public byte[] GenerateData() { using (HexFilterStream src = new HexFilterStream (new TextReaderStream (new StringReader (_data)))) { byte[] data = new byte[src.Length]; src.Read (data, 0, data.Length); _logger.LogData (data); return data; } }
public override void Execute(string[] commandline) { if (commandline.Length < 2) _console.Out.WriteLine ("Error: [local_alias] not specified"); else if (commandline.Length < 3) _console.Out.WriteLine ("Error: [pcr_subcommand] not specified"); ClientContext ctx = _console.GetValue<ClientContext> ("client_context", null); if (ctx == null) { _console.Out.WriteLine ("No active connection was found"); return; } string localAlias = commandline[1]; string pcrCommand = commandline[2]; IDictionary<string, TPMSession> tpmSessions = _console.GetValue<IDictionary<string, TPMSession>> ("tpm_sessions", null); if (tpmSessions == null || tpmSessions.ContainsKey (localAlias) == false) { _console.Out.WriteLine ("Error: Specified local alias was not found"); return; } if (pcrCommand == "report") { uint pcrCount = tpmSessions[localAlias].CapabilityClient.GetPCRCount(); for(uint i = 0; i<pcrCount; i++) _console.Out.WriteLine("#{0}: {1}", i, ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(tpmSessions[localAlias].IntegrityClient.PCRValue(i))); } else if(pcrCommand == "extend") { if(commandline.Length < 4) { _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'extend' requires some arguments"); return; } IDictionary<string, string> arguments =_console.SplitArguments(commandline[3], 0); if(arguments.ContainsKey("pcr") == false) { _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'extend' requires parameter 'pcr' to be specified"); return; } uint pcr = 0; if(uint.TryParse(arguments["pcr"], out pcr) == false) { _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'pcr' could not be parsed, is it a valid pcr specified?"); return; } if(arguments.ContainsKey("data_input") == false) { _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'extend' requires parameter 'data_input' to be specified"); return; } TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode dataInput = (TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode), arguments["data_input"], true); if(dataInput != TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode.Embedded && dataInput != TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode.File) { _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'data_input' has an invalid value"); return; } byte[] digest; if(dataInput == TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode.File && arguments.ContainsKey("file") == false) { _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: file-data_input require 'file' argument to be specified"); return; } else if(dataInput == TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode.File) { FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo(arguments["file"]); using(FileStream src = myFile.OpenRead()) { digest = new HashProvider().Hash( new HashStreamDataProvider(src, null, null, false)); } } else if(dataInput == TPMSessionSealCommand.DataInputMode.Embedded) { using(Stream src = new HexFilterStream(new TextReaderStream( new StringReader(commandline[4])))) { digest = new byte[20]; if(src.Length != 20) { throw new ArgumentException("Error: The embedded digest must be 20 bytes long"); } src.Read(digest, 0, 20); } } else throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("data input mode '{0}' is not supported", dataInput)); _console.Out.WriteLine("Doing extension with digest: '{0}'", ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(digest)); byte[] newDigest = tpmSessions[localAlias].IntegrityClient.Extend(pcr, digest); _console.Out.WriteLine("Extension successful, new pcr value: {0}", ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(newDigest)); } else if(pcrCommand == "quote") { if(commandline.Length < 4) { _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'quote' requires some arguments"); return; } IDictionary<string, string> arguments =_console.SplitArguments(commandline[3], 0); if(arguments.ContainsKey("pcr") == false) { _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: 'quote' requires parameter 'pcr' to be specified"); return; } if(arguments.ContainsKey("name") == false) { _console.Out.WriteLine("Error: no key name was specified"); return; } ClientKeyHandle keyHandle = tpmSessions[localAlias].KeyClient.GetKeyHandleByFriendlyName(arguments["name"]); TPMPCRSelection pcrSelection = tpmSessions[localAlias].CreateEmptyPCRSelection(); foreach(string pcr in arguments["pcr"].Split('|')) { int pcrValue = int.Parse(pcr); pcrSelection.PcrSelection.SetBit(pcrValue - 1, true); } TPMPCRComposite quoted = keyHandle.SimpleQuote(pcrSelection); IList<int> selectedPCRs = quoted.PCRSelection.SelectedPCRs; for (int i = 0; i < selectedPCRs.Count; i++) { _console.Out.WriteLine("#{0}: {1}", selectedPCRs[i], ByteHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(quoted.PCRValues[i])); } } else _console.Out.WriteLine ("Error, unknown pcr_subcommand '{0}'", commandline[1]); }