private static void ExtractResources(ResourceDirectoryEntry root, byte[] buf) { ByteReader br = new ByteReader(buf, 0, buf.Length); while (br.Length >= 32) { br.Align(4); RESOURCEHEADER hdr = new RESOURCEHEADER(br); if (hdr.DataSize != 0) { root[hdr.TYPE][hdr.NAME][new OrdinalOrName(hdr.LanguageId)].Data = ByteBuffer.Wrap(br.ReadBytes(hdr.DataSize)); } } }
private static string ReadString(ByteReader br) { return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(br.ReadBytes(br.ReadCompressedUInt())); }
internal static void ReadDeclarativeSecurity(Assembly asm, List<CustomAttributeData> list, int action, ByteReader br) { Universe u = asm.universe; if (br.PeekByte() == '.') { br.ReadByte(); int count = br.ReadCompressedInt(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { Type type = ReadType(asm, br); ConstructorInfo constructor = type.GetPseudoCustomAttributeConstructor(u.System_Security_Permissions_SecurityAction); // LAMESPEC there is an additional length here (probably of the named argument list) byte[] blob = br.ReadBytes(br.ReadCompressedInt()); list.Add(new CustomAttributeData(asm, constructor, action, blob)); } } else { // .NET 1.x format (xml) char[] buf = new char[br.Length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++) { buf[i] = br.ReadChar(); } string xml = new String(buf); ConstructorInfo constructor = u.System_Security_Permissions_PermissionSetAttribute.GetPseudoCustomAttributeConstructor(u.System_Security_Permissions_SecurityAction); List<CustomAttributeNamedArgument> args = new List<CustomAttributeNamedArgument>(); args.Add(new CustomAttributeNamedArgument(GetProperty(u.System_Security_Permissions_PermissionSetAttribute, "XML", u.System_String), new CustomAttributeTypedArgument(u.System_String, xml))); list.Add(new CustomAttributeData(asm.ManifestModule, constructor, new object[] { action }, args)); } }