private static OutResult GetHttpStatusCode(string url, bool parseLinks = false) { var result = new OutResult(); HttpWebResponse response = null; try { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.Method = "GET"; request.AllowAutoRedirect = false; response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); // StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); // Console.Write(sr.ReadToEnd()); result.ResponseCode = response.StatusCode; switch (result.ResponseCode) { case HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently: result.RedirectTo = response.Headers["Location"]; break; case HttpStatusCode.OK: if (parseLinks) { Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); using (var reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { string temp = reader.ReadToEnd(); const string links = @"<a ([^>]+)"; const string hyperLink = @"href=""([^<\s]+)*"""; MatchCollection linkReg = Regex.Matches(temp, links); List <string> rawLinks = (from Match l in linkReg where l.Groups.Count > 1 select l.Groups[1].ToString().Trim()).ToList(); rawLinks = rawLinks.Distinct().ToList(); List <string> collectedLinks = new List <string>(); Console.WriteLine($"{rawLinks[0]} == {rawLinks[1]} : {rawLinks[0] == rawLinks[1]}"); foreach (string l in rawLinks) { MatchCollection reg = Regex.Matches(l, hyperLink); //Console.WriteLine(reg.Count > 0 // ? $"hyperlinks found in next URL: -> {reg.Count}" // : $"hyperlinks found in next URL: -> no matches found :("); if (reg.Count <= 0) { continue; } foreach (Match k in reg) { if (k.Groups.Count <= 1) { continue; } string thisUrl = k.Groups[1].ToString(); if (thisUrl.StartsWith("http://") || thisUrl.StartsWith("https://")) { collectedLinks.Add($"{thisUrl}"); } else if (thisUrl.StartsWith("#") || thisUrl.StartsWith("tel:") || thisUrl.StartsWith("mailto:") || thisUrl.StartsWith("ftp:")) { // do nothing. } else { if (url.EndsWith("/") && thisUrl.StartsWith("/")) { collectedLinks.Add($"{url}{thisUrl.Remove(0, 1)}"); } else { collectedLinks.Add($"{url}{thisUrl}"); } } } } collectedLinks = collectedLinks.Distinct().ToList(); using ( var file = new StreamWriter( $"{url.Replace("http://", "").Replace("https://", "").Replace("/", "-").Replace("=", "-")}-urls.txt", true)) { //file.WriteLine($"{thisUrl}"); collectedLinks.ForEach(x => file.WriteLine($"{x}")); } } } break; case HttpStatusCode.Continue: break; case HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols: break; case HttpStatusCode.Created: break; case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: break; case HttpStatusCode.NonAuthoritativeInformation: break; case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: break; case HttpStatusCode.ResetContent: break; case HttpStatusCode.PartialContent: break; case HttpStatusCode.MultipleChoices: break; case HttpStatusCode.Found: break; case HttpStatusCode.SeeOther: break; case HttpStatusCode.NotModified: break; case HttpStatusCode.UseProxy: break; case HttpStatusCode.Unused: break; case HttpStatusCode.TemporaryRedirect: break; case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: break; case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: break; case HttpStatusCode.PaymentRequired: break; case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden: break; case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: break; case HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed: break; case HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable: break; case HttpStatusCode.ProxyAuthenticationRequired: break; case HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout: break; case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: break; case HttpStatusCode.Gone: break; case HttpStatusCode.LengthRequired: break; case HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed: break; case HttpStatusCode.RequestEntityTooLarge: break; case HttpStatusCode.RequestUriTooLong: break; case HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType: break; case HttpStatusCode.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable: break; case HttpStatusCode.ExpectationFailed: break; case HttpStatusCode.UpgradeRequired: break; case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError: break; case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: break; case HttpStatusCode.BadGateway: break; case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable: break; case HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout: break; case HttpStatusCode.HttpVersionNotSupported: break; default: break; } } catch (WebException e) { if (e.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) { response = (HttpWebResponse)e.Response; //Console.Write("Errorcode: {0}", (int)response.StatusCode); result.ResponseCode = response.StatusCode; } else { //Console.Write("Error: {0}", e.Status); if (response != null) { result.ResponseCode = response.StatusCode; } } } finally { response?.Close(); } return(result); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string fileName = args.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToLower().StartsWith("file="))?.Replace("file=", "") ?? "urls.txt"; bool parseLinks = args.Any(x => x.ToLower().StartsWith("parselinks")), fileDeclared = args.Any(x => x.ToLower().StartsWith("file=")), urlDeclared = args.Any(x => x.ToLower().StartsWith("url=")); string singleUrl = args.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToLower().StartsWith("url="))?.Replace("url=", ""); // shows help if either -help is called, or if file and url were both specified. if (args.Any(x => x.ToLower() == "-help") || fileDeclared && urlDeclared) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: "); Console.WriteLine($"HttpResponseRetrieval [file=<filename.txt>|url=<url>] [parselinks]"); Console.WriteLine($"- url: parses the given url."); Console.WriteLine($"- specifying url will ignore file."); Console.WriteLine(string.Empty); Console.WriteLine($"- file: parses the urls in the text file, one line at a time."); Console.WriteLine($"- if the url argument is declared, file will be ignored."); Console.WriteLine(string.Empty); Console.WriteLine($"- parselinks: if specified, will parse all 200 result urls and create text files"); Console.WriteLine($" with all of the anchor tag hrefs (ignoring in-page links, telephone, mail, and ftp)"); Console.WriteLine($" for each url. This allows repeated use of this tool in order to parse links."); Console.WriteLine($" Files are appended to, and not overwritten. To reset, delete the generated text files."); Console.WriteLine(string.Empty); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(singleUrl)) { OutResult test = GetHttpStatusCode(singleUrl, parseLinks); Console.WriteLine($"{singleUrl}: {(int)test.ResponseCode}"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(test.RedirectTo)) { Console.WriteLine($"-> {test.RedirectTo}"); } return; } var fileIn = new StreamReader(fileName); string url; //var urls = new List<string>(); while ((url = fileIn.ReadLine()) != null) { OutResult test = GetHttpStatusCode(url, parseLinks); Console.WriteLine($"{url}: {(int)test.ResponseCode}"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(test.RedirectTo)) { Console.WriteLine($"-> {test.RedirectTo}"); } } //var urls = new[] {";kdsjlkdjf", "", "", "" }; //foreach (string url in urls) //{ //} }