private string GetCategorisationID(CategoryScheme cs) { string catsID = String.Empty; if (cs.Id != String.Empty) { catsID = String.Format("{0}@{1}@{2}@{3}@{4}@{5}",, _ds.DSDIdentifier.agencyid, _ds.DSDIdentifier.version.Replace(".", ""), cs.Id, cs.Version.Replace(".", ""), cs.Categories[0].Code); } return catsID; }
public static CategoryScheme GetCategoryInfo(int idCat) { DataWrapper dtw = new DataWrapper(DataWrapper.ECONNECTIONTYPE.SQL, DataAccess.SQLConnString_DB.ConnectionString); if (dtw.TestConnection()) { dtw.DBConnection.Open(); try { System.Data.IDbCommand cmd = dtw.DBConnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandText = "proc_GET_CATEGORY_INFO"; System.Data.IDbDataParameter prmIDCat = cmd.CreateParameter(); prmIDCat.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Int32; prmIDCat.ParameterName = "@IDCat"; prmIDCat.Value = idCat; cmd.Parameters.Add(prmIDCat); CategoryScheme cs = new CategoryScheme(); IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { cs.Id = reader["ID"].ToString(); cs.AgencyId = reader["Agency"].ToString(); cs.Version = reader["Version"].ToString(); cs.Categories.Add(new Category() { Code = reader["CatCode"].ToString() }); } dtw.DBConnection.Close(); return cs; } catch (Exception ex) { dtw.DBConnection.Close(); throw ex; } } return null; }
/* public void Set_TRANSCODE_TIME(string charEnd, TranscodeTime.TypePeriod typePeriod) { _useTranscodeTime = true; _transcodeTime = new TranscodeTime(); _transcodeTime.stopChar = charEnd; _transcodeTime.periodChar = ((TranscodeTime.TypePeriod)typePeriod); if (this._mapping!=null && this._mapping.IsValid) { ISTAT.DBDAL.DataAccess.Update_TranscodeTime(this._mapping.IDSchema, charEnd, (int) typePeriod); } } public TranscodeTime Get_TRANSCODE_TIME() { _useTranscodeTime = true; if (this._mapping != null && this._mapping.IsValid) { return ISTAT.DBDAL.DataAccess.Get_TranscodeTime(this._mapping.IDSchema); } else return null; } public Dictionary<string, List<string>> Get_DATA_VIEW(int maxResult=0) { Dictionary<string, List<string>> _view = null; // return view of csv file if (_fileCsvData != null && _fileCsvData.IsValid) { string[] filesCSV= System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(_fileCsvData.filePath); foreach (string fileName in filesCSV) { System.IO.StreamReader streamFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName); _view = Mapping.GetView(streamFile.BaseStream, _mapping, _transcodeTime, maxResult, (_fileCsvData.firstRowHeader) ? 1 : 0); streamFile.Close(); break; } } // return view of xml file if (_filesXmlData != null) foreach (string fileName in _filesXmlData) { System.IO.StreamReader streamFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName); _view = ISTAT.DBDAL.DataSDMX.GetView(streamFile.BaseStream, _transcodeTime, maxResult); streamFile.Close(); break; } return _view; } public QueryReport Insert_DATA() { QueryReport result = new QueryReport(); Dictionary<string, List<string>> _view = null; // return view of csv file if (_fileCsvData != null && _fileCsvData.IsValid) { string[] filesCSV = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(_fileCsvData.filePath); foreach (string fileName in filesCSV) { using (System.IO.StreamReader streamFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName)) { _view = Mapping.GetView(streamFile.BaseStream, _mapping, _transcodeTime, 0, 0); } QueryReport _result = ISTAT.DBDAL.DataAccess.Insert_Data(this.DataSet.IDSet, _view); result.Marge(_result); } } // return view of xml file if (_filesXmlData != null) foreach (string fileName in _filesXmlData) { using (System.IO.StreamReader streamFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName)) { _view = ISTAT.DBDAL.DataSDMX.GetView(streamFile.BaseStream, _transcodeTime, 0); } QueryReport _result = ISTAT.DBDAL.DataAccess.Insert_Data(this.DataSet.IDSet, _view); result.Marge(_result); } return result; } */ public List<CategoryScheme> GetCategoryScheme() { try { DataTable dtCSFull = DataAccess.GetCategorySchemes(); List<CategoryScheme> lCategories = new List<CategoryScheme>(); if (dtCSFull == null || dtCSFull.Rows.Count <= 0) return null; DataView viewCS = new DataView(dtCSFull); DataTable dtCS = viewCS.ToTable(true, "IDCS", "CSID", "CSAgency", "CSVersion"); CategoryScheme catSchema = null; string filter; foreach (DataRow cs in dtCS.Rows) { catSchema = new CategoryScheme(); catSchema.Id = cs["CSID"].ToString(); catSchema.AgencyId = cs["CSAgency"].ToString(); catSchema.Version = cs["CSVersion"].ToString(); // Get Names DataTable dtCSNames = viewCS.ToTable(true, "IDCS", "CSLangName", "CSValueName"); filter = String.Format("IDCS = {0}", cs["IDCS"].ToString()); var names = dtCSNames.Select(filter); foreach (var name in names) catSchema.Names.Add(new TextTypeWrapper(name[1].ToString(), name[2].ToString())); DataTable dtCategories = viewCS.ToTable(true, "IdCat", "IdParent", "Catcode", "IDCS"); var categories = dtCategories.Select(filter); foreach (var category in categories) { Category cat; cat = new Category(category["IDCat"].ToString(), category["IDParent"].ToString(), category["CatCode"].ToString()); DataTable dtCatNames = viewCS.ToTable(true, "IDCat", "CatLangName", "CatValueName", "IDCS"); string newfilter = filter + " AND IDCat = " + cat.IDCategory; var categoryNames = dtCatNames.Select(newfilter); foreach (var categoryName in categoryNames) cat.Names.Add(new TextTypeWrapper(categoryName["CatLangName"].ToString(), categoryName["CatValueName"].ToString())); catSchema.Categories.Add(cat); } lCategories.Add(catSchema); } return lCategories; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }