public static bool IsLineDepotStillValid(ushort lineID, ref ushort depotID) { ItemClass.SubService subService; if ((int)depotID == 0 || !BuildingWatcher.IsValidDepot(ref Singleton <BuildingManager> .instance.m_buildings.m_buffer[(int)depotID], out subService)) { depotID = TransportLineMod.GetClosestDepot(lineID, Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[(int)Singleton <TransportManager> .instance.m_lines.m_buffer[(int)lineID].GetStop(0)].m_position); TransportLineMod._lineData[(int)lineID].Depot = depotID; if ((int)depotID == 0) { TransportLineMod.ClearEnqueuedVehicles(lineID); return(false); } } return(true); }
public override void OnBeforeSimulationTick() { if (!this._initialized || !this._buildingManager.m_buildingsUpdated) { return; } for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this._buildingManager.m_updatedBuildings.Length; ++index1) { ulong updatedBuilding = this._buildingManager.m_updatedBuildings[index1]; if ((long)updatedBuilding != 0L) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 64; ++index2) { if (((long)updatedBuilding & 1L << index2) != 0L) { ushort num1 = (ushort)(index1 << 6 | index2); ItemClass.SubService subService; if (BuildingWatcher.IsValidDepot(ref this._buildingManager.m_buildings.m_buffer[(int)num1], out subService)) { HashSet <ushort> ushortSet; if (this._depotMap.TryGetValue(subService, out ushortSet)) { ushortSet.Add(num1); } else { ushortSet = new HashSet <ushort>(); ushortSet.Add(num1); this._depotMap.Add(subService, ushortSet); } // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field BuildingWatcher.DepotAdded onDepotAdded = this.OnDepotAdded; if (onDepotAdded != null) { int num2 = (int)subService; onDepotAdded((ItemClass.SubService)num2); } } } } } } base.OnBeforeSimulationTick(); }
public override void OnUpdate(float realTimeDelta, float simulationTimeDelta) { if (!this._initialized) { return; } if ((double)this._delta > 1.0) { this._delta = 0.0f; HashSet <ushort> ushortSet1 = new HashSet <ushort>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <ItemClass.SubService, HashSet <ushort> > depot in this._depotMap) { foreach (ushort num in depot.Value) { ItemClass.SubService subService; if (!BuildingWatcher.IsValidDepot(ref this._buildingManager.m_buildings.m_buffer[(int)num], out subService)) { ushortSet1.Add(num); } } if (ushortSet1.Count != 0) { HashSet <ushort> ushortSet2; if (this._depotMap.TryGetValue(depot.Key, out ushortSet2)) { ushortSet2.ExceptWith((IEnumerable <ushort>)ushortSet1); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field BuildingWatcher.DepotRemoved onDepotRemoved = this.OnDepotRemoved; if (onDepotRemoved != null) { int key = (int)depot.Key; onDepotRemoved((ItemClass.SubService)key); } } ushortSet1.Clear(); } } } this._delta = this._delta + realTimeDelta; base.OnUpdate(realTimeDelta, simulationTimeDelta); }
public void Init() { this._buildingManager = Singleton <BuildingManager> .instance; for (int index = 0; index < this._buildingManager.m_buildings.m_buffer.Length; ++index) { ItemClass.SubService subService; if (BuildingWatcher.IsValidDepot(ref this._buildingManager.m_buildings.m_buffer[index], out subService)) { HashSet <ushort> ushortSet; if (this._depotMap.TryGetValue(subService, out ushortSet)) { ushortSet.Add((ushort)index); } else { ushortSet = new HashSet <ushort>(); ushortSet.Add((ushort)index); this._depotMap.Add(subService, ushortSet); } } } this._initialized = true; }