11" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 12" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Start", Target = InputControlType.Start, Source = "button 9" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Back", Target = InputControlType.Select, Source = "button 10" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "System", Target = InputControlType.System, Source = "button 15" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 2" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 3", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Trigger", Target = InputControlType.LeftTrigger, Source = "analog 4", TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Trigger", Target = InputControlType.RightTrigger, Source = "analog 5", TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive } }; }
public Xbox360MacProfile() { Name = "XBox 360 Controller"; Meta = "XBox 360 Controller on Mac"; SupportedPlatforms = new[] { "OS X" }; JoystickNames = new[] { "", "Microsoft Wireless 360 Controller" }; Sensitivity = 1.0f; DeadZone = 0.3f; ButtonMappings = new[] { new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "A", Target = InputControlType.Action1, Source = "button 16" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "B", Target = InputControlType.Action2, Source = "button 17" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "X", Target = InputControlType.Action3, Source = "button 18" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Y", Target = InputControlType.Action4, Source = "button 19" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Up", Target = InputControlType.DPadUp, Source = "button 5" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Down", Target = InputControlType.DPadDown, Source = "button 6" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Left", Target = InputControlType.DPadLeft, Source = "button 7" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "DPad Right", Target = InputControlType.DPadRight, Source = "button 8" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Bumper", Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper, Source = "button 13" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Bumper", Target = InputControlType.RightBumper, Source = "button 14" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickButton, Source = "button 11" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Button", Target = InputControlType.RightStickButton, Source = "button 12" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Start", Target = InputControlType.Start, Source = "button 9" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "Back", Target = InputControlType.Select, Source = "button 10" }, new InputControlButtonMapping() { Handle = "System", Target = InputControlType.System, Source = "button 15" } }; AnalogMappings = new InputControlAnalogMapping[] { new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick X", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX, Source = "analog 0" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY, Source = "analog 1", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick X", Target = InputControlType.RightStickX, Source = "analog 2" }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Stick Y", Target = InputControlType.RightStickY, Source = "analog 3", Invert = true }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Left Trigger", Target = InputControlType.LeftTrigger, Source = "analog 4", TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive }, new InputControlAnalogMapping() { Handle = "Right Trigger", Target = InputControlType.RightTrigger, Source = "analog 5", TargetRange = InputControlMapping.Range.Positive } }; }