/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ChannelCatalog" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="ChannelId">ChannelId (required).</param> /// <param name="ChannelName">ChannelName (required).</param> /// <param name="ChannelImageUrl">ChannelImageUrl (required).</param> /// <param name="ProductCount">The product count exported considering category mapping. Not all filters have been applied. (required).</param> /// <param name="Enabled">Indicates if the channel catalog is active (required).</param> /// <param name="IsMarketplace">Indicates if this channel catalog is related to a marketplace (required).</param> /// <param name="ChannelCatalogId">ChannelCatalogId (required).</param> /// <param name="StoreId">StoreId (required).</param> /// <param name="GeneralSettings">GeneralSettings (required).</param> /// <param name="CostSettings">CostSettings (required).</param> /// <param name="ColumnMappings">ColumnMappings.</param> /// <param name="ExclusionFilters">ExclusionFilters.</param> /// <param name="ExportUrl">ExportUrl.</param> /// <param name="State">State (required).</param> /// <param name="Types">The channel type list related to the channel (required).</param> /// <param name="Links">Indicates the actions you can do on a channel catalog (required).</param> public ChannelCatalog(BeezUPCommonChannelId ChannelId = default(BeezUPCommonChannelId), BeezUPCommonChannelName ChannelName = default(BeezUPCommonChannelName), BeezUPCommonHttpUrl ChannelImageUrl = default(BeezUPCommonHttpUrl), int?ProductCount = default(int?), bool?Enabled = default(bool?), bool?IsMarketplace = default(bool?), BeezUPCommonChannelCatalogId ChannelCatalogId = default(BeezUPCommonChannelCatalogId), BeezUPCommonStoreId StoreId = default(BeezUPCommonStoreId), GeneralSettings GeneralSettings = default(GeneralSettings), CostSettings CostSettings = default(CostSettings), ColumnMappingWithNameList ColumnMappings = default(ColumnMappingWithNameList), ExclusionFilters ExclusionFilters = default(ExclusionFilters), BeezUPCommonHttpUrl ExportUrl = default(BeezUPCommonHttpUrl), ChannelCatalogState State = default(ChannelCatalogState), List <string> Types = default(List <string>), List <BeezUPCommonLink2> Links = default(List <BeezUPCommonLink2>)) { // to ensure "ChannelId" is required (not null) if (ChannelId == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ChannelId is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.ChannelId = ChannelId; } // to ensure "ChannelName" is required (not null) if (ChannelName == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ChannelName is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.ChannelName = ChannelName; } // to ensure "ChannelImageUrl" is required (not null) if (ChannelImageUrl == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ChannelImageUrl is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.ChannelImageUrl = ChannelImageUrl; } // to ensure "ProductCount" is required (not null) if (ProductCount == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ProductCount is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.ProductCount = ProductCount; } // to ensure "Enabled" is required (not null) if (Enabled == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Enabled is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.Enabled = Enabled; } // to ensure "IsMarketplace" is required (not null) if (IsMarketplace == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("IsMarketplace is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.IsMarketplace = IsMarketplace; } // to ensure "ChannelCatalogId" is required (not null) if (ChannelCatalogId == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ChannelCatalogId is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.ChannelCatalogId = ChannelCatalogId; } // to ensure "StoreId" is required (not null) if (StoreId == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("StoreId is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.StoreId = StoreId; } // to ensure "GeneralSettings" is required (not null) if (GeneralSettings == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("GeneralSettings is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.GeneralSettings = GeneralSettings; } // to ensure "CostSettings" is required (not null) if (CostSettings == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("CostSettings is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.CostSettings = CostSettings; } // to ensure "State" is required (not null) if (State == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("State is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.State = State; } // to ensure "Types" is required (not null) if (Types == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Types is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.Types = Types; } // to ensure "Links" is required (not null) if (Links == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Links is a required property for ChannelCatalog and cannot be null"); } else { this.Links = Links; } this.ColumnMappings = ColumnMappings; this.ExclusionFilters = ExclusionFilters; this.ExportUrl = ExportUrl; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ChannelHeader" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="ChannelId">ChannelId (required).</param> /// <param name="ChannelName">ChannelName (required).</param> /// <param name="ChannelLogoUrl">ChannelLogoUrl (required).</param> /// <param name="DescriptionAvailable">Indicates if we have more detailed information about this channel (required) (default to false).</param> /// <param name="IsMarketplace">Indicates if the channel is a marketplace (required) (default to false).</param> /// <param name="Links">Links (required).</param> public ChannelHeader(BeezUPCommonChannelId ChannelId = default(BeezUPCommonChannelId), BeezUPCommonChannelName ChannelName = default(BeezUPCommonChannelName), BeezUPCommonHttpUrl ChannelLogoUrl = default(BeezUPCommonHttpUrl), bool?DescriptionAvailable = false, bool?IsMarketplace = false, ChannelHeaderLinks Links = default(ChannelHeaderLinks)) { // to ensure "ChannelId" is required (not null) if (ChannelId == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ChannelId is a required property for ChannelHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.ChannelId = ChannelId; } // to ensure "ChannelName" is required (not null) if (ChannelName == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ChannelName is a required property for ChannelHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.ChannelName = ChannelName; } // to ensure "ChannelLogoUrl" is required (not null) if (ChannelLogoUrl == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ChannelLogoUrl is a required property for ChannelHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.ChannelLogoUrl = ChannelLogoUrl; } // to ensure "DescriptionAvailable" is required (not null) if (DescriptionAvailable == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("DescriptionAvailable is a required property for ChannelHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.DescriptionAvailable = DescriptionAvailable; } // to ensure "IsMarketplace" is required (not null) if (IsMarketplace == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("IsMarketplace is a required property for ChannelHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.IsMarketplace = IsMarketplace; } // to ensure "Links" is required (not null) if (Links == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Links is a required property for ChannelHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.Links = Links; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BeezUPCommonChannelBasicInfo" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="ChannelId">ChannelId (required).</param> /// <param name="ChannelName">ChannelName (required).</param> /// <param name="ChannelImageUrl">ChannelImageUrl (required).</param> public BeezUPCommonChannelBasicInfo(BeezUPCommonChannelId ChannelId = default(BeezUPCommonChannelId), BeezUPCommonChannelName ChannelName = default(BeezUPCommonChannelName), BeezUPCommonHttpUrl ChannelImageUrl = default(BeezUPCommonHttpUrl)) { // to ensure "ChannelId" is required (not null) if (ChannelId == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ChannelId is a required property for BeezUPCommonChannelBasicInfo and cannot be null"); } else { this.ChannelId = ChannelId; } // to ensure "ChannelName" is required (not null) if (ChannelName == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ChannelName is a required property for BeezUPCommonChannelBasicInfo and cannot be null"); } else { this.ChannelName = ChannelName; } // to ensure "ChannelImageUrl" is required (not null) if (ChannelImageUrl == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("ChannelImageUrl is a required property for BeezUPCommonChannelBasicInfo and cannot be null"); } else { this.ChannelImageUrl = ChannelImageUrl; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OrderHeader" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="MarketplaceTechnicalCode">MarketplaceTechnicalCode (required).</param> /// <param name="AccountId">AccountId (required).</param> /// <param name="BeezUPOrderId">BeezUPOrderId (required).</param> /// <param name="BeezUPOrderUrl">BeezUPOrderUrl.</param> /// <param name="MarketplaceBusinessCode">MarketplaceBusinessCode (required).</param> /// <param name="OrderMarketplaceOrderId">OrderMarketplaceOrderId (required).</param> /// <param name="OrderStatusBeezUPOrderStatus">OrderStatusBeezUPOrderStatus (required).</param> /// <param name="OrderStatusMarketplaceOrderStatus">OrderStatusMarketplaceOrderStatus.</param> /// <param name="OrderMerchantOrderId">OrderMerchantOrderId.</param> /// <param name="OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareName">OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareName.</param> /// <param name="OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareVersion">OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareVersion.</param> /// <param name="OrderPurchaseUtcDate">The purchase date of this order (required).</param> /// <param name="OrderLastModificationUtcDate">The last modification UTC date done by BeezUP of this order (required).</param> /// <param name="OrderMarketplaceLastModificationUtcDate">The last modification UTC date done by the marketplace on this order (required).</param> /// <param name="OrderBuyerName">OrderBuyerName.</param> /// <param name="OrderTotalPrice">The total price of this order (corresponding to the amount paid by the customer).</param> /// <param name="OrderCurrencyCode">OrderCurrencyCode.</param> /// <param name="Processing">Processing (required).</param> /// <param name="Etag">Etag (required).</param> /// <param name="Links">Links (required).</param> public OrderHeader(BeezUPCommonMarketplaceTechnicalCode MarketplaceTechnicalCode = default(BeezUPCommonMarketplaceTechnicalCode), AccountId AccountId = default(AccountId), BeezUPOrderId BeezUPOrderId = default(BeezUPOrderId), BeezUPCommonHttpUrl BeezUPOrderUrl = default(BeezUPCommonHttpUrl), BeezUPCommonMarketplaceBusinessCode MarketplaceBusinessCode = default(BeezUPCommonMarketplaceBusinessCode), MarketplaceOrderId OrderMarketplaceOrderId = default(MarketplaceOrderId), BeezUPOrderStatus OrderStatusBeezUPOrderStatus = default(BeezUPOrderStatus), MarketplaceOrderStatus OrderStatusMarketplaceOrderStatus = default(MarketplaceOrderStatus), OrderMerchantOrderId OrderMerchantOrderId = default(OrderMerchantOrderId), OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareName OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareName = default(OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareName), OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareVersion OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareVersion = default(OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareVersion), DateTime?OrderPurchaseUtcDate = default(DateTime?), DateTime?OrderLastModificationUtcDate = default(DateTime?), DateTime?OrderMarketplaceLastModificationUtcDate = default(DateTime?), OrderBuyerName OrderBuyerName = default(OrderBuyerName), decimal?OrderTotalPrice = default(decimal?), BeezUPCommonCurrencyCode OrderCurrencyCode = default(BeezUPCommonCurrencyCode), Processing Processing = default(Processing), Etag Etag = default(Etag), OrderHeaderLinks Links = default(OrderHeaderLinks)) { // to ensure "MarketplaceTechnicalCode" is required (not null) if (MarketplaceTechnicalCode == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("MarketplaceTechnicalCode is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.MarketplaceTechnicalCode = MarketplaceTechnicalCode; } // to ensure "AccountId" is required (not null) if (AccountId == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("AccountId is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.AccountId = AccountId; } // to ensure "BeezUPOrderId" is required (not null) if (BeezUPOrderId == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("BeezUPOrderId is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.BeezUPOrderId = BeezUPOrderId; } // to ensure "MarketplaceBusinessCode" is required (not null) if (MarketplaceBusinessCode == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("MarketplaceBusinessCode is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.MarketplaceBusinessCode = MarketplaceBusinessCode; } // to ensure "OrderMarketplaceOrderId" is required (not null) if (OrderMarketplaceOrderId == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("OrderMarketplaceOrderId is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.OrderMarketplaceOrderId = OrderMarketplaceOrderId; } // to ensure "OrderStatusBeezUPOrderStatus" is required (not null) if (OrderStatusBeezUPOrderStatus == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("OrderStatusBeezUPOrderStatus is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.OrderStatusBeezUPOrderStatus = OrderStatusBeezUPOrderStatus; } // to ensure "OrderPurchaseUtcDate" is required (not null) if (OrderPurchaseUtcDate == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("OrderPurchaseUtcDate is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.OrderPurchaseUtcDate = OrderPurchaseUtcDate; } // to ensure "OrderLastModificationUtcDate" is required (not null) if (OrderLastModificationUtcDate == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("OrderLastModificationUtcDate is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.OrderLastModificationUtcDate = OrderLastModificationUtcDate; } // to ensure "OrderMarketplaceLastModificationUtcDate" is required (not null) if (OrderMarketplaceLastModificationUtcDate == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("OrderMarketplaceLastModificationUtcDate is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.OrderMarketplaceLastModificationUtcDate = OrderMarketplaceLastModificationUtcDate; } // to ensure "Processing" is required (not null) if (Processing == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Processing is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.Processing = Processing; } // to ensure "Etag" is required (not null) if (Etag == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Etag is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.Etag = Etag; } // to ensure "Links" is required (not null) if (Links == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Links is a required property for OrderHeader and cannot be null"); } else { this.Links = Links; } this.BeezUPOrderUrl = BeezUPOrderUrl; this.OrderStatusMarketplaceOrderStatus = OrderStatusMarketplaceOrderStatus; this.OrderMerchantOrderId = OrderMerchantOrderId; this.OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareName = OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareName; this.OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareVersion = OrderMerchantECommerceSoftwareVersion; this.OrderBuyerName = OrderBuyerName; this.OrderTotalPrice = OrderTotalPrice; this.OrderCurrencyCode = OrderCurrencyCode; }