private void btnLaunch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.treeSites.SelectedNode == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select an NAE to launch."); return; } if (this.treeSites.SelectedNode.Tag is NAE) { try { NAE nae = (NAE)this.treeSites.SelectedNode.Tag; if (!StaticIP.IsIPv4(nae.IPAddress)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid IP address for the NAE."); return; } nae.Launch(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteMessage("Error in launching NAE."); Logger.WriteException(ex); Logger.PromptLogReview("There was an error launching the NAE."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select an NAE to launch."); return; } }
public static StaticIP FromXML(XElement xip) { StaticIP ip = new StaticIP { Address = xip.Element("Address").Value, SubnetMask = xip.Element("SubnetMask").Value, DefaultGateway = xip.Element("DefaultGateway").Value }; return ip; }
public static StaticIP FromXML(XElement xip) { StaticIP ip = new StaticIP { Address = xip.Element("Address").Value, SubnetMask = xip.Element("SubnetMask").Value, DefaultGateway = xip.Element("DefaultGateway").Value }; return(ip); }
public static NAE FromXML(XElement xnae) { NAE nae = new NAE { Name = xnae.Attribute("Name").Value, IPAddress = xnae.Element("IPAddress").Value, MAC = xnae.Element("MAC").Value, OSVersion = xnae.Element("OSVersion").Value, MSEAVersion = xnae.Element("MSEAVersion").Value, NeuronID = xnae.Element("NeuronID").Value, StaticIPAddress = StaticIP.FromXML(xnae.Element("StaticIP")) }; return(nae); }
public static void LoadNICs(ComboBox box) { box.Items.Clear(); /** Scan through each NIC interface **/ foreach (NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()) { /** Verify it suport IPv4, is operating, and is not a loopback **/ if (nic.Supports(NetworkInterfaceComponent.IPv4) && nic.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up && nic.NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback) { NIC newNic = new NIC(); StaticIP ip = new StaticIP(); newNic.Name = nic.Name; newNic.DHCPEnabled = nic.GetIPProperties().GetIPv4Properties().IsDhcpEnabled; /** We assume the last result is the IPv4 address **/ UnicastIPAddressInformation uni = nic.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses.LastOrDefault(); if (uni != null) { ip.Address = uni.Address.ToString(); ip.SubnetMask = uni.IPv4Mask.ToString(); } /** We assume the first gateway address is the default one **/ GatewayIPAddressInformation gate = nic.GetIPProperties().GatewayAddresses.FirstOrDefault(); if (gate != null) { ip.DefaultGateway = gate.Address.ToString(); } newNic.IP = ip; box.Items.Add(newNic); } } if (box.Items.Count > 0) { box.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
private void btnSetStatic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.treeSites.SelectedNode == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select an NAE to set a static IP for."); return; } if (!(this.treeSites.SelectedNode.Tag is NAE)) { MessageBox.Show("Please select an NAE to set a static IP for."); return; } try { NAE nae = (NAE)this.treeSites.SelectedNode.Tag; NIC nic = (NIC)this.comboAdapterList.SelectedItem; if (!StaticIP.IsIPv4(nae.StaticIPAddress.Address) || !StaticIP.IsIPv4(nae.StaticIPAddress.SubnetMask) || !StaticIP.IsIPv4(nae.StaticIPAddress.DefaultGateway)) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter valid IP addresses for the NAE's static IP address, subnet mask, and gateway."); return; } nic.SetStaticIP(nae.StaticIPAddress.Address, nae.StaticIPAddress.SubnetMask, nae.StaticIPAddress.DefaultGateway); NIC.LoadNICs(this.comboAdapterList); nic.ReselectNIC(this.comboAdapterList); nic = (NIC)this.comboAdapterList.SelectedItem; FormHandler.UpdateNICText(nic, this.txtAdapterIPAddress, this.txtAdapterSubnetMask, this.txtAdapterDefaultGateway); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteMessage("Error in setting the static IP address."); Logger.WriteException(ex); Logger.PromptLogReview("There was an error in setting the static IP address."); } }