
            /// <summary>Merges two connections, grabbing the socket from this conneciton</summary>
            /// <param name="OtherConnection"></param>
            public void AbsorbConnection(SwitchboardConnection OtherConnection)
                while (Busy)
                }                   //Wait for *this* connection to not be busy

                TickThread.Abort(); //Stop the thread

                //Close this connection's river and socket

                //Move everything over
                River     = OtherConnection.River;
                TheSocket = OtherConnection.TheSocket;
                IP        = OtherConnection.IP;

                //Send OK
                Send("OK", false);

                //Start async again

                //Log it
                HeadServer.ToLog("User from " + IP.Address.ToString() + " reconnected from " + OtherConnection.IP.Address.ToString());

                //Remove the other connection from the list of connections

                //Look at how far back we can go
                HeadServer.TheForm.ServerBWorker.ReportProgress(0); //Refresh the main form's listview.

                //Stop the other tickthread. This will stop *this* operation, so it's the last one to go.

            public SwitchboardConnection(SwitchboardServer HeadServer, Socket MainSocket, int ID)
                this.ID = ID;

                ConnectedSince = DateTime.Now;
                IP             = (IPEndPoint)MainSocket.RemoteEndPoint;
                River          = new NetworkStream(MainSocket);
                TheSocket      = MainSocket;

                this.HeadServer = HeadServer;
                HeadServer.ToLog("New user connected from " + IP.Address.ToString());

                User           = HeadServer.AnonymousUser;
                ConsolePreview = "";