prepareBatchRequest(BasicStream os) { lock(this) { while(_batchStreamInUse) { Monitor.Wait(this); } if(_batchStream.isEmpty()) { try { _batchStream.writeBlob(Protocol.requestBatchHdr); } catch(Ice.LocalException ex) { throw ex; } } _batchStreamInUse = true; _batchMarker = _batchStream.size(); _batchStream.swap(os); } }
internal WSEndpoint(ProtocolInstance instance, EndpointI del, BasicStream s) { _instance = instance; _delegate = (IPEndpointI)del; _resource = s.readString(); }
public Ice.ObjectPrx streamToProxy(BasicStream s) { Ice.Identity ident = new Ice.Identity(); ident.read__(s); Reference r = instance_.referenceFactory().create(ident, s); return referenceToProxy(r); }
public void finishBatchRequest(BasicStream os) { try { lock(this) { _batchStream.swap(os); if(_batchAutoFlushSize > 0 && (_batchStream.size() > _batchAutoFlushSize)) { // // Temporarily save the last request. // byte[] lastRequest = new byte[_batchStream.size() - _batchMarker]; Buffer buffer = _batchStream.getBuffer(); buffer.b.position(_batchMarker); buffer.b.get(lastRequest); _batchStream.resize(_batchMarker, false); int invokeNum = _batchRequestNum; BasicStream stream = new BasicStream(_reference.getInstance(), Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding); stream.swap(_batchStream); _adapter.getThreadPool().dispatch(() => { invokeAll(stream, 0, invokeNum, true); }, null); // // Reset the batch. // _batchRequestNum = 0; _batchMarker = 0; // // Start a new batch with the last message that caused us to go over the limit. // _batchStream.writeBlob(Protocol.requestBatchHdr); _batchStream.writeBlob(lastRequest); } // // Increment the number of requests in the batch. // Debug.Assert(_batchStreamInUse); ++_batchRequestNum; _batchStreamInUse = false; Monitor.PulseAll(this); } } catch(Ice.LocalException ex) { abortBatchRequest(); throw ex; } }
// // Writeable stream constructor // public StreamWrapper(BasicStream s) { type_ = StreamType.Write; s_ = s; spos_ = s.pos(); bytes_ = new byte[254]; pos_ = 0; length_ = 0; }
public IPEndpointI(ProtocolInstance instance, BasicStream s) { instance_ = instance; host_ = s.readString(); port_ = s.readInt(); sourceAddr_ = null; connectionId_ = ""; _hashInitialized = false; }
// // Readable stream constructor // public StreamWrapper(int size, BasicStream s) { type_ = StreamType.Read; s_ = s; spos_ = 0; bytes_ = null; pos_ = 0; length_ = size; }
public OpaqueEndpointI(short type, BasicStream s) { _type = type; _rawEncoding = s.getReadEncoding(); int sz = s.getReadEncapsSize(); _rawBytes = new byte[sz]; s.readBlob(_rawBytes); calcHashValue(); }
public static void dumpStream(BasicStream stream) { int pos = stream.pos(); stream.pos(0); byte[] data = new byte[stream.size()]; stream.readBlob(data); dumpOctets(data); stream.pos(pos); }
prepareBatchRequest(BasicStream os) { lock(this) { if(_exception != null) { throw _exception; } waitStreamInUse(false); _batchStreamInUse = true; _batchStream.swap(os); } }
public Outgoing(RequestHandler handler, string operation, Ice.OperationMode mode, Dictionary<string, string> context, InvocationObserver observer) { _state = StateUnsent; _sent = false; _handler = handler; _observer = observer; _encoding = Protocol.getCompatibleEncoding(handler.getReference().getEncoding()); _os = new BasicStream(_handler.getReference().getInstance(), Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding); Protocol.checkSupportedProtocol(Protocol.getCompatibleProtocol(_handler.getReference().getProtocol())); writeHeader(operation, mode, context); }
public ConnectRequestHandler(Reference @ref, Ice.ObjectPrx proxy, Ice.ObjectDelM_ del) { _reference = @ref; _response = _reference.getMode() == Reference.Mode.ModeTwoway; _proxy = (Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase)proxy; _delegate = del; _batchAutoFlush = @ref.getInstance().initializationData().properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault( "Ice.BatchAutoFlush", 1) > 0 ? true : false; _initialized = false; _flushing = false; _batchRequestInProgress = false; _batchRequestsSize = Protocol.requestBatchHdr.Length; _batchStream = new BasicStream(@ref.getInstance(), _batchAutoFlush); _updateRequestHandler = false; }
public UdpEndpointI(ProtocolInstance instance, BasicStream s) : base(instance, s) { if(s.getReadEncoding().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { s.readByte(); s.readByte(); s.readByte(); s.readByte(); } // Not transmitted. //_connect = s.readBool(); _connect = false; _compress = s.readBool(); }
CollocatedRequestHandler(Reference @ref, Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter) { _reference = @ref; _dispatcher = _reference.getInstance().initializationData().dispatcher != null; _response = _reference.getMode() == Reference.Mode.ModeTwoway; _adapter = (Ice.ObjectAdapterI)adapter; _logger = _reference.getInstance().initializationData().logger; // Cached for better performance. _traceLevels = _reference.getInstance().traceLevels(); // Cached for better performance. _batchAutoFlushSize = @ref.getInstance().batchAutoFlushSize(); _requestId = 0; _batchStreamInUse = false; _batchRequestNum = 0; _batchStream = new BasicStream(@ref.getInstance(), Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding); }
internal static void traceRecv(BasicStream str, Ice.Logger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if(tl.protocol >= 1) { int p = str.pos(); str.pos(0); using(System.IO.StringWriter s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { byte type = printMessage(s, str); logger.trace(tl.protocolCat, "received " + getMessageTypeAsString(type) + " " + s.ToString()); } str.pos(p); } }
public void proxyToStream(Ice.ObjectPrx proxy, BasicStream s) { if(proxy != null) { Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase h = (Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase)proxy; Reference r = h.reference__(); r.getIdentity().write__(s); r.streamWrite(s); } else { Ice.Identity ident = new Ice.Identity(); = ""; ident.category = ""; ident.write__(s); } }
internal static void trace(string heading, BasicStream str, Ice.Logger logger, TraceLevels tl) { if(tl.protocol >= 1) { int p = str.pos(); str.pos(0); using(System.IO.StringWriter s = new System.IO.StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) { s.Write(heading); printMessage(s, str); logger.trace(tl.protocolCat, s.ToString()); } str.pos(p); } }
public void prepareBatchRequest(BasicStream os) { lock(this) { while(_batchRequestInProgress) { System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(this); } if(!initialized()) { _batchRequestInProgress = true; _batchStream.swap(os); return; } } _connection.prepareBatchRequest(os); }
protected internal IncomingBase(Instance instance, ResponseHandler handler, Ice.ConnectionI connection, Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter, bool response, byte compress, int requestId) { instance_ = instance; responseHandler_ = handler; response_ = response; compress_ = compress; if(response_) { os_ = new BasicStream(instance, Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding); } current_ = new Ice.Current(); = new Ice.Identity(); current_.adapter = adapter; current_.con = connection; current_.requestId = requestId; cookie_ = null; }
public BatchRequestQueue(Instance instance, bool datagram) { Ice.InitializationData initData = instance.initializationData(); _interceptor = initData.batchRequestInterceptor; _batchStreamInUse = false; _batchRequestNum = 0; _batchStream = new BasicStream(instance, Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding); _batchStream.writeBlob(Protocol.requestBatchHdr); _batchMarker = _batchStream.size(); _request = new BatchRequestI(this); _maxSize = instance.batchAutoFlushSize(); if(_maxSize > 0 && datagram) { int udpSndSize ="Ice.UDP.SndSize", 65535 - _udpOverhead); if(udpSndSize < _maxSize) { _maxSize = udpSndSize; } } }
public void prepareBatchRequest(BasicStream os) { _m.Lock(); try { while(_batchRequestInProgress) { _m.Wait(); } if(!initialized()) { _batchRequestInProgress = true; _batchStream.swap(os); return; } } finally { _m.Unlock(); } _connection.prepareBatchRequest(os); }
public void abortBatchRequest() { _m.Lock(); try { if(!initialized()) { Debug.Assert(_batchRequestInProgress); _batchRequestInProgress = false; _m.NotifyAll(); BasicStream dummy = new BasicStream(_reference.getInstance(), _batchAutoFlush); _batchStream.swap(dummy); _batchRequestsSize = Protocol.requestBatchHdr.Length; return; } } finally { _m.Unlock(); } _connection.abortBatchRequest(); }
public BatchOutgoing(RequestHandler handler, InvocationObserver observer) { _handler = handler; _sent = false; _observer = observer; _os = new BasicStream(handler.getReference().getInstance(), Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding); Protocol.checkSupportedProtocol(handler.getReference().getProtocol()); }
public BatchOutgoing(Ice.ConnectionI connection, Instance instance, InvocationObserver observer) { _connection = connection; _sent = false; _observer = observer; _os = new BasicStream(instance, Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding); }
public void finished(BasicStream istr) { _m.Lock(); try { Debug.Assert(_handler.getReference().getMode() == Reference.Mode.ModeTwoway); // Only for twoways. Debug.Assert(_state <= StateInProgress); if(_remoteObserver != null) { _remoteObserver.reply(istr.size() - Protocol.headerSize - 4); _remoteObserver.detach(); _remoteObserver = null; } if(_is == null) { _is = new IceInternal.BasicStream(_handler.getReference().getInstance(), Ice.Util.currentProtocolEncoding); } _is.swap(istr); byte replyStatus = _is.readByte(); switch(replyStatus) { case ReplyStatus.replyOK: { _state = StateOK; // The state must be set last, in case there is an exception. break; } case ReplyStatus.replyUserException: { if(_observer != null) { _observer.userException(); } _state = StateUserException; // The state must be set last, in case there is an exception. break; } case ReplyStatus.replyObjectNotExist: case ReplyStatus.replyFacetNotExist: case ReplyStatus.replyOperationNotExist: { Ice.RequestFailedException ex = null; switch(replyStatus) { case ReplyStatus.replyObjectNotExist: { ex = new Ice.ObjectNotExistException(); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyFacetNotExist: { ex = new Ice.FacetNotExistException(); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyOperationNotExist: { ex = new Ice.OperationNotExistException(); break; } default: { Debug.Assert(false); break; } } = new Ice.Identity();; // // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. // string[] facetPath = _is.readStringSeq(); if(facetPath.Length > 0) { if(facetPath.Length > 1) { throw new Ice.MarshalException(); } ex.facet = facetPath[0]; } else { ex.facet = ""; } ex.operation = _is.readString(); _exception = ex; _state = StateLocalException; // The state must be set last, in case there is an exception. break; } case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownException: case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownLocalException: case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownUserException: { Ice.UnknownException ex = null; switch(replyStatus) { case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownException: { ex = new Ice.UnknownException(); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownLocalException: { ex = new Ice.UnknownLocalException(); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownUserException: { ex = new Ice.UnknownUserException(); break; } default: { Debug.Assert(false); break; } } ex.unknown = _is.readString(); _exception = ex; _state = StateLocalException; // The state must be set last, in case there is an exception. break; } default: { _exception = new Ice.UnknownReplyStatusException(); _state = StateLocalException; break; } } _m.Notify(); } finally { _m.Unlock(); } }
internal Request(BasicStream os) { this.os = new BasicStream(os.instance()); this.os.swap(os); }
public virtual void streamWriteImpl(BasicStream s) { s.writeString(host_); s.writeInt(port_); }
private void flushRequests() { _m.Lock(); try { Debug.Assert(_connection != null && !_initialized); while(_batchRequestInProgress) { _m.Wait(); } // // We set the _flushing flag to true to prevent any additional queuing. Callers // might block for a little while as the queued requests are being sent but this // shouldn't be an issue as the request sends are non-blocking. // _flushing = true; } finally { _m.Unlock(); } LinkedList<Request> sentCallbacks = new LinkedList<Request>(); try { LinkedListNode<Request> p = _requests.First; // _requests is immutable when _flushing = true while(p != null) { Request request = p.Value; if(request.@out != null) { if(_connection.sendAsyncRequest(request.@out, _compress, _response, out request.sentCallback)) { if(request.sentCallback != null) { sentCallbacks.AddLast(request); } } } else if(request.batchOut != null) { if(_connection.flushAsyncBatchRequests(request.batchOut, out request.sentCallback)) { if(request.sentCallback != null) { sentCallbacks.AddLast(request); } } } else { BasicStream os = new BasicStream(request.os.instance()); _connection.prepareBatchRequest(os); try { request.os.pos(0); os.writeBlob(request.os.readBlob(request.os.size())); } catch(Ice.LocalException) { _connection.abortBatchRequest(); throw; } _connection.finishBatchRequest(os, _compress); } LinkedListNode<Request> tmp = p; p = p.Next; _requests.Remove(tmp); } } catch(LocalExceptionWrapper ex) { _m.Lock(); try { Debug.Assert(_exception == null && _requests.Count > 0); _exception = ex.get(); _reference.getInstance().clientThreadPool().dispatch(delegate() { flushRequestsWithException(ex); }); } finally { _m.Unlock(); } } catch(Ice.LocalException ex) { _m.Lock(); try { Debug.Assert(_exception == null && _requests.Count > 0); _exception = ex; _reference.getInstance().clientThreadPool().dispatch(delegate() { flushRequestsWithException(ex); }); } finally { _m.Unlock(); } } if(sentCallbacks.Count > 0) { Instance instance = _reference.getInstance(); instance.clientThreadPool().dispatch(delegate() { foreach(Request r in sentCallbacks) { if(r.@out != null) { [email protected]__(r.sentCallback); } else if(r.batchOut != null) { r.batchOut.sent__(r.sentCallback); } } }); } // // We've finished sending the queued requests and the request handler now send // the requests over the connection directly. It's time to substitute the // request handler of the proxy with the more efficient connection request // handler which does not have any synchronization. This also breaks the cyclic // reference count with the proxy. // // NOTE: _updateRequestHandler is immutable once _flushing = true // if(_updateRequestHandler && _exception == null) { _proxy.setRequestHandler__(_delegate, new ConnectionRequestHandler(_reference, _connection, _compress)); } _m.Lock(); try { Debug.Assert(!_initialized); if(_exception == null) { _initialized = true; _flushing = false; } _proxy = null; // Break cyclic reference count. _delegate = null; // Break cyclic reference count. _m.NotifyAll(); } finally { _m.Unlock(); } }
public void finishBatchRequest(BasicStream os) { _m.Lock(); try { if(!initialized()) { Debug.Assert(_batchRequestInProgress); _batchRequestInProgress = false; _m.NotifyAll(); _batchStream.swap(os); if(!_batchAutoFlush && _batchStream.size() + _batchRequestsSize > _reference.getInstance().messageSizeMax()) { Ex.throwMemoryLimitException(_batchStream.size() + _batchRequestsSize, _reference.getInstance().messageSizeMax()); } _requests.AddLast(new Request(_batchStream)); return; } } finally { _m.Unlock(); } _connection.finishBatchRequest(os, _compress); }
public override void streamWrite(BasicStream s) { s.startWriteEncaps(); streamWriteImpl(s); s.endWriteEncaps(); }