static void Main(string[] args) { IApplicationContext context = new XmlApplicationContext("IrcBot-applicationContext.xml"); XmlConfigurator.Configure(new System.IO.FileInfo("log4net.xml")); botResponders = (List <Responder>)context.GetObject("responderList"); pollers = (List <Poller>)context.GetObject("pollerList"); managers = (Dictionary <String, AbstractManager>)context.GetObject("managers"); connection = ((IrcConnectionManager)getManager(IrcConnectionManager.MANAGER_NAME)).connection; CHANNEL = (String)context.GetObject("IrcChannel"); NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration config = new NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration(); config.Configure(); config.AddAssembly(typeof(User).Assembly); ISessionFactory sessionFactory = config.BuildSessionFactory(); //var schema = new SchemaExport(config); //schema.Create(true, true); mySession = sessionFactory.OpenSession(); List <User> savedUsers = (List <User>)mySession.CreateCriteria <User>().List <User>(); users.AddRange(savedUsers); //Start pollers //set the channel and connection objects. foreach (Poller poller in pollers) { poller.connection = connection; = CHANNEL; } pollerManager = new PollerManager(pollers); log.Debug("Starting Skill Enumeration"); skillList = getSkillList(); foreach (SkillTree.Skill skill in skillList) { try { skillIds.Add(skill.TypeName.ToLower(), skill.TypeId); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { log.Warn("Argument exception: " + ae.Message); } } foreach (User user in users) { log.Debug("Adding user " + user.userName); nickDict.Add(user.userName, user); } string inputLine; while (true) { try { PingSender ping = new PingSender(connection); ping.setServer(connection.server); ping.start(); ActionThread actionThread = new ActionThread(); actionThread.start(); connection.joinChannel(CHANNEL); connection.privmsg(CHANNEL, "Reporting for duty!"); ArrayList results = new ArrayList(); while (true) { while ((inputLine = connection.ReadLine()) != null) { inputQueue.Enqueue(inputLine); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Caught exception in operation: " + e.Message); Thread.Sleep(5000); string[] argv = { }; } } }
public PingSender(IrcConnection connection) { this.connection = connection; pingSender = new Thread(new ThreadStart(; }