// Steps to load the designer: // - Parse main file // - Find other files containing parts of the form // - Parse all files and look for fields (for controls) and InitializeComponents method // - Create CodeDom objects for fields and InitializeComponents statements // - If debug build and Ctrl pressed, output CodeDom to console // - Return CodeDom objects to the .NET designer protected override CodeCompileUnit Parse() { LoggingService.Debug("NRefactoryDesignerLoader.Parse()"); lastTextContent = this.Generator.ViewContent.DesignerCodeFileContent; ParseInformation parseInfo = ParserService.GetParseInformation(this.Generator.ViewContent.DesignerCodeFile.FileName); IClass formClass; bool isFirstClassInFile; IList <IClass> parts = FindFormClassParts(parseInfo, out formClass, out isFirstClassInFile); const string missingReferenceMessage = "Your project is missing a reference to '${Name}' - please add it using 'Project > Add Reference'."; if (formClass.ProjectContent.GetClass("System.Drawing.Point", 0) == null) { throw new FormsDesignerLoadException( StringParser.Parse( missingReferenceMessage, new string[, ] { { "Name", "System.Drawing" } } )); } if (formClass.ProjectContent.GetClass("System.Windows.Forms.Form", 0) == null) { throw new FormsDesignerLoadException( StringParser.Parse( missingReferenceMessage, new string[, ] { { "Name", "System.Windows.Forms" } } )); } List <KeyValuePair <string, CompilationUnit> > compilationUnits = new List <KeyValuePair <string, CompilationUnit> >(); bool foundInitMethod = false; foreach (IClass part in parts) { string fileName = part.CompilationUnit.FileName; if (fileName == null) { continue; } bool found = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, CompilationUnit> entry in compilationUnits) { if (FileUtility.IsEqualFileName(fileName, entry.Key)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { continue; } ITextBuffer fileContent; if (FileUtility.IsEqualFileName(fileName, this.Generator.ViewContent.PrimaryFileName)) { fileContent = this.Generator.ViewContent.PrimaryFileContent; } else if (FileUtility.IsEqualFileName(fileName, this.Generator.ViewContent.DesignerCodeFile.FileName)) { fileContent = new StringTextBuffer(this.Generator.ViewContent.DesignerCodeFileContent); } else { fileContent = ParserService.GetParseableFileContent(fileName); } ICSharpCode.NRefactory.IParser p = ICSharpCode.NRefactory.ParserFactory.CreateParser(language, fileContent.CreateReader()); p.Parse(); if (p.Errors.Count > 0) { throw new FormsDesignerLoadException("Syntax errors in " + fileName + ":\r\n" + p.Errors.ErrorOutput); } // Try to fix the type names to fully qualified ones FixTypeNames(p.CompilationUnit, part.CompilationUnit, ref foundInitMethod); compilationUnits.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, CompilationUnit>(fileName, p.CompilationUnit)); } if (!foundInitMethod) { throw new FormsDesignerLoadException("The InitializeComponent method was not found. Designer cannot be loaded."); } CompilationUnit combinedCu = new CompilationUnit(); NamespaceDeclaration nsDecl = new NamespaceDeclaration(formClass.Namespace); combinedCu.AddChild(nsDecl); TypeDeclaration formDecl = new TypeDeclaration(Modifiers.Public, null); nsDecl.AddChild(formDecl); formDecl.Name = formClass.Name; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, CompilationUnit> entry in compilationUnits) { foreach (object o in entry.Value.Children) { TypeDeclaration td = o as TypeDeclaration; if (td != null && td.Name == formDecl.Name) { foreach (INode node in td.Children) { formDecl.AddChild(node); } formDecl.BaseTypes.AddRange(td.BaseTypes); } if (o is NamespaceDeclaration) { foreach (object o2 in ((NamespaceDeclaration)o).Children) { td = o2 as TypeDeclaration; if (td != null && td.Name == formDecl.Name) { foreach (INode node in td.Children) { formDecl.AddChild(node); } formDecl.BaseTypes.AddRange(td.BaseTypes); } } } } } CodeDomVisitor visitor = new CodeDomVisitor(); visitor.EnvironmentInformationProvider = new ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.Dom.NRefactoryResolver.NRefactoryInformationProvider(formClass.ProjectContent); visitor.VisitCompilationUnit(combinedCu, null); // output generated CodeDOM to the console : #if DEBUG if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) { CodeDomVerboseOutputGenerator outputGenerator = new CodeDomVerboseOutputGenerator(); outputGenerator.GenerateCodeFromMember(visitor.codeCompileUnit.Namespaces[0].Types[0], Console.Out, null); this.CodeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(visitor.codeCompileUnit, Console.Out, null); } #endif LoggingService.Debug("NRefactoryDesignerLoader.Parse() finished"); if (!isFirstClassInFile) { MessageService.ShowWarning("The form must be the first class in the file in order for form resources be compiled correctly.\n" + "Please move other classes below the form class definition or move them to other files."); } return(visitor.codeCompileUnit); }
// Steps to load the designer: // - Parse main file // - Find other files containing parts of the form // - Parse all files and look for fields (for controls) and InitializeComponents method // - Create CodeDom objects for fields and InitializeComponents statements // - If debug build and Ctrl pressed, output CodeDom to console // - Return CodeDom objects to the .NET designer protected override CodeCompileUnit Parse() { SD.Log.Debug("CSharpDesignerLoader.Parse()"); lastTextContentVersion = context.DesignerCodeFileDocument.Version; var primaryParseInfo = context.GetPrimaryFileParseInformation(); var compilation = context.GetCompilation(); // Find designer class ITypeDefinition designerClass = FormsDesignerSecondaryDisplayBinding.GetDesignableClass(primaryParseInfo.UnresolvedFile, compilation, out primaryPart); IMethod initializeComponents = FormsDesignerSecondaryDisplayBinding.GetInitializeComponents(designerClass); if (initializeComponents == null) { throw new FormsDesignerLoadException("The InitializeComponent method was not found. Designer cannot be loaded."); } Debug.Assert(primaryPart != null); Debug.Assert(designerClass != null); bool isFirstClassInFile = primaryParseInfo.UnresolvedFile.TopLevelTypeDefinitions[0] == primaryPart; // TODO: translate const string missingReferenceMessage = "Your project is missing a reference to '${Name}' - please add it using 'Project > Add Reference'."; if (compilation.FindType(typeof(System.Drawing.Point)).Kind == TypeKind.Unknown) { throw new FormsDesignerLoadException(StringParser.Parse(missingReferenceMessage, new StringTagPair("Name", "System.Drawing"))); } if (compilation.FindType(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.Form)).Kind == TypeKind.Unknown) { throw new FormsDesignerLoadException(StringParser.Parse(missingReferenceMessage, new StringTagPair("Name" , "System.Windows.Forms"))); } CodeDomConvertVisitor cv = new CodeDomConvertVisitor(); cv.UseFullyQualifiedTypeNames = true; CSharpFullParseInformation designerParseInfo; MethodDeclaration initializeComponentsDeclaration = initializeComponents.GetDeclaration(out designerParseInfo) as MethodDeclaration; if (initializeComponentsDeclaration == null) throw new FormsDesignerLoadException("Could not find source code for InitializeComponents"); var resolver = designerParseInfo.GetResolver(compilation); var codeMethod = (CodeMemberMethod) cv.Convert(initializeComponentsDeclaration, resolver); var codeClass = new CodeTypeDeclaration(designerClass.Name); codeClass.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public; codeClass.BaseTypes.AddRange(designerClass.DirectBaseTypes.Select(cv.Convert).ToArray()); codeClass.Members.Add(codeMethod); foreach (var field in designerClass.Fields) { var codeField = new CodeMemberField(cv.Convert(field.Type), field.Name); codeClass.Members.Add(codeField); } var codeNamespace = new CodeNamespace(designerClass.Namespace); codeNamespace.Types.Add(codeClass); var codeUnit = new CodeCompileUnit(); codeUnit.Namespaces.Add(codeNamespace); // output generated CodeDOM to the console : #if DEBUG if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) { CodeDomVerboseOutputGenerator outputGenerator = new CodeDomVerboseOutputGenerator(); outputGenerator.GenerateCodeFromMember(codeMethod, Console.Out, null); this.CodeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(codeUnit, Console.Out, null); } #endif LoggingService.Debug("NRefactoryDesignerLoader.Parse() finished"); if (!isFirstClassInFile) { MessageService.ShowWarning("The form must be the first class in the file in order for form resources to be compiled correctly.\n" + "Please move other classes below the form class definition or move them to other files."); } return codeUnit; }