 public override Spectrum SampleL(Point p, double pEpsilon, LightSample ls, double time, ref Vector wi, ref double pdf, ref VisibilityTester visibility)
     wi = new Vector (LightDir);
     pdf = 1.0;
     visibility.SetRay (p, pEpsilon, wi, time);
     return L;
 public override Spectrum SampleL(Scene scene, LightSample ls, double u1, double u2, double time, ref Ray ray, ref Normal Ns, ref double pdf)
     Point org = ShapeSet.Sample (ls, ref Ns);
     Vector dir = MonteCarlo.UniformSampleSphere (u1, u2);
     if ((dir ^ Ns) < 0.0)
         dir *= -1.0;
     ray = new Ray (org, dir, 0.001, double.PositiveInfinity, time);
     pdf = ShapeSet.Pdf (org) * Util.InvTwoPi;
     Spectrum Ls = L (org, Ns, dir);
     return Ls;
        public override Spectrum SampleL(Point p, double pEpsilon, LightSample ls, double time, ref Vector wi, ref double pdf, ref VisibilityTester visibility)
            Normal ns = new Normal ();
            Point ps = ShapeSet.Sample (p, ls, ref ns);
            wi = (ps - p).Normalized;
            pdf = ShapeSet.Pdf (p, wi);
            visibility.SetSegment (p, pEpsilon, ps, 0.001, time);
            Spectrum Ls = L (ps, ns, -wi);

            return Ls;
 public Point Sample(Point p, LightSample lightSample, ref Normal Ns)
     double temp = 0.0;
     int sn = AreaDistribution.SampleDiscrete (lightSample.uComponent, ref temp);
     Point pt = Shapes[sn].Sample (p, lightSample.uPos[0], lightSample.uPos[1], ref Ns);
     // Find closest intersection of ray with shapes in _ShapeSet_
     Ray r = new Ray (p, pt - p, 0.001, double.PositiveInfinity);
     double rayEps = 0.0, thit = 1.0;
     bool anyHit = false;
     DifferentialGeometry dg = new DifferentialGeometry ();
     foreach (IShape shape in Shapes)
         anyHit |= shape.Intersect (r, ref thit, ref rayEps, ref dg);
     if (anyHit)
         Ns = new Normal (dg.n);
     return r.Apply (thit);
        public override Spectrum SampleL(Scene scene, LightSample ls, double u1, double u2, double time, ref Ray ray, ref Normal Ns, ref double pdf)
            // Choose point on disk oriented toward infinite light direction
            Point worldCenter;
            double worldRadius;
            scene.WorldBound.BoundingSphere (out worldCenter, out worldRadius);
            Vector v1, v2;
            Util.CoordinateSystem (LightDir, out v1, out v2);
            double d1 = 0.0, d2 = 0.0;
            MonteCarlo.ConcentricSampleDisk (ls.uPos[0], ls.uPos[1], ref d1, ref d2);
            Point Pdisk = worldCenter + worldRadius * (d1 * v1 + d2 * v2);

            // Set ray origin and direction for infinite light ray
            ray = new Ray (Pdisk + worldRadius * LightDir, -LightDir, 0.0, double.PositiveInfinity, time);
            Ns = new Normal (ray.Direction);
            pdf = 1.0 / (Util.Pi * worldRadius * worldRadius);
            return L;
 public Point Sample(LightSample lightSample, ref Normal Ns)
     double temp = 0.0;
     int sn = AreaDistribution.SampleDiscrete (lightSample.uComponent, ref temp);
     return Shapes[sn].Sample (lightSample.uPos[0], lightSample.uPos[1], ref Ns);
 public abstract Spectrum SampleL(Scene scene, LightSample ls, double u1, double u2, double time, ref Ray ray, ref Normal Ns, ref double pdf);
 public abstract Spectrum SampleL(Point p, double pEpsilon, LightSample ls, double time, ref Vector wi, ref double pdf, ref VisibilityTester visibility);