 /// <summary>main function for generating the code</summary>
 public abstract void CreateCode(TCodeStorage AStorage, string AXamlFilename, string ATemplate);
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ACodeStorage"></param>
 public TParseYAMLFormsDefinition(ref TCodeStorage ACodeStorage)
     this.FCodeStorage = ACodeStorage;
 /// <summary>
 /// construtor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node"></param>
 /// <param name="ACodeStorage"></param>
 public TControlDef(XmlNode node, TCodeStorage ACodeStorage)
     xmlNode           = node;
     controlTypePrefix = GetLowerCasePrefix(xmlNode.Name);
     FCodeStorage      = ACodeStorage;
        /// <summary>
        /// load the dataset tables
        /// </summary>
        public static SortedList <string, TTable> LoadDatasetTables(string AICTPath, string ADataSetTypeWithNamespace, TCodeStorage ACodeStorage,
                                                                    string APluginPath)
            if (FDatasetTables == null)
                FDatasetTables = new SortedList <string, SortedList <string, TTable> >();

            FCodeStorage = ACodeStorage;

            if (!ADataSetTypeWithNamespace.StartsWith("Ict.Petra.Shared") && !ADataSetTypeWithNamespace.StartsWith("Ict.Petra.Plugins"))
                throw new Exception("the DatasetType must contain the full namespace, starting with Ict.Petra.Shared or Ict.Petra.Plugins");

            if (FDatasetTables.ContainsKey(ADataSetTypeWithNamespace))
                FCurrentDataset = FDatasetTables[ADataSetTypeWithNamespace];


            string[] datasetTypeSplit = ADataSetTypeWithNamespace.Split(new char[] { '.' });
            string   module           = datasetTypeSplit[3];
            string   datasetName      = datasetTypeSplit[datasetTypeSplit.Length - 1];

            // find the correct xml file for the dataset.
            // look in Ict/Petra/Shared/lib/MODULE/data
            string dataPath = AICTPath + "/Petra/Shared/lib/" + module + "/data/";

            if (ADataSetTypeWithNamespace.StartsWith("Ict.Petra.Plugins"))
                int    start      = "Ict.Petra.Plugins.".Length;
                int    end        = ADataSetTypeWithNamespace.IndexOf(".", start);
                string PluginName = ADataSetTypeWithNamespace.Substring(start, end - start);
                dataPath = AICTPath + "/Petra/Plugins/" + PluginName + "/data/";

            DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(dataPath);

            FileInfo[] xmlFiles    = directory.GetFiles("*.xml");
            XmlNode    datasetNode = null;

            foreach (FileInfo fileinfo in xmlFiles)
                if (datasetNode == null)
                    TXMLParser parser = new TXMLParser(dataPath + "/" + fileinfo.Name, false);
                    datasetNode = parser.GetDocument().SelectSingleNode(String.Format("//DataSet[@name='{0}']", datasetName));

            if ((datasetNode == null) && File.Exists(APluginPath))
                // also check the plugin directory of the yaml file, for plugins can have a file TypedDataSets.xml
                TXMLParser parser = new TXMLParser(APluginPath, false);
                datasetNode = parser.GetDocument().SelectSingleNode(String.Format("//DataSet[@name='{0}']", datasetName));

            if (datasetNode == null)
                throw new Exception("cannot find the xml file for dataset " + ADataSetTypeWithNamespace);

            SortedList <string, TTable> result = new SortedList <string, TTable>();
            XmlNodeList tables = datasetNode.SelectNodes("Table|CustomTable");

            foreach (XmlNode tableNode in tables)
                TTable table = new TTable();
                string tablename;

                if ((tableNode.Name == "Table") && TXMLParser.HasAttribute(tableNode, "sqltable"))
                    tablename = TTable.NiceTableName(tableNode.Attributes["sqltable"].Value);

                    table.strVariableNameInDataset = TXMLParser.HasAttribute(tableNode, "name") ? tableNode.Attributes["name"].Value : tablename;

                    if ((tableNode.SelectNodes("CustomField").Count > 0) || (tableNode.SelectNodes("Field").Count > 0))
                        table.strDotNetName = datasetName + tablename;
                else if ((tableNode.Name == "Table") && TXMLParser.HasAttribute(tableNode, "customtable"))
                    table                          = new TTable();
                    tablename                      = tableNode.Attributes["customtable"].Value;
                    table.strName                  = tablename;
                    table.strDotNetName            = tablename;
                    table.strVariableNameInDataset = TXMLParser.HasAttribute(tableNode, "name") ? tableNode.Attributes["name"].Value : tablename;
                    table                          = new TTable();
                    tablename                      = tableNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                    table.strName                  = tablename;
                    table.strDotNetName            = datasetName + tablename;
                    table.strVariableNameInDataset = tablename;

                // add the custom fields if there are any
                XmlNodeList customFields = tableNode.SelectNodes("CustomField");

                foreach (XmlNode customField in customFields)
                    TTableField newField = new TTableField();
                    newField.strName        = customField.Attributes["name"].Value;
                    newField.strNameDotNet  = newField.strName;
                    newField.strType        = customField.Attributes["type"].Value;
                    newField.strTypeDotNet  = customField.Attributes["type"].Value;
                    newField.strTableName   = tablename;
                    newField.strDescription = "";
                    newField.bNotNull       =
                        TXMLParser.HasAttribute(customField, "notnull") && TXMLParser.GetAttribute(customField, "notnull").ToLower() == "true";

                // add other fields from other tables that are defined in petra.xml
                XmlNodeList otherFields = tableNode.SelectNodes("Field");

                foreach (XmlNode otherField in otherFields)
                    TTable      otherTable = FPetraXMLStore.GetTable(otherField.Attributes["sqltable"].Value);
                    TTableField newField   = new TTableField(otherTable.GetField(otherField.Attributes["sqlfield"].Value));

                    if (TXMLParser.HasAttribute(otherField, "name"))
                        newField.strNameDotNet = otherField.Attributes["name"].Value;

                    newField.strTableName = tablename;

                result.Add(table.strVariableNameInDataset, table);

            FDatasetTables.Add(ADataSetTypeWithNamespace, result);
            FCurrentDataset = result;
        /// <summary>
        /// process the yaml document
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Boolean ProcessDocument()
            string baseyaml;

            if (!TYml2Xml.ReadHeader(FYamlFilename, out baseyaml))
                Console.WriteLine("ProcessYAML: cannot recognise type of form");
                new TAppSettingsManager(false);

                //* parsing *******
                XmlDocument  myDoc                   = TYml2Xml.CreateXmlDocument();
                TCodeStorage codeStorage             = new TCodeStorage(myDoc, FXmlNodes);
                TParseYAMLFormsDefinition yamlParser = new TParseYAMLFormsDefinition(ref codeStorage);

                // should not need to be specific to special forms
                yamlParser.LoadRecursively(FYamlFilename, FSelectedLocalisation);

                // for debugging purposes, we can write the xml file that has been parsed from the yaml file
                // codeStorage.FXmlDocument.Save(FYamlFilename + ".xml");

                //* output *******
                TFormWriter writer = null;

                // get the appropriate derived class from IFormWriter (e.g. TFrmReportWriter)
                XmlNode rootNode = (XmlNode)yamlParser.FCodeStorage.FXmlNodes[TParseYAMLFormsDefinition.ROOTNODEYML];
                string  formType = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(rootNode, "FormType");

                if (formType == "abstract")
                    Console.WriteLine("Ignore yaml file because it has the formtype abstract: " + FYamlFilename);

                // the Template attribute is also quite important, because it determines which code is written
                // FormType is mainly important for the difference of the controls of reports and normal screens
                writer = GetWriter(formType);

                if (writer == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("cannot find writer for {0}", formType);

                string templateDir = TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("TemplateDir", true);
                string template    = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(rootNode, "Template");

                if (template.Length > 0)
                    template = templateDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + template + writer.CodeFileExtension;

                string destinationFile = writer.CalculateDestinationFilename(FYamlFilename);
                string manualCodeFile  = writer.CalculateManualCodeFilename(FYamlFilename);

                // need to know the path to the manual code file in order to call manual functions which would not be called if they do not exist
                codeStorage.ManualCodeFilename = manualCodeFile;

                writer.CreateCode(codeStorage, FYamlFilename, template);

                writer.CreateResourceFile(FYamlFilename, templateDir);

                writer.CreateDesignerFile(FYamlFilename, rootNode, templateDir);

