/// <summary>Returns a congratulation message when given "CONNECTED"</summary>
 /// <param name="User"></param>
 /// <param name="Command"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override string Parse(ref SwitchboardUser User, string Command)
     if (Command == "CONNECTED")
         return("Congrats! You've connected to the server!");
            public override string Parse(ref SwitchboardUser User, string Command)
                string[] CommandSplit = Command.Split(' ');

                switch (CommandSplit[0].ToUpper())
                case "VER":
                    //Return version of this server
                    return(HeadServer.TheForm.Config.ServerName + " [Version " + HeadServer.TheForm.Config.ServerVersion + "]");

                case "SHOWEXTENSIONS":
                    //Show all extensions on this server
                    String AllExtensions = HeadServer.Extensions.Count + " Extension(s)\n\n";
                    foreach (SwitchboardExtension Extension in HeadServer.Extensions)
                        AllExtensions += Extension.GetName() + " [Version " + Extension.GetVersion() + "]\n";

                case "HELP":
                    //Show Server Help (Or the help of a specific command)
                    if (CommandSplit.Length == 1)
                    foreach (SwitchboardExtension Extension in HeadServer.Extensions)
                        if (Extension.GetName().ToUpper() == CommandSplit[1].ToUpper())
                    return("Could not find extension " + CommandSplit[1]);

                case "SETPASS":
                    //Set the password of the current user
                    if (CommandSplit.Length != 3 || Command.Contains("~"))
                        return("Could not update password due to invalid characters");
                    if (User == HeadServer.AnonymousUser)
                        return("cannot set password if user is not logged in");

                    if (User.SetPassword(CommandSplit[1], CommandSplit[2]))
                        HeadServer.SaveUsers();     //Make sure to save all users.
                        return("Successfully updated password!");

                    return("Server was unable to update your password");

                    //Return nada because we could not parse it.

        /// <summary>Creates and starts a Switchboard Server</summary>
        /// <param name="TheForm">Form that's managing this server</param>
        /// <param name="IP">IP to listen on</param>
        /// <param name="Port">Port to listen on</param>
        /// <param name="WelcomeMessage">Welcome message for each user.</param>
        /// <param name="AllowAnonymous">Allow Anonymous Users on this server.</param>
        /// <param name="AllowMultiLogin">Allow logins with the same user on different collections</param>
        internal SwitchboardServer(MainForm TheForm, string IP, int Port, string WelcomeMessage, bool AllowAnonymous, bool AllowMultiLogin)
            //Get us our pen
            LogPen = File.AppendText("SwitchboardLog.log");
            LogPen.WriteLine("\n\n" + TheForm.Config.ServerName + " [Version " + TheForm.Config.ServerVersion + "]\n\n" + "[" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "] Starting Server...");

            //Get us the main form
            this.TheForm = TheForm;

            //Get the welcome message
            this.WelcomeMessage = WelcomeMessage;

            //Register the extensions from the Switchboard Configuration and add the default extensions.
            ToLog("Registering extensions...");
            Extensions = TheForm.Config.ServerExtensions();
            Extensions.Add(new DummyExtension());
            Extensions.Add(new SwitchboardMainExtension(this));

            //Load users
            ToLog("Loading Users...");
            Users = new List <SwitchboardUser>();
            if (File.Exists("SwitchboardUsers.txt"))
                //Read all lines from the file
                string[] UserStrings = File.ReadAllLines("SwitchboardUsers.txt");

                //For each userstring, add a new user
                foreach (String UserString in UserStrings)
                    Users.Add(new SwitchboardUser(UserString));

            //Allow Anonymous and generate the anonymous user.
            this.AllowAnonymous = AllowAnonymous;
            AnonymousUser       = new SwitchboardUser("Anonymous", "", 0, "");

            this.AllowMultiLogin = AllowMultiLogin;

            //Display a warning in case there are no users and we do not allow anonymous access.
            if (Users.Count == 0 && !AllowAnonymous)
                ToLog("WARNING! No registered users and now annonymous access! You won't be able to actually use this server!");

            //Create the Connections list
            ToLog("One last thing...");
            Connections = new Dictionary <int, SwitchboardConnection>();

            //Finally, Actually start the server.
            ToLog("Actually starting the server...");
            Ears = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(IP), Port);
            ToLog("Server started!");

            public SwitchboardConnection(SwitchboardServer HeadServer, Socket MainSocket, int ID)
                this.ID = ID;

                ConnectedSince = DateTime.Now;
                IP             = (IPEndPoint)MainSocket.RemoteEndPoint;
                River          = new NetworkStream(MainSocket);
                TheSocket      = MainSocket;

                this.HeadServer = HeadServer;
                HeadServer.ToLog("New user connected from " + IP.Address.ToString());

                User           = HeadServer.AnonymousUser;
                ConsolePreview = "";

            /// <summary>Ticks this connection. Essentially processes any input it may need to parse.</summary>
            public void Tick()
                //If there's data available.
                if (IsConnected && River.DataAvailable)
                    //HeadServer.ToLog("Attempting to read message from " + IP.Address.ToString()); //no mas

                    //Save all the bytes to an array
                    List <byte> Bytes = new List <byte>();
                    while (River.DataAvailable)

                    //Parse that array of bytes as a ASCII encoded string
                    string Command = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Bytes.ToArray());

                    //Handle VBNullChar or \0 in this case.
                    Command = Command.Replace("\0", "");

                    //Add this to the list of commands.
                    ConsolePreview += IP.Address + "> " + Command;

                    //Now let's try to parse it.
                    string Reply = "";

                    string[] CommandSplit = Command.Split(' ');
                    switch (CommandSplit[0].ToUpper())
                    case "WELCOME":
                        Reply = HeadServer.GetWelcomeMessage();

                    case "LOGIN":
                        if (User != HeadServer.AnonymousUser)
                            Reply = "2";
                        }                                                         //ALREADY
                        else if (CommandSplit.Length != 3)
                            Reply = "1";
                        }                                                       //INVALID
                            SwitchboardUser myUser = null;

                            //Find the user.
                            foreach (SwitchboardUser User in HeadServer.Users)
                                if (User.GetUsername().ToUpper() == CommandSplit[1].ToUpper())
                                    myUser = User; break;

                            if (myUser != null && myUser.VerifyPassword(CommandSplit[2]))
                                if (myUser.IsOnline() && !HeadServer.AllowMultiLogin)
                                    Reply = "3";
                                }                                                                          //OTHERLOCALE
                                    User = myUser;

                                    //Refresh the list, this connection has logged in
                                    try { HeadServer.TheForm.ServerBWorker.ReportProgress(0); } catch (Exception) {}
                                    //In a try because this may cause a problem if two users try to log in at the same time. The user will still sign in though, so this would sitll
                                    //refresh anyways, so no need to worry.

                                    Reply = "0";     //SUCCESS
                                Reply = "1";
                            }                          //INVALID

                    case "LOGOUT":
                        if (User == HeadServer.AnonymousUser)
                            Reply = "0";
                            User = HeadServer.AnonymousUser;
                            HeadServer.TheForm.ServerBWorker.ReportProgress(0);     //Refresh the list, this connection has logged out.
                            Reply = "1";

                    case "CLOSE":

                    case "USERINFO":
                        if (CommandSplit.Length == 1)
                            Reply = User.InfoString();
                        if (CommandSplit.Length == 2)
                            //Check if they want info on the anonymous user
                            if (CommandSplit[1].ToUpper() == HeadServer.AnonymousUser.GetUsername().ToUpper())
                                Reply = HeadServer.AnonymousUser.InfoString();

                            //Find the given user
                            foreach (SwitchboardUser U in HeadServer.Users)
                                if (U.GetUsername().ToUpper() == CommandSplit[1].ToUpper())
                                    Reply = U.InfoString();

                            //Make sure that if we haven't found it, we say we didn't find it.
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Reply))
                                Reply = "NOTFOUND~-1~0";

                    case "ID":
                        Reply = ID + "";

                    case "REBIND":

                        //Check if the rebind exist
                        try {
                            int OtherConnectionID = int.Parse(CommandSplit[1]);

                            if (OtherConnectionID == ID)
                                Reply = "Could not rebind connection " + ID + ". Cannot rebind connection to itself";

                            if (!HeadServer.Connections.ContainsKey(OtherConnectionID))
                                Reply = "Could not rebind connection " + OtherConnectionID + ". It was not found.";


                            //Absorbing this connection should stop the thread but just in case
                        } catch (Exception E) { Reply = "An Exception Occurred:\n\n" + E.Message + "\n" + E.StackTrace; }


                    case "REPEAT":
                        Reply = LastMessage;

                        if (!HeadServer.AllowAnonymous && User == HeadServer.AnonymousUser)
                            Reply = "You're unauthorized to run any other commands.";
                            foreach (SwitchboardExtension extension in HeadServer.Extensions)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reply))
                                Reply = extension.Parse(ref User, Command);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reply))
                                Reply = "Could not parse command [" + Command + "]";

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Reply))
                        Reply = "An unspecified error occured";

                    //Time to return whatever it is we got.
                    //and we're done.
        //In implementation, the settings function should probably launch a tiny winform.
        //Your extension, should it have settings, should be able to save them, and load them when being instantiated.
        //Settings subroutine should only launch while the server *isn't running*

        /// <summary>Parses a given command.</summary>
        /// <param name="User">USER attempting to execute a command within this extension</param>
        /// <param name="Command">The command the user is trying to execute</param>
        /// <returns>A string if the extension was able to parse it, otherwise null</returns>
        public abstract string Parse(ref SwitchboardUser User, string Command);