public async void LogSeasonChanged(Season season) { LogEntry entry = new LogEntry(); entry.Function = Function.Click.ToString(); entry.Operation = Operation.Season.ToString(); entry.Error = null; entry.Method = "SeasonChanged"; entry.ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel.Info.ToString(); entry.AttributesDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>(); entry.AttributesDictionary.Add("Method", "SeasonChanged"); entry.AttributesDictionary.Add("Season", season.seasonId); entry.AttributesDictionary.Add("Year", season.year); entry.AttributesDictionary.Add("ClickedOn", DateTime.Now); entry.Attributes = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry.AttributesDictionary); entry.AttributesDictionary = null; ServiceAccessor.MakeApiCallLog(ServiceAccessor.URL_SERVICE_LOG, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry)); }
public async Task DownloadPlaylists(List<Playlist> playlists, Season seasonAndGame)//list of playlists, season(with game) { currentlyDownloadingPlaylists = playlists; backgroundDownloader = new BackgroundDownloader(); Downloading = true; TotalBytes = 0; ClipsComplete = 0; CurrentDownloadedBytes = 0; TotalClips = 0; var httpClient = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(); foreach (Playlist cut in playlists) { foreach (Clip c in cut.clips) { foreach (Angle angle in c.angles) { TotalBytes += angle.fileSize; TotalClips++; } } } long playlistSize = 0; var userFolder = await Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFolderAsync(AppDataAccessor.GetUsername(), Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); foreach (Playlist pl in playlists) { // Log download playlist begin Logger.Instance.LogPlaylistDownloadStart(pl); playlistSize = 0; var fileFolder = await userFolder.CreateFolderAsync(pl.playlistId, Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); //save thumbnail var sourceThumb = new Uri(pl.thumbnailLocation); var destinationFileThumb = await fileFolder.CreateFileAsync("Thumbnail.jpg", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); var downloaderThumb = new BackgroundDownloader(); var downloadThumb = downloaderThumb.CreateDownload(sourceThumb, destinationFileThumb); var downloadOperationThumb = await downloadThumb.StartAsync(); var fileThumb = (StorageFile)downloadOperationThumb.ResultFile; pl.downloadedThumbnailLocation = fileThumb.Path.Replace("\\", "/"); var files = await fileFolder.GetFilesAsync(Windows.Storage.Search.CommonFileQuery.OrderByName); foreach (Clip c in pl.clips) { foreach (Angle angle in c.angles) { try { var source = new Uri(angle.fileLocation); var file = files.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(angle.clipAngleId.ToString())); if (file == null) { //PlaylistId-ClipId-ClipAngleId var destinationFile = await fileFolder.CreateFileAsync(pl.playlistId + "-" + c.clipId + "-" + angle.clipAngleId, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); Download = backgroundDownloader.CreateDownload(source, destinationFile); file = await StartDownloadAsync(Download); //BasicProperties prop = await file.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); long newBytesDownloaded = diskSpaceFromDownloads.totalBytes + angle.fileSize; playlistSize += angle.fileSize; diskSpaceFromDownloads = new DiskSpaceResponse { totalBytes = newBytesDownloaded, formattedSize = FormatBytes(newBytesDownloaded) }; angle.preloadFile = file.Path; angle.isPreloaded = true; ClipsComplete++; } } catch (Exception e) { RemoveDownload(pl); return; } } } pl.totalFilesSize = playlistSize; StorageFile downloadModel = await fileFolder.CreateFileAsync("DownloadsModel", Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); pl.downloadedDate = DateTime.Now; string updatedModel = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pl); await Windows.Storage.FileIO.WriteTextAsync(downloadModel, updatedModel); downloadedPlaylists.Add(pl); // Log download complete Logger.Instance.LogPlaylistDownloadComplete(pl); } Game selectedGame =; Game newGameWithOnlyDownloads = new Game { date =, gameId = selectedGame.gameId, opponent = selectedGame.opponent, categories = new BindableCollection<Category>() }; foreach (Category c in selectedGame.categories) { foreach (Playlist plFromSelectedGame in c.playlists) { foreach (Playlist plFromParameter in playlists) { if (plFromSelectedGame.playlistId == plFromParameter.playlistId) { Category foundCat = newGameWithOnlyDownloads.categories.Where(u => u.categoryId == c.categoryId).FirstOrDefault(); if (foundCat == null) { newGameWithOnlyDownloads.categories.Add(new Category { categoryId = c.categoryId, name =, playlists = c.playlists }); } break; } } } } foreach (Category c in newGameWithOnlyDownloads.categories) { BindableCollection<Playlist> newPlaylists = new BindableCollection<Playlist>(); foreach (Playlist pl in c.playlists) { Playlist found = playlists.Where(u => u.playlistId == pl.playlistId).FirstOrDefault(); if (found != null) { newPlaylists.Add(found); } } c.playlists = newPlaylists; }[0] = newGameWithOnlyDownloads;//model to be saved seasonAndGame.owningTeam.seasons = null; BindableCollection<Season> currentDownloadsCompleteModel = await GetDownloadsModel(); bool seasonFound = false; foreach (Season s in currentDownloadsCompleteModel) { if (s.seasonId == seasonAndGame.seasonId)//found the season we need to merge { seasonFound = true; Game g = => u.gameId == newGameWithOnlyDownloads.gameId).FirstOrDefault(); if (g != null) { BindableCollection<Category> newCategories = g.categories; foreach (Category newCat in newGameWithOnlyDownloads.categories)//gameToBeAdded could have multiple new categories and playlists { Category fromCurrent = g.categories.Where(u => u.categoryId == newCat.categoryId).FirstOrDefault(); if (fromCurrent == null) { g.categories.Add(newCat); } else { foreach (Playlist p in newCat.playlists) { fromCurrent.playlists.Add(p); } } } } else {; } } } if (!seasonFound) { currentDownloadsCompleteModel.Add(seasonAndGame); } StorageFile completeModelFile = await userFolder.CreateFileAsync("CompleteModel", Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); string complete = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentDownloadsCompleteModel); await Windows.Storage.FileIO.WriteTextAsync(completeModelFile, complete); DownloadComplete_Notification(); Downloading = false; CurrentDownloadedBytes = 0; TotalBytes = 0; currentlyDownloadingPlaylists = new List<Playlist>(); }
internal static Season DeepCopy(Season seasonAndGame) { Season returnSeason = new Season {name =, seasonId = seasonAndGame.seasonId, owningTeam = seasonAndGame.owningTeam, year = seasonAndGame.year }; foreach (Game g in { Game newGame = new Game { date =, gameId = g.gameId, opponent = g.opponent }; foreach (Category c in g.categories) { Category newCategory = new Category { categoryId = c.categoryId, name = }; foreach (Playlist p in c.playlists) { newCategory.playlists.Add(Playlist.Copy(p)); } newGame.categories.Add(newCategory); }; } return returnSeason; }
public async void GameSelected(ItemClickEventArgs eventArgs) { PageIsEnabled = false; ProgressRingIsActive = true; ProgressRingVisibility = Visibility.Visible; GameViewModel gameViewModel = (GameViewModel)eventArgs.ClickedItem; Season seasonToPass = new Season() {, owningTeam = selectedSeason.owningTeam, seasonId = selectedSeason.seasonId, year = selectedSeason.year, games = new BindableCollection<Game>() }; //Because we're changing the games in this season, we need to make a copy.; if (!gameViewModel.IsLastViewed) { try { await gameViewModel.FetchPlaylists; navigationService.NavigateToViewModel<SectionViewModel>(new PageParameter { season = seasonToPass, hubGroups = Groups, playlist = new Playlist() }); if (gameViewModel.IsNextGame) { Logger.Instance.LogGameSelected(gameViewModel.GameModel, Logger.LOG_GAME_NEXT); } else if (gameViewModel.IsPreviousGame) { Logger.Instance.LogGameSelected(gameViewModel.GameModel, Logger.LOG_GAME_PREVIOUS); } else { Logger.Instance.LogGameSelected(gameViewModel.GameModel); } } catch { navigationService.NavigateToViewModel<ErrorViewModel>(); } } else { Playlist downloadedPlaylist = DownloadAccessor.Instance.downloadedPlaylists.Where(u => u.playlistId == gameViewModel.GameModel.gameId).FirstOrDefault(); if (downloadedPlaylist != null) { navigationService.NavigateToViewModel<VideoPlayerViewModel>(new PageParameter { season = seasonToPass, hubGroups = Groups, playlist = downloadedPlaylist }); Logger.Instance.LogLastViewedClick(downloadedPlaylist); } else { ClipResponse response = await ServiceAccessor.GetPlaylistClipsAndHeaders(gameViewModel.GameModel.gameId); Playlist lastViewedPlaylist = new Playlist { playlistId = gameViewModel.GameModel.gameId, name = gameViewModel.GameModel.opponent, thumbnailLocation = gameViewModel.Thumbnail, clips = response.clips, displayColumns = response.DisplayColumns, clipCount = response.clips.Count }; navigationService.NavigateToViewModel<VideoPlayerViewModel>(new PageParameter { season = seasonToPass, hubGroups = Groups, playlist = lastViewedPlaylist }); Logger.Instance.LogLastViewedClick(lastViewedPlaylist); } } }
public static Season FromDTO(SeasonDTO seasonDTO, Team team) { Season s = new Season(); s.owningTeam = team; = seasonDTO.Name; s.seasonId = seasonDTO.SeasonId; s.year = seasonDTO.Year; return s; }