		/// <summary>
		/// Test battery charging.
		/// </summary>
		private void TestBatteryCharging()
            if ( !Configuration.DockingStation.IsRechargeable() )

            if ( !IsInstrumentDocked() )

            if ( _dockedInstrument == null )
                _dockedInstrument = ReadDockedInstrument();

            if ( _dockedInstrument == null )
                ReportDiagnostic( DiagnosticResources.BATTERY_INSTALLED, false /*battery installed == false*/, true /*failed*/ );

			// Find the battery code.
			string batteryCode = string.Empty;
            foreach ( InstalledComponent installedComponent in _dockedInstrument.InstalledComponents )
				if ( installedComponent.Component.Type.Code.StartsWith( "BP" ) ) 
					batteryCode = installedComponent.Component.Type.Code;

			// Determine if a battery is installed
			if ( batteryCode == string.Empty )
                ReportDiagnostic( DiagnosticResources.BATTERY_INSTALLED, false /*battery installed == false*/, true /*failed*/ );

			// Check the battery type.
			string message = GetText( DiagnosticResources.INSTRUMENT_BATTERY_CODE_PROMPT, batteryCode , DiagnosticResources.PRESS_LEFT_SUCCESS_PROMPT );
			Controller.Key keyPressed = GetPassFailKey( message );
			ReportDiagnostic( DiagnosticResources.INSTRUMENT_BATTERY_CODE, keyPressed , ( keyPressed != Controller.Key.Left ) );

			// If correct battery type, test charging.
			if ( keyPressed == Controller.Key.Left )
                InstrumentChargingOperation chargingOp = new InstrumentChargingOperation();
                ChargingService.ChargingState chState = chargingOp.ChargingState;
                // Note that "NotCharging" is a passable state. The instrument will report a
                // phase of ChargeComplete if it's receiving charge current from the IDS but
                // isn't currently using it.  This will result in a NotCharging chargingstate.
                // The instrument will report a phase of ChargeOff if it's NOT receiving a
                // charge current from the IDS.  This is what we're interested in detecting 
                // and it results in a ChargingState.Error.
                bool failed = chargingOp.ChargingState == ChargingService.ChargingState.Error;
                ReportDiagnostic( DiagnosticResources.INSTRUMENT_CHARGING,  chState.ToString(), failed );
                message = GetText( DiagnosticResources.INSTRUMENT_CHARGING_PROMPT" , batteryCode , DiagnosticResources.PRESS_LEFT_SUCCESS_PROMPT" );
                keyPressed = GetPassFailKey( message );
                ReportDiagnostic( DiagnosticResources.INSTRUMENT_CHARGING" , keyPressed , ( keyPressed != Controller.Keys.Left ) );
		/// <summary>
		/// Test instrument ping.
		/// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Attempt to ping the instrument and read its settings.
        /// </remarks>
        private bool TestInstrumentCommunication()
            if ( !IsInstrumentDocked() )
                return false;

            _dockedInstrument = ReadDockedInstrument();

            ReportDiagnostic( DiagnosticResources.INSTRUMENT_PING, _dockedInstrument != null, _dockedInstrument == null );

            return _dockedInstrument != null; 
        internal List <GasEndPoint> GetGasEndPoints(string eventCode, DockingStationAction dsAction, StringBuilder explanation, List <string> explanationCodes, List <string> errorCodes)
            Log.Debug(string.Format("{0}.GetGasEndPoints, {1}", Name, eventCode));
            //errorCodes.Clear(); // SGF  20-Feb-2013  INS-3821

            ISC.iNet.DS.DomainModel.Instrument dockedInstrument = Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument;
            DockingStation dockingStation = Configuration.DockingStation;

            List <GasEndPoint> gasEndPoints = new List <GasEndPoint>();

            foreach (InstalledComponent installedComponent in dockedInstrument.InstalledComponents)
                if (!(installedComponent.Component is Sensor))

                Sensor sensor = (Sensor)installedComponent.Component;
                if (!sensor.Enabled)
                    Log.Info(string.Format("{0}: Ignoring disabled sensor {1}", Name, sensor.Uid));

                // SGF  21-May-2012  INS-3078 -- Comment out the following if statement
                //if (!GasOperationsSupported(sensor))
                //    Log.Debug( string.Format( "{0}.GasOperationsSupported returned False for sensor {1}. Ignoring sensor.", Name, sensor.SerialNumber ) );
                //    continue;

                if (sensor.CalibrationGas.Code.Length == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Sensor " + sensor.Uid + " has null calibration gas code.");

                // SGF  03-Nov-2010  Single Sensor Cal and Bump
                if (dsAction is InstrumentGasAction)
                    InstrumentGasAction gasAction = (InstrumentGasAction)dsAction;
                    if (gasAction.ComponentCodes.Count != 0 && !gasAction.ComponentCodes.Contains(sensor.Type.Code))
                        Log.Debug(string.Format("{0}: Component type {1} is not included in the defined list of components to test. Ignoring sensor.", Name, sensor.Type.Code));

                Log.Debug(string.Format("{0}: Looking for sensor {1}'s cal gas ({2})", Name, sensor.Uid, sensor.CalibrationGas.Code));

                _empty     = _expired = _gasFound = _freshFound = _zeroFound = false;
                _gasNeeded = true;  // SGF  21-May-2012  INS-3078

                // INS-8630 RHP v7.5 clear the messages for every installed component to avoid confusion
                errorCodes.Clear(); // SGF  20-Feb-2013  INS-3821

                // Loop thru the cylinders for the docking station and if the cylinder contains the gas that
                // the sensor needs, add that cylinder as a gas end point in the docking station action.
                FindInstalledCylinderGases(eventCode, gasEndPoints, dockingStation, installedComponent, explanation, explanationCodes, errorCodes);

                if (!_freshFound && !_zeroFound)
                    // Present which type of air should be, but is not, available.  If the port1 restrictions
                    // only allow for zero air, present 'ZERO AIR'; otherwise, present 'FRESH AIR'.
                    if (Configuration.DockingStation.Port1Restrictions == PortRestrictions.ZeroAir)
                        errorCodes.Add(string.Format("{0} ({1})", "ZEROAIR", GasCode.O2));     // SGF  20-Feb-2013  INS-3821
                    else if (Configuration.DockingStation.Port1Restrictions == PortRestrictions.FreshAir)
                        GasType gasType = GasType.Cache[GasCode.FreshAir];
                        if (gasType != null)
                            errorCodes.Add(string.Format("{0} ({1})", gasType.Symbol, gasType.Code));     // SGF  20-Feb-2013  INS-3821

                    else // SGF  19-Jan-2012  INS-1913 & INS-1914
                        // either fresh air or zero air is allowed; present which type is connected, if something is connected.
                        GasEndPoint gasEndPoint = dockingStation.GasEndPoints[0];
                        Cylinder    cyl         = gasEndPoint.Cylinder;
                        if (cyl.IsZeroAir)
                            errorCodes.Add(string.Format("{0} ({1})", "ZEROAIR", GasCode.O2));     // SGF  20-Feb-2013  INS-3821
                        else //suresh 14-Mar-2012 INS-4427 (DEV)
                            // If port 1 cylinder is not Zero Air then we report that 'Fresh air' is unavailable
                            GasType gasType = GasType.Cache[GasCode.FreshAir];
                            if (gasType != null)
                                errorCodes.Add(string.Format("{0} ({1})", gasType.Symbol, gasType.Code));     // SGF  20-Feb-2013  INS-3821

                    if (_expired)
                        errorCodes.Add("Expired");  // INS-8630 RHP v7.5 - Notify iNet on the expired state
                    else if (_empty)
                        errorCodes.Add(PressureLevel.Empty.ToString());     // INS-8630 RHP v7.5 - Notify iNet on the empty state
                    explanation.Append("Fresh air not found for sensor " + sensor.Uid + '\n');

                    Log.Debug(string.Format("{0}: Returning nothing: gasFound={1}, freshFound={2}, expired={3}, empty={4}", Name, _gasFound, _freshFound, _expired, _empty));
                    return(new List <GasEndPoint>());

                if (_gasNeeded && !_gasFound)    // SGF  21-May-2012  INS-3078 -- add the '_gasNeeded' clause to the if-condition
                    // If gas not found, IDS needs the symbol for that gas for display on its LCD.
                    // Look it up in our cache.  For Fresh Air, we just return the gas code;
                    // The IDS knows to look for that as a special case.
                    if (sensor.CalibrationGas.Code == GasCode.FreshAir)
                        GasType gasType = GasType.Cache[GasCode.FreshAir];
                        if (gasType != null)
                            errorCodes.Add(string.Format("{0} ({1})", gasType.Symbol, gasType.Code));     // SGF  20-Feb-2013  INS-3821
                    // DSW-1758 RHP v9.6.1 - Added (! (_expired || _empty) ) since gas symbol has already been added to explanationCodes for Empty/Expired states.
                    else if (!(_expired || _empty))
                        // If we're doing a bump test, and this is a combustible sensor either in LEL or PPM mode,
                        // and docking station has a CombustibleBumpTestGas setting, then make sure we report that the
                        // gas type not found is the CombustibleBumpTestGas and not the sensor cal gas.
                        string sensorGasCode = sensor.CalibrationGas.Code;
                        if ((eventCode == EventCode.BumpTest) &&
                            (sensor.Type.Code == SensorCode.CombustibleLEL || sensor.Type.Code == SensorCode.CombustiblePPM) &&
                            (Configuration.DockingStation.CombustibleBumpTestGas.Length > 0))
                            sensorGasCode = Configuration.DockingStation.CombustibleBumpTestGas;
                        GasType gasType = GasType.Cache[sensorGasCode];
                        if (gasType != null)
                            errorCodes.Add(string.Format("{0} ({1})", gasType.Symbol, gasType.Code));     // SGF  20-Feb-2013  INS-3821

                    if (_expired)
                        errorCodes.Add("Expired");  // INS-8630 RHP v7.5 - Notify iNet on the expired state
                    else if (_empty)
                        errorCodes.Add(PressureLevel.Empty.ToString());     // INS-8630 RHP v7.5 - Notify iNet on the empty state

                    explanation.Append("Could not find cylinder needed for sensor " + sensor.Uid + ", CalGasCode=\"" + sensor.CalibrationGas.Code + "\" (");
                    for (int i = 0; i < explanationCodes.Count; i++)
                        if (i > 0)
                            explanation.Append(" ");

                    Log.Debug(string.Format("{0}: Returning nothing: gasFound={1}, freshFound={2}, expired={3}, empty={4}", Name, _gasFound, _freshFound, _expired, _empty));
                    return(new List <GasEndPoint>());

                // Zero air is required for CO2 sensors; Only zero air is used to zero CO2, never fresh air.
                if ((sensor.CalibrationGas.Code == GasCode.CO2) && !_zeroFound)
                    GasType gasType = GasType.Cache[GasCode.O2];
                    if (gasType != null)
                        explanationCodes.Add("ZEROAIR");                                   // SGF  5-Feb-2013  INS-3837
                        errorCodes.Add(string.Format("{0} ({1})", "ZEROAIR", GasCode.O2)); // SGF  20-Feb-2013  INS-3821
                    if (_expired)
                    else if (_empty)
                    explanation.Append("Zero air not found for CO2 sensor " + sensor.Uid + '\n');
                    Log.Debug(string.Format("{0}: Returning nothing: gasFound={1}, freshFound={2}, expired={3}, empty={4}", Name, _gasFound, _freshFound, _expired, _empty));
                    return(new List <GasEndPoint>());;

            Log.Debug(string.Format("{0}.GetGasEndPoints returned {1} gas end points", Name, gasEndPoints.Count));