InitializeFromHoudini() public method

public InitializeFromHoudini ( HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId nodeID, string nodeName, string filePath ) : void
session HoudiniEngineUnity.HEU_SessionBase
nodeID HAPI_NodeId
nodeName string
filePath string
return void
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a NodeSync file and create its construct in Unity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">Path to the NodeSync file</param>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the NodeSync node</param>
        void CreateNodeSyncFromFile(string filePath, string name)
            HEU_SessionBase session = HEU_SessionManager.GetDefaultSession();

            if (session == null || !session.IsSessionValid())

            HAPI_NodeId parentNodeID = -1;
            string      nodeName     = name;
            HAPI_NodeId newNodeID    = -1;

            // This loads the node network from file, and returns the node that was created
            // with newNodeID. It is either a SOP object, or a subnet object.
            // The actual loader (HEU_ThreadedTaskLoadGeo) will deal with either case.
            if (!session.LoadNodeFromFile(filePath, parentNodeID, nodeName, true, out newNodeID))
                Log(string.Format("Failed to load node network from file: {0}.", filePath));

            // Wait until finished
            if (!HEU_HAPIUtility.ProcessHoudiniCookStatus(session, nodeName))
                Log(string.Format("Failed to cook loaded node with name: {0}.", nodeName));

            GameObject newGO = new GameObject(nodeName);

            HEU_NodeSync nodeSync = newGO.AddComponent <HEU_NodeSync>();

            nodeSync.InitializeFromHoudini(session, newNodeID, nodeName, filePath);
	public static void CreateNodeSync(HEU_SessionBase session, string opName, string nodeNabel)
	    if (session == null)
		session = HEU_SessionManager.GetDefaultSession();
	    if (session == null || !session.IsSessionValid())

	    HAPI_NodeId newNodeID = -1;
	    HAPI_NodeId parentNodeId = -1;

	    if (!session.CreateNode(parentNodeId, opName, nodeNabel, true, out newNodeID))
		Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to create merge SOP node for connecting input assets.");

	    if (parentNodeId == -1)
		// When creating a node without a parent, for SOP nodes, a container
		// geometry object will have been created by HAPI.
		// In all cases we want to use the node ID of that object container
		// so the below code sets the parent's node ID.

		// But for SOP/subnet we actually do want the subnet SOP node ID
		// hence the useSOPNodeID argument here is to override it.
		bool useSOPNodeID = opName.Equals("SOP/subnet");

		HAPI_NodeInfo nodeInfo = new HAPI_NodeInfo();
		if (!session.GetNodeInfo(newNodeID, ref nodeInfo))

		if (nodeInfo.type == HAPI_NodeType.HAPI_NODETYPE_SOP)
		    if (!useSOPNodeID)
			newNodeID = nodeInfo.parentId;
		else if (nodeInfo.type != HAPI_NodeType.HAPI_NODETYPE_OBJ)
		    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unsupported node type {0}", nodeInfo.type);

	    GameObject newGO = new GameObject(nodeNabel);

	    HEU_NodeSync nodeSync = newGO.AddComponent<HEU_NodeSync>();
	    nodeSync.InitializeFromHoudini(session, newNodeID, nodeNabel, "");