        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the Percentiles [0;1] of an Item. MaxEntriesInMemory is used to reduce the memory consumption by sweeping multiple times. Units is MB of memory 
    /// </summary>
    public void Percentile(int Item, int[] TSteps, DFSBase df, double[] Percentiles, int MaxEntriesInMemory)
      //List counts percentiles
      float[][] OutData = new float[Percentiles.Count()][];
      for (int i = 0; i < Percentiles.Count(); i++)
        OutData[i] = new float[dfsdata.Count()];

      List<int> steps = new List<int>();

      //Get the delete values
      float delete = DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetDeleteValFloat(_headerPointer);

      //Read first time step and create a list with the indeces of non-delete values
      ReadItemTimeStep(0, Item);
      List<int> NonDeleteEntries = new List<int>();
      for (int i = 0; i < dfsdata.Length; i++)
        if (dfsdata[i] != delete)

      //Find out how many sweeps are necessary to not exceed max memory
      double TotalData = (double)NonDeleteEntries.Count * (double)TSteps.Count();
      if (TotalData > (MaxEntriesInMemory*40000))
        int nsteps = (int) Math.Max( TotalData / (MaxEntriesInMemory*40000),1);
        int StepLength = NonDeleteEntries.Count() / nsteps;

        for (int i = 0; i < nsteps; i++)
          steps.Add(steps.Last() + StepLength);


      //Now start the loop
      for (int m = 0; m < steps.Count-1; m++)
        int dfscount = steps[m + 1] - steps[m];

        //First iterater is dfsdata
        float[][] Data = new float[dfscount][];

        for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count(); i++)
          Data[i] = new float[TSteps.Count()];

        //Collect all data
        for (int i = 0; i < TSteps.Count(); i++)
          var data = ReadItemTimeStep(TSteps[i], Item);
          int local = 0;
          for (int k = steps[m]; k < steps[m + 1]; k++)
            Data[local][i] = (dfsdata[NonDeleteEntries[k]]);

        int local2 = 0;
        for (int k = steps[m]; k < steps[m + 1]; k++)
          //Convert to doubles from float
         double[] ddata = new double[TSteps.Count()];
          for (int n = 0; n < TSteps.Count(); n++)

          //Calculate the percentile
          MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.Percentile pCalc = new MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.Percentile(ddata);
          pCalc.Method = MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.PercentileMethod.Excel;
          var p = pCalc.Compute(Percentiles);
          for (int l = 0; l < Percentiles.Count(); l++)
            OutData[l][NonDeleteEntries[k]] = (float)p[l];

      //Insert deletevalues in output data
      for (int i = 0; i < dfsdata.Length; i++)
        if (!NonDeleteEntries.Contains(i))
          for (int l = 0; l < Percentiles.Count(); l++)
            OutData[l][i] = delete;
      //Set Item infor
      for (int i = 0; i < Percentiles.Count(); i++)
        df.Items[i].EumItem = Items[Item - 1].EumItem;
        df.Items[i].EumUnit = Items[Item - 1].EumUnit;
        df.Items[i].Name = Percentiles[i].ToString() + " percentile";
      for (int i = 0; i < Percentiles.Count(); i++)
        df.WriteItemTimeStep(0, i + 1, OutData[i]);
    /// <summary>
    /// Sums the values of the items to the selected time interval and puts them in the new dfs file
    /// Assumes that the there are delete values at the same places in all items and timesteps!
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Items"></param>
    /// <param name="df"></param>
    /// <param name="SumTim"></param>
    public void TimeAggregation(int[] Items, DFSBase df, TimeInterval SumTim, int Tsteps, MathType mathtype)
      //Initialize all items and fill the buffer with Deletevalues
      Dictionary<int, float[]> BufferData = new Dictionary<int, float[]>();
      foreach (var j in Items)
        BufferData[j] = new float[dfsdata.Count()];
        for (int i = 0; i < dfsdata.Count(); i++)
          BufferData[j][i] = (float)DeleteValue;
      DateTime LastPrint = TimeSteps[0];
      bool PrintNow = false;
      int tstepCounter = 0;

      //Loop the time steps
      for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
        switch (SumTim)
          case TimeInterval.Year:
            PrintNow = (LastPrint.Year + Tsteps == TimeSteps[i].Year);
          case TimeInterval.Month:
            int nextmonth = LastPrint.Month + Tsteps;
            if (nextmonth > 12)
              nextmonth -= 12;
            PrintNow = (nextmonth == TimeSteps[i].Month);
          case TimeInterval.Day:
            PrintNow = ((TimeSteps[i].Subtract(LastPrint) >= TimeSpan.FromDays(Tsteps)));

        //Now print summed values and empty buffer
        if (PrintNow)
          foreach (var j in Items)
            if (mathtype== MathType.Average) //Average, and a division with the number of time steps is required
              foreach (var n in NonDeleteIndex)
                BufferData[j][n] = BufferData[j][n] / ((float)tstepCounter);

            if (df._timeAxis == TimeAxisType.CalendarNonEquidistant)
            df.WriteItemTimeStep(df.NumberOfTimeSteps, j, BufferData[j]);

            //Reset buffer
            foreach (var n in NonDeleteIndex)
              if (mathtype == MathType.Min)
                BufferData[j][n] = float.MaxValue;
              else if (mathtype == MathType.Max)
                BufferData[j][n] = float.MinValue;
                BufferData[j][n] = 0;
          tstepCounter = 0;
          LastPrint = TimeSteps[i];
          PrintNow = false;
        //Sum all items
        foreach (var j in Items)
          ReadItemTimeStep(i, j);
          if (i == 0) //fill initial values in buffer
            foreach (var k in NonDeleteIndex)
              if (mathtype == MathType.Min)
                BufferData[j][k] = float.MaxValue;
              else if (mathtype == MathType.Max)
                BufferData[j][k] = float.MinValue;
                BufferData[j][k] = 0;
          var arr = BufferData[j];
          foreach (int k in NonDeleteIndex)
            if (mathtype == MathType.Min)
              arr[k] = Math.Min(arr[k], dfsdata[k]);
            else if (mathtype == MathType.Max)
              arr[k] = Math.Max(arr[k], dfsdata[k]);
              arr[k] += dfsdata[k];
      //print the last summed values
      foreach (var j in Items)
        if (mathtype == MathType.Average) //If not sum it is average and a division with the number of time steps is required
          foreach (var n in NonDeleteIndex)
            BufferData[j][n] = BufferData[j][n] / ((float)tstepCounter);
        df.WriteItemTimeStep(df.NumberOfTimeSteps, j, BufferData[j]);
        /// <summary>
    /// Sums the values of the items to the selected time interval and puts them in the new dfs file
    /// Assumes that the there are delete values at the same places in all items and timesteps!
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Items"></param>
    /// <param name="df"></param>
    /// <param name="SumTim"></param>
    public void MonthAggregation(int Item, DFSBase df)
      SortedList<int, float[]> SumBuffer = new SortedList<int, float[]>();
      SortedList<int, float[]> MaxBuffer = new SortedList<int, float[]>();
      SortedList<int, float[]> MinBuffer = new SortedList<int, float[]>();
      Dictionary<int, int> TstepCounter = new Dictionary<int, int>();

      df.Items[0].Name = "MonthlyAverage";
      df.items[0].EumItem = this.Items[Item-1].EumItem;
      df.Items[1].Name = "MonthlyMax";
      df.items[1].EumItem = this.Items[Item-1].EumItem;
      df.Items[2].Name = "MonthlyMin";
      df.items[2].EumItem = this.Items[Item-1].EumItem;

      //Initialize arrays
      foreach (var month in TimeSteps.Select(t => t.Month).Distinct())
        TstepCounter.Add(month, 0);
        SumBuffer.Add(month, new float[dfsdata.Count()]);
        MaxBuffer.Add(month, new float[dfsdata.Count()]);
        MinBuffer.Add(month, new float[dfsdata.Count()]);
        //Set everything to delete values
        for (int i = 0; i < dfsdata.Count(); i++)
          SumBuffer[month][i] = (float)DeleteValue;
          MaxBuffer[month][i] = (float)DeleteValue;
          MinBuffer[month][i] = (float)DeleteValue;
        ReadItemTimeStep(0, Item);
        foreach (var k in NonDeleteIndex)
            SumBuffer[month][k] = 0;
            MaxBuffer[month][k] = float.MinValue;
            MinBuffer[month][k] = float.MaxValue;

      //Loop the time steps
      for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
        int currentmonth = TimeSteps[i].Month;
        ReadItemTimeStep(i, Item);

        TstepCounter[currentmonth] += 1;

        foreach (var k in NonDeleteIndex)
          SumBuffer[currentmonth][k] += dfsdata[k];
          if (dfsdata[k] != (float)DeleteValue)
            MaxBuffer[currentmonth][k] = Math.Max(MaxBuffer[currentmonth][k], dfsdata[k]);
            MinBuffer[currentmonth][k] = Math.Min(MinBuffer[currentmonth][k], dfsdata[k]);

      //Go from sum to average
      for(int i =0;i< SumBuffer.Count;i++)
        foreach (var k in NonDeleteIndex)
          SumBuffer.Values[i][k] /= TstepCounter[SumBuffer.Keys[i]];

        df.WriteItemTimeStep(i, 1, SumBuffer.Values[i]);
        df.WriteItemTimeStep(i, 2, MaxBuffer.Values[i]);
        df.WriteItemTimeStep(i, 3, MinBuffer.Values[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the Percentiles [0;1] of an Item. MaxEntriesInMemory is used to reduce the memory consumption by sweeping multiple times. Units is MB of memory
        /// </summary>
        public void Percentile(int Item, int[] TSteps, DFSBase df, double[] Percentiles, int MaxEntriesInMemory)
            //List counts percentiles
            float[][] OutData = new float[Percentiles.Count()][];
            for (int i = 0; i < Percentiles.Count(); i++)
                OutData[i] = new float[dfsdata.Count()];

            List <int> steps = new List <int>();


            //Get the delete values
            float delete = DfsDLLWrapper.dfsGetDeleteValFloat(_headerPointer);

            //Read first time step and create a list with the indeces of non-delete values
            ReadItemTimeStep(0, Item);
            List <int> NonDeleteEntries = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < dfsdata.Length; i++)
                if (dfsdata[i] != delete)

            //Find out how many sweeps are necessary to not exceed max memory
            double TotalData = (double)NonDeleteEntries.Count * (double)TSteps.Count();

            if (TotalData > (MaxEntriesInMemory * 40000))
                int nsteps     = (int)Math.Max(TotalData / (MaxEntriesInMemory * 40000), 1);
                int StepLength = NonDeleteEntries.Count() / nsteps;

                for (int i = 0; i < nsteps; i++)
                    steps.Add(steps.Last() + StepLength);


            //Now start the loop
            for (int m = 0; m < steps.Count - 1; m++)
                int dfscount = steps[m + 1] - steps[m];

                //First iterater is dfsdata
                float[][] Data = new float[dfscount][];

                for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count(); i++)
                    Data[i] = new float[TSteps.Count()];

                //Collect all data
                for (int i = 0; i < TSteps.Count(); i++)
                    var data  = ReadItemTimeStep(TSteps[i], Item);
                    int local = 0;
                    for (int k = steps[m]; k < steps[m + 1]; k++)
                        Data[local][i] = (dfsdata[NonDeleteEntries[k]]);

                int local2 = 0;

                for (int k = steps[m]; k < steps[m + 1]; k++)
                    //Convert to doubles from float
                    double[] ddata = new double[TSteps.Count()];
                    for (int n = 0; n < TSteps.Count(); n++)
                        ddata[n] = Data[local2][n];

                    //Calculate the percentile
                    MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.Percentile pCalc = new MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.Percentile(ddata);
                    pCalc.Method = MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.PercentileMethod.Excel;
                    var p = pCalc.Compute(Percentiles);

                    for (int l = 0; l < Percentiles.Count(); l++)
                        OutData[l][NonDeleteEntries[k]] = (float)p[l];

            //Insert deletevalues in output data
            for (int i = 0; i < dfsdata.Length; i++)
                if (!NonDeleteEntries.Contains(i))
                    for (int l = 0; l < Percentiles.Count(); l++)
                        OutData[l][i] = delete;

            //Set Item infor
            for (int i = 0; i < Percentiles.Count(); i++)
                df.Items[i].EumItem = Items[Item - 1].EumItem;
                df.Items[i].EumUnit = Items[Item - 1].EumUnit;
                df.Items[i].Name    = Percentiles[i].ToString() + " percentile";
            for (int i = 0; i < Percentiles.Count(); i++)
                df.WriteItemTimeStep(0, i + 1, OutData[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sums the values of the items to the selected time interval and puts them in the new dfs file
        /// Assumes that the there are delete values at the same places in all items and timesteps!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Items"></param>
        /// <param name="df"></param>
        /// <param name="SumTim"></param>
        public void TimeAggregation(int[] Items, DFSBase df, TimeInterval SumTim, int Tsteps, MathType mathtype)
            //Initialize all items and fill the buffer with Deletevalues
            Dictionary <int, float[]> BufferData = new Dictionary <int, float[]>();

            foreach (var j in Items)
                BufferData[j] = new float[dfsdata.Count()];
                for (int i = 0; i < dfsdata.Count(); i++)
                    BufferData[j][i] = (float)DeleteValue;

            DateTime LastPrint    = TimeSteps[0];
            bool     PrintNow     = false;
            int      tstepCounter = 0;

            //Loop the time steps
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
                switch (SumTim)
                case TimeInterval.Year:
                    PrintNow = (LastPrint.Year + Tsteps == TimeSteps[i].Year);

                case TimeInterval.Month:
                    int nextmonth = LastPrint.Month + Tsteps;
                    if (nextmonth > 12)
                        nextmonth -= 12;
                    PrintNow = (nextmonth == TimeSteps[i].Month);

                case TimeInterval.Day:
                    PrintNow = ((TimeSteps[i].Subtract(LastPrint) >= TimeSpan.FromDays(Tsteps)));


                //Now print summed values and empty buffer
                if (PrintNow)
                    foreach (var j in Items)
                        if (mathtype == MathType.Average) //Average, and a division with the number of time steps is required
                            foreach (var n in NonDeleteIndex)
                                BufferData[j][n] = BufferData[j][n] / ((float)tstepCounter);

                        if (df._timeAxis == TimeAxisType.CalendarNonEquidistant)
                        df.WriteItemTimeStep(df.NumberOfTimeSteps, j, BufferData[j]);

                        //Reset buffer
                        foreach (var n in NonDeleteIndex)
                            if (mathtype == MathType.Min)
                                BufferData[j][n] = float.MaxValue;
                            else if (mathtype == MathType.Max)
                                BufferData[j][n] = float.MinValue;
                                BufferData[j][n] = 0;
                    tstepCounter = 0;
                    LastPrint    = TimeSteps[i];
                    PrintNow     = false;
                //Sum all items
                foreach (var j in Items)
                    ReadItemTimeStep(i, j);
                    if (i == 0) //fill initial values in buffer
                        foreach (var k in NonDeleteIndex)
                            if (mathtype == MathType.Min)
                                BufferData[j][k] = float.MaxValue;
                            else if (mathtype == MathType.Max)
                                BufferData[j][k] = float.MinValue;
                                BufferData[j][k] = 0;
                    var arr = BufferData[j];
                    foreach (int k in NonDeleteIndex)
                        if (mathtype == MathType.Min)
                            arr[k] = Math.Min(arr[k], dfsdata[k]);
                        else if (mathtype == MathType.Max)
                            arr[k] = Math.Max(arr[k], dfsdata[k]);
                            arr[k] += dfsdata[k];
            //print the last summed values
            foreach (var j in Items)
                if (mathtype == MathType.Average) //If not sum it is average and a division with the number of time steps is required
                    foreach (var n in NonDeleteIndex)
                        BufferData[j][n] = BufferData[j][n] / ((float)tstepCounter);
                df.WriteItemTimeStep(df.NumberOfTimeSteps, j, BufferData[j]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sums the values of the items to the selected time interval and puts them in the new dfs file
        /// Assumes that the there are delete values at the same places in all items and timesteps!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Items"></param>
        /// <param name="df"></param>
        /// <param name="SumTim"></param>
        public void MonthAggregation(int Item, DFSBase df)
            SortedList <int, float[]> SumBuffer    = new SortedList <int, float[]>();
            SortedList <int, float[]> MaxBuffer    = new SortedList <int, float[]>();
            SortedList <int, float[]> MinBuffer    = new SortedList <int, float[]>();
            Dictionary <int, int>     TstepCounter = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            df.Items[0].Name    = "MonthlyAverage";
            df.items[0].EumItem = this.Items[Item - 1].EumItem;
            df.Items[1].Name    = "MonthlyMax";
            df.items[1].EumItem = this.Items[Item - 1].EumItem;
            df.Items[2].Name    = "MonthlyMin";
            df.items[2].EumItem = this.Items[Item - 1].EumItem;

            //Initialize arrays
            foreach (var month in TimeSteps.Select(t => t.Month).Distinct())
                TstepCounter.Add(month, 0);
                SumBuffer.Add(month, new float[dfsdata.Count()]);
                MaxBuffer.Add(month, new float[dfsdata.Count()]);
                MinBuffer.Add(month, new float[dfsdata.Count()]);
                //Set everything to delete values
                for (int i = 0; i < dfsdata.Count(); i++)
                    SumBuffer[month][i] = (float)DeleteValue;
                    MaxBuffer[month][i] = (float)DeleteValue;
                    MinBuffer[month][i] = (float)DeleteValue;
                ReadItemTimeStep(0, Item);
                foreach (var k in NonDeleteIndex)
                    SumBuffer[month][k] = 0;
                    MaxBuffer[month][k] = float.MinValue;
                    MinBuffer[month][k] = float.MaxValue;

            //Loop the time steps
            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTimeSteps; i++)
                int currentmonth = TimeSteps[i].Month;
                ReadItemTimeStep(i, Item);

                TstepCounter[currentmonth] += 1;

                foreach (var k in NonDeleteIndex)
                    SumBuffer[currentmonth][k] += dfsdata[k];
                    if (dfsdata[k] != (float)DeleteValue)
                        MaxBuffer[currentmonth][k] = Math.Max(MaxBuffer[currentmonth][k], dfsdata[k]);
                        MinBuffer[currentmonth][k] = Math.Min(MinBuffer[currentmonth][k], dfsdata[k]);

            //Go from sum to average
            for (int i = 0; i < SumBuffer.Count; i++)
                foreach (var k in NonDeleteIndex)
                    SumBuffer.Values[i][k] /= TstepCounter[SumBuffer.Keys[i]];

                df.WriteItemTimeStep(i, 1, SumBuffer.Values[i]);
                df.WriteItemTimeStep(i, 2, MaxBuffer.Values[i]);
                df.WriteItemTimeStep(i, 3, MinBuffer.Values[i]);