public int Insert(ImportInfo oParam, string tableName) { string sql = "INSERT INTO ippconvert.." + tableName + @"( oldSysNo, newSysNo ) VALUES ( @oldSysNo, @newSysNo )"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql); SqlParameter paramoldSysNo = new SqlParameter("@oldSysNo", SqlDbType.Int,4); SqlParameter paramnewSysNo = new SqlParameter("@newSysNo", SqlDbType.Int,4); paramoldSysNo.Value = oParam.OldSysNo; paramnewSysNo.Value = oParam.NewSysNo; cmd.Parameters.Add(paramoldSysNo); cmd.Parameters.Add(paramnewSysNo); return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); }
public void ImportManu() { if ( !AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("Is Importable is false"); /* do not use the following code after Data Pour in */ string sql = " select top 1 * from Manufacturer "; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql); if ( Util.HasMoreRow(ds) ) throw new BizException("the table Manufacturer is not empty"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { string sql1 = "select * from ipp2003..producer"; DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql1); foreach(DataRow dr1 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows ) { ManufacturerInfo oManu = new ManufacturerInfo(); oManu.ManufacturerID = Util.TrimNull(dr1["ProducerID"]); oManu.ManufacturerName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["ProducerName"]); oManu.BriefName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["ProducerBriefName"]); string orgDesc = ""; if ( Util.TrimNull(dr1["ProducerDescription"])!=AppConst.StringNull) orgDesc += Util.TrimNull(dr1["ProducerDescription"]); string address = ""; if ( Util.TrimNull(dr1["Country"])!=AppConst.StringNull) address += Util.TrimNull(dr1["Country"]); if ( Util.TrimNull(dr1["City"])!=AppConst.StringNull) address += "," + Util.TrimNull(dr1["City"]); if ( Util.TrimNull(dr1["Address"])!=AppConst.StringNull) address += "," + Util.TrimNull(dr1["Address"]); string website = ""; if ( Util.TrimNull(dr1["Web"])!=AppConst.StringNull) website += Util.TrimNull(dr1["Web"]); string note = ""; if ( Util.TrimNull(dr1["Note"])!=AppConst.StringNull) note += Util.TrimNull(dr1["Note"]); if ( orgDesc != "" ) note += "; Desc: " + orgDesc; if ( address != "" ) note +="; Address: " + address; if ( website != "" ) note +="; site: " + website; oManu.Note = note; oManu.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["Status"]); this.Insert(oManu); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oManuConvert = new ImportInfo(); oManuConvert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); oManuConvert.NewSysNo = oManu.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oManuConvert, "Manufacturer"); } scope.Complete(); } }
public void ImportVendor() { if (!AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("Is Importable is false"); /* do not use the following code after Data Pour in */ string sql = " select top 1 * from Vendor "; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql); if (Util.HasMoreRow(ds)) throw new BizException("the table Vendor is not empty"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { string sql1 = "select * from ipp2003..Vendor"; DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql1); foreach (DataRow dr1 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows) { VendorInfo oInfo = new VendorInfo(); oInfo.VendorID = Util.TrimNull(dr1["VendorID"]); oInfo.VendorName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["VendorName"]); oInfo.EnglishName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["EnglishName"]); oInfo.BriefName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["BriefName"]); int vendorType = (int)AppEnum.VendorType.Other; if (Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["VendorType"]) == 0) vendorType = (int)AppEnum.VendorType.Manufacturer; if (Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["VendorType"]) == 1) vendorType = (int)AppEnum.VendorType.Agent; if (Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["VendorType"]) == 2) vendorType = (int)AppEnum.VendorType.Other; oInfo.VendorType = vendorType; oInfo.District = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Country"]) + Util.TrimNull(dr1["City"]); oInfo.Address = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Address"]); oInfo.Zip = Util.TrimNull(dr1["PostCode"]); oInfo.Contact = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Contact"]); oInfo.Phone = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Tel"]) + Util.TrimNull(dr1["Mobile"]); ; oInfo.Fax = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Fax"]); ; oInfo.Email = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Email"]); ; oInfo.Site = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Web"]); ; oInfo.Bank = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Bank"]); ; oInfo.Account = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Account"]); oInfo.TaxNo = Util.TrimNull(dr1["TaxNo"]); oInfo.Comment = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Comment"]); oInfo.Note = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Note"]); oInfo.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["Status"]); this.Insert(oInfo); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oVendorConvert = new ImportInfo(); oVendorConvert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); oVendorConvert.NewSysNo = oInfo.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oVendorConvert, "Vendor"); } scope.Complete(); } }
public void ImportCategory() { if ( !AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("Is Importable is false"); /* do not use the following code after Data Pour in */ string sql = " select top 1 * from category1 "; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql); if ( Util.HasMoreRow(ds) ) throw new BizException("the table category is not empty"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { try { string sql1 = @"select cf.*, cfl.firstcategoryname from ipp2003..category_first cf, ipp2003..category_first_language cfl where cf.sysno = cfl.firstcategorysysno and languageid = 'cn'"; DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql1); foreach(DataRow dr1 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows ) { Category1Info oC1 = new Category1Info(); oC1.C1ID = Util.TrimNull(dr1["FirstCategoryID"]); oC1.C1Name = Util.TrimNull(dr1["FirstCategoryName"]); oC1.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["Status"]); this.Insert(oC1); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oC1Convert = new ImportInfo(); oC1Convert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); oC1Convert.NewSysNo = oC1.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oC1Convert, "Category1"); string sql2 = @"select a.*, b.secondcategoryname from ipp2003..category_second a, ipp2003..category_second_language b where a.sysno = b.secondcategorysysno and languageid = 'cn' and firstcategorysysno = " + Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); DataSet ds2 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql2); foreach( DataRow dr2 in ds2.Tables[0].Rows ) { Category2Info oC2 = new Category2Info(); oC2.C1SysNo = oC1.SysNo; oC2.C2ID = Util.TrimNull(dr2["SecondCategoryID"]); oC2.C2Name = Util.TrimNull(dr2["SecondCategoryName"]); oC2.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr2["Status"]); this.Insert(oC2); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oC2Convert = new ImportInfo(); oC2Convert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr2["SysNo"]); oC2Convert.NewSysNo = oC2.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oC2Convert,"Category2"); string sql3 = @"select a.*, b.thirdcategoryname from ipp2003..category_third a, ipp2003..category_third_language b where a.sysno = b.thirdcategorysysno and languageid = 'cn' and secondcategorysysno = "+ Util.TrimIntNull(dr2["SysNo"]); DataSet ds3 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql3); foreach( DataRow dr3 in ds3.Tables[0].Rows ) { Category3Info oC3 = new Category3Info(); oC3.C2SysNo = oC2.SysNo; oC3.C3ID = Util.TrimNull(dr3["ThirdCategoryID"]); oC3.C3Name = Util.TrimNull(dr3["ThirdCategoryName"]); oC3.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr3["Status"]); this.Insert(oC3); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oC3Convert = new ImportInfo(); oC3Convert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr3["SysNo"]); oC3Convert.NewSysNo = oC3.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oC3Convert, "Category3"); string sql4 = @"select a.*,b.AttributeName from ipp2003..category_attribute as a, ipp2003..category_attribute_language as b where a.ThirdCategorySysNo = b.ThirdCategorySysNo and a.AttributeID = b.AttributeID and languageid = 'cn' and AttributeName <>'' and a.thirdcategorysysno = "+ Util.TrimIntNull(dr3["SysNo"]); DataSet ds4 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql4); int count = 0; foreach( DataRow dr4 in ds4.Tables[0].Rows ) { if ( count == 0) { InitAttribute(Util.TrimIntNull(oC3.SysNo)); count ++; } CategoryAttributeInfo oCA = new CategoryAttributeInfo(); oCA.C3SysNo = oC3.SysNo; oCA.AttributeID = Util.TrimNull(dr4["AttributeID"]); oCA.AttributeName = Util.TrimNull(dr4["AttributeName"]); oCA.OrderNum = Util.TrimIntNull(dr4["SequenceNo"]); oCA.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr4["Status"]); new CategoryDac().UpdateAttributeByC3andAID(oCA); } } } } } catch(Exception ex) { C1Hash.Clear(); C2Hash.Clear(); C3Hash.Clear(); throw ex; } scope.Complete(); } }
public void Import() { if ( !AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("Is Importable is false"); /* do not use the following code after Data Pour in */ string sql = " select top 1 * from currency "; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql); if ( Util.HasMoreRow(ds) ) throw new BizException("the table currency is not empty"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { try { string sql1 = @"select a.*, isnull(b.exchangerate,0) as exchangerate from ipp2003..currency a, ipp2003..exchange_rate b where a.sysno *=b.currencysysno"; DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql1); foreach(DataRow dr1 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows ) { CurrencyInfo item = new CurrencyInfo(); item.CurrencyID = Util.TrimNull(dr1["CurrencyID"]); item.CurrencyName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["CurrencyName"]); item.CurrencySymbol = Util.TrimNull(dr1["CurrencySymbol"]); if ( dr1["IfBasic"] == System.DBNull.Value ) item.IsLocal = (int)AppEnum.YNStatus.No; else if ( Convert.ToBoolean(dr1["IfBasic"])==true) item.IsLocal = (int)AppEnum.YNStatus.Yes; else item.IsLocal = (int)AppEnum.YNStatus.No; item.ExchangeRate = Util.TrimDecimalNull(dr1["ExchangeRate"]); item.ListOrder = Util.TrimNull(dr1["CurrencyID"]); item.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["Status"]); this.Insert(item); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oConvert = new ImportInfo(); oConvert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); oConvert.NewSysNo = item.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oConvert, "Currency"); } } catch(Exception ex) { currencyHash.Clear(); throw ex; } scope.Complete(); } }
public void ImportBasic() { if (!AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("IsImportable is false"); string sql = "select top 1 * from product"; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql); if (Util.HasMoreRow(ds)) throw new BizException("the table Product is not empty"); string sql_product_distinct = "select productid from ipp2003..product group by productid having count(productid)>=2"; DataSet ds_product_distinct = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql_product_distinct); if (Util.HasMoreRow(ds_product_distinct)) throw new BizException("the ipp2003..product has item using the same id"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { string sqli = @"select p.sysno,p.productid,pl.productmode,pl.productname,pl.productdescription as productdesc, producttype, pl.otherinfo as productdesclong,pl.performance,isnull(pl.warrantyclause,'�ޱ���') as warranty,pl.packlist as packagelist, isnull(p.netweight,0) as weight,c3.newsysno as C3SysNo,m.newsysno as ManufacturerSysNo,su.newsysno as CreateUserSysNo, su1.newsysno as PMUsersysno,su2.newsysno as ppmusersysno,isnull(p.mpicnum,0) as MultiPicNum,p.ProductLink,p.createtime, pl.note as Attention ,p.barcode,p.status,p.memo as note,p.islarge, con_vendor.newsysno as lastvendorsysno from ipp2003..product p left join ipp2003..product_language pl on p.sysno = pl.productsysno left join ippConvert..category3 c3 on c3.oldsysno = p.categorysysno left join ippConvert..manufacturer m on m.oldsysno = p.producersysno left join ippConvert..Sys_User su on su.oldsysno = p.createusersysno left join ippConvert..Sys_User su1 on su1.oldsysno = p.pmusersysno left join ippConvert..Sys_User su2 on su2.oldsysno = p.ppmusersysno left join ippConvert..vendor con_vendor on con_vendor.oldsysno = p.lastvendorsysno where pl.languageid='cn'"; DataSet dsi = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sqli); foreach (DataRow dr in dsi.Tables[0].Rows) { ProductBasicInfo oBasic = new ProductBasicInfo(); oBasic.ProductID = Util.TrimNull(dr["ProductID"]); oBasic.ProductMode = Util.TrimNull(dr["ProductMode"]); oBasic.ProductType = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["ProductType"]); //old type == new type oBasic.ProductName = Util.TrimNull(dr["ProductName"]); oBasic.ProductDesc = Util.TrimNull(dr["ProductDesc"]); oBasic.ProductDescLong = Util.TrimNull(dr["ProductDescLong"]); oBasic.Performance = Util.TrimNull(dr["Performance"]); oBasic.Warranty = Util.TrimNull(dr["Warranty"]); oBasic.PackageList = Util.TrimNull(dr["PackageList"]); oBasic.Weight = Convert.ToInt32(Util.TrimDecimalNull(dr["Weight"])); oBasic.C3SysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["C3SysNo"]); if (oBasic.C3SysNo == AppConst.IntNull) oBasic.C3SysNo = 3810; oBasic.ManufacturerSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["ManufacturerSysNo"]); oBasic.ProductLink = Util.TrimNull(dr["ProductLink"]); oBasic.MultiPicNum = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["MultiPicNum"]); oBasic.PMUserSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["PMUserSysNo"]); oBasic.PPMUserSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["PPMUserSysNo"]); oBasic.CreateUserSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["CreateUserSysNo"]); if (oBasic.CreateUserSysNo == AppConst.IntNull) oBasic.CreateUserSysNo = -1; oBasic.CreateTime = Util.TrimDateNull(dr["CreateTime"]); oBasic.Attention = Util.TrimNull(dr["Attention"]); oBasic.Note = Util.TrimNull(dr["Note"]); oBasic.BarCode = Util.TrimNull(dr["BarCode"]); oBasic.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["Status"]); oBasic.IsLarge = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["IsLarge"]); oBasic.LastVendorSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["LastVendorSysNo"]); oBasic.SysNo = SequenceDac.GetInstance().Create("Product_Sequence"); new ProductBasicDac().Insert(oBasic); //this.InsertBasic(oBasic); productid Ψһ��check��ǰ��ͳһ��ɣ��Լӿ��ٶȡ� //insert into convert table ImportInfo oProductBasicConvert = new ImportInfo(); oProductBasicConvert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["SysNo"]); oProductBasicConvert.NewSysNo = oBasic.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oProductBasicConvert, "ProductBasic"); } scope.Complete(); } }
public void ImportSaleRule() { if(!AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("IsImportable is false"); string sqlmasterchk = "select top 1 * from SaleRule_Master"; DataSet dsmasterchk = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sqlmasterchk); if(Util.HasMoreRow(dsmasterchk)) throw new BizException("The SaleRule_Master is not empty"); string sqlitemchk = "select top 1 * from SaleRule_Item"; DataSet dsitemchk = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sqlitemchk); if(Util.HasMoreRow(dsitemchk)) throw new BizException("The SaleRule_Item is not empty"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { string sqlSearch = "select SysNo,Description as SaleRuleName,status from ipp2003..salerule_master"; string sqlCreateUser = "******"; int CreateUserSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sqlCreateUser).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sqlSearch); foreach(DataRow dr in ds1.Tables[0].Rows) { SaleRuleInfo oSaleRule = new SaleRuleInfo(); oSaleRule.SaleRuleName = Util.TrimNull(dr["SaleRuleName"]); oSaleRule.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["Status"]); oSaleRule.CreateUserSysNo = CreateUserSysNo; string sqlMasterExist = "select * from salerule_master where sysno="+oSaleRule.SysNo; DataSet dsMasterExist = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sqlMasterExist); if(Util.HasMoreRow(dsMasterExist)) throw new BizException("The same salerule exists already"); ImportInfo oSaleRuleMasterConvert = new ImportInfo(); oSaleRuleMasterConvert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr["SysNo"]); this.InsertSaleRuleMaster(oSaleRule); oSaleRuleMasterConvert.NewSysNo = oSaleRule.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oSaleRuleMasterConvert,"SaleRuleMaster"); string sqlItem = @"select srm.newsysno as salerulesysno,pb.newsysno as productsysno,Quantity,discountAmt as discount from ipp2003..salerule_item si inner join ippconvert..productbasic pb on pb.oldsysno = si.productsysno inner join ippconvert..SaleRuleMaster srm on srm.oldsysno = si.salerulesysno where si.SaleRuleSysNo ="+dr["SysNo"]; DataSet ds3 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sqlItem); if(Util.HasMoreRow(ds3)) { foreach(DataRow dri in ds3.Tables[0].Rows) { SaleRuleItemInfo oSaleRuleItem = new SaleRuleItemInfo(); oSaleRuleItem.SaleRuleSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dri["SaleRuleSysNo"]); oSaleRuleItem.ProductSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dri["ProductSysNo"]); oSaleRuleItem.Quantity = Util.TrimIntNull(dri["Quantity"]); oSaleRuleItem.Discount = Util.TrimDecimalNull(dri["Discount"]); this.InsertSaleRuleItem(oSaleRuleItem); } } } scope.Complete(); } }
public void ImportStock() { if ( !AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("Is Importable is false"); /* do not use the following code after Data Pour in */ string sql = " select top 1 * from Stock "; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql); if ( Util.HasMoreRow(ds) ) throw new BizException("the table Stock is not empty"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { string sql1 = "select * from ipp2003..Stock"; DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql1); foreach(DataRow dr1 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows ) { StockInfo oInfo = new StockInfo(); oInfo.StockID = Util.TrimNull(dr1["StockID"]); oInfo.StockName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["StockName"]); oInfo.Address = Util.TrimNull(dr1["StockAddress"]); oInfo.Contact =Util.TrimNull(dr1["Contact"]); oInfo.Phone = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Tel"]); oInfo.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["Status"]); this.Insert(oInfo); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oVendorConvert = new ImportInfo(); oVendorConvert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); oVendorConvert.NewSysNo = oInfo.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oVendorConvert, "Stock"); } scope.Complete(); } }
public void ImportPayType() { if (!AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("Is Importable is false"); /* do not use the following code after Data Pour in */ string sql = @"select * from PayType"; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql); if (Util.HasMoreRow(ds)) throw new BizException("the table paytype is not empty"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { string sql1 = @"select pt.*, ptl.paytypename, period, note from ipp2003..pay_type as pt, ipp2003..pay_type_language as ptl where pt.sysno = ptl.paytypesysno and ptl.languageid='cn'"; DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql1); foreach (DataRow dr1 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows) { PayTypeInfo oPayType = new PayTypeInfo(); oPayType.PayTypeID = Util.TrimNull(dr1["PayTypeID"]); oPayType.PayTypeName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["PayTypeName"]); oPayType.PayTypeDesc = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Note"]); oPayType.Period = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Period"]); oPayType.PaymentPage = Util.TrimNull(dr1["PaymentPage"]); oPayType.PayRate = Util.TrimDecimalNull(dr1["ServiceRate"]); oPayType.IsNet = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["IsNet"]); oPayType.IsPayWhenRecv = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["IsPayWhenReceive"]); oPayType.OrderNumber = "zzz"; oPayType.IsOnlineShow = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["sstatus"]); this.InsertPayType(oPayType); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oImport = new ImportInfo(); oImport.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); oImport.NewSysNo = oPayType.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oImport, "PayType"); } scope.Complete(); } }
public void ImportArea() { if (!AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("Is Importable is false"); /* do not use the following code after Data Pour in */ string sql = " select top 1 * from area "; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql); if (Util.HasMoreRow(ds)) throw new BizException("the table area is not empty"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { string sql1 = "select * from ipp2003..area where countrySysNo = 1 and provinceSysNo = 0"; //ͨ��ʡ�� and SysNo <> 36"; DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql1); foreach (DataRow dr1 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows) { AreaInfo oProvince = new AreaInfo(); oProvince.ProvinceName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["ProvinceName"]); oProvince.IsLocal = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["IsLocal"]); oProvince.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["Status"]); oProvince.OrderNumber = "zzz"; this.InsertArea(oProvince); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oProvinceConvert = new ImportInfo(); oProvinceConvert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); oProvinceConvert.NewSysNo = oProvince.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oProvinceConvert, "Area"); string sql2 = "select * from ipp2003..area where provinceSysNo = " + Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]) + " and citySysNo = 0 "; DataSet ds2 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql2); foreach (DataRow dr2 in ds2.Tables[0].Rows) { AreaInfo oCity = new AreaInfo(); oCity.ProvinceSysNo = oProvince.SysNo; oCity.ProvinceName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["ProvinceName"]); oCity.CityName = Util.TrimNull(dr2["CityName"]); oCity.IsLocal = Util.TrimIntNull(dr2["IsLocal"]); oCity.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr2["Status"]); oCity.OrderNumber = "zzz"; this.InsertArea(oCity); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oCityConvert = new ImportInfo(); oCityConvert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr2["SysNo"]); oCityConvert.NewSysNo = oCity.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oCityConvert, "Area"); string sql3 = "select * from ipp2003..area where citySysNo = " + Util.TrimIntNull(dr2["SysNo"]); DataSet ds3 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql3); foreach (DataRow dr3 in ds3.Tables[0].Rows) { AreaInfo oDistrict = new AreaInfo(); oDistrict.ProvinceSysNo = oCity.ProvinceSysNo; oDistrict.CitySysNo = oCity.SysNo; oDistrict.ProvinceName = Util.TrimNull(dr3["ProvinceName"]); oDistrict.CityName = Util.TrimNull(dr3["CityName"]); oDistrict.DistrictName = Util.TrimNull(dr3["DistrictName"]); oDistrict.IsLocal = Util.TrimIntNull(dr3["IsLocal"]); oDistrict.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr3["Status"]); oDistrict.OrderNumber = "zzz"; this.InsertArea(oDistrict); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oDistrictConvert = new ImportInfo(); oDistrictConvert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr3["SysNo"]); oDistrictConvert.NewSysNo = oDistrict.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oDistrictConvert, "Area"); } } } scope.Complete(); } }
public void ImportShipType() { if (!AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("Is Importable is false"); /* do not use the following code after Data Pour in */ string sql = @"select * from ShipType"; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql); if (Util.HasMoreRow(ds)) throw new BizException("the table ship type is not empty"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { string sql1 = @"select st.*, st.withpackfee as iswithpackfee, stl.shiptypename,, stl.period from ipp2003..ship_type as st, ipp2003..ship_type_language as stl where st.sysno = stl.shiptypesysno and stl.languageid = 'cn'"; DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql1); foreach (DataRow dr1 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows) { ShipTypeInfo oShipType = new ShipTypeInfo(); oShipType.ShipTypeID = Util.TrimNull(dr1["ShipTypeID"]); oShipType.ShipTypeName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["ShipTypeName"]); oShipType.ShipTypeDesc = ""; oShipType.Period = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Period"]); oShipType.Provider = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Company"]); oShipType.PremiumRate = Util.TrimDecimalNull(dr1["PremiumRate"]); oShipType.PremiumBase = Util.TrimDecimalNull(dr1["PremiumBase"]); oShipType.FreeShipBase = 0; oShipType.OrderNumber = "zzz"; oShipType.IsOnlineShow = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["sstatus"]); oShipType.IsWithPackFee = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["IsWithPackFee"]); oShipType.StatusQueryType = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["StatusQueryType"]); oShipType.StatusQueryUrl = Util.TrimNull(dr1["StatusQueryUrl"]); this.InsertShipType(oShipType); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oImport = new ImportInfo(); oImport.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); oImport.NewSysNo = oShipType.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oImport, "ShipType"); } scope.Complete(); } }
public void ImportUser() { if ( !AppConfig.IsImportable) throw new BizException("Is Importable is false"); /* do not use the following code after Data Pour in */ string sql = " select top 1 * from Sys_User "; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql); if ( Util.HasMoreRow(ds) ) throw new BizException("the table User is not empty"); TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions(); options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; options.Timeout = TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options)) { string sql1 = @"select u.sysno, u.usercode, u.userpassword, u.status, e.employeename,, e.memo from ipp2003..employee e, ipp2003..internal_user u where e.sysno = u.sysno and u.usercode = e.employeecode"; DataSet ds1 = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(sql1); foreach(DataRow dr1 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows ) { UserInfo oUser = new UserInfo(); oUser.SysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); oUser.UserID = Util.TrimNull(dr1["UserCode"]); oUser.UserName = Util.TrimNull(dr1["EmployeeName"]); oUser.Pwd = Util.TrimNull(dr1["UserPassword"]); oUser.Email = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Email"]); oUser.Phone = ""; oUser.Note = Util.TrimNull(dr1["Memo"]); oUser.Status = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["Status"]); this.InsertUser(oUser); //insert into convert table ImportInfo oUserConvert = new ImportInfo(); oUserConvert.OldSysNo = Util.TrimIntNull(dr1["SysNo"]); oUserConvert.NewSysNo = oUser.SysNo; new ImportDac().Insert(oUserConvert, "Sys_User"); } scope.Complete(); } }