public void V600_GetPartsInfo(int Sequence, List<string> SWCP, DataTable BOM,string FileEBOM, string FileEBOMExtra) { IVSStructure EBOM = new IVSStructure(FileEBOM); if (FileEBOMExtra != "") EBOM.LoadEBOMExtra(FileEBOMExtra); for (int i = 0; i < SWCP.Count; i++) { var q = from DataRow p in BOM.AsEnumerable() where p[0].ToString() == new PartNumber(SWCP[i]).ToString() || p[0].ToString() == new PartNumber(SWCP[i]).ToStringNo() select p; foreach (DataRow BOMTarget in q) if (BOMTarget[Sequence + 1].ToString() != "") { PartLineage Target = EBOM.GetModuleByAssyPN(SWCP[i]); if (Target != null) PARTS += Target.ToBroadcast(); } } }
public void OBOM_GetPartsFromEBOM(string FileOBOM, string FileEBOM, string FileEBOMExtra, string FileSWCP, string SWCPSheet, int ColumnBoughtIn, int ColumnAssy) { IVSStructure EBOM = new IVSStructure(FileEBOM); if (FileEBOMExtra != "") EBOM.LoadEBOMExtra(FileEBOMExtra); if (SWCPSheet != "") this.SYMBLE_SWCP = SWCPSheet; //OBOM string strCon = " Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ; Data Source = " + FileOBOM + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0"; OleDbConnection myConn = new OleDbConnection(strCon); myConn.Open(); string strCom = " SELECT * FROM [" + OBOM_SYMBLE_BOM + "$]"; OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter(strCom, myConn); myDataSet = new DataSet(); //Read Feature Codes myCommand.Fill(myDataSet, "[" + OBOM_SYMBLE_BOM + "$]"); DataTable OBOM = myDataSet.Tables[0]; myConn.Close(); //SWCP strCon = " Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ; Data Source = " + FileSWCP + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0"; myConn = new OleDbConnection(strCon); myConn.Open(); strCom = " SELECT * FROM [" + SYMBLE_SWCP + "$] "; myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter(strCom, myConn); myDataSet = new DataSet(); //Read Feature Codes myCommand.Fill(myDataSet, SYMBLE_SWCP); DataTable SWCP = myDataSet.Tables[0]; myConn.Close(); foreach (DataRow t in SWCP.Rows) { PartNumber theBoughtIn = new PartNumber(t[ColumnAssy].ToString()); var p = from DataRow q in OBOM.AsEnumerable() where q[2].ToString() == (theBoughtIn.Prefix + theBoughtIn.Infix + theBoughtIn.Suffix) select q; int count = 0; foreach (var l in p) count++; if (count != 0) { PartLineage theModule = EBOM.GetModuleByAssyPN(t[ColumnAssy].ToString()); this.PARTS += theModule.ToBroadcast(); } } }
public void V6000_GetPartsInfo_Old(int Sequence, string FilenameBOM, string BOMSheetName, string FileSWCP, string SWCPSheetName, string FileEBOM, int SWCPAssyCol, int BOMAssyCol, int BOMStartRow, int VehicleStartCol) { IVSStructure EBOM = new IVSStructure(FileEBOM); object missing = Missing.Value; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook BOM_xlBook = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet BOM_xlSheet = null; //Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application SWCP_xlApp = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook SWCP_xlBook = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet SWCP_xlSheet = null; xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); BOM_xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(FilenameBOM); BOM_xlSheet = BOM_xlBook.Sheets[BOMSheetName]; //SWCP_xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); SWCP_xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(FileSWCP); SWCP_xlSheet = SWCP_xlBook.Sheets[SWCPSheetName]; int i = 2; string SWCPAssy = SWCP_xlSheet.Cells[SWCPAssyCol][i].Value; while (SWCPAssy != null && SWCPAssy != "") { if (SWCPAssy == "GJ32-12A650-MBB") { } int j = 0; string BOMAssy = BOM_xlSheet.Cells[BOMAssyCol][BOMStartRow].Value; while (BOMAssy != null && BOMAssy != "") { if (BOMAssy == SWCPAssy || BOMAssy == new PartNumber(SWCPAssy).ToStringNo()) { object BOM_isFitted = BOM_xlSheet.Cells[VehicleStartCol + Sequence][BOMStartRow + j].Value; if (BOM_isFitted != null) { if (BOM_isFitted.ToString() != "") { PartLineage Target = EBOM.GetModuleByAssyPN(SWCPAssy); if (Target != null) PARTS += Target.ToBroadcast(); } } } j++; BOMAssy = BOM_xlSheet.Cells[BOMAssyCol][BOMStartRow + j].Value; } i++; SWCPAssy = SWCP_xlSheet.Cells[SWCPAssyCol][ i + 1].Value; } BOM_xlSheet = BOM_xlBook.Sheets[BOMSheetName]; SWCP_xlSheet = SWCP_xlBook.Sheets[SWCPSheetName]; SWCP_xlBook.Close(); BOM_xlBook.Close(); xlApp.Quit(); }
private void btn_Check_Click_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.tbx_Check_Result.Text = ""; List<string> BOM = new List<string>(); List<string> SWCPTop = new List<string>(); List<string> SWCPBoughtIn = new List<string>(); object missing = Missing.Value; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook BOM_xlBook = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet BOM_xlSheet = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook SWCP_xlBook = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet SWCP_xlSheet = null; xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); xlApp.DisplayAlerts = false; tbx_Check_Result.AppendText("Reading SWCP" + "\r\n"); SWCP_xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(tbx_Setting_SWCP.Text); SWCP_xlSheet = SWCP_xlBook.Sheets[tbx_Setting_SWCPSheetName.Text]; int Rows = 2; string SWCPAssy = SWCP_xlSheet.Cells[nud_Setting_SWCPTopAssyCol.Value][Rows].Value; while (SWCPAssy != null && SWCPAssy != "") { SWCPTop.Add(SWCPAssy); if (Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_SWCPBoughtin_Column.Value) != 0) { object TargetBoughtIn = SWCP_xlSheet.Cells[nud_Setting_SWCPBoughtin_Column.Value][Rows].Value; if (TargetBoughtIn != null && TargetBoughtIn.ToString() !="") SWCPBoughtIn.Add(TargetBoughtIn.ToString()); } Rows++; SWCPAssy = SWCP_xlSheet.Cells[nud_Setting_SWCPTopAssyCol.Value][Rows].Value; if (Rows % 10 == 0) tbx_Check_Result.AppendText((Rows / 10).ToString("00") + "\r\n"); } SWCP_xlBook.Close(); tbx_Check_Result.AppendText("Reading BOM" + "\r\n"); BOM_xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(tbx_Setting_BOM.Text); BOM_xlSheet = BOM_xlBook.Sheets[tbx_Setting_BOMSheetName.Text]; Rows = 0; string BOMAssy = BOM_xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_BOMTopCol.Value)][Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_BOMStartRow.Value) + Rows].Value; while (BOMAssy != null && BOMAssy != "") { BOM.Add(BOMAssy); Rows++; BOMAssy = BOM_xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_BOMTopCol.Value)][Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_BOMStartRow.Value) + Rows].Value; if (Rows % 100 == 0) tbx_Check_Result.AppendText((Rows / 100).ToString("0000") + "\r\n"); } tbx_Check_Result.AppendText("Reading Complete"); BOM_xlBook.Close(); xlApp.Quit(); this.tbx_Check_Result.Text = ""; IVSStructure EBOM = new IVSStructure(this.tbx_Setting_EBOM.Text); if (tbx_Setting_EBOMExtra.Text != "") EBOM.LoadEBOMExtra(tbx_Setting_EBOMExtra.Text); //Check if Top Assembly Parts in BOM tbx_Check_Result.AppendText("-----Top Assembly BOM PN Check------\r\n"); foreach (string target in SWCPTop) { if (!BOM.Exists(s=>s==new PartNumber(target).ToStringNo())) tbx_Check_Result.AppendText(target + " NOT in BOM\r\n"); } /* AddResult("-----Bought In BOM PN Check------\r\n", tbx_Check_Result); foreach (string target in SWCPBoughtIn) { if (!BOM.Exists(s => s == new PartNumber(target).ToStringNo())) AddResult(target + " NOT in BOM\r\n", tbx_Check_Result); } */ tbx_Check_Result.AppendText("-----EBOM PN Check------\r\n"); foreach (string target in SWCPTop) { PartLineage Part = EBOM.GetModuleByAssyPN(target); if (Part == null) tbx_Check_Result.AppendText(target + " NOT in EBOM\r\n"); } tbx_Check_Result.AppendText("Test Complete"); MessageBox.Show("Test Complete"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Please Check Settings!"); } }
private void btn_SDS_GetInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string targetPN = (tbx_SDS_PartNumber.Text.Trim()).ToUpper(); lb_SDS_Software.Items.Clear(); tbx_SDS_BroadcastString.Text = ""; IVSStructure EBOM = new IVSStructure(); if (!EBOM.LoadEBOM(tbx_Setting_EBOM.Text)) MessageBox.Show("Can NOT Open EBOM, Please Check Setting Page", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); else { lb_SDS_Software.Items.Clear(); EBOM.LoadEBOMExtra(tbx_Setting_EBOMExtra.Text); PartLineage PN = EBOM.GetModuleByAssyPN(targetPN); if (PN != null) { this.tbx_SDS_Title.Text = PN.ECUAcronym + "_" + PN.AssyPN.Part.ToString(); tbx_SDS_PartNumber.Enabled = true; tbx_SDS_Security.Enabled = true; tbx_SDS_Title.Enabled = true; btn_SDS_GenSDS.Enabled = true; lb_SDS_SWDLMethod.Enabled = true; lb_SDS_Software.Enabled = true; foreach (SoftPart t in PN.Softwares) { lb_SDS_Software.Items.Add(t.ToString()); if (t.IsFlash) lb_SDS_Software.SelectedItems.Add(t.ToString()); } lb_SDS_SWDLMethod.SelectedItem = "SWDL005"; //Broadcast String this.tbx_SDS_BroadcastString.Text = PN.ToBroadcast(); } else MessageBox.Show("Part Number not Found", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btn_SDS_GenSDS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IVSStructure EBOM = new IVSStructure(); if (!EBOM.LoadEBOM(tbx_Setting_EBOM.Text)) MessageBox.Show("Can NOT Open EBOM, Please Check Setting Page"); else { if (!IVSStructure.isValidPN(tbx_SDS_PartNumber.Text)) MessageBox.Show("Wrong Part Number Format"); else { if (tbx_Setting_EBOMExtra.Text != "") EBOM.LoadEBOMExtra(tbx_Setting_EBOMExtra.Text); PartLineage PN = EBOM.GetModuleByAssyPN(tbx_SDS_PartNumber.Text.ToUpper()); if (PN == null) MessageBox.Show("Part Number NOT Found in EBOM"); else { try { string GenerateMessage = ""; if (sfg_SDS_File.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string OutputFolder = new FileInfo(sfg_SDS_File.FileName).DirectoryName; String Output = ""; Output += "title\t\t\t\t\t\t= \"" + tbx_SDS_Title.Text + "\";" + "\r\n"; Output += "protocol\t\t\t\t\t= \"Jaguar 11-bit\";" + "\r\n"; Output += "\r\n"; Output += "inhibit_tester_present\t\t\t\t= TRUE;" + "\r\n"; Output += "broadcast_keep_alive_net\t\t\t= TRUE;" + "\r\n"; Output += "check_for_updates_only\t\t\t\t= FALSE;" + "\r\n"; Output += "force_all_updates\t\t\t\t= TRUE;" + "\r\n"; Output += "rig_update_mode\t\t\t\t\t= TRUE;" + "\r\n"; Output += "\r\n"; Output += "node" + "\r\n"; Output += "{"; if (PN.NodeAddr == "MOST") { Output += "\tname\t\t\t\t\t= \"HLDF\";" + "\r\n"; Output += "\tecu_address\t\t\t\t= 0x7A5;" + "\r\n"; } else { Output += "\tname\t\t\t\t\t= \"" + PN.ECUAcronym + "\";" + "\r\n"; Output += "\tecu_address\t\t\t\t= " + "0x" + PN.NodeAddr + ";" + "\r\n"; } Output += "};" + "\r\n"; Output += "\r\n"; Output += "node" + "\r\n"; Output += "{" + "\r\n"; Output += "\tid\t\t\t\t\t= \"" + PN.ECUAcronym + "\";" + "\r\n"; Output += "\r\n"; Output += "\tswdl_method\t\t\t\t= \"" + lb_SDS_SWDLMethod.SelectedItem + "\";" + "\r\n"; Output += "\tname\t\t\t\t\t= \"" + PN.ECUAcronym + "\";" + "\r\n"; Output += "\tecu_address\t\t\t\t= " + "0x" + PN.NodeAddr + ";" + "\r\n"; Output += "\tnd_security_interface\t\t\t= \"" + tbx_SDS_Security.Text + "\";" + "\r\n"; if (PN.SBL != null) { Output += "\tnd_sbl_vbf_file\t\t\t\t= \"" + PN.SBL.Part.ToString() + ".VBF\";" + "\r\n"; if (cbx_SDS_VBF.Checked) { try { string TargetPN = OutputFolder + "\\" + PN.SBL.Part.ToString() + ".VBF"; string SourcePN = tbx_Setting_VBFFolder.Text + "\\" + PN.SBL.Part.ToString() + ".VBF"; if (File.Exists(TargetPN)) File.Delete(TargetPN); File.Copy(SourcePN, TargetPN); } catch { GenerateMessage += PN.SBL.Part.ToString() + " not found\r\n"; } } } else Output += "\tnd_sbl_vbf_file\t\t\t\t= \"(none)\";" + "\r\n"; //Software int j = 1; for (int i = 0; i < PN.Softwares.Count; i++) { if (lb_SDS_Software.SelectedItems.Contains(PN.Softwares[i].ToString())) { Output += "\r\n"; Output += "\tdata" + j.ToString() + "_vbf_file\t\t\t\t= \"" + PN.Softwares[i].Part.ToString() + ".vbf" + "\"" + ";\r\n"; Output += "\tdata" + j.ToString() + "_part_did\t\t\t\t= " + "0x" + PN.Softwares[i].PID + ";\r\n"; Output += "\tdata" + j.ToString() + "_part_ref\t\t\t\t= \"" + PN.Softwares[i].Part.ToString() + "\"" + ";\r\n"; Output += "\tdata" + j.ToString() + "_part_inf\t\t\t\t= \"" + PN.Softwares[i].Type.ToString() + "\"" + ";\r\n"; if (cbx_SDS_VBF.Checked) { try { string TargetPN = OutputFolder + "\\" + PN.Softwares[i].Part.ToString() + ".VBF"; string SourcePN = tbx_Setting_VBFFolder.Text + "\\" + PN.Softwares[i].Part.ToString() + ".VBF"; if (File.Exists(TargetPN)) File.Delete(TargetPN); File.Copy(SourcePN, TargetPN); } catch { GenerateMessage += PN.Softwares[i].Part.ToString() + " not found\r\n"; } } j++; } } Output += "};" + "\r\n"; Output += "\r\n"; Output += "node" + "\r\n"; Output += "{" + "\r\n"; Output += "\tid\t\t\t\t\t= \"Exit and DTC Clear\";" + "\r\n"; Output += "\r\n"; Output += "\tswdl_method\t\t\t\t= \"DTCCLEAR2\";" + "\r\n"; Output += "\tname\t\t\t\t\t= \"EXIT\";" + "\r\n"; Output += "\tecu_address\t\t\t\t= 0x7DF;" + "\r\n"; Output += "};"; if (File.Exists(sfg_SDS_File.FileName)) File.Delete(sfg_SDS_File.FileName); FileStream fs = new FileStream(this.sfg_SDS_File.FileName,FileMode.OpenOrCreate); byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Output); fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length); fs.Flush(); fs.Close(); //Copy Security File string SourceSecu = tbx_setting_SecurityFolder.Text + "\\" + CurrentSecurityFile; string TargetSecu = OutputFolder + "\\" + CurrentSecurityFile; if (File.Exists(SourceSecu)) { if (File.Exists(TargetSecu)) { File.Delete(TargetSecu); } File.Copy(SourceSecu, TargetSecu); } MessageBox.Show("Generate Finished\r\n" + GenerateMessage, "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Generate Failed", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } } }
private void btn_Setting_Fill_SWCP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Test Codes /* Snapshot a = new Snapshot(); a.Load(this.tbx_Setting_Snapshot.Text); test = a.CompareData("ABS", "F190", "L2CVA2BG6FG000518"); */ //End of Test Codes tbx_SWCP_Result.Text = ""; try { tbc_Main.SelectTab(tbp_SWCPGen.Name); IVSStructure EBOM = new IVSStructure(tbx_Setting_EBOM.Text); Snapshot theSS = new Snapshot(); DirectoryInfo theVBFDir; DirectoryInfo ExportVBFDir; string[] VBFFileNameList = new string[1]; if (cbx_SWCP_ifCompare.Checked == true) { if (theSS.Load(this.tbx_Setting_Snapshot.Text)) { } else { throw new Exception("SnapShot File Error, Please choose again"); } } if (cbx_SWCP_CompareVBF.Checked) { theVBFDir = new DirectoryInfo(this.tbx_Setting_VBFFolder.Text); FileInfo[] VBFList = theVBFDir.GetFiles(); VBFFileNameList = new string[VBFList.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < VBFList.Length; j++) { VBFFileNameList[j] = VBFList[j].Name.ToUpper(); } } if (cbx_SWCP_ExportVBF.Checked) { theVBFDir = new DirectoryInfo(this.tbx_Setting_VBFFolder.Text); FileInfo[] VBFList = theVBFDir.GetFiles(); VBFFileNameList = new string[VBFList.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < VBFList.Length; j++) { VBFFileNameList[j] = VBFList[j].Name.ToUpper(); } if (fbd_SWCP_ExportVBF.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ExportVBFDir = new DirectoryInfo(fbd_SWCP_ExportVBF.SelectedPath); } else { throw new Exception("Please select VBF Export Folder"); } } if (tbx_Setting_EBOMExtra.Text != "") EBOM.LoadEBOMExtra(tbx_Setting_EBOMExtra.Text); if (tbx_Setting_EBOMExtra.Text != "") EBOM.LoadEBOMExtra(tbx_Setting_EBOMExtra.Text); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook xlBook = null; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet xlSheet = null; object missing = Missing.Value; xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(tbx_Setting_SWCP.Text); xlSheet = xlBook.Sheets[tbx_Setting_SWCPSheetName.Text]; int i = 2; while (IVSStructure.isValidPN(xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_SWCPTopAssyCol.Value)][i].Value)) { PartLineage PN = EBOM.GetModuleByAssyPN(xlSheet.Cells[nud_Setting_SWCPTopAssyCol.Value][i].Value); if (PN == null) { tbx_SWCP_Result.AppendText("Warning:" + xlSheet.Cells[nud_Setting_SWCPTopAssyCol.Value][i].Value + " Data NOT Found in EBOM\r\n"); xlSheet.Cells[nud_Setting_Comment_Column.Value][i].Value = "Part Number NOT Found in EBOM"; } else { tbx_SWCP_Result.AppendText("Working on " + xlSheet.Cells[nud_Setting_SWCPTopAssyCol.Value][i].Value); //ECU Address if (PN.NodeAddr != null) { xlSheet.Cells[(Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_EDUAddress_Column.Value))][i].Value = ("0x" + PN.NodeAddr); } tbx_SWCP_Result.AppendText("."); //Network if (PN.Protocol != null) xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_Network_Column.Value)][i].Value = PN.Protocol; tbx_SWCP_Result.AppendText("."); //SBL if (PN.SBL != null) { xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_SBL_Column.Value)][i].Value = PN.SBL.Part.ToString(); if (cbx_SWCP_CompareVBF.Checked) { string target = PN.SBL.Part.ToString().ToUpper(); if (!target.EndsWith(".VBF")) target = target + ".VBF"; if (VBFFileNameList.Contains<string>(target)) xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_SBL_Column.Value)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 4; else { if (PN.CheckFlash()) xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_SBL_Column.Value)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 3; else xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_SBL_Column.Value)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 27; } } } tbx_SWCP_Result.AppendText("."); //Hardware if (PN.Hardware != null) { xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_Hardware_Column.Value)][i].Value = PN.Hardware.Part.ToString(); xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_Hardware_Column.Value + 1)][i].Value = PN.Hardware.PID; if (cbx_SWCP_ifCompare.Checked == true) { int result = theSS.CompareData(PN.ECUAcronym, PN.Hardware.PID, PN.Hardware.Part.ToString()); if (result == 1) { xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_Hardware_Column.Value)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 4; if (xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_Hardware_Column.Value)][i].Comment != null) xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_Hardware_Column.Value)][i].Comment.Delete(); } else if (result == 2) { xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_Hardware_Column.Value)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 3; xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_Hardware_Column.Value)][i].AddComment(theSS.GetData(PN.ECUAcronym, PN.Hardware.PID)); } } } tbx_SWCP_Result.AppendText("."); //Application if (PN.Softwares != null) { for (int j = 0; j < PN.Softwares.Count; j++) { xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4)][i].Value = PN.Softwares[j].Part.ToString(); if (cbx_SWCP_ifCompare.Checked == true) { int result = theSS.CompareData(PN.ECUAcronym.ToString(), PN.Softwares[j].PID, PN.Softwares[j].Part.ToString()); if (result == 1) { xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 4; if (xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4)][i].Comment != null) xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4)][i].Comment.Delete(); } else if (result == 2) { if (!PN.Softwares[j].IsFlash) xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 3; else xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 27; xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4)][i].AddComment(theSS.GetData(PN.ECUAcronym, PN.Softwares[j].PID)); } } else if (cbx_SWCP_CompareVBF.Checked == true) { string target = PN.Softwares[j].Part.ToString().ToUpper(); if (!target.EndsWith(".VBF")) target = target + ".VBF"; if (VBFFileNameList.Contains<string>(target)) xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 4; else { if (!PN.Softwares[j].IsFlash) xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 27; else xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4)][i].Interior.Colorindex = 3; } } xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4) + 1][i].Value = PN.Softwares[j].PID; xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4) + 2][i].Value = PN.Softwares[j].Type.ToString(); if (PN.Softwares[j].IsFlash) xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4) + 3][i].Value = "Y"; else xlSheet.Cells[(nud_Setting_APP_Column.Value) + (j * 4) + 3][i].Value = "N"; tbx_SWCP_Result.AppendText("."); } } tbx_SWCP_Result.AppendText("."); //Comment if (PN.Latest == false) xlSheet.Cells[Convert.ToInt32(nud_Setting_Comment_Column.Value)][i].Value = "Not Latest Version"; tbx_SWCP_Result.AppendText("Done!\r\n"); } i++; } xlApp.Visible = true; //xlBook.Save(); //xlApp.Quit(); } catch (Exception Error) { MessageBox.Show(Error.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }