 private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Excel.Workbook MyBook = null;
     Excel.Application MyApp = null;
     Excel.Worksheet MySheet = null;
     MyApp = new Excel.Application();
     MyApp.Visible = false;
     MyBook = MyApp.Workbooks.Open(@"C:\Users\Francis\Desktop\IBPExcelApp\IBPExcelApplication\bin\Debug\IBP MEMBERS06182014-only.xlsx");
     MySheet = (Excel.Worksheet)MyBook.Sheets[1];
     int lastRow = 1164;
     var list = new List<Lawyer>();
     long success = 0;
     long fail = 0;
     int init = int.Parse(txtstart.Text);
     int end = int.Parse(txtend.Text);
     new Thread(() =>
         for (int i = init; i <= end; i++)
             System.Array MyValues = (System.Array)MySheet.get_Range("A" + i.ToString(), "R" + i.ToString()).Cells.Value;
             var data = new Lawyer();
             data.RollNumber = MyValues.GetValue(1, 1).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 1).ToString();
             data.Chapter = MyValues.GetValue(1, 2).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 2).ToString();
             data.Name = MyValues.GetValue(1, 3).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 3).ToString();
             data.Address = MyValues.GetValue(1, 4).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 4).ToString();
             data.HomePhone = MyValues.GetValue(1, 5).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 5).ToString();
             data.WorkAddress = MyValues.GetValue(1, 6).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 6).ToString();
             data.WorkPhone = MyValues.GetValue(1, 7).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 7).ToString();
             data.LawSchool = MyValues.GetValue(1, 8).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 8).ToString();
             data.Occupation = MyValues.GetValue(1, 9).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 9).ToString();
             data.Specialization = MyValues.GetValue(1, 10).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 10).ToString();
             data.Status = MyValues.GetValue(1, 11).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 11).ToString();
             data.BirthDate = (DateTime)MyValues.GetValue(1, 12);
             data.BirthPlace = MyValues.GetValue(1, 13).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 13).ToString();
             data.Sex = MyValues.GetValue(1, 14).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 14).ToString();
             data.Email = MyValues.GetValue(1, 16).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 16).ToString();
             data.LifeTimeRoll = MyValues.GetValue(1, 17) == null ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 17).ToString();
             data.YearAdmitted = MyValues.GetValue(1, 18).ToString() == "-" ? "" : MyValues.GetValue(1, 18).ToString();
             var record = EncodeLawyer(data);
             ProcessLawyer.Add(new ProcessData { Data = data, RollNumber = data.RollNumber, Success = record.Success, Index = i });
             listView1.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                 ListViewItem lvitem = new ListViewItem(i.ToString());
                 lvitem.BackColor = record.Success ? Color.LimeGreen : Color.DarkRed;
             success = record.Success ? success + 1 : success;
             fail = !record.Success ? fail + 1 : fail;
             label1.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                 label1.Text = string.Format("Current Index is: {0}", (i - init));
             label2.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                 label2.Text = string.Format("Success Data: {0}", success);
             label3.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                 label3.Text = string.Format("Fail Data: {0}", fail);
        private dynamic EncodeLawyer(Lawyer Data)
            dynamic response = new ExpandoObject();
            response.RollNumber = Data.RollNumber;
            response.Success = false;
            response.Message = "";
                using (TransactionScope tx = new TransactionScope())
                    var dbs = new basecampprodEntities();
                    var lawyerinfo = new UserData();
                    bool IsNew = false;
                    var basicinfo = (from item in dbs.users
                                     where item.LoginID.Equals(Data.RollNumber)
                                     select item).FirstOrDefault();
                    response.Type = basicinfo == null ? Type.Insert : Type.Update;
                    response.Message = basicinfo == null ? string.Format("succesfully {0} the record", Type.Insert) : string.Format("succesfully {0} the record", Type.Update);

                    #region User Type
                    IsNew = basicinfo == null ? true : false;
                    basicinfo = basicinfo == null ? new user() : basicinfo;
                    string[] fullname = Data.Name.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string[] name = fullname[1].Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string firstname = "";
                    for (int ii = 0; ii <= name.Length - 2; ii++)
                        firstname = firstname + " " + name[ii];
                    basicinfo.LastName = fullname[0];
                    basicinfo.FirstName = firstname;
                    basicinfo.MiddleName = name[name.Length - 1];
                    basicinfo.LoginID = Data.RollNumber;
                    basicinfo.MembershipType = Data.LifeTimeRoll == "" ? "Annual" : "LifeTime";
                    basicinfo.IBPNumber = Data.LifeTimeRoll;
                    basicinfo.AddToBar = int.Parse(Data.YearAdmitted);
                    basicinfo.IsLiving = true;
                    basicinfo.isLawyer = true;
                    if (IsNew) { dbs.users.Add(basicinfo); }
                    IsNew = false;

                    #region UserInfo Type
                    var OtherInfo = (from item in dbs.userinfoes
                                     where item.UserID == basicinfo.UserID
                                     select item).FirstOrDefault();
                    IsNew = OtherInfo == null ? true : false;
                    OtherInfo = OtherInfo == null ? new userinfo() : OtherInfo;

                    var ChapterDetail = (from item in dbs.chapters
                                         where item.Name.ToUpper() == Data.Chapter.ToUpper()
                                         select item).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (ChapterDetail != null)
                        OtherInfo.UserID = basicinfo.UserID;
                        OtherInfo.ChapterID = ChapterDetail.ChapterID;
                        OtherInfo.Birthday = Data.BirthDate;
                        OtherInfo.Address = Data.HomePhone;
                        OtherInfo.Sex = Data.Sex.Substring(0, 1);
                        OtherInfo.CivilStatus = Data.Status;
                        OtherInfo.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        if (IsNew) { dbs.userinfoes.Add(OtherInfo); }
                        IsNew = false;
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} Chapter is not Existing in Database.", Data.Chapter));

                    #region PhoneInfo Type
                    var phones = (from item in dbs.userinfophones
                                  where item.UserID == basicinfo.UserID
                                  select item).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in phones) { dbs.userinfophones.Remove(item); }
                    string[] homephones = Data.HomePhone.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string[] offphones = Data.WorkPhone.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    foreach (string phone in homephones)
                        var HomePhone = new userinfophone();
                        HomePhone.UserID = basicinfo.UserID;
                        HomePhone.Type = "Home";
                        HomePhone.SecurityType = "Private";
                        HomePhone.Number = string.Format("{0}/{1}Home", phone, basicinfo.UserID);
                    foreach (string phone in offphones)
                        var EmployePhone = new userinfophone();
                        EmployePhone.UserID = basicinfo.UserID;
                        EmployePhone.Type = "Office";
                        EmployePhone.SecurityType = "Private";
                        EmployePhone.Number = string.Format("{0}/{1}Office", phone, basicinfo.UserID);

                    #region EmailInfo Type
                    if (Data.Email != "")
                        var emails = (from item in dbs.userinfoemails
                                      where item.UserID == basicinfo.UserID
                                      select item).ToList();
                        foreach (var item in emails) { dbs.userinfoemails.Remove(item); }
                        var email = new userinfoemail();
                        email.UserID = basicinfo.UserID;
                        email.Type = "personal";
                        email.IsPrimary = false;
                        email.EmailAddress = Data.Email;
                        email.SecurityType = "Private";

                    #region College Type
                    var CollegeSchool = (from item in dbs.colleges
                                         where item.Name.ToUpper() == Data.LawSchool.ToUpper()
                                         select item).FirstOrDefault();
                    IsNew = CollegeSchool == null ? true : false;
                    CollegeSchool = CollegeSchool == null ? new college() : CollegeSchool;
                    CollegeSchool.Name = Data.LawSchool;
                    if (IsNew) { dbs.colleges.Add(CollegeSchool); }

                    var CollegeSchools = (from item in dbs.userinfocolleges
                                          where item.UserID == basicinfo.UserID
                                          select item).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in CollegeSchools) { dbs.userinfocolleges.Remove(item); }
                    var collegeInfo = new userinfocollege();
                    collegeInfo.UserID = basicinfo.UserID;
                    collegeInfo.ID = CollegeSchool.ID;
                    collegeInfo.Year = new DateTime();

                    #region Employer Type
                    var EmployerInfo = new employer();
                    EmployerInfo.Address = Data.WorkAddress;
                    EmployerInfo.Name = "";
                    EmployerInfo.Description = Data.Occupation;

                    var empInfo = new userinfoemployer();
                    empInfo.UserID = basicinfo.UserID;
                    empInfo.ID = EmployerInfo.ID;
                    empInfo.StartYear = new DateTime();
                    empInfo.StillEmployed = true;

                    #region Specialization
                    if (Data.Specialization != "")
                        var specialization = (from item in dbs.professions
                                              where item.Name.ToUpper() == Data.Specialization.ToUpper()
                                              select item).FirstOrDefault();
                        IsNew = specialization == null ? true : false;
                        specialization = specialization == null ? new profession() : specialization;
                        specialization.Name = Data.Specialization;
                        if (IsNew)
                    response.Success = true;
                    return response;
            catch (Exception e)
                response.Type = Type.Unknown;
                string message = "";
                if (e.InnerException != null)
                    if (e.InnerException.InnerException != null)
                        message = e.InnerException.InnerException.Message;
                        message = e.InnerException.Message;
                    message = e.Message;
                response.Message = message;
                return response;