public AddressEditor(AppConfig config, Gtk.Window parent, Gtk.Container cont, JObject data = null) { this.Build (); this.config = config; ParentWin = parent; Cont = cont; myComboState = new MyCombo (comboState); myComboMuni = new MyCombo (comboMuni); myComboAsenta = new MyCombo (comboAsenta); buttonDelete.ConfirmClick += OnDeleteConfirm; WidgetPath = Util.GtkGetWidgetPath (this, config); if (GlobalDefaultStateID == -1) config.LoadWindowKey (WidgetPath, "default_state_id", out GlobalDefaultStateID); DefaultStateID = GlobalDefaultStateID; if (GlobalDefaultMuniID == -1) config.LoadWindowKey (WidgetPath, "default_muni_id", out GlobalDefaultMuniID); DefaultMuniID = GlobalDefaultMuniID; if (GlobalDefaultAsentaID == -1) config.LoadWindowKey (WidgetPath, "default_asenta_id", out GlobalDefaultAsentaID); DefaultAsentaID = GlobalDefaultAsentaID; LoadData (data); }
public DeviceErrorDlg(AppConfig config, string message) { this.Build (); this.config = config; labelMessage.Text = message; }
private const uint SEND_CLOSE_TIMEOUT = 50; // msecs to pass before closing the window. #endregion Fields #region Constructors public UtilityWin(AppConfig config) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { this.config = config; this.DeleteEvent += delegate { SaveState (); }; this.MapEvent += delegate { LoadState (); GLib.Timeout.Add (PRESENT_TIMEOUT, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (delegate () { Present (); return false; })); }; }
public PhoneEditor(AppConfig config, Gtk.Window parent, Gtk.Container cont, JObject data = null) { this.Build (); this.config = config; ParentWin = parent; Cont = cont; buttonDelete.ConfirmClick += OnDeleteConfirm; LoadData (data); }
public MainWindow(AppConfig config) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { Build (); this.config = config; fixedBgAllocateFlag = false; IsLogout = false; config.LoadPermissions (delegate { ConfigureByPermissions (); }); Maximize (); }
public WelcomeDlg(AppConfig config) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { this.Build (); this.config = config; userFirstEdit = true; passwdFirstEdit = true; success = false; table1.FocusChain = new Gtk.Widget[] { entryUser, entryPasswd, buttonOk, buttonConf }; string ver = AppConfig.GetAppVersion (); labelVersion.Markup = String.Format ("<span color=\"white\"><b>v. {0}</b></span>", ver); labelVersionShadow.Markup = String.Format ("<span color=\"black\"><b>v. {0}</b></span>", ver); }
public PatientEditorWin(TYPE type, AppConfig config, JObject data = null) : base(config) { this.Build (); personaEditor.Setup (config, this); personaAddEditor.Setup (config, this); OpType = type; switch (type) { case TYPE.NEW: SetupForNew (); break; case TYPE.EDIT: SetupForEdit (data); break; } }
public UserEditorWin(TYPE type, AppConfig config, JObject data = null) : base(config) { this.Build (); personaEditor.Setup (config, this); personaAddEditor.Setup (config, this); OpType = type; tableUser.FocusChain = new Gtk.Widget[] { entryUsername, entryPassword, entryConfirm, comboStatus, comboLevel }; switch (type) { case TYPE.NEW: SetupForNew (); break; case TYPE.EDIT: SetupForEdit (data); break; } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AppConfig.TrySetProcessName (); AppConfig.ThemeSetup (); Application.Init (); CharpGtk charp = new CharpGtk (); AppConfig config = new AppConfig (charp, new Radionic ()); if (!config.LoadOrSetup ()) { return; } MainWindow win; do { win = null; WelcomeDlg wDlg = new WelcomeDlg (config); charp.parent = wDlg; wDlg.Show (); Application.Run (); config.Save (); if (!wDlg.authSuccess ()) { return; } wDlg = null; win = new MainWindow (config); charp.parent = win; config.mainwin = win; win.Show (); Application.Run (); config.mainwin = null; } while (win.IsLogout); }
public PatientListWin(AppConfig config) : base(config) { this.Build (); store = new Gtk.NodeStore (typeof (PatientListNode)); nodeview.NodeStore = store; selection = nodeview.NodeSelection; selection.Mode = Gtk.SelectionMode.Multiple; selection.Changed += new System.EventHandler (this.OnSelectionChanged); Gtk.TreeViewColumn infoCol; nodeview.AppendColumn (Catalog.GetString ("Prefix"), new Gtk.CellRendererText (), "text", 0); infoCol = nodeview.AppendColumn (Catalog.GetString ("Name"), new Gtk.CellRendererText (), "text", 1); infoCol.Expand = true; nodeview.AppendColumn (Catalog.GetString ("Paterno"), new Gtk.CellRendererText (), "text", 2); nodeview.AppendColumn (Catalog.GetString ("Materno"), new Gtk.CellRendererText (), "text", 3); Refresh (); }
public void Setup(AppConfig config, Gtk.Window parent) { this.config = config; this.ParentWin = parent; }
public static string GtkGetWidgetPath(Gtk.Widget w, AppConfig config) { uint len; string name, rev; w.Path (out len, out name, out rev); return config.LoginMD5 + "/" + name; }