public void IsMatchReturnsFalseWhenTaskTypesAreDifferent() { FileName fileName = new FileName(myTestFileName); lhs = new SDTask(fileName, description, column, line, TaskType.Warning); CreateTaskComparison(); Assert.IsFalse(taskComparison.IsMatch); }
public void Add(SDTask task) { if ((task.TaskType == TaskType.Error) || (task.TaskType == TaskType.Warning)) { SomethingWentWrong = true; } Tasks.Add(task); }
public void IsMatchReturnsFalseWhenFileNamesAreDifferent() { FileName fileName = new FileName(@"temp.cs"); lhs = new SDTask(fileName, rhs.Description, rhs.Column, rhs.Line, rhs.TaskType); CreateTaskComparison(); Assert.IsFalse(taskComparison.IsMatch); }
public static void Remove(SDTask task) { if (tasks.Contains(task)) { tasks.Remove(task); taskCount[task.TaskType]--; OnRemoved(new TaskEventArgs(task)); } }
void AddTask(SDTask task) { if (!isEnabled) { return; } if (!CheckTask(task)) { return; } if (task.Line >= 1 && task.Line <= textEditor.Document.LineCount) { LoggingService.Debug(task.ToString()); int offset = textEditor.Document.GetOffset(task.Line, task.Column); int endOffset = TextUtilities.GetNextCaretPosition(textEditor.Document, offset, System.Windows.Documents.LogicalDirection.Forward, CaretPositioningMode.WordBorderOrSymbol); if (endOffset < 0) { endOffset = textEditor.Document.TextLength; } int length = endOffset - offset; if (length < 1) { // marker should be at least 1 characters long, // but take care that we don't make it longer than the document length = Math.Min(1, textEditor.Document.TextLength - offset); } ITextMarker marker = this.markerService.Create(offset, length); Color markerColor = Colors.Transparent; switch (task.TaskType) { case TaskType.Error: markerColor = ErrorColor; break; case TaskType.Message: markerColor = MessageColor; break; case TaskType.Warning: markerColor = WarningColor; break; } marker.MarkerColor = markerColor; marker.MarkerTypes = TextMarkerTypes.SquigglyUnderline | TextMarkerTypes.LineInScrollBar; marker.ToolTip = task.Description; marker.Tag = task; } }
public void Init() { string className = "MyNamespace.MyTests"; TestProject testProject = TestProjectHelper.CreateTestProjectWithTestClassAndSingleTestMethod(className, "MyTestMethod"); TestResult testResult = new TestResult("MyNamespace.MyTests.MyTestMethod"); testResult.ResultType = TestResultType.Ignored; testResult.Message = "Test ignored"; task = TestResultTask.Create(testResult, testProject); }
public static void Add(SDTask task) { tasks.Add(task); if (!taskCount.ContainsKey(task.TaskType)) { taskCount[task.TaskType] = 1; } else { taskCount[task.TaskType]++; } OnAdded(new TaskEventArgs(task)); }
public void Init() { TestResult testResult = new TestResult("MyNamespace.MyTests"); testResult.ResultType = TestResultType.Failure; testResult.Message = "Test failed"; testResult.StackTrace = "Test Error : MyTest.Test\r\n" + "at TestResultTask.Create() in c:\\projects\\SharpDevelop\\TestResultTask.cs:line 45\r\n" + "at MyTest.Test() in c:\\myprojects\\test\\..\\test\\mytest.cs:line 28\r\n" + ""; testResult.StackTraceFilePosition = new FilePosition("c:\\myprojects\\test\\..\\test\\mytest.cs", 28, 1); task = TestResultTask.Create(testResult, null); }
public void Init() { MockRegisteredTestFrameworks testFrameworks = new MockRegisteredTestFrameworks(); MockClass c = MockClass.CreateMockClassWithoutAnyAttributes(); TestClass testClass = new TestClass(c, testFrameworks); TestProject testProject = new TestProject(c.Project, c.ProjectContent, testFrameworks); testProject.TestClasses.Add(testClass); TestResult testResult = new TestResult("MyNamespace.MyTests.MyTestMethod"); testResult.ResultType = TestResultType.Ignored; testResult.Message = "Test ignored"; task = TestResultTask.Create(testResult, testProject); }
bool CheckTask(SDTask task) { if (textEditor.FileName == null) { return(false); } if (task.FileName == null || task.Column <= 0) { return(false); } if (task.TaskType != TaskType.Warning && task.TaskType != TaskType.Error) { return(false); } return(FileUtility.IsEqualFileName(task.FileName, textEditor.FileName)); }
/// <summary> /// Parses errors of the form. /// "[delete] C:\foo\,5):" /// "[delete] Cannot delete directory 'C:\foo\bin'. The directory does not exist." /// </summary> /// <param name="textLine">The line of text to parse.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> if an error was found; otherwise /// <see langword="null"/>.</returns> static SDTask ParseMultilineBuildError(string output) { SDTask task = null; Match match = Regex.Match(output, @"^.*?\[delete\] (\w+:[/\\].*?)\(([\d]*),([\d]*)\):$\n^.*?\[delete\] (.*?)$", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (match.Success) { try { int line = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value); int col = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[3].Value); string description = String.Concat(match.Groups[4]); task = new SDTask(FileName.Create(match.Groups[1].Value), description, col, line, TaskType.Error); } catch(Exception) { }; } return task; }
/// <summary> /// Looks for errors of the form /// "BUILD FAILED" /// "[csc] C:/foo/foo.cs(5,5):" /// "Something bad happened." /// </summary> /// <param name="textLine">The line of text to parse.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> if an error was found; otherwise /// <see langword="null"/>.</returns> static SDTask ParseNAntBuildFailedError(string output) { SDTask task = null; Match match = Regex.Match(output, @"^BUILD FAILED.*?$\n^$\n^(\w+:[/\\].*?)\(([\d]*),([\d]*)\):$\n^(.*?)$\n^(.*?)$", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (match.Success) { try { int line = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value); int col = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[3].Value); string description = String.Concat(match.Groups[4], Environment.NewLine, match.Groups[5]); task = new SDTask(FileName.Create(match.Groups[1].Value), description, col, line, TaskType.Error); } catch(Exception) { }; } else { match = Regex.Match(output, @"^BUILD FAILED$\n^$\n^(.*?)$", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (match.Success) { task = new SDTask(null, match.Groups[1].Value, 0, 0, TaskType.Error); } } return task; }
/// <summary> /// Looks for errors of the form /// "fatal error CS00042: An error occurred." /// </summary> /// <param name="textLine">The line of text to parse.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> if a warning was found; otherwise /// <see langword="null"/>.</returns> static SDTask ParseNAntWarning(string textLine) { SDTask task = null; Match match = Regex.Match(textLine, @"^.*?(Read-only property .*? cannot be overwritten.)$"); if (match.Success) { try { task = new SDTask(null, match.Groups[1].Value, 0, 0, TaskType.Warning); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore. } } return task; }
/// <summary> /// Looks for errors of the form /// "vbc : error BC31019: Unable to write to output file." /// </summary> /// <param name="textLine">The line of text to parse.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> if an error was found; otherwise /// <see langword="null"/>.</returns> static SDTask ParseVBFatalError(string textLine) { SDTask task = null; Match match = Regex.Match(textLine, @"^.*?vbc : error (.*?): (.*?)$"); if (match.Success) { try { string description = String.Concat(match.Groups[2].Value, " (", match.Groups[1].Value, ")"); task = new SDTask(null, description, 0, 0, TaskType.Error); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore. } } return task; }
public void TaskComparisonIsMatchReturnsTrueWhenBothTasksAreNull() { lhs = null; rhs = null; CreateTaskComparison(); Assert.IsTrue(taskComparison.IsMatch); }
public void IsMatchReturnsFalseWhenRhsTaskIsNull() { rhs = null; CreateTaskComparison(); Assert.IsFalse(taskComparison.IsMatch); }
public void AddTask(SDTask task) { TaskService.Add(task); }
void UpdateTasks(XamlErrorService xamlErrorService) { Debug.Assert(xamlErrorService != null); foreach (SDTask task in tasks) { TaskService.Remove(task); } tasks.Clear(); foreach (XamlError error in xamlErrorService.Errors) { var task = new SDTask(PrimaryFile.FileName, error.Message, error.Column - 1, error.Line, TaskType.Error); tasks.Add(task); TaskService.Add(task); } TaskService.AddRange(DllLoadErrors); if (xamlErrorService.Errors.Count != 0) { SD.Workbench.GetPad(typeof(ErrorListPad)).BringPadToFront(); } }
/// <summary> /// <para> /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref='TaskCollection'/> containing any array of <see cref='Task'/> objects. /// </para> /// </summary> /// <param name='val'> /// A array of <see cref='Task'/> objects with which to intialize the collection /// </param> public TaskCollection(SDTask[] val) { this.AddRange(val); }
public TaskEventArgs(SDTask task) { this.task = task; }
public void Init() { FileName fileName = new FileName(myTestFileName); lhs = new SDTask(fileName, description, column, line, TaskType.Error); rhs = new SDTask(fileName, description, column, line, TaskType.Error); }
public void IsMatchReturnsFalseWhenColumnsAreDifferent() { FileName fileName = new FileName(myTestFileName); rhs = new SDTask(fileName, description, 500, line, TaskType.Error); CreateTaskComparison(); Assert.IsFalse(taskComparison.IsMatch); }
public void AddTask(SDTask task) { TasksAdded.Add(task); }
public void Init() { TestResult testResult = new TestResult("MyNamespace.MyTests"); testResult.ResultType = TestResultType.Ignored; task = TestResultTask.Create(testResult, null); }
bool CheckTask(SDTask task) { if (textEditor.FileName == null) return false; if (task.FileName == null || task.Column <= 0) return false; if (task.TaskType != TaskType.Warning && task.TaskType != TaskType.Error) return false; return FileUtility.IsEqualFileName(task.FileName, textEditor.FileName); }
/// <summary> /// Looks for errors of the form /// "C:/MyProject/,3): ifnot is deprecated." /// </summary> /// <param name="textLine">The line of text to parse.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> if an error was found; otherwise /// <see langword="null"/>.</returns> static SDTask ParseNAntError(string textLine) { SDTask task = null; Match match = Regex.Match(textLine, @"^.*?(\w+:[/\\].*?)\(([\d]*),([\d]*)\): (.*?)$"); if (match.Success) { try { int line = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value); int col = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[3].Value); task = new SDTask(FileName.Create(match.Groups[1].Value), match.Groups[4].Value, col, line, TaskType.Warning); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore. } } return task; }
/// <summary> /// <para> Removes a specific <see cref='Task'/> from the /// <see cref='TaskCollection'/> .</para> /// </summary> /// <param name='val'>The <see cref='Task'/> to remove from the <see cref='TaskCollection'/> .</param> /// <returns><para>None.</para></returns> /// <exception cref='System.ArgumentException'><paramref name='val'/> is not found in the Collection. </exception> public void Remove(SDTask val) { List.Remove(val); }
/// <summary> /// Looks for errors of the form /// "C:/MyProject/ error CS1000: An error occurred." /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This should handle C++ errors too.</remarks> /// <param name="textLine">The line of text to parse.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> if an error was found; otherwise /// <see langword="null"/>.</returns> static SDTask ParseVBError(string textLine) { SDTask task = null; Match match = Regex.Match(textLine, @"^.*?(\w+:[/\\].*?)\(([\d]*)\) : (.*?) (.*?): (.*?)$"); if (match.Success) { try { int line = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value); string description = String.Concat(match.Groups[5].Value, " (", match.Groups[4], ")"); TaskType taskType = TaskType.Error; if (String.Compare(match.Groups[3].Value, "warning", true) == 0) { taskType = TaskType.Warning; } task = new SDTask(FileName.Create(match.Groups[1].Value), description, 0, line, taskType); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore. } } return task; }
public TaskComparison(SDTask lhs, SDTask rhs) { this.lhs = lhs; this.rhs = rhs; Compare(); }
/// <summary> /// Looks for errors of the form /// "fatal error CS00042: An error occurred." /// </summary> /// <param name="textLine">The line of text to parse.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> if an error was found; otherwise /// <see langword="null"/>.</returns> static SDTask ParseFatalError(string textLine) { SDTask task = null; Match match = Regex.Match(textLine, @"^.*?(fatal error .*?: .*?)$"); if (match.Success) { try { task = new SDTask(null, match.Groups[1].Value, 0, 0, TaskType.Error); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore. } } return task; }
void AddTask(SDTask task) { if (!isEnabled) return; if (!CheckTask(task)) return; if (task.Line >= 1 && task.Line <= textEditor.Document.LineCount) { LoggingService.Debug(task.ToString()); int offset = textEditor.Document.GetOffset(task.Line, task.Column); int endOffset = TextUtilities.GetNextCaretPosition(textEditor.Document, offset, System.Windows.Documents.LogicalDirection.Forward, CaretPositioningMode.WordBorderOrSymbol); if (endOffset < 0) endOffset = textEditor.Document.TextLength; int length = endOffset - offset; if (length < 2) { // marker should be at least 2 characters long, but take care that we don't make // it longer than the document length = Math.Min(2, textEditor.Document.TextLength - offset); } ITextMarker marker = this.markerService.Create(offset, length); Color markerColor = Colors.Transparent; switch (task.TaskType) { case TaskType.Error: markerColor = ErrorColor; break; case TaskType.Message: markerColor = MessageColor; break; case TaskType.Warning: markerColor = WarningColor; break; } marker.MarkerColor = markerColor; marker.MarkerTypes = TextMarkerTypes.SquigglyUnderline | TextMarkerTypes.LineInScrollBar; marker.ToolTip = task.Description; marker.Tag = task; } }
/// <summary> /// <para>Inserts a <see cref='Task'/> into the <see cref='TaskCollection'/> at the specified index.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name='index'>The zero-based index where <paramref name='val'/> should be inserted.</param> /// <param name='val'>The <see cref='Task'/> to insert.</param> /// <returns><para>None.</para></returns> /// <seealso cref='TaskCollection.Add'/> public void Insert(int index, SDTask val) { List.Insert(index, val); }