private void GetPrevious() { Person per = currentPerson; LinkedListNode<Person> p = persons.Find(per); if (p.Previous != null) { currentPerson = p.Previous.Value; ChangePerson(); } else return; }
public override void LoadParticipants() { CLIENT client = ClientDataControl.Client.EntityObject as CLIENT; GROUP busGrp; GROUP itGrp; GetGroup("Business", client, out busGrp); GetGroup("IT", client, out itGrp); Person person; CupeData cupeData; int id = 1; int questionIndex = 1; foreach (CONTACT contact in busGrp.CONTACT) { person = new Person(id); person.Type = Person.EmployeeType.Business; person.CodeName = "Business" + (id).ToString(); cupeData = new CupeData(id); foreach (CUPERESPONSE response in contact.CUPERESPONSE) { questionIndex = ClientDataControl.cupeQuestions.FindIndex(delegate(CupeQuestionStringData question) { return question.QuestionText == response.CUPE.NAME.TrimEnd(); }); if (questionIndex != -1) { try { cupeData.CurrentAnswers.Add("Question " + (questionIndex + 1).ToString(), response.CURRENT[0]); cupeData.FutureAnswers.Add("Question " + (questionIndex + 1).ToString(), response.FUTURE[0]); } catch { } } } person.cupeDataHolder = cupeData; ClientDataControl.AddParticipant(person); id++; } foreach (CONTACT contact in itGrp.CONTACT) { person = new Person(id); person.Type = Person.EmployeeType.IT; person.CodeName = "IT" + (id).ToString(); cupeData = new CupeData(id); foreach (CUPERESPONSE response in contact.CUPERESPONSE) { questionIndex = ClientDataControl.cupeQuestions.FindIndex(delegate(CupeQuestionStringData question) { return question.QuestionText == response.CUPE.NAME.TrimEnd(); }); if (questionIndex != -1) { if(response.CURRENT.Length > 0) { cupeData.CurrentAnswers.Add("Question " + (questionIndex + 1).ToString(), response.CURRENT[0]); } if (response.FUTURE.Length > 0) { cupeData.FutureAnswers.Add("Question " + (questionIndex + 1).ToString(), response.FUTURE[0]); } } } person.cupeDataHolder = cupeData; ClientDataControl.AddParticipant(person); id++; } }
public void personListBox_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ListBox box = (ListBox)sender; int selectedindex = box.SelectedIndex; // Console.WriteLine(selectedindex.ToString()); currentPerson = persons.ElementAt<Person>(selectedindex); ChangePerson(); }
private void addPersonButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Person person = new Person(persons.Count); persons.AddLast(person); currentPerson = person; person.Owner = this; personNameLabel.Text = "Person " + persons.Count.ToString(); person.PopulateQuestionData(); ResetQuestions(); personListBox.Items.Add(person); personListBox.MouseDown +=new MouseEventHandler(personListBox_MouseDown); personListBox.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(personListBox_SelectedValueChanged); }
private void SaveParticipantButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int count = 1; List<Person> tempList = new List<Person>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in participantsGrid.Rows) { if(Convert.ToBoolean( row.Cells[2].Value) && Convert.ToBoolean( row.Cells[1].Value)) { MessageBox.Show("Participants must be either Business or IT", "Error"); return; } else if (!Convert.ToBoolean(row.Cells[2].Value) && !Convert.ToBoolean(row.Cells[1].Value)) { continue; } try { //Create the new person Person tempPerson = new Person(count++); if (row.Cells[0].Value != null) { tempPerson.Email = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); } if (Convert.ToBoolean( row.Cells[2].Value) == true) { tempPerson.Type = Person.EmployeeType.IT; tempPerson.CodeName = "Business" + count.ToString(); } if ( Convert.ToBoolean( row.Cells[1].Value) == true ) { tempPerson.Type = Person.EmployeeType.Business; tempPerson.CodeName = "IT" + count.ToString(); } //See if there are answers for the current person CupeData data = null; try { data = ClientDataControl.GetCupeAnswers().Where(x => x.ParticipantId == tempPerson.ID).Single(); } catch { } if (data != null) { tempPerson.cupeDataHolder = data; } //If not create new cupedata object else { tempPerson.cupeDataHolder = new CupeData(tempPerson.ID); } tempList.Add(tempPerson); } catch { } } tempList.OrderBy(o => o.ID); ClientDataControl.SetParticipants(tempList); this.Close(); }
public void GetNext() { Person per = currentPerson; LinkedListNode<Person> p = persons.Find(per); if (p.Next != null) { currentPerson = p.Next.Value; ChangePerson(); } else return; }
public static bool AddParticipant(Person person) { participants.Add(person); return true; }
public void ReadSurveyCUPE(List<Person> people) { int count = 1; var FD = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog(); if (FD.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return; } var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(FD.SelectedPath); var badFiles = 0; foreach (var file in files) { if (file.Contains("~$")) { badFiles++; continue; } //Start Word and open the word document. Word._Application oWord; Word._Document oDoc; oWord = new Word.Application(); oWord.Visible = false; oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(file, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //oWord.Activate(); //Loop through the forms. If the person doesn't exist in the participant list then create a new person try { if (oDoc.Paragraphs.First.Range.Text != "IT Provider Relationship Survey\r") { continue; } //Find the person object the form is related to, otherwise create a new one Person currentPerson = null; foreach (Word.FormField form in oDoc.FormFields) { //Find the person and their type if (form.Name == "Name") { currentPerson = new Person(count++); if (form.Result.ToString() == "Business") { currentPerson.Type = Person.EmployeeType.Business; currentPerson.CodeName = "Business" + count.ToString(); } else { currentPerson.Type = Person.EmployeeType.IT; currentPerson.CodeName = "IT" + count.ToString(); } ClientDataControl.AddParticipant(currentPerson); break; } else { break; } } int q = 1, c = 1; foreach (Word.FormField form in oDoc.FormFields) { if (form.Name != "Name") { if (c == 1) { currentPerson.cupeDataHolder.CurrentAnswers.Add("Question " + q, form.Result.ToCharArray()[0]); c = 2; } else if (c == 2) { currentPerson.cupeDataHolder.FutureAnswers.Add("Question " + q, form.Result.ToCharArray()[0]); c = 1; q++; } } } ClientDataControl.AddCupeAnswers(currentPerson.cupeDataHolder); oDoc.Close(Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges); } catch { oDoc.Close(Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges); } } }
//creates a new person from the edit participants window public void CreatePerson() { personCount++; DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); Person person = new Person(personCount); //person.Type = Person.EmployeeType.Business; col.HeaderText = "Person " + (currentGrid.ColumnCount - 6).ToString(); col.Name = person.CodeName; col.Width = 60; currentGrid.Columns.Insert(currentGrid.ColumnCount -6, col); }
public void ReadSurveyCUPE(List <Person> people) { int count = 1; var FD = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog(); if (FD.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { return; } var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(FD.SelectedPath); var badFiles = 0; foreach (var file in files) { if (file.Contains("~$")) { badFiles++; continue; } //Start Word and open the word document. Word._Application oWord; Word._Document oDoc; oWord = new Word.Application(); oWord.Visible = false; oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(file, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //oWord.Activate(); //Loop through the forms. If the person doesn't exist in the participant list then create a new person try { if (oDoc.Paragraphs.First.Range.Text != "IT Provider Relationship Survey\r") { continue; } //Find the person object the form is related to, otherwise create a new one Person currentPerson = null; foreach (Word.FormField form in oDoc.FormFields) { //Find the person and their type if (form.Name == "Name") { currentPerson = new Person(count++); if (form.Result.ToString() == "Business") { currentPerson.Type = Person.EmployeeType.Business; currentPerson.CodeName = "Business" + count.ToString(); } else { currentPerson.Type = Person.EmployeeType.IT; currentPerson.CodeName = "IT" + count.ToString(); } ClientDataControl.AddParticipant(currentPerson); break; } else { break; } } int q = 1, c = 1; foreach (Word.FormField form in oDoc.FormFields) { if (form.Name != "Name") { if (c == 1) { currentPerson.cupeDataHolder.CurrentAnswers.Add("Question " + q, form.Result.ToCharArray()[0]); c = 2; } else if (c == 2) { currentPerson.cupeDataHolder.FutureAnswers.Add("Question " + q, form.Result.ToCharArray()[0]); c = 1; q++; } } } ClientDataControl.AddCupeAnswers(currentPerson.cupeDataHolder); oDoc.Close(Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges); } catch { oDoc.Close(Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges); } } }
public override void LoadParticipants() { XElement client = ClientDataControl.Client.EntityObject as XElement; XElement busGrp; XElement itGrp; GetGroup("Business", client, out busGrp); GetGroup("IT", client, out itGrp); Person person; CupeData cupeData; int id = 1; int questionIndex = 0; List<XElement> busContacts = busGrp.Element("CONTACTS").Elements("CONTACT").ToList(); List<XElement> itContacts = itGrp.Element("CONTACTS").Elements("CONTACT").ToList(); foreach (XElement contact in busContacts) { person = new Person(id); person.Type = Person.EmployeeType.Business; person.CodeName = "Business" + (id).ToString(); cupeData = new CupeData(id); foreach (XElement response in contact.Element("CUPERESPONSES").Elements("CUPERESPONSE")) { questionIndex = ClientDataControl.cupeQuestions.FindIndex(delegate(CupeQuestionStringData question) { return question.QuestionText == response.Element("CUPE").Value; }); if (questionIndex != -1) { cupeData.CurrentAnswers.Add("Question " + (questionIndex+1).ToString(), response.Element("CURRENT").Value != "" ? response.Element("CURRENT").Value[0] : ' '); cupeData.FutureAnswers.Add("Question " + (questionIndex+1).ToString(), response.Element("FUTURE").Value != "" ? response.Element("FUTURE").Value[0] : ' '); } } person.cupeDataHolder = cupeData; ClientDataControl.AddParticipant(person); id++; } foreach (XElement contact in itContacts) { person = new Person(id); person.Type = Person.EmployeeType.IT; person.CodeName = "IT" + (id).ToString(); cupeData = new CupeData(id); foreach (XElement response in contact.Element("CUPERESPONSES").Elements("CUPERESPONSE")) { questionIndex = ClientDataControl.cupeQuestions.FindIndex(delegate(CupeQuestionStringData question) { return question.QuestionText == response.Element("CUPE").Value; }); if (questionIndex != -1) { cupeData.CurrentAnswers.Add("Question " + (questionIndex + 1).ToString(), response.Element("CURRENT").Value != "" ? response.Element("CURRENT").Value[0] : ' '); cupeData.FutureAnswers.Add("Question " + (questionIndex + 1).ToString(), response.Element("FUTURE").Value != "" ? response.Element("FUTURE").Value[0] : ' '); } } person.cupeDataHolder = cupeData; ClientDataControl.AddParticipant(person); id++; } }