internal LoggerAdminI(Ice.Properties props, LoggerAdminLoggerI logger) { _maxLogCount = props.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Admin.Logger.KeepLogs", 100); _maxTraceCount = props.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Admin.Logger.KeepTraces", 100); _traceLevel = props.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.Trace.Admin.Logger"); _logger = logger; }
// // Only for use by ObjectAdapterFactory // public ObjectAdapterI(Instance instance, Communicator communicator, ObjectAdapterFactory objectAdapterFactory, string name, RouterPrx router, bool noConfig) { instance_ = instance; _communicator = communicator; _objectAdapterFactory = objectAdapterFactory; _servantManager = new ServantManager(instance, name); _name = name; _incomingConnectionFactories = new List <IncomingConnectionFactory>(); _publishedEndpoints = new List <EndpointI>(); _routerEndpoints = new List <EndpointI>(); _routerInfo = null; _directCount = 0; _noConfig = noConfig; if (_noConfig) { _id = ""; _replicaGroupId = ""; _reference = instance_.referenceFactory().create("dummy -t", ""); _acm = instance_.serverACM(); return; } Properties properties = instance_.initializationData().properties; List <string> unknownProps = new List <string>(); bool noProps = filterProperties(unknownProps); // // Warn about unknown object adapter properties. // if (unknownProps.Count != 0 && properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Warn.UnknownProperties", 1) > 0) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("found unknown properties for object adapter `"); message.Append(_name); message.Append("':"); foreach (string s in unknownProps) { message.Append("\n "); message.Append(s); } instance_.initializationData().logger.warning(message.ToString()); } // // Make sure named adapter has configuration. // if (router == null && noProps) { // // These need to be set to prevent warnings/asserts in the destructor. // state_ = StateDestroyed; instance_ = null; _incomingConnectionFactories = null; InitializationException ex = new InitializationException(); ex.reason = "object adapter `" + _name + "' requires configuration"; throw ex; } _id = properties.getProperty(_name + ".AdapterId"); _replicaGroupId = properties.getProperty(_name + ".ReplicaGroupId"); // // Setup a reference to be used to get the default proxy options // when creating new proxies. By default, create twoway proxies. // string proxyOptions = properties.getPropertyWithDefault(_name + ".ProxyOptions", "-t"); try { _reference = instance_.referenceFactory().create("dummy " + proxyOptions, ""); } catch (ProxyParseException) { InitializationException ex = new InitializationException(); ex.reason = "invalid proxy options `" + proxyOptions + "' for object adapter `" + _name + "'"; throw ex; } _acm = new ACMConfig(properties, communicator.getLogger(), _name + ".ACM", instance_.serverACM()); { int defaultMessageSizeMax = instance.messageSizeMax() / 1024; int num = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(_name + ".MessageSizeMax", defaultMessageSizeMax); if (num < 1 || num > 0x7fffffff / 1024) { _messageSizeMax = 0x7fffffff; } else { _messageSizeMax = num * 1024; // Property is in kilobytes, _messageSizeMax in bytes } } try { int threadPoolSize = properties.getPropertyAsInt(_name + ".ThreadPool.Size"); int threadPoolSizeMax = properties.getPropertyAsInt(_name + ".ThreadPool.SizeMax"); if (threadPoolSize > 0 || threadPoolSizeMax > 0) { _threadPool = new ThreadPool(instance_, _name + ".ThreadPool", 0); } if (router == null) { router = RouterPrxHelper.uncheckedCast( instance_.proxyFactory().propertyToProxy(_name + ".Router")); } if (router != null) { _routerInfo = instance_.routerManager().get(router); if (_routerInfo != null) { // // Make sure this router is not already registered with another adapter. // if (_routerInfo.getAdapter() != null) { Ice.AlreadyRegisteredException ex = new Ice.AlreadyRegisteredException(); ex.kindOfObject = "object adapter with router"; = Ice.Util.identityToString(router.ice_getIdentity()); throw ex; } // // Add the router's server proxy endpoints to this object // adapter. // EndpointI[] endpoints = _routerInfo.getServerEndpoints(); for (int i = 0; i < endpoints.Length; ++i) { _routerEndpoints.Add(endpoints[i]); } _routerEndpoints.Sort(); // Must be sorted. // // Remove duplicate endpoints, so we have a list of unique endpoints. // for (int i = 0; i < _routerEndpoints.Count - 1;) { EndpointI e1 = _routerEndpoints[i]; EndpointI e2 = _routerEndpoints[i + 1]; if (e1.Equals(e2)) { _routerEndpoints.RemoveAt(i); } else { ++i; } } // // Associate this object adapter with the router. This way, // new outgoing connections to the router's client proxy will // use this object adapter for callbacks. // _routerInfo.setAdapter(this); // // Also modify all existing outgoing connections to the // router's client proxy to use this object adapter for // callbacks. // instance_.outgoingConnectionFactory().setRouterInfo(_routerInfo); } } else { // // Parse the endpoints, but don't store them in the adapter. The connection // factory might change it, for example, to fill in the real port number. // List <EndpointI> endpoints = parseEndpoints(properties.getProperty(_name + ".Endpoints"), true); foreach (EndpointI endp in endpoints) { IncomingConnectionFactory factory = new IncomingConnectionFactory(instance, endp, this); _incomingConnectionFactories.Add(factory); } if (endpoints.Count == 0) { TraceLevels tl = instance_.traceLevels(); if ( >= 2) { instance_.initializationData().logger.trace(tl.networkCat, "created adapter `" + _name + "' without endpoints"); } } // // Parse published endpoints. // _publishedEndpoints = parsePublishedEndpoints(); } if (properties.getProperty(_name + ".Locator").Length > 0) { setLocator(LocatorPrxHelper.uncheckedCast( instance_.proxyFactory().propertyToProxy(_name + ".Locator"))); } else { setLocator(instance_.referenceFactory().getDefaultLocator()); } } catch (LocalException) { destroy(); throw; } }
public void activate() { LocatorInfo locatorInfo = null; bool printAdapterReady = false; lock (this) { checkForDeactivation(); // // If we've previously been initialized we just need to activate the // incoming connection factories and we're done. // if (state_ != StateUninitialized) { foreach (IncomingConnectionFactory icf in _incomingConnectionFactories) { icf.activate(); } return; } // // One off initializations of the adapter: update the // locator registry and print the "adapter ready" // message. We set set state to StateActivating to prevent // deactivation from other threads while these one off // initializations are done. // state_ = StateActivating; locatorInfo = _locatorInfo; if (!_noConfig) { Properties properties = instance_.initializationData().properties; printAdapterReady = properties.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.PrintAdapterReady") > 0; } } try { Ice.Identity dummy = new Ice.Identity(); = "dummy"; updateLocatorRegistry(locatorInfo, createDirectProxy(dummy)); } catch (Ice.LocalException) { // // If we couldn't update the locator registry, we let the // exception go through and don't activate the adapter to // allow to user code to retry activating the adapter // later. // lock (this) { state_ = StateUninitialized; System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this); } throw; } if (printAdapterReady) { Console.Out.WriteLine(_name + " ready"); } lock (this) { Debug.Assert(state_ == StateActivating); foreach (IncomingConnectionFactory icf in _incomingConnectionFactories) { icf.activate(); } state_ = StateActive; System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this); } }
public void initialize() { Ice.Properties properties = _communicator.getProperties(); bool ipv4 = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.IPv4", 1) > 0; bool preferIPv6 = properties.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.PreferIPv6Address") > 0; string address; if (ipv4 && !preferIPv6) { address = properties.getPropertyWithDefault("IceDiscovery.Address", ""); } else { address = properties.getPropertyWithDefault("IceDiscovery.Address", "ff15::1"); } int port = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("IceDiscovery.Port", 4061); string intf = properties.getProperty("IceDiscovery.Interface"); if (properties.getProperty("IceDiscovery.Multicast.Endpoints").Length == 0) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.Append("udp -h \"").Append(address).Append("\" -p ").Append(port); if (intf.Length != 0) { s.Append(" --interface \"").Append(intf).Append("\""); } properties.setProperty("IceDiscovery.Multicast.Endpoints", s.ToString()); } string lookupEndpoints = properties.getProperty("IceDiscovery.Lookup"); if (lookupEndpoints.Length == 0) { int protocol = ipv4 && !preferIPv6 ? IceInternal.Network.EnableIPv4 : IceInternal.Network.EnableIPv6; var interfaces = IceInternal.Network.getInterfacesForMulticast(intf, protocol); foreach (string p in interfaces) { if (p != interfaces[0]) { lookupEndpoints += ":"; } lookupEndpoints += "udp -h \"" + address + "\" -p " + port + " --interface \"" + p + "\""; } } if (properties.getProperty("IceDiscovery.Reply.Endpoints").Length == 0) { properties.setProperty("IceDiscovery.Reply.Endpoints", "udp -h " + (intf.Length == 0 ? "*" : "\"" + intf + "\"")); } if (properties.getProperty("IceDiscovery.Locator.Endpoints").Length == 0) { properties.setProperty("IceDiscovery.Locator.AdapterId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } _multicastAdapter = _communicator.createObjectAdapter("IceDiscovery.Multicast"); _replyAdapter = _communicator.createObjectAdapter("IceDiscovery.Reply"); _locatorAdapter = _communicator.createObjectAdapter("IceDiscovery.Locator"); // // Setup locatory registry. // LocatorRegistryI locatorRegistry = new LocatorRegistryI(_communicator); LocatorRegistryPrx locatorRegistryPrx = _locatorAdapter.Add(locatorRegistry); LookupPrx lookupPrx = LookupPrx.Parse("IceDiscovery/Lookup -d:" + lookupEndpoints, _communicator).Clone( clearRouter: true, collocationOptimized: false); // No colloc optimization or router for the multicast proxy! // // Add lookup and lookup reply Ice objects // LookupI lookup = new LookupI(locatorRegistry, lookupPrx, properties); _multicastAdapter.Add(lookup, "IceDiscovery/Lookup"); LookupReplyTraits lookupT = default; LookupReplyI lookupReply = new LookupReplyI(lookup); _replyAdapter.AddDefaultServant( (current, incoming) => lookupT.Dispatch(lookupReply, current, incoming), ""); lookup.setLookupReply(LookupReplyPrx.UncheckedCast(_replyAdapter.CreateProxy("dummy")).Clone(invocationMode: InvocationMode.Datagram)); // // Setup locator on the communicator. // _locator = _locatorAdapter.Add(new LocatorI(lookup, locatorRegistryPrx)); _defaultLocator = _communicator.getDefaultLocator(); _communicator.setDefaultLocator(_locator); _multicastAdapter.Activate(); _replyAdapter.Activate(); _locatorAdapter.Activate(); }
initialize() { Ice.Properties properties = _communicator.Properties; bool ipv4 = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.IPv4", 1) > 0; bool preferIPv6 = properties.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.PreferIPv6Address") > 0; string address; if (ipv4 && !preferIPv6) { address = properties.getPropertyWithDefault(_name + ".Address", ""); } else { address = properties.getPropertyWithDefault(_name + ".Address", "ff15::1"); } int port = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(_name + ".Port", 4061); string intf = properties.getProperty(_name + ".Interface"); string lookupEndpoints = properties.getProperty(_name + ".Lookup"); if (lookupEndpoints.Length == 0) { int protocol = ipv4 && !preferIPv6 ? IceInternal.Network.EnableIPv4 : IceInternal.Network.EnableIPv6; var interfaces = IceInternal.Network.getInterfacesForMulticast(intf, protocol); foreach (string p in interfaces) { if (p != interfaces[0]) { lookupEndpoints += ":"; } lookupEndpoints += "udp -h \"" + address + "\" -p " + port + " --interface \"" + p + "\""; } } if (properties.getProperty(_name + ".Reply.Endpoints").Length == 0) { properties.setProperty(_name + ".Reply.Endpoints", "udp -h " + (intf.Length == 0 ? "*" : "\"" + intf + "\"")); } if (properties.getProperty(_name + ".Locator.Endpoints").Length == 0) { properties.setProperty(_name + ".Locator.AdapterId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } _replyAdapter = _communicator.createObjectAdapter(_name + ".Reply"); _locatorAdapter = _communicator.createObjectAdapter(_name + ".Locator"); // We don't want those adapters to be registered with the locator so clear their locator. _replyAdapter.SetLocator(null); _locatorAdapter.SetLocator(null); var lookupPrx = LookupPrx.Parse($"IceLocatorDiscovery/Lookup -d:{lookupEndpoints}", _communicator); // No colloc optimization or router for the multicast proxy! lookupPrx = lookupPrx.Clone(clearRouter: false, collocationOptimized: false); LocatorPrx voidLo = _locatorAdapter.Add(new VoidLocatorI()); string instanceName = properties.getProperty(_name + ".InstanceName"); var id = new Identity("Locator", instanceName.Length > 0 ? instanceName : Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); _defaultLocator = _communicator.getDefaultLocator(); _locator = new LocatorI(_name, lookupPrx, properties, instanceName, voidLo); _locatorPrx = LocatorPrx.UncheckedCast( _locatorAdapter.Add((current, incoming) => _locator.Dispatch(current, incoming))); _communicator.setDefaultLocator(_locatorPrx); LookupReply lookupReplyI = new LookupReplyI(_locator); _locator.setLookupReply(_replyAdapter.Add(lookupReplyI).Clone(invocationMode: InvocationMode.Datagram)); _replyAdapter.Activate(); _locatorAdapter.Activate(); }
internal LocatorManager(Ice.Properties properties) { _table = new Dictionary <Ice.LocatorPrx, LocatorInfo>(); _locatorTables = new Dictionary <LocatorKey, LocatorTable>(); _background = properties.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.BackgroundLocatorCacheUpdates") > 0; }