        public void FromJsonString(String json)
            JsonGeneric item = null;

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)))
                DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(this.GetType());
                item = (JsonGeneric)ser.ReadObject(ms);

            if (item == null)

            this.fields   = item.fields;
            this.data     = item.data;
            this.function = item.function;
        public PluginConfig(OpenSSL.X509.X509Certificate cert, SqlConnection conn, String scheme, Int64 pluginId, Int64 resourcePluginId)
            this.Connection = conn;

            switch (scheme.ToLower())
            case "connector":

                DataTable dt = ExecuteDataTable("select p.id plugin_id, p.uri, p.[assembly], rp.*, rp.id resource_plugin_id from plugin p with(nolock) inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on rp.plugin_id = p.id inner join [resource] r with(nolock) on r.id = rp.resource_id where r.enabled = 1 and rp.enabled = 1 and rp.id = " + resourcePluginId);
                if ((dt != null) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0))
                    DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];

                    DataTable dt2 = ExecuteDataTable("select top 1 schedule from resource_plugin_schedule with(nolock) where resource_plugin_id = " + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString());
                    if ((dt2 != null) && (dt2.Rows.Count > 0))
                        this.schedule = dt2.Rows[0]["schedule"].ToString();

                    this.mapping = new List <PluginConfigMapping>();

                    //Adiciona os mapeamentos padrões (login, e-mail e nome), se estiver mapeado
                    DataTable dt3 = ExecuteDataTable("select rp.id resource_plugin_id, f.id field_id, f.name field_name, 'login' data_name, f.data_type, cast(0 as bit) is_password, cast(0 as bit) is_property, cast(0 as bit) is_id, is_unique_property = case when f.id = rp.login_field_id then cast(1 as bit) else cast(0 as bit) end from resource_plugin rp with(nolock) inner join field f with(nolock) on rp.login_field_id = f.id where rp.id = " + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString());
                    if ((dt3 != null) && (dt3.Rows.Count > 0))
                        foreach (DataRow dr3 in dt3.Rows)
                            this.mapping.Add(new PluginConfigMapping(
                                                 ((Int64)dr["login_field_id"] == (Int64)dr3["field_id"]),
                                                 ((Int64)dr["name_field_id"] == (Int64)dr3["field_id"])

                    //Adiciona os mapeamentos
                    DataTable dt4 = ExecuteDataTable("select m.*, f.data_type, f.name field_name from resource_plugin_mapping m with(nolock) inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on rp.id = m.resource_plugin_id inner join field f with(nolock) on m.field_id = f.id where rp.id = " + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString());
                    if ((dt4 != null) && (dt4.Rows.Count > 0))
                        foreach (DataRow dr4 in dt4.Rows)
                            this.mapping.Add(new PluginConfigMapping(
                                                 ((Int64)dr["login_field_id"] == (Int64)dr4["field_id"]),
                                                 ((Int64)dr["name_field_id"] == (Int64)dr4["field_id"])

                    //Adiciona o campo de login caso não exista
                    DataTable dt5 = ExecuteDataTable("select rp.id resource_plugin_id, f.id field_id, f.name field_name, 'login' data_name, f.data_type, cast(0 as bit), cast(0 as bit), cast(0 as bit) is_id, is_unique_property = case when f.id = rp.login_field_id then cast(1 as bit) else cast(0 as bit) end from resource_plugin rp with(nolock) inner join field f with(nolock) on rp.login_field_id = f.id where rp.id = " + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString());
                    if ((dt5 != null) && (dt5.Rows.Count > 0))
                        foreach (DataRow dr5 in dt5.Rows)
                            if (!this.mapping.Exists(m => (m.is_login)))
                                this.mapping.Add(new PluginConfigMapping(
                                                     ((Int64)dr["login_field_id"] == (Int64)dr5["field_id"]),
                                                     ((Int64)dr["name_field_id"] == (Int64)dr5["field_id"])

                    this.uri               = dr["uri"].ToString();
                    this.assembly          = dr["assembly"].ToString();
                    this.resource          = (Int64)dr["resource_id"];
                    this.resource_plugin   = (Int64)dr["id"];
                    this.name_field_id     = (Int64)dr["name_field_id"];
                    this.mail_field_id     = (Int64)dr["mail_field_id"];
                    this.login_field_id    = (Int64)dr["login_field_id"];
                    this.enable_import     = (Boolean)dr["enable_import"];
                    this.enable_deploy     = (Boolean)dr["enable_deploy"];
                    this.import_groups     = (Boolean)dr["import_groups"];
                    this.import_containers = (Boolean)dr["import_containers"];
                    this.permit_add_entity = (Boolean)dr["permit_add_entity"];
                    this.mail_domain       = dr["mail_domain"].ToString();
                    this.build_login       = (Boolean)dr["build_login"];
                    this.build_mail        = (Boolean)dr["build_mail"];
                    this.order             = (Int32)dr["order"];
                    this.plugin_id         = (Int64)dr["plugin_id"];

                    if (cert != null)
                        JsonGeneric cfg = new JsonGeneric();
                        cfg.fields = new String[] { "key", "value" };

                        DataTable dt1 = ExecuteDataTable("select [key], [value] from resource_plugin_par with(nolock) where resource_plugin_id = " + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString());
                        if ((dt1 != null) && (dt1.Rows.Count > 0))
                            foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt1.Rows)
                                cfg.data.Add(new String[] { dr1["key"].ToString(), dr1["value"].ToString() });

                        using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(cert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cfg.ToJsonString())))
                            parameters = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi.ToBytes());

            case "agent":
                DataTable dtA = ExecuteDataTable("select p.id plugin_id, p.uri, p.[assembly], pp.id proxy_plugin_id from plugin p with(nolock) inner join proxy_plugin pp with(nolock) on pp.plugin_id = p.id where pp.enabled = 1 and p.id = " + pluginId);
                if ((dtA != null) && (dtA.Rows.Count > 0))
                    DataRow dr = dtA.Rows[0];

                    this.uri       = dr["uri"].ToString();
                    this.assembly  = dr["assembly"].ToString();
                    this.plugin_id = (Int64)dr["plugin_id"];

                    if (cert != null)
                        JsonGeneric cfg = new JsonGeneric();
                        cfg.fields = new String[] { "key", "value" };

                        DataTable dt1 = ExecuteDataTable("select [key], [value] from proxy_plugin_par with(nolock) where proxy_plugin_id = " + dr["proxy_plugin_id"].ToString());
                        if ((dt1 != null) && (dt1.Rows.Count > 0))
                            foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt1.Rows)
                                cfg.data.Add(new String[] { dr1["key"].ToString(), dr1["value"].ToString() });

                        using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(cert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cfg.ToJsonString())))
                            parameters = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi.ToBytes());