public void TestGenerateTarGzNoDirectory() { string nonexistantdir = Path.Combine(tempFolder, "temp"); Utils.GenerateTarGz(nonexistantdir, null, null); Assert.Fail("Expected an IOException as the directory does not exist"); }
public void TestGenerateTarGzEmptyDirectory() { // create an empty directory string emptydir = Path.Combine(tempFolder, "subfolder"); Directory.CreateDirectory(emptydir); byte[] data = Utils.GenerateTarGz(emptydir, null, null); // Here, we simply ensure that it did something! Assert.IsNotNull(data); Assert.IsTrue(data.Length > 0); }
public void TestGenerateTarGz() { // create a temp directory with some files in it string tempDir = CreateTempDirWithFiles(); // Compress byte[] data = Utils.GenerateTarGz(tempDir, "newPath", null); // Here, we simply ensure that it did something! Assert.IsNotNull(data); Assert.IsTrue(data.Length > 0); }
public void TestGenerateTarGzNOMETAINF() { List <string> expect = new List <string> { "src/" }; string path = Path.Combine(SAMPLE_GO_CC, "/src/").Locate(); byte[] bytes = Utils.GenerateTarGz(path, "src/", null); Assert.IsNotNull(bytes, "generateTarGz() returned null bytes."); List <string> tarBytesToEntryArrayList = TestUtils.TestUtils.TarBytesToEntryArrayList(bytes); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expect, tarBytesToEntryArrayList, "Tar not what expected."); }
public void TestGenerateTarGzMETAINF() { List <string> expect = new List <string> { "META-INF/statedb/couchdb/indexes/MockFakeIndex.json", "src/" }; expect.Sort(); string path = Path.Combine(SAMPLE_GO_CC, "/src/").Locate(); string metainf = "fixture/meta-infs/test1/META-INF".Locate(); byte[] bytes = Utils.GenerateTarGz(path, "src/", metainf); Assert.IsNotNull(bytes, "generateTarGz() returned null bytes."); List <string> tarBytesToEntryArrayList = TestUtils.TestUtils.TarBytesToEntryArrayList(bytes); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expect, tarBytesToEntryArrayList, "Tar not what expected."); }