public ActionResult Create()
            ViewBag.Tooltips = toolTips;
            //Utils.Utility gets the ID of the user that's logged in
            Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();
            int entityID = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity.ID;

            //Uses InvestmentViewModel which is at the bottom of this file
            InvestmentViewModel ivm = new InvestmentViewModel();
            //pulling in all the entities in the system
            ivm.Entities = db.entities.ToList();
            //new investment because we're creating one
            ivm.Investment = new Models.Investment();
            //sets the default investment date to the current date
   = DateTime.Now;
            //pulling all of the current entity's categories
            ivm.Categories = new List<Category>();
            foreach (var category in db.categories)
                if (category.entityID == entityID)
            //entityFrom is retrieved based on the user that's logged in
            ivm.Investment.entityFrom = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity;
            //projectsFrom is populated based on entityFrom's projects
            ivm.Projects = db.projects.Where(i => i.entity.ID == ivm.Investment.entityFrom.ID).ToList();
            return View(ivm);
        public ActionResult Edit(int? id)
            ViewBag.Tooltips = toolTips;
            if (id == null)
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

            InvestmentViewModel ivm = new InvestmentViewModel();
            Utils.Utility userUtil = new Utils.Utility();

            ivm.Investment =;
            ivm.Entities = db.entities.ToList();
            ivm.Categories = db.categories.ToList();
            ivm.Investment.entityFrom = db.users.Find(userUtil.UserID(User)).entity;
            ivm.Projects = db.projects.Where(i => i.entity.ID == ivm.Investment.entityFrom.ID).ToList();
            ViewBag.InvestmentCategories = string.Join(",", ivm.Investment.categories.Select(c => c.ID));

            if (ivm.Investment == null)
                return HttpNotFound();

            return View(ivm);