internal static bool CheckRemove(int keyhashcode) { float val = 0f; if (removeDic.TryGetValue(keyhashcode, out val)) { bool re = removeDic.Remove(keyhashcode); CacheData cache = CacheManager.TryGetCache(keyhashcode); #if HUGULA_CACHE_DEBUG Debug.LogFormat("<color=#ffff00> -1 remove abName({0}) for ABDelayUnloadManager ,ref count = {1},removed={2} </color>", cache.assetBundleKey, cache.count, re); #endif if (cache != null && cache.allDependencies != null) { int keyhash = 0; int[] alldep = cache.allDependencies; #if HUGULA_CACHE_DEBUG Debug.LogFormat("<color=#ffff00> -1 remove abName({0})'s allDependencies from ABDelayUnloadManager , Dependencies.count = {1} </color>", cache.assetBundleKey, alldep == null?0:alldep.Length); #endif for (int i = 0; i < alldep.Length; i++) { keyhash = alldep[i]; CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1 CheckRemove(keyhash); } } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
protected static void LoadAssetComplate(CRequest req) { #if HUGULA_LOADER_DEBUG Debug.LogFormat(" 6. <color=yellow>LoadAssetComplate Req(assetname={0},url={1}) frameCount{2}</color>", req.assetName, req.url, Time.frameCount); #endif if (req.isShared) { CountMananger.Add(req.keyHashCode); CountMananger.AddDependencies(req.keyHashCode); if (_instance && _instance.OnSharedComplete != null) { _instance.OnSharedComplete(req); } CacheManager.SetAssetLoaded(req.keyHashCode); if (req.pool) { LRequestPool.Release(req); } } else { if (req.assetBundleRequest != null) { CacheManager.RemoveLock(req.keyHashCode); } req.DispatchComplete(); PopGroup(req); } BeginQueue(); CheckAllComplete(); }
private static void DispatchReqComplete(CRequest reqitem) { if (reqitem.isShared) { CountMananger.Add(reqitem.keyHashCode); CountMananger.AddDependencies(reqitem.keyHashCode); if (_instance && _instance.OnSharedComplete != null) { _instance.OnSharedComplete(reqitem); } CacheManager.SetAssetLoaded(reqitem.keyHashCode); if (reqitem.pool) { LRequestPool.Release(reqitem); } } else { if (reqitem.assetBundleRequest != null) { CacheManager.RemoveLock(reqitem.keyHashCode); } reqitem.DispatchComplete(); PopGroup(reqitem); } }
/// <summary> /// 加载依赖项目 /// </summary> /// <param name="req"></param> static protected int[] LoadDependencies(CRequest req) { string[] deps = assetBundleManifest.GetAllDependencies(req.assetBundleName); if (deps.Length == 0) { return(null); } string dep_url; string depAbName = ""; CRequest item; int[] hashs = new int[deps.Length]; int keyhash; for (int i = 0; i < deps.Length; i++) { depAbName = deps [i]; dep_url = RemapVariantName(depAbName); keyhash = LuaHelper.StringToHash(dep_url); hashs[i] = keyhash; if (CacheManager.Contains(keyhash)) { CountMananger.Add(keyhash); //引用数量加1 } else { item = LRequestPool.Get(); //new CRequest(dep_url); item.relativeUrl = dep_url; item.isShared = true; item.async = false; //依赖项目 string[] depds = assetBundleManifest.GetAllDependencies(item.assetBundleName); if (depds.Length > 0) { int[] hash1s = new int[depds.Length]; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < depds.Length; i1++) { depAbName = depds [i1]; dep_url = RemapVariantName(depAbName); keyhash = LuaHelper.StringToHash(dep_url); hash1s[i1] = keyhash; } item.allDependencies = hash1s; } #if HUGULA_LOADER_DEBUG Debug.LogFormat("<color=yellow> Req(assetname={0}) /r/n Begin LoadDependencies Req(assetname={1},url={2}) frameCount{3}</color>", req.assetBundleName, item.assetName, item.url, Time.frameCount); #endif item.isNormal = req.isNormal; item.uris = req.uris; AddReqToQueue(item); } } return(hashs); }
/// <summary> /// 加载依赖项目 /// </summary> /// <param name="req"></param> static protected int[] LoadDependencies(CRequest req) { string[] deps = assetBundleManifest.GetDirectDependencies(req.assetBundleName); if (deps.Length == 0) { return(null); } string dep_url; string depAbName = ""; CRequest item; int[] hashs = new int[deps.Length]; int keyhash; for (int i = 0; i < deps.Length; i++) { depAbName = deps[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(depAbName)) // Dependency assetbundle name is empty unity bug? { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogWarningFormat("the request({0},{1}) Dependencies {2} is empty ", req.assetName, req.url, i); #endif hashs[i] = 0; continue; } dep_url = RemapVariantName(depAbName); keyhash = LuaHelper.StringToHash(dep_url); hashs[i] = keyhash; #if UNITY_EDITOR CountMananger.WillAdd(dep_url); //引用数量加1 #else CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1 #endif CacheData sharedCD = CacheManager.GetCache(keyhash); if (sharedCD != null) { if (!sharedCD.isAssetLoaded) { item = LRequest.Get(); item.relativeUrl = dep_url; item.isShared = true; item.async = false; item.isAssetBundle = true; CacheManager.SetRequestDataFromCache(req); if (_instance && _instance.OnSharedComplete != null) { _instance.OnSharedComplete(item); } LRequest.Release(item); } #if HUGULA_LOADER_DEBUG Debug.LogFormat(" 0.3 <color=#15A0A1>Request(assetName={0}, url={1},isShared={2}) Dependencies CacheManager.Contains(url={3},sharedCD.isAssetLoaded={4}) </color>", req.assetName, req.url, req.isShared, dep_url, sharedCD.isAssetLoaded); #endif } else { item = LRequest.Get(); item.relativeUrl = dep_url; item.isShared = true; item.async = false; item.isAssetBundle = true; item.allDependencies = LoadDependencies(item); item.isNormal = false; item.priority = req.priority; item.uris = req.uris; #if HUGULA_LOADER_DEBUG Debug.LogFormat("<color=#15A0A1>0.5 Request(assetname={0}) Begin Load Dependencies Req({1},allDependencies.count={3})keyHashCode{2}, frameCount{4}</color>", req.assetName, item.assetName, item.keyHashCode, item.allDependencies == null ? 0 : item.allDependencies.Length, Time.frameCount); #endif AddReqToQueue(item); } } return(hashs); }
/// <summary> /// load LoadDependencies assetbundle /// </summary> /// <param name="req"></param> /// <returns></returns> static protected int[] LoadDependencies(CRequest req, string[] deps) { // string[] deps = ManifestManager.fileManifest.GetDirectDependencies (req.key); if (deps.Length == 0) { return(null); } string abName = string.Empty; string dep_url; string depAbName = ""; CRequest item; int[] hashs = new int[deps.Length]; int keyhash; for (int i = 0; i < deps.Length; i++) { depAbName = CUtils.GetBaseName(deps[i]); dep_url = ManifestManager.RemapVariantName(depAbName); //string gc alloc keyhash = LuaHelper.StringToHash(dep_url); hashs[i] = keyhash; CacheData sharedCD = CacheManager.TryGetCache(keyhash); if (sharedCD != null) { sharedCD.count++; int count = sharedCD.count; //CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1; #if HUGULA_CACHE_DEBUG HugulaDebug.FilterLogFormat(dep_url, " <color=#fcfcfc> add (assetBundle={0},parent={1},hash={2},count={3}) frameCount={4}</color>", dep_url, req.key, keyhash, count, UnityEngine.Time.frameCount); #endif if (count == 1) //相加后为1,可能在回收列表,需要对所有依赖项目引用+1 { ABDelayUnloadManager.CheckRemove(keyhash); } } else { #if HUGULA_CACHE_DEBUG int count = CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1 HugulaDebug.FilterLogFormat(dep_url, " <color=#fcfcfc> will add (assetBundle={0},parent={1},hash={2},count={3}) frameCount={4}</color>", dep_url, req.key, keyhash, count, UnityEngine.Time.frameCount); #else CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1 #endif item = CRequest.Get(); item.vUrl = dep_url; item.isShared = true; item.async = req.async; item.priority = req.priority; string[] deps1 = ManifestManager.fileManifest.GetDirectDependencies(item.key); if (deps1.Length > 0) { item.dependencies = LoadDependencies(req, deps1); } LoadAssetBundleInternal(item); } } return(hashs); }
/// <summary> /// load LoadDependencies assetbundle /// </summary> /// <param name="req"></param> /// <returns></returns> static protected int[] LoadDependencies(CRequest req) { string[] deps = ManifestManager.fileManifest.GetDirectDependencies(req.assetBundleName); if (deps.Length == 0) { return(null); } #if HUGULA_PROFILER_DEBUG Profiler.BeginSample(string.Format("LoadDependencies ({0},{1},{2}) new int[deps.Length]", req.assetName, req.key, req.isShared)); #endif string dep_url; string depAbName = ""; CRequest item; int[] hashs = new int[deps.Length]; int keyhash; #if HUGULA_PROFILER_DEBUG Profiler.EndSample(); #endif for (int i = 0; i < deps.Length; i++) { depAbName = deps[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(depAbName)) // Dependency assetbundle name is empty unity bug? { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogWarningFormat("the request({0},{1}) Dependencies {2} is empty ", req.assetName, req.url, i); #endif hashs[i] = 0; continue; } dep_url = ManifestManager.RemapVariantName(depAbName);//string gc alloc dep_url = depAbName; keyhash = LuaHelper.StringToHash(dep_url); hashs[i] = keyhash; CacheData sharedCD = CacheManager.TryGetCache(keyhash); if (sharedCD != null) { int count = 0; #if HUGULA_CACHE_DEBUG count = CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1 HugulaDebug.FilterLogFormat(req.key + "," + dep_url, " <color=#fcfcfc> will add (assetBundle={0},hash={1},count={2}) frameCount{3}</color>", dep_url, keyhash, count, UnityEngine.Time.frameCount); #else count = CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1 #endif bool dependenciesRefer = count == 1; //the cache count == 0 if (dependenciesRefer) { ABDelayUnloadManager.AddDependenciesReferCount(sharedCD, dependenciesRefer); } #if HUGULA_LOADER_DEBUG HugulaDebug.FilterLogFormat(req.key, " <color=#15A0A1> 1.1 Shared AssetBundle is Done Request(assetName={0}) Parent Req(assetName={1},key={2},isShared={3}) </color>", sharedCD.assetBundleKey, req.assetName, req.key, req.isShared); #endif } else { #if HUGULA_CACHE_DEBUG int count = CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1 HugulaDebug.FilterLogFormat(req.key + "," + dep_url, " <color=#fcfcfc> will add (assetBundle={0},hash={1},count={2}) frameCount{3}</color>", dep_url, keyhash, count, UnityEngine.Time.frameCount); #else CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1 #endif item = CRequest.Get(); item.relativeUrl = dep_url; item.isShared = true; item.async = req.async; item.priority = req.priority; item.dependencies = LoadDependencies(item); item.uris = req.uris; #if HUGULA_LOADER_DEBUG HugulaDebug.FilterLogFormat(req.key, "<color=#15A0A1>1.1 Load Dependencies Req({1},keyHashCode{2}) AssetBundleInternal Parent Request(assetname={0}), dependencies.count={3},frameCount{4}</color>", req.assetName, item.assetName, item.keyHashCode, item.dependencies == null ? 0 : item.dependencies.Length, Time.frameCount); #endif LoadAssetBundleInternal(item); } } return(hashs); }
/// <summary> /// load LoadDependencies assetbundle /// </summary> /// <param name="req"></param> /// <returns></returns> static protected int[] LoadDependencies(CRequest req, CRequest parent) { string[] deps = ManifestManager.fileManifest.GetDirectDependencies(req.assetBundleName); if (deps.Length == 0) { return(null); } string abName = string.Empty; if (parent != null) { abName = CUtils.GetBaseName(parent.assetBundleName); } #if HUGULA_PROFILER_DEBUG Profiler.BeginSample(string.Format("LoadDependencies ({0},{1},{2}) new int[deps.Length]", req.assetName, req.key, req.isShared)); #endif string dep_url; string depAbName = ""; CRequest item; int[] hashs = new int[deps.Length]; int keyhash; #if HUGULA_PROFILER_DEBUG Profiler.EndSample(); #endif for (int i = 0; i < deps.Length; i++) { depAbName = CUtils.GetBaseName(deps[i]); if (abName == depAbName) { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogErrorFormat("Dependencies({1}) Contains the parent({0}) ! ", req.assetBundleName, abName); #else Debug.LogWarningFormat("Dependencies({1}) Contains the parent({0}) ! ", req.assetBundleName, abName); #endif hashs[i] = 0; continue; } dep_url = ManifestManager.RemapVariantName(depAbName);//string gc alloc keyhash = LuaHelper.StringToHash(dep_url); hashs[i] = keyhash; CacheData sharedCD = CacheManager.TryGetCache(keyhash); if (sharedCD != null) { sharedCD.count++; int count = sharedCD.count;//CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1; #if HUGULA_CACHE_DEBUG HugulaDebug.FilterLogFormat(dep_url, " <color=#fcfcfc> add (assetBundle={0},parent={1},hash={2},count={3}) frameCount={4}</color>", dep_url, req.key, keyhash, count, UnityEngine.Time.frameCount); #endif if (count == 1)//相加后为1,可能在回收列表,需要对所有依赖项目引用+1 { ABDelayUnloadManager.CheckRemove(keyhash); } #if HUGULA_LOADER_DEBUG HugulaDebug.FilterLogFormat(req.key, " <color=#15A0A1> 1.1 Shared AssetBundle is Done Request(assetName={0}) Parent Req(assetName={1},key={2},isShared={3}) </color>", sharedCD.assetBundleKey, req.assetName, req.key, req.isShared); #endif } else { #if HUGULA_CACHE_DEBUG int count = CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1 HugulaDebug.FilterLogFormat(dep_url, " <color=#fcfcfc> will add (assetBundle={0},parent={1},hash={2},count={3}) frameCount={4}</color>", dep_url, req.key, keyhash, count, UnityEngine.Time.frameCount); #else CountMananger.WillAdd(keyhash); //引用数量加1 #endif item = CRequest.Get(); item.relativeUrl = dep_url; item.isShared = true; item.async = req.async; item.priority = req.priority; item.dependencies = LoadDependencies(item, req); item.uris = req.uris; #if HUGULA_LOADER_DEBUG HugulaDebug.FilterLogFormat(req.key, "<color=#15A0A1>1.1 Load Dependencies Req({1},keyHashCode{2}) AssetBundleInternal Parent Request(assetname={0}), dependencies.count={3},frameCount{4}</color>", req.assetName, item.assetName, item.keyHashCode, item.dependencies == null ? 0 : item.dependencies.Length, Time.frameCount); #endif LoadAssetBundleInternal(item); } } return(hashs); }