 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to set the AccessedUtc of the specified file to the current date (just in memory, not on the filesystem).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool bumpDateIfExists(string relativePath)
     relativePath = checkRelativePath(relativePath);
     lock (_sync) {
         int slash = relativePath.IndexOf('/');
         if (slash < 0)
             //Update the accessed date.
             CachedFileInfo old;
             if (files.TryGetValue(relativePath, out old))
                 files[relativePath] = new CachedFileInfo(old, DateTime.UtcNow);
             return(true); //We updated it!
             //Try to access subfolder
             string       folder = relativePath.Substring(0, slash);
             CachedFolder f      = null;
             if (!folders.TryGetValue(folder, out f))
                 return(false);                                    //If the folder doesn't exist, quit
             if (f == null)
                 return(false);           //If the folder is null, quit!
             //Recurse if possible
             return(f.bumpDateIfExists(relativePath.Substring(slash + 1)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Uses old.AccessedUtc if it is newer than FileInfo.LastAccessTimeUtc
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="f"></param>
 /// <param name="old"></param>
 public CachedFileInfo(FileInfo f, CachedFileInfo old)
     modifiedUtc = f.LastWriteTimeUtc;
     accessedUtc = f.LastAccessTimeUtc;
     if (old != null && accessedUtc < old.accessedUtc) accessedUtc = old.accessedUtc; //Use the larger value
     updatedUtc = f.CreationTimeUtc;
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the file exists before returning the cached data.
        /// Discrepancies in file existence result in OnFileDisappeard being fired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
        /// <param name="physicalPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual CachedFileInfo getFileInfoCertainExists(string relativePath, string physicalPath)
            relativePath = checkRelativePath(relativePath);
            bool           fireEvent = false;
            CachedFileInfo f         = null;

            lock (_sync) {
                bool exists = System.IO.File.Exists(physicalPath);

                f = getCachedFileInfo(relativePath);
                //cache miss
                if (f == null && exists)
                    //on cache miss
                    f = new CachedFileInfo(new System.IO.FileInfo(physicalPath));
                    //Populate cache
                    setCachedFileInfo(relativePath, f);
                //cache wrong, discrepancy. File deleted by external actor
                if (f != null && !exists)
                    f = null;
                    clear(); //Clear the cache completely.
                    fireEvent = true;
            //Fire the event outside of the lock.
            if (fireEvent && FileDisappeared != null)
                FileDisappeared(relativePath, physicalPath);

            return(f);//Null only if the file doesn't exist.
        public bool MeetsOverMaxCriteria(CachedFileInfo i)
            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            //Only require the 'used' date to comply if it 1) doesn't match created date and 2) is above 0
            return((now.Subtract(i.AccessedUtc) > ProhibitRemovalIfUsedWithin || ProhibitRemovalIfUsedWithin <= new TimeSpan(0) || i.AccessedUtc == i.UpdatedUtc) &&
                   (now.Subtract(i.UpdatedUtc) > ProhibitRemovalIfCreatedWithin || ProhibitRemovalIfCreatedWithin <= new TimeSpan(0)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Uses old.AccessedUtc if it is newer than FileInfo.LastAccessTimeUtc
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="f"></param>
 /// <param name="old"></param>
 public CachedFileInfo(FileInfo f, CachedFileInfo old)
     modifiedUtc = f.LastWriteTimeUtc;
     accessedUtc = f.LastAccessTimeUtc;
     if (old != null && accessedUtc < old.accessedUtc)
         accessedUtc = old.accessedUtc;                                               //Use the larger value
     updatedUtc = f.CreationTimeUtc;
        public bool modifiedDateMatchesCertainExists(DateTime utc, string relativePath, string physicalPath)
            CachedFileInfo f = getFileInfoCertainExists(relativePath, physicalPath);

            if (f == null)
            return(roughCompare(f.ModifiedUtc, utc));
 public bool ShouldRemove(string relativePath, CachedFileInfo info, bool isOverMax)
     if (isOverMax)
        public void FlushAccessedDate(CleanupWorkItem item)
            CachedFileInfo c = cache.Index.getCachedFileInfo(item.RelativePath);

            if (c == null)
                return;            //File was already deleted, nothing to do.
                File.SetLastAccessTimeUtc(item.PhysicalPath, c.AccessedUtc);
                //In both of these exception cases, we don't care.
            }catch (FileNotFoundException) {
            }catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) {
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a CachedFileInfo object for the file even if it isn't in the cache (falls back to the filesystem)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
 /// <param name="physicalPath"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual CachedFileInfo getFileInfo(string relativePath, string physicalPath)
     relativePath = checkRelativePath(relativePath);
     lock (_sync) {
         CachedFileInfo f = getCachedFileInfo(relativePath);
         //On cache miss or no file
         if (f == null && System.IO.File.Exists(physicalPath))
             //on cache miss
             f = new CachedFileInfo(new System.IO.FileInfo(physicalPath));
             //Populate cache
             setCachedFileInfo(relativePath, f);
         return(f);//Null only if the file doesn't exist.
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the CachedFileInfo object for the specified path, creating any needed folders along the way.
        /// If 'null', the item will be removed, and no missing folder will be created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        public virtual void setCachedFileInfo(string relativePath, CachedFileInfo info)
            relativePath = checkRelativePath(relativePath);
            lock (_sync) {
                int slash = relativePath.IndexOf('/');
                if (slash < 0)
                    //Set or remove the file
                    if (info == null)
                        files[relativePath] = info;
                    //Try to access subfolder
                    string       folder = relativePath.Substring(0, slash);
                    CachedFolder f;
                    if (!folders.TryGetValue(folder, out f))
                        f = null;

                    if (info == null && f == null)
                        return;                            //If the folder doesn't exist, the file definitely doesn't. Already accomplished.
                    //Create it if it doesn't exist
                    if (f == null)
                        f = folders[folder] = new CachedFolder();
                    //Recurse if possible
                    f.setCachedFileInfo(relativePath.Substring(slash + 1), info);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the 'files' dictionary to match the files that exist on disk. Uses the accessedUtc values from the previous dictionary if they are newer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
        /// <param name="physicalPath"></param>
        protected void populateFiles(string relativePath, string physicalPath)
            relativePath = checkRelativePath(relativePath);
            string[] physicalFiles = null;
            try {
                physicalFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(physicalPath);
            } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) {
                physicalFiles = new string[] { }; //Pretend it's empty. We don't care, the next recursive will get rid of it.
            Dictionary <string, CachedFileInfo> newFiles = new Dictionary <string, CachedFileInfo>(physicalFiles.Length, KeyComparer);

            CachedFolder f = getOrCreateFolder(relativePath, true);

            foreach (string s in physicalFiles)
                string local = s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1);

                //Todo, add a callback that handles exclusion of files
                if (local.EndsWith(".config", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (local.StartsWith("."))
                    continue;                        //Skip files that start with a period
                //What did we have on file?
                CachedFileInfo old = null;
                lock (_sync) {
                    if (!f.files.TryGetValue(relativePath, out old))
                        old = null;
                newFiles[local] = new CachedFileInfo(new FileInfo(s), old);
            lock (_sync) {
                f.files = newFiles;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the CachedFileInfo object for the specified path, creating any needed folders along the way.
        /// If 'null', the item will be removed, and no missing folder will be created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        public virtual void setCachedFileInfo(string relativePath, CachedFileInfo info)
            relativePath = checkRelativePath(relativePath);
            lock (_sync) {
                int slash = relativePath.IndexOf('/');
                if (slash < 0) {
                    //Set or remove the file
                    if (info == null)
                        files[relativePath] = info;
                } else {
                    //Try to access subfolder
                    string folder = relativePath.Substring(0, slash);
                    CachedFolder f;
                    if (!folders.TryGetValue(folder, out f)) f = null;

                    if (info == null && f == null) return; //If the folder doesn't exist, the file definitely doesn't. Already accomplished.
                    //Create it if it doesn't exist
                    if (f == null) f = folders[folder] = new CachedFolder();
                    //Recurse if possible
                    f.setCachedFileInfo(relativePath.Substring(slash + 1), info);
 public CachedFileInfo(CachedFileInfo f, DateTime accessedDate)
     this.modifiedUtc = f.modifiedUtc;
     this.updatedUtc = f.updatedUtc;
     this.accessedUtc = accessedDate;
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to set the AccessedUtc of the specified file to the current date (just in memory, not on the filesystem).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool bumpDateIfExists(string relativePath)
            relativePath = checkRelativePath(relativePath);
            lock (_sync) {
                int slash = relativePath.IndexOf('/');
                if (slash < 0) {
                    //Update the accessed date.
                    CachedFileInfo old;
                    if (files.TryGetValue(relativePath,out old)) files[relativePath] = new CachedFileInfo(old, DateTime.UtcNow);
                    return true; //We updated it!
                } else {
                    //Try to access subfolder
                    string folder = relativePath.Substring(0, slash);
                    CachedFolder f = null;
                    if (!folders.TryGetValue(folder, out f)) return false;//If the folder doesn't exist, quit
                    if (f == null) return false; //If the folder is null, quit!

                    //Recurse if possible
                    return f.bumpDateIfExists(relativePath.Substring(slash + 1));
 public bool MeetsOverMaxCriteria(CachedFileInfo i)
     DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
     //Only require the 'used' date to comply if it 1) doesn't match created date and 2) is above 0
     return ((now.Subtract(i.AccessedUtc) > ProhibitRemovalIfUsedWithin || ProhibitRemovalIfUsedWithin <= new TimeSpan(0) || i.AccessedUtc == i.UpdatedUtc) &&
         (now.Subtract(i.UpdatedUtc) > ProhibitRemovalIfCreatedWithin || ProhibitRemovalIfCreatedWithin <= new TimeSpan(0)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the file exists before returning the cached data. 
        /// Discrepancies in file existence result in OnFileDisappeard being fired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
        /// <param name="physicalPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual CachedFileInfo getFileInfoCertainExists(string relativePath, string physicalPath)
            relativePath = checkRelativePath(relativePath);
            bool fireEvent = false;
            CachedFileInfo f = null;
            lock (_sync) {
                bool exists = System.IO.File.Exists(physicalPath);

                f = getCachedFileInfo(relativePath);
                //cache miss
                if (f == null && exists) {
                    //on cache miss
                    f = new CachedFileInfo(new System.IO.FileInfo(physicalPath));
                    //Populate cache
                    setCachedFileInfo(relativePath, f);
                //cache wrong, discrepancy. File deleted by external actor
                if (f != null && !exists) {
                    f = null;
                    clear(); //Clear the cache completely.
                    fireEvent = true;
            //Fire the event outside of the lock.
            if (fireEvent && FileDisappeared != null) FileDisappeared(relativePath, physicalPath);

            return f;//Null only if the file doesn't exist.
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a CachedFileInfo object for the file even if it isn't in the cache (falls back to the filesystem)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
 /// <param name="physicalPath"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual CachedFileInfo getFileInfo(string relativePath, string physicalPath)
     relativePath = checkRelativePath(relativePath);
     lock (_sync) {
         CachedFileInfo f = getCachedFileInfo(relativePath);
         //On cache miss or no file
         if (f == null && System.IO.File.Exists(physicalPath)) {
             //on cache miss
             f = new CachedFileInfo(new System.IO.FileInfo(physicalPath));
             //Populate cache
             setCachedFileInfo(relativePath, f);
         return f;//Null only if the file doesn't exist.
 public CachedFileInfo(CachedFileInfo f, DateTime accessedDate)
     this.modifiedUtc = f.modifiedUtc;
     this.updatedUtc  = f.updatedUtc;
     this.accessedUtc = accessedDate;
 public bool ShouldRemove(string relativePath, CachedFileInfo info, bool isOverMax)
     if (isOverMax) return MeetsOverMaxCriteria(info);
     else return MeetsCleanupCriteria(info);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the 'files' dictionary to match the files that exist on disk. Uses the accessedUtc values from the previous dictionary if they are newer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativePath"></param>
        /// <param name="physicalPath"></param>
        protected void populateFiles(string relativePath, string physicalPath)
            relativePath = checkRelativePath(relativePath);
            string[] physicalFiles = null;
            try {
                physicalFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(physicalPath);
            } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) {
                physicalFiles = new string[] { }; //Pretend it's empty. We don't care, the next recursive will get rid of it.
            Dictionary<string, CachedFileInfo> newFiles = new Dictionary<string, CachedFileInfo>(physicalFiles.Length, KeyComparer);

            CachedFolder f = getOrCreateFolder(relativePath, true);
            foreach (string s in physicalFiles) {
                string local = s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1);

                //Todo, add a callback that handles exclusion of files
                if (local.EndsWith(".config", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) continue;
                if (local.StartsWith(".")) continue; //Skip files that start with a period

                //What did we have on file?
                CachedFileInfo old = null;
                lock (_sync) {
                    if (!f.files.TryGetValue(relativePath, out old)) old = null;
                newFiles[local] = new CachedFileInfo(new FileInfo(s), old);
            lock (_sync) {
                f.files = newFiles;