        /// <summary>
        /// Return tif rhs is equal to this.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rhs">the PluralRules to compare to.</param>
        /// <returns>true if this and rhs are equal.</returns>
        /// @draft ICU 3.8
        /// @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
        public bool Equals(PluralRules rhs)
            if (rhs == null)
            if (rhs == this)
            if (!rhs.GetKeywords().Equals(keywords))

            int limit = Math.Max(GetRepeatLimit(), rhs.GetRepeatLimit());

            for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
                if (!Select(i).Equals(rhs.Select(i)))
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the <c>PluralRules</c> object. Postcondition:<br/>
 /// <c>ulocale</c> : is <c>locale</c><br/>
 /// <c>pluralRules</c>: if <c>rules</c> != <c>null</c> it's
 /// set to rules, otherwise it is the predefined plural rule set for the
 /// locale <c>ulocale</c>.<br/>
 /// <c>parsedValues</c>: is <c>null</c><br/>
 /// <c>pattern</c>: is <c>null</c><br/>
 /// <c>numberFormat</c>: a <c>NumberFormat</c> for the locale
 /// <c>ulocale</c>.
 /// </summary>
 private void Init(PluralRules rules, ULocale locale)
     ulocale      = locale;
     pluralRules  = (rules == null) ? IBM.ICU.Text.PluralRules.ForLocale(ulocale) : rules;
     parsedValues = null;
     pattern      = null;
     numberFormat = IBM.ICU.Text.NumberFormat.GetInstance(ulocale);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <c>PluralFormat</c> for a given set of rules. The
 /// standard number formatting will be done using the given locale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ulocale_0">the default number formatting will be done using this locale.</param>
 /// <param name="rules">defines the behavior of the <c>PluralFormat</c> object.</param>
 /// @draft ICU 3.8
 /// @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
 public PluralFormat(ULocale ulocale_0, PluralRules rules)
     this.ulocale      = null;
     this.pluralRules  = null;
     this.pattern      = null;
     this.parsedValues = null;
     this.numberFormat = null;
     Init(rules, ulocale_0);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <c>PluralFormat</c> for a given set of rules. The
 /// standard number formatting will be done using the default locale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rules">defines the behavior of the <c>PluralFormat</c> object.</param>
 /// @draft ICU 3.8
 /// @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
 public PluralFormat(PluralRules rules)
     this.ulocale      = null;
     this.pluralRules  = null;
     this.pattern      = null;
     this.parsedValues = null;
     this.numberFormat = null;
     Init(rules, IBM.ICU.Util.ULocale.GetDefault());
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <c>PluralFormat</c> for a given set of rules, a
 /// pattern and a locale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ulocale_0">the <c>PluralFormat</c> will be configured with rulesfor this locale. This locale will also be used for standardnumber formatting.</param>
 /// <param name="rules">defines the behavior of the <c>PluralFormat</c> object.</param>
 /// <param name="pattern_1">the pattern for this <c>PluralFormat</c>.</param>
 /// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">if the pattern is invalid.</exception>
 /// @draft ICU 3.8
 /// @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
 public PluralFormat(ULocale ulocale_0, PluralRules rules, String pattern_1)
     this.ulocale      = null;
     this.pluralRules  = null;
     this.pattern      = null;
     this.parsedValues = null;
     this.numberFormat = null;
     Init(rules, ulocale_0);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <c>PluralFormat</c> for a given pattern string. The
 /// default locale will be used to get the set of plural rules and for
 /// standard number formatting.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pattern_0">the pattern for this <c>PluralFormat</c>.</param>
 /// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException">if the pattern is invalid.</exception>
 /// @draft ICU 3.8
 /// @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
 public PluralFormat(String pattern_0)
     this.ulocale      = null;
     this.pluralRules  = null;
     this.pattern      = null;
     this.parsedValues = null;
     this.numberFormat = null;
     Init(null, IBM.ICU.Util.ULocale.GetDefault());
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Static class methods.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Provides access to the predefined <c>PluralRules</c> for a given
        /// locale.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locale">The locale for which a <c>PluralRules</c> object isreturned.</param>
        /// <returns>The predefined <c>PluralRules</c> object for this locale.
        /// If there's no predefined rules for this locale, the rules for the
        /// closest parent in the locale hierarchy that has one will be
        /// returned. The final fallback always returns the default rules.</returns>
        /// @draft ICU 3.8
        /// @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
        public static PluralRules ForLocale(ULocale locale)
            PluralRules result = null;

            while (null == (result = (PluralRules)ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Get(ruleMap, locale.GetName())))
                locale = locale.GetFallback();
                if (locale == null)
        static PluralRules()
            String[] ruledata =
                "other: n/ja,ko,tr,vi",
                "zero: n is 0; one: n is 1; two: n is 2; few: n in 3..10; "
                + "many: n in 11..99/ar",
                "one: n is 1/da,de,el,en,eo,es,et,fi,fo,he,hu,it,nb,nl,nn,no,pt,sv",
                "one: n in 0..1/fr,pt_BR",
                "zero: n is 0; one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11/lv",
                "one: n is 1; two: n is 2/ga",
                "zero: n is 0; one: n is 1; zero: n mod 100 in 1..19/ro",
                "other: n mod 100 in 11..19; one: n mod 10 is 1; "
                + "few: n mod 10 in 2..9/lt",
                "one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11; "
                + "few: n mod 10 in 2..4 "
                + "and n mod 100 not in 12..14/hr,ru,sr,uk",
                "one: n is 1; few: n in 2..4/cs,sk",
                "one: n is 1; few: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14/pl",
                "one: n mod 100 is 1; two: n mod 100 is 2; "
                + "few: n mod 100 in 3..4/sl"
            Hashtable map = new Hashtable();

            for (int i = 0; i < ruledata.Length; ++i)
                String[] data = IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.Split(ruledata[i], '/');
                try {
                    PluralRules pluralRules = ParseDescription(data[0]);
                    String[]    locales     = IBM.ICU.Impl.Utility.Split(data[1], ',');
                    for (int j = 0; j < locales.Length; ++j)
                        ILOG.J2CsMapping.Collections.Collections.Put(map, locales[j].Trim(), pluralRules);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.Console.Error.WriteLine("PluralRules init failure, "
                                                   + e.Message + " at line " + i);
            ruleMap = map;