public override ProjectionExpression GetQueryExpression(MappingEntity entity) { var tableAlias = new TableAlias(); var selectAlias = new TableAlias(); var table = new TableExpression(tableAlias, entity, this.mapping.GetTableName(entity)); Expression projector = this.GetEntityExpression(table, entity); var pc = ColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.translator.Linguist.Language, projector, null, selectAlias, tableAlias); var proj = new ProjectionExpression( new SelectExpression(selectAlias, pc.Columns, table, null), pc.Projector ); return((ProjectionExpression)this.Translator.Police.ApplyPolicy(proj, entity.ElementType)); }
public override Expression GetInsertExpression(MappingEntity entity, Expression instance, LambdaExpression selector) { var tableAlias = new TableAlias(); var table = new TableExpression(tableAlias, entity, this.mapping.GetTableName(entity)); var assignments = this.GetColumnAssignments(table, instance, entity, (e, m) => !(mapping.IsGenerated(e, m) || mapping.IsReadOnly(e, m))); // #MLCHANGE if (selector != null) { return(new BlockCommand( new InsertCommand(table, assignments), this.GetInsertResult(entity, instance, selector, null) )); } return(new InsertCommand(table, assignments)); }
protected virtual Expression GetUpdateResult(MappingEntity entity, Expression instance, LambdaExpression selector) { var tq = this.GetQueryExpression(entity); var where = this.GetIdentityCheck(tq.Select, entity, instance); var selection = DbExpressionReplacer.Replace(selector.Body, selector.Parameters[0], tq.Projector); var newAlias = new TableAlias(); var pc = DbColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.translator.Linguist.Language, selection, null, newAlias, tq.Select.Alias); return(new DbProjectionExpression ( new DbSelectExpression(newAlias, pc.Columns, tq.Select, where), pc.Projector, DbAggregator.GetAggregator(selector.Body.Type, typeof(IEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(selector.Body.Type)) )); }
private bool GetEquiJoinKeyExpressions(Expression predicate, TableAlias outerAlias, List <Expression> outerExpressions, List <Expression> innerExpressions) { if (predicate.NodeType == ExpressionType.Equal) { var b = (BinaryExpression)predicate; ColumnExpression leftCol = this.GetColumnExpression(b.Left); ColumnExpression rightCol = this.GetColumnExpression(b.Right); if (leftCol != null && rightCol != null) { if (leftCol.Alias == outerAlias) { outerExpressions.Add(b.Left); innerExpressions.Add(b.Right); return(true); } else if (rightCol.Alias == outerAlias) { innerExpressions.Add(b.Left); outerExpressions.Add(b.Right); return(true); } } } bool hadKey = false; var parts = predicate.Split(ExpressionType.And, ExpressionType.AndAlso); if (parts.Length > 1) { foreach (var part in parts) { bool hasOuterAliasReference = ReferencedAliasGatherer.Gather(part).Contains(outerAlias); if (hasOuterAliasReference) { if (!GetEquiJoinKeyExpressions(part, outerAlias, outerExpressions, innerExpressions)) { return(false); } hadKey = true; } } } return(hadKey); }
private ColumnProjector(QueryLanguage language, ProjectionAffinity affinity, Expression expression, IEnumerable <ColumnDeclaration> existingColumns, TableAlias newAlias, IEnumerable <TableAlias> existingAliases) { this.language = language; this.newAlias = newAlias; this.existingAliases = new HashSet <TableAlias>(existingAliases); = new Dictionary <ColumnExpression, ColumnExpression>(); if (existingColumns != null) { this.columns = new List <ColumnDeclaration>(existingColumns); this.columnNames = new HashSet <string>(existingColumns.Select(c => c.Name)); } else { this.columns = new List <ColumnDeclaration>(); this.columnNames = new HashSet <string>(); } this.candidates = Nominator.Nominate(language, affinity, expression); }
protected override Expression VisitProjection(ProjectionExpression proj) { if (isTopLevel) { isTopLevel = false; this.currentSelect = proj.Select; Expression projector = this.Visit(proj.Projector); if (projector != proj.Projector || this.currentSelect != proj.Select) { return(new ProjectionExpression(this.currentSelect, projector, proj.Aggregator)); } return(proj); } if (proj.IsSingleton && this.CanJoinOnServer(this.currentSelect)) { TableAlias newAlias = new TableAlias(); this.currentSelect = this.currentSelect.AddRedundantSelect(this.language, newAlias); // remap any references to the outer select to the new alias; SelectExpression source = (SelectExpression)ColumnMapper.Map(proj.Select, newAlias, this.currentSelect.Alias); // add outer-join test ProjectionExpression pex = this.language.AddOuterJoinTest(new ProjectionExpression(source, proj.Projector)); var pc = ColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.language, pex.Projector, this.currentSelect.Columns, this.currentSelect.Alias, newAlias, proj.Select.Alias); JoinExpression join = new JoinExpression(JoinType.OuterApply, this.currentSelect.From, pex.Select, null); this.currentSelect = new SelectExpression(this.currentSelect.Alias, pc.Columns, join, null); return(this.Visit(pc.Projector)); } var saveTop = this.isTopLevel; var saveSelect = this.currentSelect; this.isTopLevel = true; this.currentSelect = null; Expression result = base.VisitProjection(proj); this.isTopLevel = saveTop; this.currentSelect = saveSelect; return(result); }
public override Expression GetUpdateExpression(MappingEntity entity, Expression instance, LambdaExpression updateCheck, LambdaExpression selector, Expression @else) { var tableAlias = new TableAlias(); var table = new TableExpression(tableAlias, entity, this.mapping.GetTableName(entity)); var where = this.GetIdentityCheck(table, entity, instance); if (updateCheck != null) { Expression typeProjector = this.GetEntityExpression(table, entity); Expression pred = DbExpressionReplacer.Replace(updateCheck.Body, updateCheck.Parameters[0], typeProjector); where = where.And(pred); } var assignments = this.GetColumnAssignments(table, instance, entity, (e, m) => this.mapping.IsUpdatable(e, m)); Expression update = new UpdateCommand(table, where, assignments); if (selector != null) { return(new BlockCommand( update, new IFCommand( this.translator.Linguist.Language.GetRowsAffectedExpression(update).GreaterThan(Expression.Constant(0)), this.GetUpdateResult(entity, instance, selector), @else ) )); } else if (@else != null) { return(new BlockCommand( update, new IFCommand( this.translator.Linguist.Language.GetRowsAffectedExpression(update).LessThanOrEqual(Expression.Constant(0)), @else, null ) )); } else { return(update); } }
public override Expression GetInsertExpression(MappingEntity entity, Expression instance, LambdaExpression selector) { var tables = this.mapping.GetTables(entity); if (tables.Count < 2) { return(base.GetInsertExpression(entity, instance, selector)); } var commands = new List <Expression>(); var map = this.GetDependentGeneratedColumns(entity); var vexMap = new Dictionary <MemberInfo, Expression>(); foreach (var table in this.GetDependencyOrderedTables(entity)) { var tableAlias = new TableAlias(); var tex = new DbTableExpression(tableAlias, entity, this.mapping.GetTableName(table)); var assignments = this.GetColumnAssignments ( tex, instance, entity, (e, m) => this.mapping.GetAlias(e, m) == this.mapping.GetAlias(table) && !this.mapping.IsGenerated(e, m), vexMap ); var totalAssignments = assignments.Concat(this.GetRelatedColumnAssignments(tex, entity, table, vexMap)); commands.Add(new DbInsertCommand(tex, totalAssignments)); if (map.TryGetValue(this.mapping.GetAlias(table), out List <MemberInfo> members)) { var d = this.GetDependentGeneratedVariableDeclaration(entity, table, members, instance, vexMap); commands.Add(d); } } if (selector != null) { commands.Add(this.GetInsertResult(entity, instance, selector, vexMap)); } return(new DbBlockCommand(commands)); }
public override Expression GetMemberExpression(Expression root, MappingEntity entity, MemberInfo member) { if (this.mapping.IsAssociationRelationship(entity, member)) { MappingEntity relatedEntity = this.mapping.GetRelatedEntity(entity, member); ProjectionExpression projection = this.GetQueryExpression(relatedEntity); // make where clause for joining back to 'root' var declaredTypeMembers = this.mapping.GetAssociationKeyMembers(entity, member).ToList(); var associatedMembers = this.mapping.GetAssociationRelatedKeyMembers(entity, member).ToList(); Expression where = null; for (int i = 0, n = associatedMembers.Count; i < n; i++) { Expression equal = this.GetMemberExpression(projection.Projector, relatedEntity, associatedMembers[i]).Equal( this.GetMemberExpression(root, entity, declaredTypeMembers[i]) ); where = (where != null) ? where.And(equal) : equal; } TableAlias newAlias = new TableAlias(); var pc = ColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.translator.Linguist.Language, projection.Projector, null, newAlias, projection.Select.Alias); LambdaExpression aggregator = Aggregator.GetAggregator(TypeHelper.GetMemberType(member), typeof(IEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(pc.Projector.Type)); var result = new ProjectionExpression( new SelectExpression(newAlias, pc.Columns, projection.Select, where), pc.Projector, aggregator ); return(this.translator.Police.ApplyPolicy(result, member)); } else { AliasedExpression aliasedRoot = root as AliasedExpression; if (aliasedRoot != null && this.mapping.IsColumn(entity, member)) { return(new ColumnExpression(TypeHelper.GetMemberType(member), this.GetColumnType(entity, member), aliasedRoot.Alias, this.mapping.GetColumnName(entity, member))); } return(QueryBinder.BindMember(root, member)); } }
private Expression MakeSubquery(Expression expression) { var newAlias = new TableAlias(); var aliases = DeclaredAliasGatherer.Gather(expression); var decls = new List <ColumnDeclaration>(); foreach (var ta in aliases) { foreach (var col in this.columns[ta]) { string name = decls.GetAvailableColumnName(col.Name); var decl = new ColumnDeclaration(name, col, col.QueryType); decls.Add(decl); var newCol = new ColumnExpression(col.Type, col.QueryType, newAlias, col.Name);, newCol); } } return(new SelectExpression(newAlias, decls, expression, null)); }
protected virtual DeclarationCommand GetGeneratedIdCommand(MappingEntity entity, List <MemberInfo> members, Dictionary <MemberInfo, Expression> map) { var columns = new List <ColumnDeclaration>(); var decls = new List <VariableDeclaration>(); var alias = new TableAlias(); foreach (var member in members) { Expression genId = this.translator.Linguist.Language.GetGeneratedIdExpression(member); var name = member.Name; var colType = this.GetColumnType(entity, member); columns.Add(new ColumnDeclaration(member.Name, genId, colType)); decls.Add(new VariableDeclaration(member.Name, colType, new ColumnExpression(genId.Type, colType, alias, member.Name))); if (map != null) { var vex = new VariableExpression(member.Name, TypeHelper.GetMemberType(member), colType); map.Add(member, vex); } } var select = new SelectExpression(alias, columns, null, null); return(new DeclarationCommand(decls, select)); }
public SelectExpression( TableAlias alias, IEnumerable <ColumnDeclaration> columns, Expression from, Expression where, IEnumerable <OrderExpression> orderBy, IEnumerable <Expression> groupBy, bool isDistinct, Expression skip, Expression take, bool isReverse ) : base(DbExpressionType.Select, typeof(void), alias) { this.Columns = columns.ToReadOnly(); this.IsDistinct = isDistinct; this.From = from; this.Where = where; this.OrderBy = orderBy.ToReadOnly(); this.GroupBy = groupBy.ToReadOnly(); this.Take = take; this.Skip = skip; this.IsReverse = isReverse; }
protected virtual BindResult RebindOrderings(IEnumerable <DbOrderExpression> orderings, TableAlias alias, HashSet <TableAlias> existingAliases, IEnumerable <DbColumnDeclaration> existingColumns) { var newColumns = null as List <DbColumnDeclaration>; var newOrderings = new List <DbOrderExpression>(); foreach (var ordering in orderings) { var expr = ordering.Expression; var column = expr as DbColumnExpression; if (column == null || (existingAliases != null && existingAliases.Contains(column.Alias))) { var iOrdinal = 0; foreach (var decl in existingColumns) { var declColumn = decl.Expression as DbColumnExpression; if (decl.Expression == ordering.Expression || (column != null && declColumn != null && column.Alias == declColumn.Alias && column.Name == declColumn.Name)) { expr = new DbColumnExpression(column.Type, column.QueryType, alias, decl.Name); break; } iOrdinal++; } if (expr == ordering.Expression) { if (newColumns == null) { newColumns = new List <DbColumnDeclaration>(existingColumns); existingColumns = newColumns; } var colName = column != null ? column.Name : "c" + iOrdinal; colName = newColumns.GetAvailableColumnName(colName); var colType = this.language.TypeSystem.GetColumnType(expr.Type); newColumns.Add(new DbColumnDeclaration(colName, ordering.Expression, colType)); expr = new DbColumnExpression(expr.Type, colType, alias, colName); } newOrderings.Add(new DbOrderExpression(ordering.OrderType, expr)); } } return(new BindResult(existingColumns, newOrderings)); }
internal override DbProjectionExpression GetQueryExpression(MappingEntity entity) { var tables = this.mapping.GetTables(entity); if (tables.Count <= 1) { return(base.GetQueryExpression(entity)); } var aliases = new Dictionary <string, TableAlias>(); var rootTable = tables.Single(ta => !this.mapping.IsExtensionTable(ta)); var tex = new DbTableExpression(new TableAlias(), entity, this.mapping.GetTableName(rootTable)); aliases.Add(this.mapping.GetAlias(rootTable), tex.Alias); var source = tex as Expression; foreach (var table in tables.Where(t => this.mapping.IsExtensionTable(t))) { var joinedTableAlias = new TableAlias(); var extensionAlias = this.mapping.GetAlias(table); aliases.Add(extensionAlias, joinedTableAlias); var keyColumns = this.mapping.GetExtensionKeyColumnNames(table).ToList(); var relatedMembers = this.mapping.GetExtensionRelatedMembers(table).ToList(); var relatedAlias = this.mapping.GetExtensionRelatedAlias(table); aliases.TryGetValue(relatedAlias, out TableAlias relatedTableAlias); var joinedTex = new DbTableExpression(joinedTableAlias, entity, this.mapping.GetTableName(table)); var cond = null as Expression; for (int i = 0, n = keyColumns.Count; i < n; i++) { var memberType = TypeHelper.GetMemberType(relatedMembers[i]); var colType = this.GetColumnType(entity, relatedMembers[i]); var relatedColumn = new DbColumnExpression(memberType, colType, relatedTableAlias, this.mapping.GetColumnName(entity, relatedMembers[i])); var joinedColumn = new DbColumnExpression(memberType, colType, joinedTableAlias, keyColumns[i]); var eq = joinedColumn.Equal(relatedColumn); cond = (cond != null) ? cond.And(eq) : eq; } source = new DbJoinExpression(JoinType.SingletonLeftOuter, source, joinedTex, cond); } var columns = new List <DbColumnDeclaration>(); this.GetColumns(entity, aliases, columns); var root = new DbSelectExpression(new TableAlias(), columns, source, null); var existingAliases = aliases.Values.ToArray(); var projector = this.GetEntityExpression(root, entity) as Expression; var selectAlias = new TableAlias(); var pc = DbColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.Translator.Linguist.Language, projector, null, selectAlias, root.Alias); var proj = new DbProjectionExpression ( new DbSelectExpression(selectAlias, pc.Columns, root, null), pc.Projector ); return(this.Translator.Police.ApplyPolicy(proj, entity.ElementType.GetTypeInfo()) as DbProjectionExpression); }
public TableExpression(TableAlias alias, MappingEntity entity, string name) : base(DbExpressionType.Table, typeof(void), alias) { this.Entity = entity; this.Name = name; }
protected override Expression VisitProjection(ProjectionExpression proj) { SelectExpression save = this.currentSelect; this.currentSelect = proj.Select; try { if (!this.isTopLevel) { if (this.CanJoinOnClient(this.currentSelect)) { // make a query that combines all the constraints from the outer queries into a single select SelectExpression newOuterSelect = (SelectExpression)QueryDuplicator.Duplicate(save); // remap any references to the outer select to the new alias; SelectExpression newInnerSelect = (SelectExpression)ColumnMapper.Map(proj.Select, newOuterSelect.Alias, save.Alias); // add outer-join test ProjectionExpression newInnerProjection = this.language.AddOuterJoinTest(new ProjectionExpression(newInnerSelect, proj.Projector)); newInnerSelect = newInnerProjection.Select; Expression newProjector = newInnerProjection.Projector; TableAlias newAlias = new TableAlias(); var pc = ColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.language, newProjector, null, newAlias, newOuterSelect.Alias, newInnerSelect.Alias); JoinExpression join = new JoinExpression(JoinType.OuterApply, newOuterSelect, newInnerSelect, null); SelectExpression joinedSelect = new SelectExpression(newAlias, pc.Columns, join, null, null, null, proj.IsSingleton, null, null, false); // apply client-join treatment recursively this.currentSelect = joinedSelect; newProjector = this.Visit(pc.Projector); // compute keys (this only works if join condition was a single column comparison) List <Expression> outerKeys = new List <Expression>(); List <Expression> innerKeys = new List <Expression>(); if (this.GetEquiJoinKeyExpressions(newInnerSelect.Where, newOuterSelect.Alias, outerKeys, innerKeys)) { // outerKey needs to refer to the outer-scope's alias var outerKey = outerKeys.Select(k => ColumnMapper.Map(k, save.Alias, newOuterSelect.Alias)); // innerKey needs to refer to the new alias for the select with the new join var innerKey = innerKeys.Select(k => ColumnMapper.Map(k, joinedSelect.Alias, ((ColumnExpression)k).Alias)); ProjectionExpression newProjection = new ProjectionExpression(joinedSelect, newProjector, proj.Aggregator); return(new ClientJoinExpression(newProjection, outerKey, innerKey)); } } else { bool saveJoin = this.canJoinOnClient; this.canJoinOnClient = false; var result = base.VisitProjection(proj); this.canJoinOnClient = saveJoin; return(result); } } else { this.isTopLevel = false; } return(base.VisitProjection(proj)); } finally { this.currentSelect = save; } }
protected AliasedExpression(DbExpressionType nodeType, Type type, TableAlias alias) : base(nodeType, type) { this.Alias = alias; }
public static Expression Map(Expression expression, TableAlias newAlias, IEnumerable <TableAlias> oldAliases) { return(new ColumnMapper(oldAliases, newAlias).Visit(expression)); }
public static ProjectedColumns ProjectColumns(QueryLanguage language, ProjectionAffinity affinity, Expression expression, IEnumerable <ColumnDeclaration> existingColumns, TableAlias newAlias, params TableAlias[] existingAliases) => ProjectColumns(language, affinity, expression, existingColumns, newAlias, (IEnumerable <TableAlias>)existingAliases);
protected override Expression VisitProjection(DbProjectionExpression proj) { var save = this.currentSelect; this.currentSelect = proj.Select; try { if (this.isTopLevel == false) { if (this.CanJoinOnClient(this.currentSelect)) { var newOuterSelect = DbQueryDuplicator.Duplicate(save) as DbSelectExpression; var newInnerSelect = DbColumnMapper.Map(proj.Select, newOuterSelect.Alias, save.Alias) as DbSelectExpression; var newInnerProjection = this.language.AddOuterJoinTest(new DbProjectionExpression(newInnerSelect, proj.Projector)); if (newInnerProjection != null) { newInnerSelect = newInnerProjection.Select; } var newProjector = newInnerProjection.Projector; var newAlias = new TableAlias(); var pc = DbColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.language, newProjector, null, newAlias, newOuterSelect.Alias, newInnerSelect.Alias); var join = new DbJoinExpression(JoinType.OuterApply, newOuterSelect, newInnerSelect, null); var joinedSelect = new DbSelectExpression(newAlias, pc.Columns, join, null, null, null, proj.IsSingleton, null, null, false); this.currentSelect = joinedSelect; if (pc != null) { newProjector = this.Visit(pc.Projector); } var outerKeys = new List <Expression>(); var innerKeys = new List <Expression>(); if (this.GetEquiJoinKeyExpressions(newInnerSelect.Where, newOuterSelect.Alias, outerKeys, innerKeys)) { var outerKey = outerKeys.Select(k => DbColumnMapper.Map(k, save.Alias, newOuterSelect.Alias)); var innerKey = innerKeys.Select(k => DbColumnMapper.Map(k, joinedSelect.Alias, ((DbColumnExpression)k).Alias)); var newProjection = new DbProjectionExpression(joinedSelect, newProjector, proj.Aggregator); return(new DbClientJoinExpression(newProjection, outerKey, innerKey)); } } else { var saveJoin = this.canJoinOnClient; this.canJoinOnClient = false; var result = base.VisitProjection(proj); this.canJoinOnClient = saveJoin; return(result); } } else { this.isTopLevel = false; } return(base.VisitProjection(proj)); } finally { this.currentSelect = save; } }
private ColumnMapper(IEnumerable <TableAlias> oldAliases, TableAlias newAlias) { this.oldAliases = new HashSet <TableAlias>(oldAliases); this.newAlias = newAlias; }
/// <summary> /// Rebind order expressions to reference a new alias and add to column declarations if necessary /// </summary> protected virtual BindResult RebindOrderings(IEnumerable <OrderExpression> orderings, TableAlias alias, HashSet <TableAlias> existingAliases, IEnumerable <ColumnDeclaration> existingColumns) { List <ColumnDeclaration> newColumns = null; List <OrderExpression> newOrderings = new List <OrderExpression>(); foreach (OrderExpression ordering in orderings) { Expression expr = ordering.Expression; ColumnExpression column = expr as ColumnExpression; if (column == null || (existingAliases != null && existingAliases.Contains(column.Alias))) { // check to see if a declared column already contains a similar expression int iOrdinal = 0; foreach (ColumnDeclaration decl in existingColumns) { ColumnExpression declColumn = decl.Expression as ColumnExpression; if (decl.Expression == ordering.Expression || (column != null && declColumn != null && column.Alias == declColumn.Alias && column.Name == declColumn.Name)) { // found it, so make a reference to this column expr = new ColumnExpression(column.Type, column.QueryType, alias, decl.Name); break; } iOrdinal++; } // if not already projected, add a new column declaration for it if (expr == ordering.Expression) { if (newColumns == null) { newColumns = new List <ColumnDeclaration>(existingColumns); existingColumns = newColumns; } string colName = column != null ? column.Name : "c" + iOrdinal; colName = newColumns.GetAvailableColumnName(colName); var colType = this.language.TypeSystem.GetColumnType(expr.Type); newColumns.Add(new ColumnDeclaration(colName, ordering.Expression, colType)); expr = new ColumnExpression(expr.Type, colType, alias, colName); } newOrderings.Add(new OrderExpression(ordering.OrderType, expr)); } } return(new BindResult(existingColumns, newOrderings)); }
private void ClearColumnsUsed(TableAlias alias) { this.allColumnsUsed[alias] = new HashSet <string>(); }
protected virtual Expression GetInsertResult(MappingEntity entity, Expression instance, LambdaExpression selector, Dictionary <MemberInfo, Expression> map) { var tableAlias = new TableAlias(); var tex = new TableExpression(tableAlias, entity, this.mapping.GetTableName(entity)); var aggregator = Aggregator.GetAggregator(selector.Body.Type, typeof(IEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(selector.Body.Type)); Expression where; DeclarationCommand genIdCommand = null; var generatedIds = this.mapping.GetMappedMembers(entity).Where(m => this.mapping.IsPrimaryKey(entity, m) && this.mapping.IsGenerated(entity, m)).ToList(); if (generatedIds.Count > 0) { if (map == null || !generatedIds.Any(m => map.ContainsKey(m))) { var localMap = new Dictionary <MemberInfo, Expression>(); genIdCommand = this.GetGeneratedIdCommand(entity, generatedIds.ToList(), localMap); map = localMap; } // is this just a retrieval of one generated id member? var mex = selector.Body as MemberExpression; if (mex != null && this.mapping.IsPrimaryKey(entity, mex.Member) && this.mapping.IsGenerated(entity, mex.Member)) { if (genIdCommand != null) { // just use the select from the genIdCommand return(new ProjectionExpression( genIdCommand.Source, new ColumnExpression(mex.Type, genIdCommand.Variables[0].QueryType, genIdCommand.Source.Alias, genIdCommand.Source.Columns[0].Name), aggregator )); } else { TableAlias alias = new TableAlias(); var colType = this.GetColumnType(entity, mex.Member); return(new ProjectionExpression( new SelectExpression(alias, new[] { new ColumnDeclaration("", map[mex.Member], colType) }, null, null), new ColumnExpression(TypeHelper.GetMemberType(mex.Member), colType, alias, ""), aggregator )); } } where = generatedIds.Select((m, i) => this.GetMemberExpression(tex, entity, m).Equal(map[m]) ).Aggregate((x, y) => x.And(y)); } else { where = this.GetIdentityCheck(tex, entity, instance); } Expression typeProjector = this.GetEntityExpression(tex, entity); Expression selection = DbExpressionReplacer.Replace(selector.Body, selector.Parameters[0], typeProjector); TableAlias newAlias = new TableAlias(); var pc = ColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(this.translator.Linguist.Language, selection, null, newAlias, tableAlias); var pe = new ProjectionExpression( new SelectExpression(newAlias, pc.Columns, tex, where), pc.Projector, aggregator ); if (genIdCommand != null) { return(new BlockCommand(genIdCommand, pe)); } return(pe); }
public static ProjectedColumns ProjectColumns(QueryLanguage language, Expression expression, IEnumerable <ColumnDeclaration> existingColumns, TableAlias newAlias, IEnumerable <TableAlias> existingAliases) { return(ProjectColumns(language, ProjectionAffinity.Client, expression, existingColumns, newAlias, existingAliases)); }
public static Expression Map(Expression expression, TableAlias newAlias, params TableAlias[] oldAliases) { return(Map(expression, newAlias, (IEnumerable <TableAlias>)oldAliases)); }
public static ProjectedColumns ProjectColumns(QueryLanguage language, Expression expression, IEnumerable <ColumnDeclaration> existingColumns, TableAlias newAlias, params TableAlias[] existingAliases) { return(ProjectColumns(language, expression, existingColumns, newAlias, (IEnumerable <TableAlias>)existingAliases)); }
public static SelectExpression AddRedundantSelect(this SelectExpression sel, QueryLanguage language, TableAlias newAlias) { var newColumns = from d in sel.Columns let qt = (d.Expression is ColumnExpression) ? ((ColumnExpression)d.Expression).QueryType : language.TypeSystem.GetColumnType(d.Expression.Type) select new ColumnDeclaration(d.Name, new ColumnExpression(d.Expression.Type, qt, newAlias, d.Name), qt); var newFrom = new SelectExpression(newAlias, sel.Columns, sel.From, sel.Where, sel.OrderBy, sel.GroupBy, sel.IsDistinct, sel.Skip, sel.Take, sel.IsReverse); return(new SelectExpression(sel.Alias, newColumns, newFrom, null, null, null, false, null, null, false)); }
public static ProjectedColumns ProjectColumns(QueryLanguage language, ProjectionAffinity affinity, Expression expression, IEnumerable <ColumnDeclaration> existingColumns, TableAlias newAlias, IEnumerable <TableAlias> existingAliases) { ColumnProjector projector = new ColumnProjector(language, affinity, expression, existingColumns, newAlias, existingAliases); Expression expr = projector.Visit(expression); return(new ProjectedColumns(expr, projector.columns.AsReadOnly())); }
public DbColumnExpression(Type type, QueryType queryType, TableAlias alias, string name) : base(DbExpressionType.Column, type) { this.Alias = alias; this.QueryType = queryType ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("queryType"); this.Name = name ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); }