protected override void OnBeforeQueryStatus(object sender, EventArgs e) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (sender is OleMenuCommand menuItem) { menuItem.Visible = false; var selectedItemData = owner.GetSelectedItemsData <object>().FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedItemData == null) { return; } /* * Assure that we only show the context menu item on items we intend: * - Project references * - NuGet package references */ if ((AssemblyReferenceForILSpy.Detect(selectedItemData) != null) || (ProjectReferenceForILSpy.Detect(selectedItemData) != null) || (NuGetReferenceForILSpy.Detect(selectedItemData) != null)) { menuItem.Visible = true; } } }
protected override void OnExecute(object sender, EventArgs e) { var itemObject = owner.GetSelectedItemsData <object>().FirstOrDefault(); if (itemObject == null) { return; } var referenceItem = AssemblyReferenceForILSpy.Detect(itemObject); if (referenceItem != null) { Reference reference = itemObject as Reference; var project = reference.ContainingProject; var roslynProject = owner.Workspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.FilePath == project.FileName); var references = GetReferences(roslynProject); var parameters = referenceItem.GetILSpyParameters(references); if (references.TryGetValue(reference.Name, out var path)) { OpenAssembliesInILSpy(parameters); } else { owner.ShowMessage("Could not find reference '{0}', please ensure the project and all references were built correctly!", reference.Name); } return; } // Handle NuGet references var nugetRefItem = NuGetReferenceForILSpy.Detect(itemObject); if (nugetRefItem != null) { OpenAssembliesInILSpy(nugetRefItem.GetILSpyParameters()); return; } // Handle project references var projectRefItem = ProjectReferenceForILSpy.Detect(itemObject); if (projectRefItem != null) { var projectItem = itemObject as ProjectItem; string fileName = projectItem.ContainingProject?.FileName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { var roslynProject = owner.Workspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.FilePath == fileName); var references = GetReferences(roslynProject); if (references.TryGetValue(projectItem.Name, out DetectedReference path)) { OpenAssembliesInILSpy(projectRefItem.GetILSpyParameters(references)); return; } } OpenAssembliesInILSpy(projectRefItem.GetILSpyParameters()); return; } }