 public ILFormatter(ILArray <T> array)
     m_array = array;
 public ILArrayDebuggerProxy(ILArray <T> array)
     m_array = array;
 /// <summary>Calculates interpolated values using 'natural' Cubic Spline Interpolation</summary>
 /// <param name="xi">X values at which interpolated values are required</param>
 /// <returns>Interpolated values </returns>
 /// <remarks><para></para>
 /// </remarks>
 public ILArray <double> GetValuesCubicSpline(ILArray <double> xi)
     return(GetValuesCubicSpline(xi, BoundaryType.SecondDerivativeSpecified, 0.0,
                                 BoundaryType.SecondDerivativeSpecified, 0.0));
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for ILCurve
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">Vector of X values for the Curve</param>
 /// <param name="y">Vector of Y values for the Curve</param>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 public ILCurve(ILArray <BaseT> x, ILArray <BaseT> y)
     this.x = x; this.y = y;
     n = x.Length;
 /// <summary>Calculates interpolated values using default cubic interpolation which is Monotone Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation</summary>
 /// <param name="xi">X values at which interpolated values are required</param>
 /// <returns>Interpolated Y values </returns>
 /// <remarks><para></para>
 /// </remarks>
 public ILArray <double> GetValuesCubic(ILArray <double> xi)
 /// <summary>Calculates interpolated values using Cubic Spline Interpolation</summary>
 /// <param name="xi">X values at which interpolated values are required</param>
 /// <returns>Interpolated Y values </returns>
 /// <remarks><para></para>
 /// </remarks>
 public ILArray <double> GetValuesSpline(ILArray <double> xi)
 /// <summary>
 /// Concatenate this array
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inArray">N-dimensional storage. Except for dimensions leadDim
 /// the dimensions must match the dimensions of this storage.</param>
 /// <param name="leadDim">index of dimension to concatenate arrays along.
 /// If leadDim is larger than the number of dimensions of any of the arrays
 /// its value will be used in modulus</param>
 /// <returns>logical array having the size
 /// of both input arrays layed behind each other along the leadDim's-dimension</returns>
 /// <remarks>The array returned will be a
 /// <list type="bullet">
 /// <item> reference storage, if inArray is the same as this array (object references
 /// are the same) and ILArray.MinimumRefDimensions is less or equal
 /// the number of dimensions of the resulting storage, or a
 /// </item>
 /// <item>physical storage else.
 /// </item></list>
 /// There are only very few cases where it is possible to reference two arrays in the
 /// same reference storage. Not only the storages must point to the same underlying
 /// physical System.Array, but the ILIndexOffset must be suited in a special way.
 /// Therefore the restriction was made always to create a reference storage, if
 /// both storages are not the same.</remarks>
 public new  ILLogicalArray Concat(ILArray <byte> inArray, int leadDim)
     return(new ILLogicalArray(base.Concat(inArray, leadDim)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor creating ILLogicalArray from <![CDATA[ILArray<byte>]]>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="A">input array, the storage of this ILArray will directly be used for
 /// storage of the new ILLogicalArray</param>
 public ILLogicalArray(ILArray <byte> A)
     : base(A)
     m_numberNonZero = sumElements();
 /// <summary>
 /// get/set/remove single element
 /// </summary>
 /// The type of access depends on the length of indices.
 /// <paramref name="indices" value="index to element"/>
 /// <value>inner element, new inner element or null</value>
 /// <remarks>If indices contains only one element, the array will be accessed via sequential index access.
 /// This is sometimes called "linear" index access also. Sequential index access reflects the index of internal storage
 /// the way the data are actually organized in memory. This access method is mainly convinient for vectors where you are not interested of orientation.
 /// The following example demonstrates sequential index access for ILArray's (which also holds for ILCells):
 /// <example><code>
 /// ILArray&lt;double&gt; A = new  ILArray&lt;double&gt;(1.0,12.0);
 /// A[2] gives: 3.0
 /// </code>But the transpose
 /// <code>
 /// A.T[2] gives also: 3.0
 /// </code>
 /// For matrices and N-dimensional arrays this holds as well:
 /// <code>
 /// ILArray&lt;double&gt; A = new  ILArray&lt;double&gt;(1.0,12.0);
 /// A =
 /// [1.0 4.0
 ///  2.0 5.0
 ///  3.0 6.0
 ///  7.0 10.0
 ///  8.0 11.0
 ///  9.0 12.0]
 /// A = ILMath.Reshape(A,3,2,2);
 /// A[10] gives 11.0
 /// A[10,1] gives ILArgumentException -> out of range
 /// A[2,1,1] gives 12.0
 /// A[2,1] gives 6.0 (set trailing dimension to '0')</code></example>
 /// <para>For get access the array returned will be a reference to the element addressed.</para>
 /// <para>If the element addressed is a ILCell itself, a deep reference to this element will be returned instead.
 /// I.e. all elements of the ILCell will be recursively replaced with references to itself.</para>
 /// <para>
 /// <list type="bullet">
 /// <listheader>The type of the element returned depends on the type of the element addressed:</listheader>
 /// <item>For ILArray&lt;BaseT&gt; the array returned will be a reference to the original array (same type and size).</item>
 /// <item>For ILCell the ILBaseArray returned is a deep reference of the original element stored.</item>
 /// <item>for other types the behavior is undefined. (since other types are not implemented yet ;)</item>
 /// </list> </para>
 /// <para>This indexer may also be used for direct access to elements of elements of this cell:
 /// <example>
 /// <code>
 /// ILCell innerCell = new ILCell(2,1);
 /// innerCell[0] = ILMath.vector(10,200);
 /// innerCell[1] = ILArray&lt;int&gt;(-10,-20,-30);
 /// ILCell cell = new ILCell(2,1);
 /// cell[0] = innerCell;
 /// cell[1] = new ILArray&lt;string&gt;("foobla");
 /// // cell is now:
 /// // [ILCell,(1x2)]
 /// //      [innerCell[0], ILArray&lt;double&gt;(1x181)]
 /// //      [innerCell[0], ILArray&lt;double&gt;(1x3)]
 /// // [ILArray&lt;string&gt;,(1x1)]
 /// cell[0,0] -&gt; will give innerCell eq. ILCell (1x2)
 /// cell[0,1] -&gt; will give ILArray&lt;string&gt;
 /// cell[0,0,0,1] -&gt; will give innerCell[1] eq. ILArray&lt;int&gt;(1x3)
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 /// In the last example above the trailing indices specified make the indexer walk down into the ILCell element and retrieve
 /// the content of this element. This kind of index access may be done as deep as you want. Just
 /// append the inner indices into inner elements to the right side of index specification. Addressing inner elements
 /// this way is the only way to alter elements <b>directly</b> inside the ILCell. </para>
 /// <para>For set access the element <code>value</code> will directly be stored in the ILCell. No copy/reference will be done for it!</para></remarks>
 public new ILBaseArray this[params int[] indices] {
         int mydimlen = m_dimensions.NumberOfDimensions;
         if (indices.Length <= mydimlen)
             // address this ILCell
             ILBaseArray ret = base[indices].GetValue(0, 0);
             if (object.Equals(ret, null))
             else if (ret is ILArray <ILBaseArray> )
                 ILArray <ILBaseArray> tmp = (ILArray <ILBaseArray>)ret;
                 ILCell retC = new ILCell(tmp).DeepReferenceElements();
             else if (ret is ILLogicalArray)
             // address element of an element of this ILCell
             int[] innerIndices = new int[indices.Length - mydimlen];
             int[] myIndices    = new int[mydimlen];
             int   i            = 0;
             for (; i < mydimlen; i++)
                 myIndices[i] = indices[i];
             for (int n = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
                 innerIndices[n++] = indices[i];
             ILBaseArray innerElement = GetValue(myIndices);
             if (innerElement is ILCell)
             else if (innerElement is ILArray <double> )
                 return(((ILArray <double>)innerElement)[innerIndices]);
                 throw new ILArgumentTypeException("inner cell element type is not supported for deep index access!");
     set {
         if (Object.ReferenceEquals(value, null))
             throw new ILArgumentException("cell removal is not supported for single integer indexing! The value specified must not be null!");
         int mydimlen = m_dimensions.NumberOfDimensions;
         if (indices.Length <= mydimlen)
             // address this ILCell
             SetValue((ILBaseArray)value.Clone(), indices);
             // address element of an element of this ILCell
             int[] innerIndices = new int[indices.Length - mydimlen];
             int[] myIndices    = new int[mydimlen];
             int   i            = 0;
             for (; i < mydimlen; i++)
                 myIndices[i] = indices[i];
             for (int n = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
                 innerIndices[n++] = indices[i];
             ILBaseArray innerElement = GetValue(myIndices);
             if (innerElement is ILCell)
                 ((ILCell)innerElement)[innerIndices] = (ILBaseArray)value.Clone();
             else if (value is ILArray <double> && innerElement is ILArray <double> )
                 ((ILArray <double>)innerElement)[innerIndices] = ((ILArray <double>)value).C;
             else if (value is ILArray <complex> && innerElement is ILArray <complex> )
                 ((ILArray <complex>)innerElement)[innerIndices] = ((ILArray <complex>)value).C;
             else if (value is ILArray <byte> && innerElement is ILArray <byte> )
                 ((ILArray <byte>)innerElement)[innerIndices] = ((ILArray <byte>)value).C;
                 throw new ILArgumentTypeException("right side argument type is not supported in this context! The value must have the same type as the inner array of the cell!");
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor creating ILCell from base type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input"></param>
 internal ILCell(ILArray <ILBaseArray> input)
     : base(input)
        /// <summary>
        /// create physical copy from this physical array and shift dimensions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indices">sequential indices. may be of any size</param>
        /// <param name="shift">number of dimensions to shift the result</param>
        /// <returns>physical copy of elements addressed by indices.shape of shifted indices</returns>
        private ILArray <BaseT> CreatePhysicalSubarrayFromPhysicalSequentialShifted(/*!HC:inCls1*/ ILArray <double> indices, int shift)
            if (shift < 0)
                shift = 0;
            if (shift > indices.m_dimensions.NumberOfDimensions)
                shift %= indices.m_dimensions.NumberOfDimensions;
            ILDimension dim    = indices.m_dimensions.GetShifted(shift);
            int         outLen = dim.NumberOfElements;

            BaseT[] outdata = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New <BaseT> (outLen--);
            int     outPos = 0, outInc = dim.SequentialIndexDistance(dim.NumberOfDimensions - shift);

            /*!HC:inArr1*/ double [] indData = indices.m_data;
            for (int i = 0; i < outLen; i++)
                outdata[outPos] = m_data[(int)indData[i]];
                outPos         += outInc;
                if (outPos > outLen)
                    outPos %= outLen;
            outdata[outLen] = m_data[(int)indData[outLen]];

            return(new ILArray <BaseT>(outdata, dim));
         * <hycalper>
         * <type>
         * <source locate="after">
         * inCls1
         * </source>
         * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<byte>]]></destination>
         * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<complex>]]></destination>
         * </type>
         * <type>
         * <source locate="after">
         * inArr1
         * </source>
         * <destination>byte</destination>
         * <destination>complex</destination>
         * </type>
         * </hycalper>
        /// <summary>
        /// create physical copy from this physical array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indices">sequential indices. may be of any size</param>
        /// <returns>physical copy of elements addressed by indices.shape of indices</returns>
        private ILArray <BaseT> CreatePhysicalSubarrayFromPhysicalSequential(/*!HC:inCls1*/ ILArray <double> indices)
            ILDimension dim    = indices.m_dimensions;
            int         outLen = dim.NumberOfElements;

            BaseT[] outdata = ILMemoryPool.Pool.New <BaseT> (outLen);

            /*!HC:inArr1*/ double [] indData = indices.m_data;
            for (int i = 0; i < outLen; i++)
                outdata[i] = m_data[(int)indData[i]];

            return(new ILArray <BaseT>(outdata, dim));
 /// <summary>
 /// implicit copy constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inp">ILArray to be copied</param>
 /// <remarks>This is used in C++ derivate as assignment operator</remarks>
 public void MarshalCopy(ILArray <BaseT> inp)
     m_data       = inp.m_data;
     m_dimensions = inp.Dimensions;
     m_name       = inp.Name;
 /// <summary>
 ///	'Copy' Constructor. Creates a new ILArray as exact copy of input array
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inp">
 /// ILArray object to create a copy from
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// <para>
 /// The ILArray given will be copied and the reference counter will get increased. The resulting
 /// new ILArray will be an exact - but shallow - copy of inp.
 /// Use this constructor only for casting purposes! For copy/clone operations
 /// use the Subarray/CreateReference/Copy/Clone functions or the index access instead!</para>
 /// </remarks>
 internal ILArray(ILArray <BaseT> inp)
     m_data       = (BaseT[])inp.m_data;
     m_dimensions = inp.m_dimensions;
     m_name       = inp.Name;
        /// <summary>
        /// helper function to prepare parameters for partial removal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range">object with index specification.May be of
        /// type ILBaseArray[] with numeric arrays or a string array according
        /// to the format of <see cref="ILNumerics.Storage.ILRange"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dimensionIdx">out parameter: number of dimension the indices to be removed lay in</param>
        /// <param name="indices">indices to be removed</param>
        /// <param name="dimensions">dimension structure, may be used if the array must be
        /// reshaped <b>before</b> the removal.</param>
        /// <remarks>if range consists out of a range specification wich is smaller than
        /// the actual dimension length of this array, the array must also be reshaped in order to remove
        /// the data accordingly. This reshape proccess will <b>not</b> be done inside of this function! However
        /// ther <c>dimension</c> value returned reflect the size of the array before removing and therefore
        /// may comfortable be used for reshaping the array.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ILNumerics.Exceptions.ILArgumentException">if <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>the length of range exceeds the dimensions of this array</item>
        /// <item>more or less than exactly one dimension of <c>range</c> was not null</item>
        /// <item>the type of range was invalid, or</item>
        /// <item>range is of type array of <see cref="ILNumerics.ILBaseArray"/>, but the elements are non numeric ILArray's</item>
        /// </list></exception>
        private void ExtractRemovalParameter(object[] range, out int dimensionIdx, out int[] indices, out ILDimension dimensions)
            dimensionIdx = 0;
            indices      = null;
            dimensions   = null;
            int inDimCount = 0;

            if (range.Length > m_dimensions.NumberOfDimensions)
                throw new ILArgumentException("Error removing: dimension specification exceeds matrix dimensions.");
            int specCount = 0;
            int tmp       = 0;

            inDimCount = range.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < range.Length; i++)
                if (range[i] is ILBaseArray)
                    #region ILBaseArray input
                    ILBaseArray rng = (ILBaseArray)range[i];
                    if (rng != null && !rng.IsEmpty)
                        dimensionIdx = i;
                        if (specCount++ > 0)
                            throw new ILArgumentException("Error removing: only one dimension must be non-empty!");
                        if (false)
                        else if (rng is ILLogicalArray)
                            ILArray <double> ind = ILNumerics.BuiltInFunctions.ILMath.find((ILLogicalArray)rng);
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);
                            #region HYCALPER LOOPSTART

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                             * <hycalper>
                             * <type>
                             * <source locate="after">
                             * inCls1
                             * </source>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<float>]]></destination>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<Int16>]]></destination>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<Int32>]]></destination>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<Int64>]]></destination>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<UInt16>]]></destination>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<UInt32>]]></destination>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<UInt64>]]></destination>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<char>]]></destination>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<byte>]]></destination>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<complex>]]></destination>
                             * <destination><![CDATA[ILArray<fcomplex>]]></destination>
                             * </type>
                             * </hycalper>
                        else if (rng is /*!HC:inCls1*/ ILArray <double> )
                            ILArray <double> ind = (/*!HC:inCls1*/ ILArray <double>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);
                            #endregion HYCALPER LOOPEND
                            #region HYCALPER AUTO GENERATED CODE
                            // DO NOT EDIT INSIDE THIS REGION !! CHANGES WILL BE LOST !!

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <fcomplex> )
                            ILArray <fcomplex> ind = (ILArray <fcomplex>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <complex> )
                            ILArray <complex> ind = (ILArray <complex>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <byte> )
                            ILArray <byte> ind = (ILArray <byte>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <char> )
                            ILArray <char> ind = (ILArray <char>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <UInt64> )
                            ILArray <UInt64> ind = (ILArray <UInt64>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <UInt32> )
                            ILArray <UInt32> ind = (ILArray <UInt32>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <UInt16> )
                            ILArray <UInt16> ind = (ILArray <UInt16>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <Int64> )
                            ILArray <Int64> ind = (ILArray <Int64>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <Int32> )
                            ILArray <Int32> ind = (ILArray <Int32>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <Int16> )
                            ILArray <Int16> ind = (ILArray <Int16>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            /* !HC:TYPELIST:
                        else if (rng is ILArray <float> )
                            ILArray <float> ind = (ILArray <float>)rng;
                            tmp     = ind.Dimensions.NumberOfElements;
                            indices = new int[tmp];
                            for (int p = 0; p < tmp; p++)
                                indices[p] = (int)ind.GetValue(p);

                            #endregion HYCALPER AUTO GENERATED CODE
                            throw new ILArgumentTypeException("error removing: dimensions specifier must be numeric type!");
                    if (indices == null)
                        dimensionIdx = 0;
                        dimensions   = m_dimensions;
                        indices      = new int[0] {
                else if (range[i] is Slice)
                    #region Python slice input
                    Slice rng = (Slice)range[i];
                    if ((rng != null) && !(rng.start == null && rng.stop == null && rng.step == null))
                        dimensionIdx = i;
                        if (specCount++ > 0)
                            throw new ILArgumentException("Error removing: only one dimension must be non-empty!");
                        List <int> ids = new List <int>();
                        int        start, ende, step;
                        if (rng.start == null)
                            start = 0;
                            start = (int)(rng.start);
                        if (rng.stop == null)
                            ende = m_dimensions[i];
                            ende = (int)(rng.stop) + 1;
                        if (rng.step == null)
                            step = 1;
                            step = (int)(rng.step);
                            for (int r = start; r < ende; r += step)
                            indices = ids.ToArray();
                        catch (FormatException e)
                            throw new ILArgumentException("remove: invalid index in " + i.ToString() + "th dimension! (" + e.Message + ")");
                        if (indices == null)
                            dimensionIdx = 0;
                            dimensions   = m_dimensions;
                            indices      = new int[0] {
                else if (range is string[])
                    #region string input
                    string rng = (string)range[i];
                    if (rng.Contains(";"))
                        throw new ILArgumentException("Error removing: ';' not valid");
                    if (rng != null && rng.Trim() != ":")
                        dimensionIdx = i;
                        if (specCount++ > 0)
                            throw new ILArgumentException("Error removing: only one dimension must be non-empty!");
                        rng = rng.Replace("end", (m_dimensions[i] - 1).ToString());
                        string[]   tmpIdx = rng.Split(',');
                        List <int> ids    = new List <int>();
                            for (int c = 0; c < tmpIdx.Length; c++)
                                string[] tmprng = tmpIdx[c].Split(':');
                                switch (tmprng.Length)
                                case 1:
                                    // no range spec.

                                case 2:
                                    // single range: spacing 1
                                    int start = int.Parse(tmprng[0].Trim());
                                    int ende  = int.Parse(tmprng[1].Trim()) + 1;
                                    for (int r = start; r < ende; r++)

                                case 3:
                                    // single range: spacing 1
                                    start = int.Parse(tmprng[0].Trim());
                                    ende  = int.Parse(tmprng[2].Trim()) + 1;
                                    int step = int.Parse(tmprng[1].Trim());
                                    for (int r = start; r < ende; r += step)
                            indices = ids.ToArray();
                        catch (FormatException e)
                            throw new ILArgumentException("remove: invalid index in " + i.ToString() + "th dimension! Did you seperate dimensions by ';'? (" + e.Message + ")");
                    if (indices == null)
                        dimensionIdx = 0;
                        dimensions   = m_dimensions;
                        indices      = new int[0] {
                    throw new ILArgumentException("Invalid range specification. The type of indices specified is invalid. Remove failed.");
            // check if array must be reshaped
            int[] tmpDim = new int[(inDimCount > 1) ? inDimCount : 2];
            int   pos    = 0;
            while (pos < m_dimensions.NumberOfDimensions)
                if (pos < inDimCount)
                    tmpDim[pos] = m_dimensions[pos];
                    int mult = 1;
                    int i    = pos;
                    while (i < m_dimensions.NumberOfDimensions)
                        mult *= m_dimensions[i++];
                    tmpDim[pos - 1] *= mult;
            // if only one dimension specified -> make row vector
            if (pos == 1)
                tmpDim[1]    = tmpDim[0];
                tmpDim[0]    = 1;
                dimensionIdx = 1;
            dimensions = new ILDimension(tmpDim);