 public ArrayList GetPODLabelPathAndSite()
    ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
    string path = "";
    CommonImpl2 cm2 = new CommonImpl2();
     path = cm2.GetValueFromSysSetting("PODLabelPath"); 
    return arr;
        public string GetCqPodLabelColor(string model)
            IMES.FisObject.Common.FisBOM.IBOMRepository ibomRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IMES.FisObject.Common.FisBOM.IBOMRepository>();
            IHierarchicalBOM sessionBOM = null;
            sessionBOM = ibomRepository.GetHierarchicalBOMByModel(model);
            IList<IBOMNode> bomNodeLst = new List<IBOMNode>();
            bomNodeLst = sessionBOM.FirstLevelNodes;
            CommonImpl2 cm2 = new CommonImpl2();
            string site = cm2.GetValueFromSysSetting("Site");
            if (site != "ICC") { return ""; }
            string color = "Black";
            IList<string> lstValue
                     = cm2.GetConstValueTypeByType("POD_White_Lable_PN").Where(x => x.value != "").Select(x => x.value).ToList();
                if (lstValue != null && lstValue.Count > 0)
                    foreach (IBOMNode ibomnode in bomNodeLst)
                        if (lstValue.Contains(ibomnode.Part.PN))
                        { color = "White"; ; break; }

                return color;
        /// <summary>
        /// 此站输入的是SN,需要在BLL中先根据SN获取Product调用CommonImpl.GetProductByInput()
        /// 如果获取不到,报CHK079!
        /// 用ProductID启动工作流
        /// 将获得的Product放到Session.Product中
        /// 获取Model和标准重量和ProductID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="custSN"></param>
        /// <param name="actualWeight"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="editor"></param>
        /// <param name="station"></param>
        /// <param name="customer"></param>
        /// <param name="configParams"></param>
        /// <returns>ArrayList对象</returns>
        public ArrayList InputCustsn(string custSN, decimal actualWeight, string line, string editor, string station, string customer, out List<string> configParams)
            logger.Debug("(PakUnitWeightNew)InputCustsn Start,"
                + " [custSN]:" + custSN
                + " [line]:" + line
                + " [editor]:" + editor
                + " [station]:" + station
                 + " [actualWeight]:" + actualWeight.ToString()
                + " [customer]:" + customer);
            FisException ex;
            List<string> erpara = new List<string>();
                ArrayList retLst = new ArrayList();
                var currentProduct = CommonImpl.GetProductByInput(custSN, CommonImpl.InputTypeEnum.CustSN);
                if (currentProduct == null)
                    FisException fe = new FisException("CHK079", new string[] { custSN });
                    throw fe;
                string productID = currentProduct.ProId;
                string sessionKey = productID;
                Session currentSession = SessionManager.GetInstance.GetSession(sessionKey, Session.SessionType.Product);
                //Mantis 961
                //获取Pallet No : IMES_FA..Product.PalletNo
                if (!currentProduct.IsBT && string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentProduct.PalletNo))
                    ex = new FisException("PAK021", erpara);     //该Customer S/N还未与Pallet绑定!
                    throw ex;
                if (currentSession == null)
                    currentSession = new Session(sessionKey, Session.SessionType.Product, editor, station, line, customer);
                    Dictionary<string, object> wfArguments = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    wfArguments.Add("Key", sessionKey);
                    wfArguments.Add("Station", station);
                    wfArguments.Add("CurrentFlowSession", currentSession);
                    wfArguments.Add("Editor", editor);
                    wfArguments.Add("PdLine", line);
                    wfArguments.Add("Customer", customer);
                    wfArguments.Add("SessionType", Session.SessionType.Product);

                    string wfName, rlName;
                    RouteManagementUtils.GetWorkflow(station, "PakUnitWeightNew.xoml", "PakUnitWeightNew.rules", out wfName, out rlName);
                    WorkflowInstance instance = WorkflowRuntimeManager.getInstance.CreateXomlFisWorkflow(wfName, rlName, wfArguments);
                    currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.Product, currentProduct);
                    currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.ActuralWeight, actualWeight);
                    currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.PalletNo, currentProduct.PalletNo);
                    currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.IsComplete, false);

                    if (!SessionManager.GetInstance.AddSession(currentSession))
                        currentSession.WorkflowInstance.Terminate("Session:" + sessionKey + " Exists.");
                        ex = new FisException("CHK020", erpara);
                        throw ex;


                    ex = new FisException("CHK020", erpara);
                    throw ex;
                if (currentSession.Exception != null)
                    if (currentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.WFTerminated) != null)

                    throw currentSession.Exception;

                string modelTolerance = currentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Tolerance).ToString();
                decimal standardWeight = -1;
                if (currentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.StandardWeight) != null)
                    standardWeight = (decimal)currentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.StandardWeight);

                //PAQC 抽检: 查询IMES_FA..QCStatus 取Udt 最新的记录,如果该记录的Status = ‘8’,则在UI 上显示'PAQC 抽检',否则该位置显示' '
                string labelType1 = string.Empty;

                IDeliveryRepository iDeliveryRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IDeliveryRepository, Delivery>();
                ProductQCStatus qcStatus = iDeliveryRepository.GetQCStatus(productID, "PAQC");
                //Vincent for ICC special PAQC/PAQC
                if (qcStatus != null && (qcStatus.Status == "8" || qcStatus.Status == "B" || qcStatus.Status == "C"))
                    labelType1 = "P" + qcStatus.Status;

                //1.判断是否为BT Product, 2.于非BT Product
                string delievery = currentProduct.DeliveryNo;
                string model = string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentProduct.Model) ? "" : currentProduct.Model.Trim();
                string country = string.Empty;
                string printlabeltype1 = string.Empty; // Config Label
                string printlabeltype2 = string.Empty; // POD Label

                if (!currentProduct.IsBT)
                    //获取与Customer S/N 绑定的Delivery No :IMES_FA..Product.DeliveryNo
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(delievery))
                        ex = new FisException("PAK020", erpara);    //该Customer S/N还未与DN绑定!
                        throw ex;
                    //获取Model : IMES_FA..Product.Model
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model))
                        ex = new FisException("PAK028", erpara);     //该Customer S/N还未与Model绑定!
                        throw ex;
                IProductRepository iproductRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IProductRepository, IProduct>();
                // 4. Adaptor Label / India Label 判定
                string labelType2 = string.Empty;
                if (model.Length >= 11 && (model.Substring(9, 2) == "16" || model.Substring(9, 2) == "DM" || model.Substring(9, 2) == "D0"))
                    labelType2 = "A";
                else if (country == "INDIA")
                    labelType2 = "I";
                IPartRepository ipartRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IPartRepository, IPart>();
                IMES.FisObject.Common.FisBOM.IBOMRepository ibomRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IMES.FisObject.Common.FisBOM.IBOMRepository>();
                IHierarchicalBOM sessionBOM = null;
                sessionBOM = ibomRepository.GetHierarchicalBOMByModel(currentProduct.Model);
                IList<IBOMNode> bomNodeLst = new List<IBOMNode>();
                bomNodeLst = sessionBOM.FirstLevelNodes;
                CommonImpl2 cm2 = new CommonImpl2();
                string site = cm2.GetValueFromSysSetting("Site");
                currentSession.AddValue("Site", "ICC");
                IList<string> lstValue
                    if (lstValue != null && lstValue.Count > 0 )
                        foreach (IBOMNode ibomnode in bomNodeLst)
                            if (lstValue.Contains(ibomnode.Part.PN))
                            { currentSession.AddValue("BlackLabel", false); break; }

                if (bomNodeLst == null || bomNodeLst.Count <= 0)
                    ex = new FisException("PAK039", erpara);
                    throw ex;
                IModelRepository iModelRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IModelRepository, Model>();
                string type = string.Empty;
        //       Model modelObject = iModelRepository.Find(currentProduct.Model);
                string family = currentProduct.Family;
              // Print =====如果为BT 产品,当满足如下条件时,需要列印Config Label=====

                currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.labelBranch, "");
     //           delievery = currentProduct.DeliveryNo;
                configParams = new List<string>();
                //Revision: 9810:	修改列印Config Label 的条件为非BT
                if (!currentProduct.IsBT)
                    string BTRegId = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "RegId");
                    string BTShipTp = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "ShipTp");
                    string BTCountry = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "Country");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BTRegId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BTShipTp) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BTCountry))
                        //ITC-1360-1527:RegId 为'SNE'时,未能打印CONFIG LABEL
                        IPartRepository partRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IPartRepository>();
                         //bool bRegId = new[] { "SCN", "SAF", "SNE", "SCE", "QCN", "QAF", "QNE", "QCE" }.Any(BTRegId.Trim().Equals);
                        IList<ConstValueTypeInfo> constValueTypeList = partRep.GetConstValueTypeList("ConfigLabelRegionId", BTRegId.Trim());
                        bool bRegId = (constValueTypeList != null && constValueTypeList.Count > 0);
                       // if ((BTRegId == "SCN" || BTRegId == "SAF" || BTRegId == "SNE" || BTRegId == "SCE") && (BTShipTp == "CTO") && (BTCountry != "JAPAN"))
                        if (bRegId && (BTShipTp == "CTO") && (BTCountry != "JAPAN"))
                            printlabeltype1 = "ConfigLabel";
                            currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.labelBranch, printlabeltype1);

                //  Print =====如果IMES_PAK..PODLabelPart中有维护PartNo等于Model的前几位字符的记录 and (Model的第7位不是数字),则需要列印POD Label====

                IList<PODLabelPartDef> podLabelPartLst = new List<PODLabelPartDef>();
                podLabelPartLst = ipartRepository.GetPODLabelPartListByPartNo(model);
                if (podLabelPartLst.Count > 0)
                    string number = "0123456789";
                    string modelbit = currentProduct.Model.Substring(6, 1);
                    if (!number.Contains(modelbit)) //Model的第7位不是数字
                        printlabeltype2 = "PODLabel";
                        currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.labelBranch, printlabeltype2);  //如果列印PodLabel,则需要再记录一次ProductLog (Station = 'PD',Line = 'POD Label Print')
                IList<string> EditsFISAddrLst = new List<string>();
                string EditsFISAddr = string.Empty;
                EditsFISAddrLst = ipartRepository.GetValueFromSysSettingByName("EditsFISAddr");
                if (EditsFISAddrLst != null && EditsFISAddrLst.Count > 0)
                    EditsFISAddr = EditsFISAddrLst[0];
                IList<BomItemInfo> bomItemList = PartCollection.GeBOM(sessionKey, Session.SessionType.Product);
                S_UnitWeightNew sUnitWeightNew = new S_UnitWeightNew
                                                                           ProductID = productID,
                                                                           Model = model,
                                                                           StandardWeight = standardWeight,
                                                                           PAQC = labelType1,
                                                                           IndiaLabel = labelType2,
                                                                           ConfigLabel = printlabeltype1,
                                                                           PODLabel = printlabeltype2,
                                                                           EditsFISAddr = EditsFISAddr,
                                                                           BomItemList = bomItemList
                return retLst;
            catch (FisException e)
                logger.Error(e.mErrmsg, e);
                if (e.mErrcode == "CHK020") //序號已被刷入
                    throw e;
                throw new Exception(e.mErrmsg);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new SystemException(e.Message);
                logger.Debug("(PakUnitWeightNew)InputCustsn End,"
                    + " [custSN]:" + custSN
                    + " [line]:" + line
                    + " [editor]:" + editor
                    + " [station]:" + station
                    + " [customer]:" + customer);

        /// <summary>
        /// 此站输入的是SN,需要在BLL中先根据SN获取Product调用CommonImpl.GetProductByInput()
        /// 如果获取不到,报CHK079!
        /// 用ProductID启动工作流
        /// 将获得的Product放到Session.Product中
        /// 获取Model和标准重量和ProductID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="custSN"></param>
        /// <param name="actualWeight"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="editor"></param>
        /// <param name="station"></param>
        /// <param name="customer"></param>
        /// <param name="configParams"></param>
        /// <returns>ArrayList对象</returns>
        public ArrayList InputUUT(string custSN, decimal actualWeight, string line, string editor, string station, string customer, out List<string> configParams)
            logger.Debug("(UnitWeight)InputUUT Start,"
                + " [custSN]:" + custSN
                + " [line]:" + line
                + " [editor]:" + editor
                + " [station]:" + station
                 + " [actualWeight]:" + actualWeight.ToString()
                + " [customer]:" + customer);
            FisException ex;
            List<string> erpara = new List<string>();
                ArrayList retLst = new ArrayList();
                var currentProduct = CommonImpl.GetProductByInput(custSN, CommonImpl.InputTypeEnum.CustSN);
                if (currentProduct == null)
                    FisException fe = new FisException("CHK079", new string[] { custSN });
                    throw fe;
                string productID = currentProduct.ProId;
                string sessionKey = productID;
                Session currentSession = SessionManager.GetInstance.GetSession(sessionKey, Session.SessionType.Product);

                //Mantis 961
                //获取Pallet No : IMES_FA..Product.PalletNo
                if (!currentProduct.IsBT && string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentProduct.PalletNo) && currentProduct.Model.Substring(0, 3) != "146")
                    ex = new FisException("PAK021", erpara);     //该Customer S/N还未与Pallet绑定!
                    throw ex;

                if (currentSession == null)
                    currentSession = new Session(sessionKey, Session.SessionType.Product, editor, station, line, customer);

                    Dictionary<string, object> wfArguments = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    wfArguments.Add("Key", sessionKey);
                    wfArguments.Add("Station", station);
                    wfArguments.Add("CurrentFlowSession", currentSession);
                    wfArguments.Add("Editor", editor);
                    wfArguments.Add("PdLine", line);
                    wfArguments.Add("Customer", customer);
                    wfArguments.Add("SessionType", Session.SessionType.Product);

                    string wfName, rlName;
                    RouteManagementUtils.GetWorkflow(station, "PakUnitWeight.xoml", "PakUnitWeight.rules", out wfName, out rlName);
                    WorkflowInstance instance = WorkflowRuntimeManager.getInstance.CreateXomlFisWorkflow(wfName, rlName, wfArguments);
                    currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.Product, currentProduct);
                    currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.ActuralWeight, actualWeight);
                    currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.PalletNo, currentProduct.PalletNo);
                    currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.IsComplete, false);

                    if (!SessionManager.GetInstance.AddSession(currentSession))
                        currentSession.WorkflowInstance.Terminate("Session:" + sessionKey + " Exists.");
                        ex = new FisException("CHK020", erpara);
                        throw ex;


                    ex = new FisException("CHK020", erpara);
                    throw ex;

                if (currentSession.Exception != null)
                    if (currentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.WFTerminated) != null)

                    throw currentSession.Exception;

                string modelTolerance = currentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Tolerance).ToString();
                decimal standardWeight = -1;
                if (currentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.StandardWeight) == null)
                    standardWeight = -1;
                    standardWeight = (decimal)currentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.StandardWeight);

                //PAQC 抽检: 查询IMES_FA..QCStatus 取Udt 最新的记录,如果该记录的Status = ‘8’,则在UI 上显示'PAQC 抽检',否则该位置显示' '
                string labelType1 = string.Empty;

                IDeliveryRepository iDeliveryRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IDeliveryRepository, Delivery>();
                ProductQCStatus qcStatus = iDeliveryRepository.GetQCStatus(productID, "PAQC");
                //Vincent for ICC special PAQC/PAQC
                if (qcStatus != null && (qcStatus.Status == "8" || qcStatus.Status == "B" || qcStatus.Status == "C"))
                    labelType1 = "P" + qcStatus.Status;

                //1.判断是否为BT Product, 2.于非BT Product
                string delievery = string.Empty;    // currentDeliveryNo
                string plt = string.Empty;      // currentPalletNo
                string pno = string.Empty;      // currentModel
                string country = string.Empty;
                string jcid = string.Empty;     //configID
                string flg = string.Empty;    // Flag
                string printlabeltype1 = string.Empty; // Config Label
                string printlabeltype2 = string.Empty; // POD Label

                if (!currentProduct.IsBT)
                    //获取与Customer S/N 绑定的Delivery No :IMES_FA..Product.DeliveryNo
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentProduct.DeliveryNo))
                        ex = new FisException("PAK020", erpara);    //该Customer S/N还未与DN绑定!
                        throw ex;
                    delievery = currentProduct.DeliveryNo;

                    //获取Pallet No : IMES_FA..Product.PalletNo
                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentProduct.PalletNo))
                    //    erpara.Add(custSN);
                    //    ex = new FisException("PAK021", erpara);     //该Customer S/N还未与Pallet绑定!
                    //    throw ex;
                    plt = currentProduct.PalletNo;

                    //获取Model : IMES_FA..Product.Model
                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentProduct.Model))
                    //    erpara.Add(custSN);
                    //    ex = new FisException("PAK028", erpara);     //该Customer S/N还未与Model绑定!
                    //    throw ex;
                    // pno = currentProduct.Model;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentProduct.Model))
                        pno = "";
                        pno = currentProduct.Model.Trim();

                    //获取Delivery 的Country / configID / Flag 
                    country = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "Country");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(country))
                        //List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                        //throw new FisException("PAK029", errpara);

                        country = "";
                    jcid = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "ConfigID");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jcid))   //ITC-1360-1222 取消报错!
                        //List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                        //throw new FisException("PAK029", errpara);

                        jcid = "";
                    flg = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "Flag");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(flg))
                        //List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                        //throw new FisException("PAK029", errpara);

                        flg = "";
                    //获取Model : IMES_FA..Product.Model
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentProduct.Model))
                        ex = new FisException("PAK028", erpara);     //该Customer S/N还未与Model绑定!
                        throw ex;
                    pno = currentProduct.Model;

                IProductRepository iproductRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IProductRepository, IProduct>();

                // 3. 是否有与当前Product 绑定的BoxID或UCC:(IMES_FA..ProductInfo.InfoValue,Condition: InfoType = 'BoxId')或UCC (IMES_FA..ProductInfo.InfoValue,Condition: InfoType = 'UCC')
                ////---- UC Update : SVN Revison: 11531 取消BoxId/UCC唯一性检查----
                //int bindQty1 = 0;
                //int bindQty2 = 0;
                ////bindQty1 = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoCountByInfoType("BoxId");
                ////bindQty2 = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoCountByInfoType("UCC");
                //string PrdInfo_BoxID_Value = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "BoxId");
                //string PrdInfo_UCC_Value = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "UCC");

                //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PrdInfo_BoxID_Value))
                //    IProduct product = null;
                //    product = (IProduct)currentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Product);
                //    IList<IMES.FisObject.FA.Product.ProductInfo> infos = new List<IMES.FisObject.FA.Product.ProductInfo>();
                //    infos = product.ProductInfoes;

                //    foreach (IMES.FisObject.FA.Product.ProductInfo iInfo in infos)
                //    {
                //        if (iInfo.InfoValue == PrdInfo_BoxID_Value)
                //        {
                //            bindQty1++;
                //        }
                //    }
                //    if (bindQty1 > 1)
                //    {
                //        erpara.Add("BoxId");
                //        ex = new FisException("PAK030", erpara);     //此机器BoxId与其他机器重复,请unpack后重流亮灯第二站!
                //        throw ex;
                //    }

                //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PrdInfo_UCC_Value))
                //    IProduct product = null;
                //    product = (IProduct)currentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.Product);
                //    IList<IMES.FisObject.FA.Product.ProductInfo> infos = new List<IMES.FisObject.FA.Product.ProductInfo>();
                //    infos = product.ProductInfoes;

                //    foreach (IMES.FisObject.FA.Product.ProductInfo iInfo in infos)
                //    {
                //        if (iInfo.InfoValue == PrdInfo_UCC_Value)
                //        {
                //            bindQty2++;
                //        }
                //    }

                //    if (bindQty2 > 1)
                //    {
                //        erpara.Add("UCC");
                //        ex = new FisException("PAK030", erpara);     //此机器UCC与其他机器重复,请unpack后重流亮灯第二站!
                //        throw ex;
                //    }
                ////---- UC Update : SVN Revison: 11531 取消BoxId/UCC唯一性检查----

                // 4. Adaptor Label / India Label 判定
                string labelType2 = string.Empty;
                if (pno.Length >= 11 && (pno.Substring(9, 2) == "16" || pno.Substring(9, 2) == "DM" || pno.Substring(9, 2) == "D0"))
                    labelType2 = "A";
                else if (country == "INDIA")
                    labelType2 = "I";

                // 6. Get Asset Tag Item / Asset Tag Item Value 
                //  a) wc ="85";@ast=''(Asset Tag Item Value);@item='' (Asset Tag Item)
                // string wc = "85";
                string ast = string.Empty;  // Asset Tag Item Value
                string item = string.Empty; // Asset Tag Item
                string asttp = string.Empty;
                string astrm = string.Empty;
                string cust = string.Empty;

                //  b) 取ModelBOM 中Model 直接下阶中有BomNodeType 为'AT' 的Part 
                IPartRepository ipartRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IPartRepository, IPart>();
                IMES.FisObject.Common.FisBOM.IBOMRepository ibomRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IMES.FisObject.Common.FisBOM.IBOMRepository>();
                IHierarchicalBOM sessionBOM = null;
                sessionBOM = ibomRepository.GetHierarchicalBOMByModel(currentProduct.Model);
                IList<IBOMNode> bomNodeLst = new List<IBOMNode>();
                bomNodeLst = sessionBOM.FirstLevelNodes;
                //For CQ
                CommonImpl2 cm2 = new CommonImpl2();
                string site = cm2.GetValueFromSysSetting("Site");
                if (site == "ICC")
                    currentSession.AddValue("Site", "ICC");
                    IList<string> lstValue
                    if (lstValue != null && lstValue.Count > 0 )
                        foreach (IBOMNode ibomnode in bomNodeLst)
                            if (lstValue.Contains(ibomnode.Part.PN))
                            { currentSession.AddValue("BlackLabel", false); break; }


                //For CQ

                if (bomNodeLst == null || bomNodeLst.Count <= 0)
                    ex = new FisException("PAK039", erpara);
                    throw ex;
                IList<IPart> AT_PartList = new List<IPart>();
                foreach (IBOMNode ibomnode in bomNodeLst)
                    //Revision: 9707:6. Get Asset Tag Item / Asset Tag Item Value 中b) “取AT Part 时需要按照Descr 逆序排取第一条”
                    IPart currentPart = ibomnode.Part;
                    if (currentPart.BOMNodeType == "AT")
                        //asttp = currentPart.Descr;  //IMES_GetData..Part.Descr
                        //astrm = currentPart.Remark; //IMES_GetData..Part.Remark
                IPart BindCurrentPart;
                if (AT_PartList.Count > 0)
                    asttp = AT_PartList[AT_PartList.Count - 1].Descr;  //逆序排取第一条 ==> 正序取最后一条
                    astrm = AT_PartList[AT_PartList.Count - 1].Remark; //逆序排取第一条 ==> 正序取最后一条
                    BindCurrentPart = AT_PartList[AT_PartList.Count - 1];
                // ********************Begin New AST Check Rule ******************** Add by Benson
                string av="";
                IList<IPart> AST_Check = new List<IPart>();
                foreach (IPart iPart in AT_PartList)
                 //    if (iPart.Descr == "ATSN1" || iPart.Descr == "ATSN4" || iPart.Descr == "ATS7" || iPart.Descr == "ATSN8")
                    if (iPart.Descr == "ATSN1" || iPart.Descr == "ATSN4")
                    { AST_Check.Add(iPart); }
                IList<IProductPart> productParts = new List<IProductPart>();
                productParts = currentProduct.ProductParts;
                if (AST_Check.Count > 0)
                    if (productParts == null || productParts.Count <= 0)
                        List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                        throw new FisException("PAK038", errpara);  //该Product尚未绑定Part!
                    foreach (IPart iCheckPart in AST_Check)
                        if (asttp == "ATSN1")
                               FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                               throw fe;
                        else if (asttp == "ATSN4")
                              // Add by Benson for Mantis 0001723: weight站页面修改 at 2013/04/12
                              IList<ProductLog> logList=  iproductRepository.GetProductLogs(currentProduct.ProId, "PKAT");
                              if (logList == null || logList.Count == 0)
                                  throw new FisException("PAK180", new string[] { });
                              // Add by Benson for Mantis 0001723: weight站页面修改 at 2013/04/12
                             foreach (PartInfo ele in iCheckPart.Attributes)
                                    if (ele.InfoType == "AV")
                                    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK171", new string[] { iCheckPart.PN });  //请联系IE维护%1的AV值
                                    throw fe;
                          IList<AstRuleInfo> astrule = iproductRepository.GetAstRuleByCodeAndStationAndCust(asttp, station, av);

                          if (astrule != null && astrule.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(astrule[0].checkItem))
                              item = astrule[0].checkItem;
                              switch (item)
                                  case "PoNo":
                                      Delivery CurrentDelivery = iDeliveryRepository.Find(delievery);
                                      if (CurrentDelivery != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentDelivery.PoNo))
                                          ast = CurrentDelivery.PoNo;
                                  case "CustPo":
                                      ast = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "CustPo");
                                  case "UUID":
                                      ast = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "UUID");
                                  case "MAC":
                                      ast = currentProduct.MAC;
                                  //Add by Benson for Mantis: 0001539
                                  case "WM":
                                      ast = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "WM");
                                      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ast))
                                          ast = ast.Replace(":", "");     //去掉字符':' 
                                  //Add by Benson for Mantis: 0001539

                                  // Add by Benson for Mantis 0001723: weight站页面修改 at 2013/04/12
                                  case "SN":
                                      ast = custSN;
                                  case "CHAR":
                                      IList<ConstValueInfo> valueList =
                                          ipartRepository.GetConstValueListByType("ASTCHAR").Where(x => x.value.Trim() != "" && x.name==av).ToList();
                                     if (valueList != null && valueList.Count > 0)
                                         ast = valueList[0].value;

                                  // Add by Benson for Mantis 0001723: weight站页面修改 at 2013/04/12

                                  case "AST":
                                      //IMES_FA..Product_Part 表中与当前Product 绑定的Parts 中存在BomNodeType为'AT'的Part记录的PartSn
                                      //Boolean exitPart = true;
                                      foreach (ProductPart iprodpart in productParts)
                                          if (iprodpart.BomNodeType == "AT")
                                              IPart curPart = ipartRepository.GetPartByPartNo(iprodpart.PartID);

                                              //Modify by Benson at 2012/12/13
                                              //if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == "ATSN4")
                                              if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == "ATSN3")
                                                  ast = iprodpart.PartSn;
                                                  //exitPart = false;
                                      // Add by Benson for Mantis 0001723: weight站页面修改 at 2013/04/12
                                      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ast))
                                          foreach (ProductPart iprodpart in productParts)
                                              if (iprodpart.BomNodeType == "AT")
                                                  IPart curPart = ipartRepository.GetPartByPartNo(iprodpart.PartID);

                                                  //Modify by Benson at 2012/12/13
                                                  //if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == "ATSN4")
                                                  if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == "ATSN1")
                                                      ast = iprodpart.PartSn;
                                                      //exitPart = false;

                                      // Add by Benson for Mantis 0001723: weight站页面修改 at 2013/04/12

                              //  astrule = iproductRepository.GetAstRuleByCodeAndStationAndCust("ATSN4", station, cust);
                        else if (asttp == "ATSN7")

                              foreach (PartInfo ele in iCheckPart.Attributes)
                                    if (ele.InfoType == "AV")
                                    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK171", new string[] { iCheckPart.PN });  //请联系IE维护%1的AV值
                                    throw fe;
                          IList<AstRuleInfo> astrule = iproductRepository.GetAstRuleByCodeAndStationAndCust(asttp, station, av);
                            if (astrule != null && astrule.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(astrule[0].checkItem))
                               switch (item)
                                        case "PoNo":
                                            Delivery CurrentDelivery = iDeliveryRepository.Find(delievery);
                                             if (CurrentDelivery != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentDelivery.PoNo))
                                                ast = CurrentDelivery.PoNo;
                                        case "CustPo":
                                            ast = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "CustPo");
                                        case "UUID":
                                            ast = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "UUID");
                                        case "MAC":
                                            ast = currentProduct.MAC;
                                        //Add by Benson for Mantis: 0001539
                                        case "WM":
                                            ast = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "WM");
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ast))
                                                ast = ast.Replace(":", "");     //去掉字符':' 
                                        //Add by Benson for Mantis: 0001539
                                        case "AST":
                                            //IMES_FA..Product_Part 表中与当前Product 绑定的Parts 中存在BomNodeType为'AT'的Part记录的PartSn
                                            //Boolean exitPart = true;
                                            foreach (ProductPart iprodpart in productParts)
                                                if (iprodpart.BomNodeType == "AT")
                                                    IPart curPart = ipartRepository.GetPartByPartNo(iprodpart.PartID);
                                                    if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == "ATSN7")
                                                        ast = iprodpart.PartSn;
                                                        //exitPart = false;


                        else if (iCheckPart.Descr == "ATSN8")
                             foreach (PartInfo ele in iCheckPart.Attributes)
                                    if (ele.InfoType == "AV")
                                    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK171", new string[] { iCheckPart.PN });  //请联系IE维护%1的AV值
                                    throw fe;
                          IList<AstRuleInfo> astrule = iproductRepository.GetAstRuleByCodeAndStationAndCust(asttp, station, av);
                           if (astrule != null && astrule.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(astrule[0].checkItem))
                               switch (item)
                                        case "PoNo":
                                            Delivery CurrentDelivery = iDeliveryRepository.Find(delievery);
                                             if (CurrentDelivery != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentDelivery.PoNo))
                                                ast = CurrentDelivery.PoNo;
                                        case "CustPo":
                                            ast = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "CustPo");
                                        case "UUID":
                                            ast = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "UUID");
                                        case "MAC":
                                            ast = currentProduct.MAC;
                                        //Add by Benson for Mantis: 0001539
                                        case "WM":
                                            ast = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "WM");
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ast))
                                                ast = ast.Replace(":", "");     //去掉字符':' 
                                        //Add by Benson for Mantis: 0001539
                                        case "AST":
                                            foreach (ProductPart iprodpart in productParts)
                                                if (iprodpart.BomNodeType == "AT")
                                                    IPart curPart = ipartRepository.GetPartByPartNo(iprodpart.PartID);
                                                    if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == "ATSN3")
                                                        ast = iprodpart.PartSn;
                                                        //exitPart = false;




                IModelRepository iModelRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IModelRepository, Model>();

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(asttp))

                //    // IMES_FA..Product_Part 表中与当前Product 绑定的Parts 
                //    /* marked by Benson at 2013/01/18
                //       IList<IProductPart> productParts = new List<IProductPart>();
                //       productParts = currentProduct.ProductParts;
                //       if (productParts == null || productParts.Count <= 0)
                //       {
                //           List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                //           errpara.Add(productID);
                //           throw new FisException("PAK038", errpara);  //该Product尚未绑定Part!
                //       }
                //     *  marked by Benson at 2013/01/18
                //     */

                //    //   i.	当@asttp='ATSN1'

                //    if (asttp == "ATSN1")
                //    {
                //        //使用Code=@asttp AND wc="85"AND CheckTp=@astrm ,查询IMES_FA..AstRule 表存在记录时 
                //        IList<AstRuleInfo> astRuleInfoLst = new List<AstRuleInfo>();
                //        astRuleInfoLst = iproductRepository.GetAstRuleByCodeAndStationAndCheckTp(asttp, station, astrm);
                //        //if (astRuleInfoLst.Count <= 0)  // ITC-1360-1441: 确实有@ast=''的情况存在(Get Type中提及),因此只卡一处:AstRule 表存在记录时, ATSN1没有
                //        //{
                //        //    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                //        //    throw fe;
                //        //}

                //        //IMES_FA..Product_Part 表中与当前Product 绑定的Parts 中存在BomNodeType (parttype)为'AT',Descr属性为 "ATSN1"的Part
                //        //string[] descr = new string[1];
                //        //descr[0] = "ATSN1";
                //        //IList<PartDef> partLst = ipartRepository.GetPartByBomNodeTypeAndDescr(productID, "AT", descr);
                //        //foreach (PartDef ipart in partLst)
                //        //{
                //        //    Boolean f = false;
                //        //    if (ipart.partNo == iprodpart.PartID)
                //        //    {
                //        //        ast = iprodpart.PartSn;
                //        //        f = true;
                //        //        break;
                //        //    }
                //        //    if (f)
                //        //    { break; }
                //        //} // 改用新方法如下:

                //        if (astRuleInfoLst != null && astRuleInfoLst.Count > 0)
                //        {
                //            Boolean exitPart = true;
                //            foreach (ProductPart iprodpart in productParts)
                //            {
                //                if (iprodpart.BomNodeType == "AT")
                //                {
                //                    IPart curPart = ipartRepository.GetPartByPartNo(iprodpart.PartID);
                //                    if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == "ATSN1")
                //                    {
                //                        ast = iprodpart.PartSn;
                //                        item = "AST";
                //                        exitPart = false;
                //                        break;
                //                    }
                //                }
                //            }
                //            if (exitPart)
                //            {
                //                FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                //                throw fe;
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }
                //    else  // ii. 当@asttp<>'ATSN1' 时
                //    {
                //        IList<ModelInfo> modelInfos2 = new List<ModelInfo>();
                //        IList<ModelInfo> modelInfos = new List<ModelInfo>();
                //        //Modify 2012/07/25 get "Cust2" ->Get "Cust"
                //        //-------------------------------------------
                //        modelInfos2 = iModelRepository.GetModelInfoByModelAndName(pno, "Cust2");
                //        if (modelInfos2 == null || modelInfos2.Count <= 0)
                //        {
                //            cust = "";
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            cust = modelInfos2[0].Value;
                //        }
                //        if (cust.Trim() =="")
                //        {
                //            modelInfos = iModelRepository.GetModelInfoByModelAndName(pno, "Cust");
                //            if (modelInfos == null || modelInfos.Count <= 0)
                //            {
                //                cust = "";
                //            }
                //            else
                //            {
                //                cust = modelInfos[0].Value;
                //            }
                //        }
                //        //-------------------------------------------
                //        //modelInfos = iModelRepository.GetModelInfoByModelAndName(pno, "Cust");
                //        //if (modelInfos == null || modelInfos.Count <= 0)
                //        //{
                //        //    cust = "";
                //        //}
                //        //else
                //        //{
                //        //    cust = modelInfos[0].Value;
                //        //}
                //        //  iii.使用Code=@asttp AND Station=@wc AND CustName=@cust 查询IMES_FA..AstRule 表存在记录时
                //        IList<AstRuleInfo> astrule = iproductRepository.GetAstRuleByCodeAndStationAndCust(asttp, station, cust);
                //        if (astrule.Count > 0)
                //        {
                //            if (asttp == "ATSN4")
                //            {
                //                astrule = iproductRepository.GetAstRuleByCodeAndStationAndCust("ATSN4", station, cust);
                //                //if (astrule == null || astrule.Count <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(astrule[0].checkItem))  // ITC-1360-1441: 确实有@ast=''的情况存在(Get Type中提及),因此只卡一处:AstRule 表存在记录时, ATSN1没有
                //                //{
                //                //    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                //                //    throw fe;
                //                //}
                //                if (astrule != null && astrule.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(astrule[0].checkItem))
                //                {
                //                    item = astrule[0].checkItem;
                //                    switch (item)
                //                    {
                //                        case "PoNo":
                //                            Delivery CurrentDelivery = iDeliveryRepository.Find(delievery);
                //                            //if (CurrentDelivery == null)
                //                            //{
                //                            //    List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                //                            //    errpara.Add(delievery);
                //                            //    throw new FisException("CHK107", errpara);
                //                            //}
                //                            if (CurrentDelivery != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentDelivery.PoNo))
                //                            {
                //                                ast = CurrentDelivery.PoNo;
                //                            }
                //                            break;
                //                        case "CustPo":
                //                            ast = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "CustPo");
                //                            break;
                //                        case "UUID":
                //                            ast = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "UUID");
                //                            break;
                //                        case "MAC":
                //                            ast = currentProduct.MAC;
                //                            break;
                //                        //Add by Benson for Mantis: 0001539
                //                        case "WM":
                //                            ast = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "WM");
                //                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ast))
                //                            {
                //                                ast = ast.Replace(":", "");     //去掉字符':' 
                //                            }
                //                            break;
                //                        //Add by Benson for Mantis: 0001539
                //                        case "AST":
                //                            //IMES_FA..Product_Part 表中与当前Product 绑定的Parts 中存在BomNodeType为'AT'的Part记录的PartSn
                //                            //Boolean exitPart = true;
                //                            foreach (ProductPart iprodpart in productParts)
                //                            {
                //                                if (iprodpart.BomNodeType == "AT")
                //                                {
                //                                    IPart curPart = ipartRepository.GetPartByPartNo(iprodpart.PartID);
                //                                    //Modify by Benson at 2012/12/13
                //                                    //if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == "ATSN4")
                //                                    if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == "ATSN3")
                //                                    {
                //                                        ast = iprodpart.PartSn;
                //                                        //exitPart = false;
                //                                        break;
                //                                    }
                //                                }
                //                            }
                //                            //if (exitPart) // ITC-1360-1441: 确实有@ast=''的情况存在(Get Type中提及),因此只卡一处:AstRule 表存在记录时, ATSN1没有
                //                            //{
                //                            //    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                //                            //    throw fe;
                //                            //}
                //                            break;
                //                        default:
                //                            break;
                //                    }

                //                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ast)) // ITC-1360-1441: 确实有@ast=''的情况存在(Get Type中提及),因此只卡一处:AstRule 表存在记录时, ATSN1没有
                //                    //{
                //                    //    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                //                    //    throw fe;
                //                    //}
                //                }
                //            }

                //            else if (asttp == "ATSN7")
                //            {
                //                astrule = iproductRepository.GetAstRuleByCodeAndStationAndCust("ATSN7", station, cust);
                //                //if (astrule == null || astrule.Count <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(astrule[0].checkItem)) // ITC-1360-1441: 确实有@ast=''的情况存在(Get Type中提及),因此只卡一处:AstRule 表存在记录时, ATSN1没有
                //                //{
                //                //    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                //                //    throw fe;
                //                //}
                //                if (astrule != null && astrule.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(astrule[0].checkItem))
                //                {
                //                    item = astrule[0].checkItem;
                //                    switch (item)
                //                    {
                //                        case "PoNo":
                //                            Delivery CurrentDelivery = iDeliveryRepository.Find(delievery);
                //                            //if (CurrentDelivery == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentDelivery.PoNo))
                //                            //{
                //                            //    List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                //                            //    errpara.Add(delievery);
                //                            //    throw new FisException("CHK107", errpara);
                //                            //}
                //                            if (CurrentDelivery != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentDelivery.PoNo))
                //                            {
                //                                ast = CurrentDelivery.PoNo;
                //                            }
                //                            break;
                //                        case "CustPo":
                //                            ast = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "CustPo");
                //                            break;
                //                        case "UUID":
                //                            //ast = currentProduct.UUID; // QA 发现item=UUID时,ATSN4与ATSN7的处理不一样,经UC确认,按ATSN4方式处理
                //                            ast = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "UUID");
                //                            break;
                //                        case "WM":
                //                            ast = iproductRepository.GetProductInfoValue(productID, "WM");
                //                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ast))
                //                            {
                //                                ast = ast.Replace(":", "");     //去掉字符':' 
                //                            }
                //                            break;
                //                        case "MAC":
                //                            ast = currentProduct.MAC;
                //                            break;
                //                        case "AST":
                //                            //Boolean exitPart = true;
                //                            foreach (ProductPart iprodpart in productParts)
                //                            {
                //                                if (iprodpart.BomNodeType == "AT")
                //                                {
                //                                    IPart curPart = ipartRepository.GetPartByPartNo(iprodpart.PartID);
                //                                    if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == "ATSN7")
                //                                    {
                //                                        ast = iprodpart.PartSn;
                //                                        //exitPart = false;
                //                                        break;
                //                                    }
                //                                }
                //                            }
                //                            //if (exitPart) // ITC-1360-1441: 确实有@ast=''的情况存在(Get Type中提及),因此只卡一处:AstRule 表存在记录时, ATSN1没有
                //                            //{
                //                            //    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                //                            //    throw fe;
                //                            //}
                //                            break;
                //                        default:
                //                            break;
                //                    }
                //                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ast))  // ITC-1360-1441: 确实有@ast=''的情况存在(Get Type中提及),因此只卡一处:AstRule 表存在记录时, ATSN1没有
                //                    //{
                //                    //    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                //                    //    throw fe;
                //                    //}
                //                }
                //            }

                //            else if (asttp != "ATSN7" && asttp != "ATSN4" && asttp != "ATSN1")
                //            {
                //                //Boolean exitPart = true;
                //                foreach (ProductPart iprodpart in productParts)
                //                {
                //                    if (iprodpart.BomNodeType == "AT")
                //                    {
                //                        IPart curPart = ipartRepository.GetPartByPartNo(iprodpart.PartID);
                //                        if (curPart.BOMNodeType == "AT" && curPart.Descr == asttp)
                //                        {
                //                            ast = iprodpart.PartSn;
                //                            //exitPart = false;
                //                            break;
                //                        }
                //                    }
                //                }
                //                //if (exitPart) // ITC-1360-1441: 确实有@ast=''的情况存在(Get Type中提及),因此只卡一处:AstRule 表存在记录时, ATSN1没有
                //                //{
                //                //    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                //                //    throw fe;
                //                //}

                //                item = "AST";
                //            }
                //        }

                //        //else    //astrule.Count<=0 // ITC-1360-1441: 确实有@ast=''的情况存在(Get Type中提及),因此只卡一处:AstRule 表存在记录时, ATSN1没有
                //        //{
                //        //    FisException fe = new FisException("PAK031", new string[] { });  //此机器未结合Asset Tag!
                //        //    throw fe;
                //        //}
                //    }

                // 7. Get Type
                string type = string.Empty;
                Model modelObject = iModelRepository.Find(currentProduct.Model);
                //if (modelObject == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelObject.FamilyName))
                //    throw new FisException("CHK038", new string[] { currentProduct.Model});
                string family = string.Empty;
                if (modelObject != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelObject.FamilyName))
                    family = modelObject.FamilyName;
                //ITC-1360-1272 : BT产品没有plt,做个保护
                //if (plt!=""&& plt.Length>=2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(family))
                //if (plt!=""&& plt.Length>=2)
                if (plt != "" && plt.Length >= 2 && plt.Substring(0, 2) == "NA" && ast != "" && (family == "TAOS 2.0" || family == "DAVOS 3.0" || family == "TIANSHAN 1.0"))
                    type = "YA";
                    if (plt != "" && plt.Length >= 2 && plt.Substring(0, 2) == "NA" && ast == "" && (family == "TAOS 2.0" || family == "DAVOS 3.0" || family == "TIANSHAN 1.0"))
                        type = "N";
                        if (flg == "N" && jcid != "" && ast != "")
                            type = "YABJ";
                            if (flg == "N" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(jcid) && ast != "")
                                type = "YAB";
                                if (flg != "N" && jcid != "" && jcid != null && ast != "")
                                    type = "YAJ";
                                    // ITC-1360-1440 : @flg<>'N' AND ( @jcid='' OR @jcid is null ) AND @ast<>'' 
                                    if (flg != "N" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(jcid) && ast != "")
                                        type = "YA";
                                        if (flg == "N" && jcid != "" && ast == "")
                                            type = "YBJ";
                                            if (flg == "N" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(jcid) && ast == "")
                                                type = "YB";
                                                if (flg != "N" && jcid != "" && jcid != null && ast == "")
                                                    type = "YJ";
                                                else type = "N";

                // 8. Get RMN Flag
                //如果ModelBOM 中Model 直接下阶中有Part No 为'6060B0232501' 或者'6060B0487001'的Part 时,@rmnflag = '0';否则@rmnflag = '1'
                //如果ModelBOM 中Model 直接下阶存在Descr in ('China label','TAIWAN Label')的Part (两者不会同时存在),@rmnflag = '0';否则@rmnflag = '1'   (UC Update: SVN Revision: 11535)
                string rmnflag = "1";
                foreach (IBOMNode ibomnode in bomNodeLst)
                    IPart currentPart = ibomnode.Part;
                    //if (currentPart.PN == "6060B0232501" || currentPart.PN == "6060B0487001")
                    if (currentPart.Descr == "China label" || currentPart.Descr == "TAIWAN Label")
                        rmnflag = "0";

                // Print =====如果为BT 产品,当满足如下条件时,需要列印Config Label=====

                currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.labelBranch, "");
                delievery = currentProduct.DeliveryNo;
                configParams = new List<string>();
                //Revision: 9810:	修改列印Config Label 的条件为非BT
                if (!currentProduct.IsBT)
                    string BTRegId = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "RegId");
                    string BTShipTp = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "ShipTp");
                    string BTCountry = iDeliveryRepository.GetDeliveryInfoValue(delievery, "Country");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BTRegId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BTShipTp) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(BTCountry))
                        //ITC-1360-1527:RegId 为'SNE'时,未能打印CONFIG LABEL
                        IPartRepository partRep = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IPartRepository>();
                        //bool bRegId = new[] { "SCN", "SAF", "SNE", "SCE", "QCN", "QAF", "QNE", "QCE" }.Any(BTRegId.Trim().Equals);
                        bool bRegId = false;
                        IList<ConstValueTypeInfo> constValueTypeList = partRep.GetConstValueTypeList("ConfigLabelRegionId", BTRegId.Trim());
                        if (constValueTypeList != null && constValueTypeList.Count > 0)
                            bRegId = true;
                       // if ((BTRegId == "SCN" || BTRegId == "SAF" || BTRegId == "SNE" || BTRegId == "SCE") && (BTShipTp == "CTO") && (BTCountry != "JAPAN"))
                        if (bRegId && (BTShipTp == "CTO") && (BTCountry != "JAPAN"))
                            printlabeltype1 = "ConfigLabel";
                            currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.labelBranch, printlabeltype1);

                            //IList<ModelInfo> modelInfo = new List<ModelInfo>();
                            //modelInfo = iModelRepository.GetModelInfoByModelAndName(pno, "PN");
                            //string AV1= modelInfo[0].Value;

                            //string bu = string.Empty;
                            //foreach (IBOMNode ibomnode in bomNodeLst)
                            //    IPart currentPart = ibomnode.Part;
                            //    if (currentPart.BOMNodeType == "AV" && currentPart.GetProperty("Descr").Substring(0,2)=="BU")
                            //    {
                            //      bu = currentPart.GetProperty("AV");
                            //      IList<string> CTOBomDescrLst = new List<string>();
                            //      CTOBomDescrLst = ibomRepository.GetCTOBomDescr(pno, bu);
                            //      if (CTOBomDescrLst == null || CTOBomDescrLst.Count <= 0)
                            //      {
                            //          List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                            //          errpara.Add("Config");
                            //          errpara.Add("DESCR1");
                            //          throw new FisException("PAK040", errpara);
                            //      }
                            //      configParams.Add(CTOBomDescrLst[0]);  
                            //      break;
                            //    }

                            //configParams.Add(currentProduct.Model.Substring(0, 6));

                            ////AV / QTY / DESCR这三个变量对应的数据是查询IMES_GetData..CTOBom 的得到的满足条件的记录集的SPno / Qty / Descr 字段.对应记录数量,n 从1开始依次编号
                            //int AVn = 0;
                            //int QTYn =0;
                            //int DESCRn =0;
                            //IList<CtoBomInfo> CTOBomLst = new List<CtoBomInfo>();
                            //CTOBomLst = ibomRepository.GetCTOBomList(pno,bu);
                            //if (CTOBomLst == null || CTOBomLst.Count <= 0)
                            //    List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                            //    errpara.Add("Config");
                            //    errpara.Add("AV/QTY/DESCR");
                            //    throw new FisException("PAK040", errpara);
                            //foreach (CtoBomInfo ctobom in CTOBomLst)
                            //    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctobom.spno))
                            //    {
                            //        AVn++;
                            //    }
                            //    if (ctobom.qty >0)
                            //    {
                            //        QTYn++;
                            //    }
                            //    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctobom.descr))
                            //    {
                            //        DESCRn++;
                            //    }



                //  Print =====如果IMES_PAK..PODLabelPart中有维护PartNo等于Model的前几位字符的记录 and (Model的第7位不是数字),则需要列印POD Label====

                IList<PODLabelPartDef> podLabelPartLst = new List<PODLabelPartDef>();
                podLabelPartLst = ipartRepository.GetPODLabelPartListByPartNo(pno);
                if (podLabelPartLst.Count > 0)
                    string number = "0123456789";
                    string modelbit = currentProduct.Model.Substring(6, 1);
                    if (!number.Contains(modelbit)) //Model的第7位不是数字
                        printlabeltype2 = "PODLabel";
                        currentSession.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.labelBranch, printlabeltype2);  //如果列印PodLabel,则需要再记录一次ProductLog (Station = 'PD',Line = 'POD Label Print')

                // (\\hp-iis\OUT\)需要查询SysSetting 表获取, 参考方法:select Value from SysSetting nolock where Name = 'EditsFISAddr'
                IList<string> EditsFISAddrLst = new List<string>();
                string EditsFISAddr = string.Empty;
                EditsFISAddrLst = ipartRepository.GetValueFromSysSettingByName("EditsFISAddr");
                if (EditsFISAddrLst != null && EditsFISAddrLst.Count > 0)
                    EditsFISAddr = EditsFISAddrLst[0];

                retLst.Add(productID);              //  [0] IMES_FA..ProductID
                retLst.Add(pno);                    //  [1] IMES_FA..Product.Model
                retLst.Add(standardWeight);         //  [2] (decimal) IMES_GetData..ModelWeight.UnitWeight 
                retLst.Add(labelType1);             //  [3] PAQC 抽检
                retLst.Add(labelType2);             //  [4] Adaptor Label / India Label 判定
                retLst.Add(item);                   //  [5] AssetTagItem

                retLst.Add(rmnflag);                //  [6] RMN Flag
                retLst.Add(jcid);                   //  [7] ConfigID
                retLst.Add(ast);                    //  [8] AssetTagItemValue
                retLst.Add(type);                   //  [9] Type
                retLst.Add(modelTolerance);         //  [10] (string) modelTolerance

                retLst.Add(printlabeltype1);            //  [11] print Config Label
                retLst.Add(printlabeltype2);            //  [12] print POD Label

                retLst.Add(EditsFISAddr);           //  [13]  (\\hp-iis\OUT\)需要查询SysSetting 表获取, 参考方法:select Value from SysSetting nolock where Name = 'EditsFISAddr'

                string printexepath = string.Empty;
                IList<string> printexepathLst = ipartRepository.GetValueFromSysSettingByName("PDFPrintPath");
                if (printexepathLst != null && printexepathLst.Count > 0)
                    printexepath = printexepathLst[0];
                else printexepath = "C:\\FIS\\";

                IList<string> lstWin8PartNo = CheckIsWin8(bomNodeLst);

                string faiCheck = CheckFAI(currentProduct.Model.Trim());
                return retLst;
            catch (FisException e)
                logger.Error(e.mErrmsg, e);
                if (e.mErrcode == "CHK020") //序號已被刷入
                    throw e;
                throw new Exception(e.mErrmsg);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new SystemException(e.Message);
                logger.Debug("(UnitWeight)InputUUT End,"
                    + " [custSN]:" + custSN
                    + " [line]:" + line
                    + " [editor]:" + editor
                    + " [station]:" + station
                    + " [customer]:" + customer);
