static void Main(string[] args) { var api = new DefaultApi(""); api.Configuration.ApiKey.Add("api-key","special-key"); var pet = api.FindPetById(1); Console.WriteLine("Found {0} pet.", pet == null ? "no" : pet.Name); Console.ReadLine(); }
internal static bool SetChatTitle(int chatId, string chatTitle) { DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); return api.UpdateChat(lm.Token, chatId, chatTitle).Value; }
public static bool UpdateUser(string token, string username, string password, string email, string displayName) { DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); var ret = api.UpdateUser(lm.Token, username, password, email, displayName).Value; UpdateProfile(); return ret; }
public static IO.Swagger.Model.UserProfile UpdateProfile() { AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); IO.Swagger.Model.UserProfile profile = new IO.Swagger.Model.UserProfile(); profile = api.GetMyProfile(lm.Token); lm.UserId = profile.UserId.Value; lm.Username = profile.Username; lm.DisplayName = profile.DisplayName; lm.Email = profile.Email; return profile; }
public static IO.Swagger.Model.Message SendChatMessage(int chatId, string message) { AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); return api.SendChatMessage(chatId, message, lm.Token); }
public static bool RegisterUser(string username, string password, string email = null, string displayName = null) { DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); var result = api.RegisterUserWithHttpInfo(username, password, email, displayName); return result.Data == "true"; }
public static bool LoginUser(string username, string password) { DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); lm.Token = api.LoginUser(username, password); lm.Password = password; UpdateProfile(); return true; }
public static IO.Swagger.Model.Friend AddFriend(string username) { AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); return api.AddFriend(username, lm.Token); }
public static IO.Swagger.Model.UserProfile GetProfileById(int userId) { AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); return api.GetProfileById(userId, lm.Token); }
public static List<IO.Swagger.Model.Friend> GetFriendList() { List<IO.Swagger.Model.Friend> friends = new List<IO.Swagger.Model.Friend>(); try { AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); friends = api.GetMyFriends(lm.Token); } catch (ApiException e) { } return friends; }
public static List<IO.Swagger.Model.Message> GetChatMessages(int chatId) { AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); return api.GetChatMessages(chatId, lm.Token); }
public static List<IO.Swagger.Model.Chat> GetChatList() { AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); return api.GetChats(lm.Token); }
public static bool DeleteFriend(int id) { try { AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); return api.DeleteFriend(id, lm.Token).Value; } catch (ApiException e) { } return false; }
public static int CreateChatGroup(string chatName) { AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); return api.CreateChatGroup(new List<int?>() { lm.UserId }, chatName, lm.Token).Value; }
private void PerformSave() { ErrorMessage = ""; var am = AccountManager.GetInstance(); bool usernameChanged = Username != am.Username; bool passwordChanged = Password != "" && Password == PasswordConfirm && Password == am.Password; bool emailChanged = Email != am.Email; bool displayNameChanged = DisplayName != am.DisplayName; try { // Continue with registration process DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); bool ret = false; ret = AccountManager.UpdateUser(AccountManager.GetInstance().Token, usernameChanged ? Username : null, passwordChanged ? Password : null, emailChanged ? Email : null, displayNameChanged ? DisplayName : null); if (ret) { // Get out of registration screen now that we're registered ViewPresenter.PopView(); } } catch (ApiException e) { var error = ErrorCodes.TranslateError(e.ErrorContent); ErrorMessage = error.Message; } }
public static bool InviteUserToChat(int chatId, string username) { AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); return api.InviteUserToChat(chatId, username, lm.Token).Value; }
private void UpdateChat() { DefaultApi api = new DefaultApi("http://localhost:8080/api/"); AccountManager lm = AccountManager.GetInstance(); var chatInfo = AccountManager.GetChatInfo(ChatId); var chatMessages = AccountManager.GetChatMessages(ChatId); ChatTitle = chatInfo.ChatTitle; ChatId = chatInfo.Id.Value; string chatLog = ""; foreach(var message in chatMessages) { var profile = AccountManager.GetProfileById(message.UserId.Value); var displayName = profile.DisplayName; chatLog += String.Format("[{0}] {1}: {2}", message.Timestamp, displayName, message._Message) + Environment.NewLine; } ChatLog = chatLog; if(_chatScrollViewer != null) { _chatScrollViewer.ScrollToBottom(); } if (_chatlist != null) { _chatlist.Items.Clear(); foreach (var userId in chatInfo.Users) { var profile = AccountManager.GetProfileById(userId.Value); Views.FriendListEntry entry = new Views.FriendListEntry(userId.Value, profile.DisplayName, profile.Username); _chatlist.Items.Add(entry); } } }