public static bool TryLoadData(out VehicleData[] data) { data = new VehicleData[16384]; byte[] data1 = SerializableDataExtension.instance.SerializableData.LoadData(VehicleManagerMod._dataID); if (data1 == null) { return(false); } int index1 = 0; string empty = string.Empty; try { Utils.Log((object)"Try to load vehicle data."); string str = SerializableDataExtension.ReadString(data1, ref index1); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || str.Length != 4) { Utils.LogWarning((object)"Unknown data found."); return(false); } Utils.Log((object)("Found vehicle data version: " + str)); while (index1 < data1.Length) { int index2 = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); if (str == "v001") { int num = (int)SerializableDataExtension.ReadByte(data1, ref index1); } data[index2].LastStopNewPassengers = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); data[index2].LastStopGonePassengers = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); data[index2].PassengersThisWeek = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); data[index2].PassengersLastWeek = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); data[index2].IncomeThisWeek = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); data[index2].IncomeLastWeek = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); data[index2].PassengerData = SerializableDataExtension.ReadFloatArray(data1, ref index1); data[index2].IncomeData = SerializableDataExtension.ReadFloatArray(data1, ref index1); if (str != "v001" && str != "v002") { data[index2].CurrentStop = SerializableDataExtension.ReadUInt16(data1, ref index1); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.LogWarning((object)("Could not load vehicle data. " + ex.Message)); data = new VehicleData[16384]; return(false); } }
public static bool TryLoadData(out NodeData[] data) { data = new NodeData[32768]; byte[] data1 = SerializableDataExtension.instance.SerializableData.LoadData(NetManagerMod._dataID); if (data1 == null) { return(false); } int index1 = 0; string empty = string.Empty; try { Utils.Log((object)"Try to load net node data."); string str = SerializableDataExtension.ReadString(data1, ref index1); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || str.Length != 4) { Utils.LogWarning((object)"Unknown data found."); return(false); } Utils.Log((object)("Found net node data version: " + str)); while (index1 < data1.Length) { int index2 = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); if (str == "v001") { double num = (double)SerializableDataExtension.ReadFloat(data1, ref index1); } data[index2].PassengersIn = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); data[index2].PassengersOut = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); data[index2].LastWeekPassengersIn = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); data[index2].LastWeekPassengersOut = SerializableDataExtension.ReadInt32(data1, ref index1); data[index2].PassengerInData = SerializableDataExtension.ReadFloatArray(data1, ref index1); data[index2].PassengerOutData = SerializableDataExtension.ReadFloatArray(data1, ref index1); data[index2].Unbunching = str == "v001" || str == "v002" || SerializableDataExtension.ReadBool(data1, ref index1); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.LogWarning((object)("Could not load net node data. " + ex.Message)); data = new NodeData[32768]; return(false); } }
public static bool TryLoadData(out LineData[] data) { data = new LineData[256]; byte[] data1 = SerializableDataExtension.instance.SerializableData.LoadData(TransportLineMod._dataID); if (data1 == null) { return(false); } int index1 = 0; ushort lineID = 0; string empty = string.Empty; try { Utils.Log((object)"Try to load transport line data."); string str = SerializableDataExtension.ReadString(data1, ref index1); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || str.Length != 4) { Utils.LogWarning((object)"Unknown data found."); return(false); } Utils.Log((object)("Found transport line data version: " + str)); NetManager instance1 = Singleton <NetManager> .instance; TransportManager instance2 = Singleton <TransportManager> .instance; while (index1 < data1.Length) { if (instance2.m_lines.m_buffer[(int)lineID].Complete) { int int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(data1, index1); data[(int)lineID].TargetVehicleCount = int32; } index1 += 4; float num = Mathf.Min(BitConverter.ToSingle(data1, index1), (float)ImprovedPublicTransportMod.Settings.SpawnTimeInterval); if ((double)num > 0.0) { data[(int)lineID].NextSpawnTime = SimHelper.instance.SimulationTime + num; } index1 += 4; bool boolean = BitConverter.ToBoolean(data1, index1); data[(int)lineID].BudgetControl = boolean; ++index1; ushort uint16 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data1, index1); data[(int)lineID].Depot = (int)uint16 != 0 ? uint16 : TransportLineMod.GetClosestDepot(lineID, instance1.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)instance2.m_lines.m_buffer[(int)lineID].GetStop(0)].m_position); index1 += 2; if (str == "v001") { string name = SerializableDataExtension.ReadString(data1, ref index1); if (name != "Random") { if (data[(int)lineID].Prefabs == null) { data[(int)lineID].Prefabs = new HashSet <string>(); } if ((UnityEngine.Object)PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .FindLoaded(name) != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { data[(int)lineID].Prefabs.Add(name); } } } else { int int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(data1, index1); index1 += 4; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < int32; ++index2) { string name = SerializableDataExtension.ReadString(data1, ref index1); if (data[(int)lineID].Prefabs == null) { data[(int)lineID].Prefabs = new HashSet <string>(); } if ((UnityEngine.Object)PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .FindLoaded(name) != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { data[(int)lineID].Prefabs.Add(name); } } } if (str != "v001") { int int32 = BitConverter.ToInt32(data1, index1); index1 += 4; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < int32; ++index2) { string name = SerializableDataExtension.ReadString(data1, ref index1); if (!boolean) { if (data[(int)lineID].QueuedVehicles == null) { data[(int)lineID].QueuedVehicles = new Queue <string>(); } if ((UnityEngine.Object)PrefabCollection <VehicleInfo> .FindLoaded(name) != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { lock (data[(int)lineID].QueuedVehicles) data[(int)lineID].QueuedVehicles.Enqueue(name); } } } } if (str == "v003") { ++index1; } data[(int)lineID].Unbunching = !(str == "v004") ? ImprovedPublicTransportMod.Settings.Unbunching : SerializableDataExtension.ReadBool(data1, ref index1); ++lineID; } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.LogWarning((object)("Could not load transport line data. " + ex.Message)); data = new LineData[256]; return(false); } }