internal void EnlistTransactionIntoDtc() { uint method = 0x4f8; this.TrEntry(method); try { base.TrText(method, "ResourceManager Id:- " + NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(this.myGuid.ToByteArray())); base.TrText(method, "Hconn = " + base.hconn.Value); base.TrText(method, "Enlisting as Durable Resource manager into Current Transaction"); base.InitializeMQRMI(); Transaction.Current.EnlistDurable(base.myGuid, (ISinglePhaseNotification)this, EnlistmentOptions.EnlistDuringPrepareRequired); base.TrText(method, "WMQ .NET Enlisted as Resource Manager with Transaction Co-ordinator"); base.hconn.currentTransaction = Transaction.Current; base.TrText(method, "Current Transaction's Information"); base.TrText(method, "DistributedIdentifier:- " + NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.DistributedIdentifier.ToByteArray())); base.TrText(method, "LocalIdentifier:- " + Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.LocalIdentifier); } catch (MQException exception) { base.TrException(method, exception, 1); throw exception; } catch (TransactionException exception2) { base.TrException(method, exception2, 2); MQException exception3 = new MQException(2, 0x932, exception2); throw exception3; } finally { base.TrExit(method); } }
public static int GetLengthV2(int ptrSize) { int num = (GetLengthV1(ptrSize) + 20) + (3 * ptrSize); int num2 = NmqiTools.Padding(ptrSize, 0, 4, 12); return(num + num2); }
private void MQRMIXAStart() { uint method = 0x50f; this.TrEntry(method); int num2 = 0; try { base.TrText(method, "Hconn value = " + this.hconn.Value + " issuing xa_start"); this.xid.TraceFields(); num2 = this.hconn.Session.MQFap.XA_Start(this.hconn, this.xid, this.hconn.Rmid, 0); if ((num2 != 0) && (num2 != 3)) { TransactionException innerException = new TransactionException(NmqiTools.GetTranslatedExceptionMessage(this.ToString(), 0x20008385, (uint)num2)); MQException exception2 = new MQException(2, 0x893, innerException); CommonServices.SetValidInserts(); CommonServices.ArithInsert1 = (uint)this.hconn.Rmid; CommonServices.CommentInsert1 = "xa_start call has failed with return code = " + num2; base.FFST("%Z% %W% %I% %E% %U%", "%C%", method, 1, 0x20009213, 0); throw exception2; } } finally { base.TrExit(method); } }
public void MQRMIXARollback() { uint method = 0x514; this.TrEntry(method); int flags = 0; try { base.TrText(method, "Hconn value = " + this.hconn.Value + " issuing xa_rollback"); this.xid.TraceFields(); int num2 = this.hconn.Session.MQFap.XA_Rollback(this.hconn, this.xid, this.hconn.Rmid, flags); if (num2 != 0) { TransactionException innerException = new TransactionException(NmqiTools.GetTranslatedExceptionMessage(this.ToString(), 0x20008385, (uint)num2)); MQException exception2 = new MQException(2, 0x893, innerException); CommonServices.SetValidInserts(); CommonServices.ArithInsert1 = (uint)this.hconn.Rmid; CommonServices.CommentInsert1 = "xa_rollback call has failed with return code = " + num2; base.FFST("%Z% %W% %I% %E% %U%", "%C%", method, 1, 0x20009213, 0); throw exception2; } base.TrText(method, "Hconn value = " + this.hconn.Value + " issuing MQGET to remove recovery message."); this.hconn.XARecoveryBridge.LogCurrentTransactionEnd(this.xid, this.hconn.Rmid); } finally { base.TrExit(method); } }
internal void UpdateHconn(NmqiMQ mqInstance, Phconn phconn) { uint method = 0x2f9; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { mqInstance, phconn }); try { this.MQI = mqInstance; Hconn hconn = null; switch (this.value_) { case -1: hconn = new HconnAdapter(-1); break; case 0: hconn = new HconnAdapter(0); break; default: hconn = this; if (this.qMgrInfo == null) { this.qMgrInfo = NmqiTools.GetQueueManagerInfo(base.env, mqInstance, this); } break; } phconn.HConn = hconn; } finally { base.TrExit(method); } }
public void MQRMIXACommit(bool onephase) { uint method = 0x513; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { onephase }); int flags = onephase ? 0x40000000 : 0; try { base.TrText(method, "Hconn value = " + this.hconn.Value + " issuing xa_commit"); this.xid.TraceFields(); int num3 = this.hconn.Session.MQFap.XA_Commit(this.hconn, this.xid, this.hconn.Rmid, flags); if ((num3 != 0) && (num3 != 3)) { TransactionException innerException = new TransactionException(NmqiTools.GetTranslatedExceptionMessage(this.ToString(), 0x20008385, (uint)num3)); MQException exception2 = new MQException(2, 0x893, innerException); CommonServices.SetValidInserts(); CommonServices.ArithInsert1 = (uint)this.hconn.Rmid; CommonServices.CommentInsert1 = "xa_commit call has failed with return code = " + num3; base.FFST("%Z% %W% %I% %E% %U%", "%C%", method, 1, 0x20009213, 0); throw exception2; } if (!onephase) { base.TrText(method, "Hconn value = " + this.hconn.Value + " issuing MQGET to remove recovery message."); this.hconn.XARecoveryBridge.LogCurrentTransactionEnd(this.xid, this.hconn.Rmid); } } finally { base.TrExit(method); } }
public static int GetLengthV1(int ptrSize) { int num = 120 + (2 * ptrSize); int num2 = NmqiTools.Padding(ptrSize, 0, 8, 0x18); return(num + num2); }
internal void WriteXid(sbyte[] xid) { int index = 0; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("[XID]"); byte[] dst = new byte[xid.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(xid, 0, dst, 0, xid.Length); int num2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(dst, 0); index += 4; builder.AppendLine(" formatId : " + num2); builder.Append(" "); int length = dst[index]; index++; int num4 = dst[index]; index++; builder.Append("[gtrid]: "); string str = NmqiTools.ToString(dst, index, length); builder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0,30}", str)); index += length; builder.Append(" "); builder.Append("[bqual]: "); string str2 = NmqiTools.ToString(dst, index, num4); builder.Append(string.Format("{0,30}", str2)); index += num4; this.WriteLog(builder.ToString()); }
public void Add(string name, long value) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Left(Convert.ToString(value), 1)); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Left(" (hex ", 1)); builder.Append(value.ToString("X")); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Left(")", 1)); this.AddField("", "", name, builder.ToString()); }
private void AddField(string lquote, string rquote, string name, string value) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Left(name, this.width1)); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Left(":", this.width2)); builder.Append(lquote); builder.Append(value); builder.Append(rquote); this.fields.Add(builder.ToString()); }
public void Run() { uint method = 0x4c1; this.TrEntry(method); Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "ReconnectThread"; Thread.SetData(Thread.GetNamedDataSlot("MQ_CLIENT_THREAD_TYPE"), 3); try { while (true) { ManagedHconn remoteHconn = this.BestHconn(); base.TrText(method, "Hconn found for reconnection = " + remoteHconn.Value); if (this.Reconnect(remoteHconn)) { this.ReconnectionComplete(remoteHconn); base.TrText(method, "Reconnection Completed"); } else if (remoteHconn.HasFailed()) { this.ReleaseHconn(remoteHconn); } else { remoteHconn.ReconnectionAttempts++; int index = remoteHconn.ReconnectionAttempts - 1; if (index >= this.rcnTimes.Length) { index = this.rcnTimes.Length - 1; } remoteHconn.NextReconnect = NmqiTools.GetCurrentTimeInMs() + Convert.ToInt64(this.rcnTimes[index]); base.TrText(method, string.Concat(new object[] { "Reconnection details: Hconn : ", remoteHconn.Value, " Reconnection times : ", remoteHconn.ReconnectionAttempts, "NextReconnectionTime : ", remoteHconn.NextReconnect })); } } } catch (Exception exception) { base.TrException(method, exception); CommonServices.SetValidInserts(); CommonServices.ArithInsert1 = 1; CommonServices.CommentInsert1 = "ReconnectThread::Run"; CommonServices.CommentInsert2 = exception.Message; CommonServices.CommentInsert3 = exception.StackTrace; base.FFST("%Z% %W% %I% %E% %U%", "%C%", method, 1, 0x20009546, 0); } finally { Thread.SetData(Thread.GetNamedDataSlot("MQ_CLIENT_THREAD_TYPE"), 0); base.TrExit(method); } }
public void Add(string name, string[] value) { if (value != null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Left(name, this.width1)); builder.Append(":"); for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { builder.Append("(" + value + ")"); } this.fields.Add(builder.ToString()); } }
internal MQTSH ReceiveAsyncTSH() { uint method = 0x61a; this.TrEntry(method); MQTSH result = null; try { lock (this.asyncTshLock) { while ((this.asyncTshQueue.Count == 0) && (this.asyncFailure == null)) { try { long currentTimeInMs = NmqiTools.GetCurrentTimeInMs(); int millisecondsTimeout = 10; Monitor.Wait(this.asyncTshLock, millisecondsTimeout, true); if ((NmqiTools.GetCurrentTimeInMs() >= (currentTimeInMs + millisecondsTimeout)) && !this.Connection.IsConnected) { NmqiException ex = new NmqiException(base.env, 0x23fd, null, 2, 0x7d9, null); base.TrException(method, ex); throw ex; } continue; } catch (ThreadInterruptedException exception2) { base.TrException(method, exception2); continue; } } if (this.asyncFailure != null) { this.connectionBroken = true; this.hconn.RaiseEvent(0x7d9); NmqiException exception3 = new NmqiException(base.env, -1, null, 2, 0x7d9, this.asyncFailure); base.TrException(method, exception3); throw exception3; } } result = this.asyncTshQueue.Dequeue(); } finally { base.TrExit(method, result); } return(result); }
internal void WriteTransactionID(Guid GlobalTID, string localTID) { uint method = 0x51a; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { GlobalTID, localTID }); string str = "[" + NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(GlobalTID.ToByteArray()) + "]"; string str2 = "[" + localTID + "]"; lock (this.mutex) { writer_.WriteLine(this.GetHeader() + "Global Transaction ID: " + str); writer_.WriteLine(this.GetHeader() + "Local Transaction ID: " + str2); } base.TrExit(method); }
public MQCBD() { base.TrConstructor("%Z% %W% %I% %E% %U%"); this.mqcbd = new MQBase.structMQCBD(); this.mqcbd.strucId = new byte[] { 0x43, 0x42, 0x44, 0x20 }; this.mqcbd.version = 1; this.mqcbd.callbackType = 1; this.mqcbd.options = 0; this.mqcbd.callbackArea = IntPtr.Zero; this.mqcbd.callbackFunction = IntPtr.Zero; this.mqConsumer = null; this.mqcbd.callbackName = new byte[0x80]; this.mqcbd.maxMsgLength = -1; this.cbdId = NmqiTools.GetCurrentTimeInMs().ToString() + this.GetHashCode(); }
internal void LogCurrentTransactionStart(byte[] xidBytes, MQXid xid, Guid queueManagerUid, int rmid, byte[] recinfo) { uint method = 0x52b; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { xidBytes, queueManagerUid, rmid, recinfo }); try { MQMessage mqMsg = new MQMessage(); mqMsg.Persistence = 1; int compCode = 0; int reason = 0; sbyte[] dst = new sbyte[queueManagerUid.ToByteArray().Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(queueManagerUid.ToByteArray(), 0, dst, 0, dst.Length); base.TrText(method, "Qmid=" + NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(queueManagerUid.ToByteArray())); sbyte[] numArray2 = new sbyte[recinfo.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(recinfo, 0, numArray2, 0, numArray2.Length); base.TrText(method, "recordinfo=" + NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(recinfo)); sbyte[] numArray3 = new sbyte[xidBytes.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(xidBytes, 0, numArray3, 0, numArray3.Length); base.TrText(method, "recordinfo=" + NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(xidBytes)); mqMsg.SetBytesProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_QMID", dst); mqMsg.SetBytesProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_RECINFO", numArray2); mqMsg.SetBytesProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_XID", numArray3); mqMsg.SetIntProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_RMID", rmid); mqMsg.SetDoubleProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_TTIMEOUT", TransactionManager.MaximumTimeout.TotalMilliseconds); mqMsg.SetStringProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_HOSTANDUSER", this.hostAndUser); this.marshal = new MQMarshalMessageForPut(mqMsg); mqMsg = this.marshal.ConstructMessageForSend(); byte[] sBuff = mqMsg.GetBuffer(); MQMessageDescriptor md =; this.recoveryHconn.Session.MQFap.MQPUT(this.recoveryHconn, this.recoveryHobj.HOBJ, ref md, ref this.recoveryPutPmo, sBuff.Length, sBuff, null, 1, out compCode, out reason); base.TrText(method, "MessageId-" + NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(md.MsgId)); if (compCode != 0) { base.throwNewMQException(compCode, reason); } this.TransactionLogList.Add(xid,; this.marshal.Dispose(false); this.marshal = null; mqMsg = null; sBuff = null; } finally { base.TrExit(method); } }
private void LoadInfo() { uint method = 0x630; this.TrEntry(method); try { if ( == null) { = NmqiTools.GetQueueManagerInfo(base.env, this.MQFap, this.hconn); } } finally { base.TrExit(method); } }
public void Add(string name, int[] value) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Left(name, this.width1)); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Left(":", this.width2)); builder.Append("("); for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) { builder.Append(','); } builder.Append(value[i]); } builder.Append(")"); this.fields.Add(builder.ToString()); }
public void SetPutDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millis) { uint method = 0x415; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millis }); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Fix(year, 4)); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Fix(month, 2)); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Fix(day, 2)); this.PutDate = builder.ToString(); builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Fix(hour, 2)); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Fix(minute, 2)); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Fix(second, 2)); builder.Append(NmqiTools.Fix(millis, 2)); this.PutTime = builder.ToString(); base.TrExit(method); }
internal void LogCurrentTransactionEnd(MQXid xid, int rmid) { uint method = 0x52c; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { xid, rmid }); MQMessageDescriptor msgDesc = new MQMessageDescriptor(); msgDesc.Version = 2; try { if (this.TransactionLogList.ContainsKey(xid)) { MQMessageDescriptor descriptor2 = (MQMessageDescriptor)this.TransactionLogList[xid]; msgDesc.MsgId = descriptor2.MsgId; base.TrText(method, "MessageId-" + NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(msgDesc.MsgId)); int dataLength = 0; int bufferLength = 0x1000; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength]; int compCode = 0; int reason = 0; MQProxyQueue proxyQueue = ((ManagedHobj)this.recoveryHobj.HOBJ).ProxyQueue; if (proxyQueue != null) { proxyQueue.ProxyMQGET(msgDesc, this.recoveryGetGmo, bufferLength, buffer, ref dataLength, null, ref compCode, ref reason); } else { this.recoveryHconn.GetMQFAP.MQGET(this.recoveryHconn, this.recoveryHobj.HOBJ, msgDesc, this.recoveryGetGmo, bufferLength, buffer, out dataLength, out compCode, out reason); } if (compCode != 0) { base.throwNewMQException(compCode, reason); } this.TransactionLogList.Remove(xid); buffer = null; } } finally { base.TrExit(method); } }
public int MQRMIXAPrepare(byte[] recoveryInformation) { uint method = 0x512; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { recoveryInformation }); int num2 = 0; try { byte[] buffer = null; buffer = new byte[this.xid.GetRoundedLength()]; this.xid.WriteStruct(buffer, 0); this.xid.TraceFields(); base.TrText(method, "Hconn value = " + this.hconn.Value + " issuing xa_prepare"); num2 = this.hconn.Session.MQFap.XA_Prepare(this.hconn, this.xid, this.hconn.Rmid, this.flags); if ((num2 != 0) && (num2 != 3)) { TransactionException innerException = new TransactionException(NmqiTools.GetTranslatedExceptionMessage(this.ToString(), 0x20008385, (uint)num2)); MQException exception2 = new MQException(2, 0x893, innerException); CommonServices.SetValidInserts(); CommonServices.ArithInsert1 = (uint)this.hconn.Rmid; CommonServices.CommentInsert1 = "xa_prepare call has failed with return code = " + num2; base.FFST("%Z% %W% %I% %E% %U%", "%C%", method, 1, 0x20009213, 0); throw exception2; } if (num2 == 0) { base.TrText(method, "Hconn value = " + this.hconn.Value + " issuing MQPUT for tx recovery."); this.hconn.XARecoveryBridge.LogCurrentTransactionStart(buffer, this.xid, this.myGuid, this.hconn.Rmid, recoveryInformation); } } finally { base.TrExit(method); } return(num2); }
internal void RunRecovery() { uint method = 0x521; this.TrEntry(method); int num2 = 0; bool flag = false; while ((num2 = this.Queue.CurrentDepth) > 0) { flag = true; log.WriteLog("SYSTEM.DOTNET.XARECOVERY.QUEUE Current Depth : ", num2.ToString()); MQMessage message = new MQMessage(); try { this.Queue.Get(message, this.gmoB); } catch (MQException exception) { base.TrException(method, exception, 1); if (exception.Reason == 0x7f1) { break; } } log.WriteLog("MsgID of current message(recovery message) being processed ", NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(message.MessageId)); if (message == null) { break; } sbyte[] xid = null; double doubleProperty = 0.0; string stringProperty = null; try { xid = message.GetBytesProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_XID"); doubleProperty = message.GetDoubleProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_TTIMEOUT"); stringProperty = message.GetStringProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_HOSTANDUSER"); } catch (MQException exception2) { base.TrException(method, exception2, 2); if ((((exception2.Reason != 0x9a7) && (exception2.Reason != 0x98a)) && ((exception2.Reason != 0x9a2) && (exception2.Reason != 0x9a3))) && ((exception2.Reason != 0x9a6) && (exception2.Reason != 0x9a5))) { throw exception2; } continue; } log.WriteLog("Host,UserId under which the Transaction Recovery message has been put : " + stringProperty); log.WriteLog("Current Xid from the indoubt message"); log.WriteXid(xid); DateTime putDateTime = message.PutDateTime; DateTime time2 = putDateTime.AddMilliseconds(doubleProperty); if (time2 > DateTime.Now) { log.WriteLog("TransactionTimeout - " + time2.ToLongTimeString()); log.WriteLog("Message arrival time - " + putDateTime.ToLongTimeString()); log.WriteLog("Monitor skiping the current messages as transaction did not timeout yet.."); } else { try { this.Queue.Get(message, this.gmoG); log.WriteLog("Found one Inomplete Transaction from message,(ID):", NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(message.MessageId)); } catch (MQException exception3) { base.TrException(method, exception3, 2); throw exception3; } try { int intProperty = message.GetIntProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_RMID"); sbyte[] bytesProperty = message.GetBytesProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_QMID"); sbyte[] recinfo = message.GetBytesProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_RECINFO"); sbyte[] numArray4 = message.GetBytesProperty("dnet.XARECOVERY_XID"); byte[] dst = new byte[bytesProperty.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(bytesProperty, 0, dst, 0, dst.Length); this.QMId = new Guid(dst); if (this.RecoverTransaction(this.QMId, recinfo, numArray4, intProperty)) { this.Qmgr.Commit(); if (!CompletedQMId.Contains(this.QMId)) { CompletedQMId.Add(this.QMId); } } else { if (CompletedQMId.Contains(this.QMId)) { CompletedQMId.Remove(this.QMId); } this.Qmgr.Backout(); } continue; } catch (MQException exception4) { base.TrException(method, exception4, 3); throw exception4; } } } foreach (Guid guid in CompletedQMId) { TransactionManager.RecoveryComplete(guid); } if (!flag) { Thread.Sleep(0x1d4c0); this.reenter = true; } base.TrExit(method); }
public void Commit(Enlistment enlistment) { uint method = 0x524; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { enlistment }); try { int num2 = 0; MQTransactionRecovery.log.WriteLog("Outcome of the transaction(as per DTC):", "Commit"); int num3 = 0; num2 = 0; while (num2 < this.incompleteXids.Count) { if (this.recoveryXid.Equals(this.incompleteXids[num2])) { if (MQTransactionRecovery.userMode) { num3 = this.HeuristicTransactionCompletion(); } else { num3 = this.recoveryHconn.GetMQFAP.XA_Commit(this.recoveryHconn, this.recoveryXid, this.rmid_, 0); MQTransactionRecovery.log.WriteLog("Transaction Commit was successful with Returncode: " + num3); } if (num3 < 0) { TransactionException innerException = new TransactionException(NmqiTools.GetTranslatedExceptionMessage(this.ToString(), 0x20008385, (uint)num3)); MQException exception2 = new MQException(2, 0x893, innerException); throw exception2; } enlistment.Done(); this.success = true; break; } num2++; } if (num2 == this.incompleteXids.Count) { MQTransactionRecovery.log.WriteLog("This particular Tx is not listed as in-doubt with WMQ. Releasing it now."); enlistment.Done(); this.success = true; } } catch (Exception exception3) { base.TrException(method, exception3); MQTransactionRecovery.log.WriteLog("Actual state of the Transaction:", "Unknown/Indoubt"); throw exception3; } finally { base.TrExit(method); } }
public ManagedHconn BestHconn() { uint method = 0x4c2; this.TrEntry(method); ManagedHconn hconn = null; try { while (hconn == null) { long num2 = 0L; long num3 = 0L; lock (this.reconnectMutex) { if (this.hconns.Count == 0) { try { Monitor.Wait(this.reconnectMutex, -1, true); } catch (ThreadInterruptedException exception) { base.TrException(method, exception, 1); } } long currentTimeInMs = NmqiTools.GetCurrentTimeInMs(); for (int i = 0; i < this.hconns.Count; i++) { ManagedHconn rcnHconn = (ManagedHconn)this.hconns[i]; if (!rcnHconn.IsReconnectable) { base.TrText(method, "Hconn : " + rcnHconn.Value + " is not elgiblefor reconnection any longer.."); rcnHconn.SetReconnectionFailure(2, 0x7d9, null); this.ReleaseHconn(rcnHconn); } else if (rcnHconn.ReconnectExpiry < currentTimeInMs) { base.TrText(method, "Hconn : " + rcnHconn.Value + " has reconnection time expired.."); rcnHconn.SetReconnectionFailure(2, 0x9fc, null); this.ReleaseHconn(rcnHconn); } else { long num6 = currentTimeInMs - rcnHconn.NextReconnect; if (num2 <= num6) { num2 = num6; hconn = rcnHconn; } else if (num3 < -num6) { num3 = -num6; } } } } if (hconn == null) { try { base.TrText(method, "Reconnection thread sleeping now for until iteration"); Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(num3)); continue; } catch (ThreadInterruptedException) { continue; } } } } finally { base.TrExit(method); } return(hconn); }
public void Add(string name, sbyte[] value) { this.AddField("", "", name, NmqiTools.ArrayToHexString(value)); }