public bool Login() { var getParams = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "action", "loginAvatar" }, { "function", "login" } }; var postParams = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "uni_url", ServersUrls[(int)m_Server] }, { "name", m_user }, { "password", m_pass }, { "kid", "" }, { "pwat_uid", "" }, { "pwat_checksum", "" }, { "startPageShown", "1" }, { "detectedDevice", "1" } }; string html = ""; if (HTTP.Request("http://" + ServersUrls[(int)m_Server] + "/index.php", null, getParams, postParams, ref cookies, ref html, Proxy == null ? null : Proxy)) { if (cookies.Count < 2) { return(false); } if (parse(html)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
public bool StartMission(ref string response) { if (!isfirst) { var randomDelay = rnd.Next(Math.Min(min, max), Math.Max(min, max) + 1); //0s - 2min 30s = 150s Thread.Sleep((150 + randomDelay) * 1000); } isfirst = false; var getParams = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "action", "PiracyScreen" }, { "function", "capture" }, { "buildingLevel", buildingLevel }, { "view", "pirateFortress" }, { "cityId", cityID }, { "position", position }, { "backgroundView", "city" }, { "currentCityId", cityID }, { "templateView", "pirateFortress" }, { "currentTab", "tabBootyQuest" }, { "actionRequest", token }, { "ajax", "1" } }; string html = ""; CookieCollection t = new CookieCollection(); if (HTTP.Request("http://" + ServersUrls[(int)m_Server] + "/index.php", cookies, getParams, null, ref t, ref html, Proxy == null ? null : Proxy)) { response = html; token = getNewToken(html); //we have a captcha to solve string src = getCaptchaURL(html); if (src != null) { Log("Captcha muss gelöst werden: " + src); if (_9kw.isServerOnline()) { int guthaben = int.Parse(_9kw.guthaben()); if (guthaben < 10) { Log("Zu wenig Guthaben: " + guthaben); return(false); } else { CookieCollection tempCookie = null; Image img = null; if (HTTP.RequestImage(src, cookies, null, null, ref tempCookie, ref img, Proxy)) { saveImage(img); string id = _9kw.captchaEinsenden("captcha.png"); //wait 60sec until captcha is solved by someone //Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000); string sol = _9kw.getCaptchaSolution(id); Log("Uebermittelte Captcha Loesung: " + sol); int attempts = 1; while (attempts < 5) { if (SendCaptchaResponse(sol, ref src)) { _9kw.captchaIsCorrect(id); isfirst = true; return(true); } else { _9kw.captchaInCorrect(id); if (HTTP.RequestImage(src, cookies, null, null, ref tempCookie, ref img, Proxy)) { saveImage(img); } else { Log("Konnte Captcha nicht runterladen"); isfirst = true; return(false); } } id = _9kw.captchaEinsenden("captcha.png"); //Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000); sol = _9kw.getCaptchaSolution(id); Log("Uebermittelte Captcha Loesung: " + sol); attempts++; } Log("Captcha wurde nach 5 Versuchen nicht gelöst. Hole neues Captcha"); isfirst = true; return(false); } else { Log("Konnte Captcha nicht runterladen"); isfirst = true; return(false); } } } else { Log("9kw Server ist down"); isfirst = true; return(false); } } return(true); } else { return(false); } }