public ProxyGetConnection(Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase prx, string operation, ProxyTwowayCallback <Ice.Callback_Object_ice_getConnection> cb, object cookie) : base(prx, operation, cookie) { observer_ = ObserverHelper.get(prx, operation); _completed = cb; }
public void Invoke(string operation, bool idempotent, bool oneway, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>?context, bool synchronous) { try { Proxy.IceReference.Protocol.CheckSupported(); IsIdempotent = idempotent; IsOneway = oneway; context ??= ProxyAndCurrentContext(); Observer = ObserverHelper.GetInvocationObserver(Proxy, operation, context); switch (Proxy.IceReference.InvocationMode) { case InvocationMode.BatchOneway: case InvocationMode.BatchDatagram: { Debug.Assert(false); // not implemented break; } } Invoke(synchronous); } catch (Exception ex) { Abort(ex); } }
public CommunicatorFlushBatch(Ice.Communicator communicator, Instance instance, string op, object cookie) : base(communicator, instance, op, cookie) { observer_ = ObserverHelper.get(instance, op); // // _useCount is initialized to 1 to prevent premature callbacks. // The caller must invoke ready() after all flush requests have // been initiated. // _useCount = 1; }
public void Prepare(string operation, bool idempotent, bool oneway, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>?context) { Debug.Assert(Os != null); Proxy.IceReference.GetProtocol().CheckSupported(); IsIdempotent = idempotent; IsOneway = oneway; context ??= ProxyAndCurrentContext(); Observer = ObserverHelper.GetInvocationObserver(Proxy, operation, context); switch (Proxy.IceReference.GetMode()) { case Ice.InvocationMode.Twoway: case Ice.InvocationMode.Oneway: case Ice.InvocationMode.Datagram: { Os.WriteSpan(Ice1Definitions.RequestHeader.AsSpan()); break; } case Ice.InvocationMode.BatchOneway: case Ice.InvocationMode.BatchDatagram: { Debug.Assert(false); // not implemented break; } } Reference rf = Proxy.IceReference; rf.GetIdentity().IceWrite(Os); // // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. // string facet = rf.GetFacet(); if (facet == null || facet.Length == 0) { Os.WriteStringSeq(System.Array.Empty <string>()); } else { Os.WriteStringSeq(new string[] { facet }); } Os.WriteString(operation); Os.Write(idempotent ? OperationMode.Idempotent : OperationMode.Normal); Ice.ContextHelper.Write(Os, context); }
public void Prepare(string operation, Ice.OperationMode mode, Dictionary <string, string>?context) { Debug.Assert(Os != null); Protocol.checkSupportedProtocol(Protocol.getCompatibleProtocol(Proxy.IceReference.GetProtocol())); Mode = mode; Observer = ObserverHelper.get(Proxy, operation, context); switch (Proxy.IceReference.GetMode()) { case Ice.InvocationMode.Twoway: case Ice.InvocationMode.Oneway: case Ice.InvocationMode.Datagram: { Os.WriteBlob(Protocol.requestHdr); break; } case Ice.InvocationMode.BatchOneway: case Ice.InvocationMode.BatchDatagram: { Debug.Assert(false); // not implemented break; } } Reference rf = Proxy.IceReference; rf.GetIdentity().IceWrite(Os); // // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. // string facet = rf.GetFacet(); if (facet == null || facet.Length == 0) { Os.WriteStringSeq(null); } else { string[] facetPath = { facet }; Os.WriteStringSeq(facetPath); } Os.WriteString(operation); Os.WriteByte((byte)mode); if (context != null) { // // Explicit context // Ice.ContextHelper.Write(Os, context); } else { // // Implicit context // var implicitContext = (Ice.ImplicitContext?)rf.GetCommunicator().GetImplicitContext(); Dictionary <string, string> prxContext = rf.GetContext(); if (implicitContext == null) { Ice.ContextHelper.Write(Os, prxContext); } else { implicitContext.Write(prxContext, Os); } } }
public void prepare(string operation, Ice.OperationMode mode, Dictionary <string, string>?context) { Protocol.checkSupportedProtocol(Protocol.getCompatibleProtocol(proxy_.IceReference.getProtocol())); mode_ = mode; observer_ = ObserverHelper.get(proxy_, operation, context); switch (proxy_.IceReference.getMode()) { case Ice.InvocationMode.Twoway: case Ice.InvocationMode.Oneway: case Ice.InvocationMode.Datagram: { os_.WriteBlob(Protocol.requestHdr); break; } case Ice.InvocationMode.BatchOneway: case Ice.InvocationMode.BatchDatagram: { Debug.Assert(false); // not implemented break; } } Reference rf = proxy_.IceReference; rf.getIdentity().ice_writeMembers(os_); // // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. // string facet = rf.getFacet(); if (facet == null || facet.Length == 0) { os_.WriteStringSeq(null); } else { string[] facetPath = { facet }; os_.WriteStringSeq(facetPath); } os_.WriteString(operation); os_.WriteByte((byte)mode); if (context != null) { // // Explicit context // Ice.ContextHelper.Write(os_, context); } else { // // Implicit context // Ice.ImplicitContextI implicitContext = (Ice.ImplicitContextI)rf.getCommunicator().getImplicitContext(); Dictionary <string, string> prxContext = rf.getContext(); if (implicitContext == null) { Ice.ContextHelper.Write(os_, prxContext); } else { implicitContext.write(prxContext, os_); } } }
public void invoke(string operation, bool synchronous) { synchronous_ = synchronous; observer_ = ObserverHelper.get(proxy_, operation, null); invokeImpl(true); // userThread = true }
// Called by IceInvokeAsync internal void Invoke(string operation, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string>?context, bool synchronous) { context ??= ProxyAndCurrentContext(); Observer = ObserverHelper.GetInvocationObserver(Proxy, operation, context); Invoke(synchronous); }
public void prepare(string operation, Ice.OperationMode mode, Dictionary <string, string> ctx, bool explicitCtx, bool synchronous) { Protocol.checkSupportedProtocol(Protocol.getCompatibleProtocol(proxy_.reference__().getProtocol())); mode_ = mode; _synchronous = synchronous; if (explicitCtx && ctx == null) { ctx = _emptyContext; } observer_ = ObserverHelper.get(proxy_, operation, ctx); switch (proxy_.reference__().getMode()) { case Reference.Mode.ModeTwoway: case Reference.Mode.ModeOneway: case Reference.Mode.ModeDatagram: { os_.writeBlob(Protocol.requestHdr); break; } case Reference.Mode.ModeBatchOneway: case Reference.Mode.ModeBatchDatagram: { proxy_.getBatchRequestQueue__().prepareBatchRequest(os_); break; } } Reference rf = proxy_.reference__(); rf.getIdentity().write__(os_); // // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. // string facet = rf.getFacet(); if (facet == null || facet.Length == 0) { os_.writeStringSeq(null); } else { string[] facetPath = { facet }; os_.writeStringSeq(facetPath); } os_.writeString(operation); os_.writeByte((byte)mode); if (ctx != null) { // // Explicit context // Ice.ContextHelper.write(os_, ctx); } else { // // Implicit context // Ice.ImplicitContextI implicitContext = rf.getInstance().getImplicitContext(); Dictionary <string, string> prxContext = rf.getContext(); if (implicitContext == null) { Ice.ContextHelper.write(os_, prxContext); } else { implicitContext.write(prxContext, os_); } } }
public ProxyFlushBatch(Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase prx, string operation, object cookie) : base(prx, operation, cookie) { observer_ = ObserverHelper.get(prx, operation); _batchRequestNum = prx.getBatchRequestQueue__().swap(os_); }