        private void HovDrawInitialise()
            // as: bugfix - Extended sintable length by 1, BuildTables writes one element past the end of the array
            sintable = new fixed_t[ANGLES + ANGLES / 4 + 1];
            costable = new costable_t(sintable);

            for(short i = 0; i < walls.Length; i++)
                walls[i] = new walltype(i);
 /// <summary>Copies the walltype to another.</summary>
 /// <remarks>For struct assignment.</remarks>
 /// <param name="destination">The destination walltype.</param>
 public void CopyTo(walltype destination)
     destination._index = _index;
     destination.x1 = x1;
     destination.x2 = x2;
     destination.leftclip = leftclip;
     destination.rightclip = rightclip;
     destination.height1 = height1;
     destination.height2 = height2;
     destination.color = color;

        = StartView
        = Called by player think
        private void StartView()
            // set up variables for this view
            viewangle = objlist[0].angle;
            viewsin = sintable[viewangle];
            viewcos = costable[viewangle];
            viewx = FixedAdd(objlist[0].x, FixedByFrac(FOCALLENGTH, viewcos) ^ SIGNBIT);
            viewy = FixedAdd(objlist[0].y, FixedByFrac(FOCALLENGTH, viewsin));

            focal.x = (short) (viewx >> TILESHIFT);
            focal.y = (short) (viewy >> TILESHIFT);

            // find the rightmost visable tile in view
            short tracedir = (short) (viewangle + lastangle);

            if(tracedir < 0)
                tracedir += ANGLES;
            else if(tracedir >= ANGLES)
                tracedir -= ANGLES;

            TraceRay((ushort) tracedir);
            right.x = tile.x;
            right.y = tile.y;

            // find the leftmost visable tile in view
            tracedir = (short) (viewangle + firstangle);
            if(tracedir < 0)
                tracedir += ANGLES;
            else if(tracedir >= ANGLES)
                tracedir -= ANGLES;
            TraceRay((ushort) tracedir);

            // follow the walls from there to the right
            rightwall = walls[1];

            // FIXME as: Prevent rendering errors crashing the game
            try { FollowWalls(); }
            catch { }
        = DrawWall
        = Special polygon with vertical edges and symetrical top / bottom
        = Clips horizontally to clipleft/clipright
        = Clips vertically to VIEWY/VIEWYH
        = Should only be called if the wall is at least partially visable
        private void DrawWall(walltype wallptr)

            short i = (short) (drawWall_wall.height1 / 2);
            drawWall_y1l = (short) (CENTERY - i);
            drawWall_y1h = (short) (CENTERY + i);

            i = (short) (drawWall_wall.height2 / 2);
            drawWall_y2l = (short) (CENTERY - i);
            drawWall_y2h = (short) (CENTERY + i);

            if(drawWall_wall.x1 > drawWall_wall.leftclip)
                drawWall_wall.leftclip = drawWall_wall.x1;

            if(drawWall_wall.x2 < drawWall_wall.rightclip)
                drawWall_wall.rightclip = drawWall_wall.x2;

            // fill in the zbuffer
            int height = (int) drawWall_wall.height1 << 16;
            int heightstep;
            if(drawWall_wall.x2 != drawWall_wall.x1)
                heightstep = ((int) (drawWall_wall.height2 - drawWall_wall.height1) << 16) / (short) (drawWall_wall.x2 - drawWall_wall.x1);
                heightstep = 0;

            i = (short) (drawWall_wall.leftclip - drawWall_wall.x1);
            if(i != 0)
                height += heightstep * i; // adjust for clipped area

            for(short x = drawWall_wall.leftclip; x <= drawWall_wall.rightclip; x++)
                zbuffer[x] = (short) (height >> 16);
                height += heightstep;

            // draw the wall to the line buffer
            if(drawWall_y1l == drawWall_y2l)
                // rectangle, no slope
                if(drawWall_y1l < VIEWY)
                    drawWall_y1l = VIEWY;

                if(drawWall_y1h > VIEWYH)
                    drawWall_y1h = VIEWYH;

                for(short y = drawWall_y1l; y <= drawWall_y1h; y++)
                    ADDLINE(drawWall_wall.leftclip, drawWall_wall.rightclip, y, (short) drawWall_wall.color);

            if(drawWall_y1l < drawWall_y2l)
                // slopes down to the right
                short slope = (short) (((int) (drawWall_wall.x2 - drawWall_wall.x1) << 6) / (drawWall_y2l - drawWall_y1l)); // in 128ths

                short ysteps = (short) (drawWall_y2l - drawWall_y1l);
                if(drawWall_y1l < VIEWY)
                    ysteps -= (short) (VIEWY - drawWall_y1l);

                short endfrac = (short) (drawWall_wall.x2 << 6);
                for(short y = 1; y < ysteps; y++) // top and bottom slopes
                    endfrac -= slope;
                    short end = (short) (endfrac >> 6);
                    if(end > drawWall_wall.rightclip)
                        end = drawWall_wall.rightclip;
                    else if(end < drawWall_wall.leftclip) // the rest is hidden

                    ADDLINE(drawWall_wall.leftclip, end, (short) (drawWall_y2l - y), (short) drawWall_wall.color);
                    ADDLINE(drawWall_wall.leftclip, end, (short) (drawWall_y2h + y), (short) drawWall_wall.color);

                if(drawWall_y2l < VIEWY)
                    drawWall_y2l = VIEWY;

                if(drawWall_y2h > VIEWYH)
                    drawWall_y2h = VIEWYH;

                for(short y = drawWall_y2l; y <= drawWall_y2h; y++) // middle
                    ADDLINE(drawWall_wall.leftclip, drawWall_wall.rightclip, y, (short) drawWall_wall.color);
                // slopes down to the left
                short slope = (short) (((int) (drawWall_wall.x2 - drawWall_wall.x1) << 6) / (drawWall_y1l - drawWall_y2l)); // in 128ths

                short ysteps = (short) (drawWall_y1l - drawWall_y2l);
                if(drawWall_y2l < VIEWY)
                    ysteps -= (short) (VIEWY - drawWall_y2l);

                short endfrac = (short) (drawWall_wall.x1 << 6);
                for(short y = 1; y < ysteps; y++) // top and bottom slopes
                    endfrac += slope;
                    short end = (short) (endfrac >> 6);

                    if(end < drawWall_wall.leftclip)
                        end = drawWall_wall.leftclip;
                    else if(end > drawWall_wall.rightclip) // the rest is hidden

                    ADDLINE(end, drawWall_wall.rightclip, (short) (drawWall_y1l - y), (short) drawWall_wall.color);
                    ADDLINE(end, drawWall_wall.rightclip, (short) (drawWall_y1h + y), (short) drawWall_wall.color);
                if(drawWall_y1l < VIEWY)
                    drawWall_y1l = VIEWY;

                if(drawWall_y1h > VIEWYH)
                    drawWall_y1h = VIEWYH;

                for(short y = drawWall_y1l; y <= drawWall_y1h; y++) // middle
                    ADDLINE(drawWall_wall.leftclip, drawWall_wall.rightclip, y, (short) drawWall_wall.color);
        = FinishWall
        = Transforms edgex,edgey as the next point of the current wall
        = and sticks it in the wall list
        private bool FinishWall()
            oldwall = rightwall;

            if((wallon & 1) != 0)
                rightwall.color = (ushort) (basecolor + 8); // high intensity walls
                rightwall.color = (ushort) basecolor;

            TransformPoint(edgex, edgey, ref rightwall.x2, ref rightwall.height2);

            walltype rightwall_1 = walls[rightwall.index - 1];
            if(rightwall.x2 <= rightwall_1.x2 + 2 && rightwall.height2 < rightwall_1.height2)
                return false;

            rightwall = walls[rightwall.index + 1];

            return true;