public ActionResult Index() // sets the defualy properties { FreeRooms FreeRoom = new FreeRooms(); // You can set default properties here (e.g. model.GuestNumbers = 2;) FreeRoom.BookingFrom = DateTime.Today.Date; FreeRoom.BookingTo = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1).Date; FreeRoom.GuestNumbers = "1"; //FreeRoom.RoomNum = " "; FreeRoom.Name = ""; FreeRoom.Email = ""; FreeRoom.Add(); FreeRoom.RoomDetails(); FreeRoom.combinelist(); ViewBag.error = " Now"; return View(FreeRoom); //sends the FreeRoom class to the form }
[HttpPost] //run this method when its posting back information public ActionResult Index(FreeRooms FreeRoom, FreeRooms model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ////mvc automatically checkes the state of any values coming in // // return the view to correct validation errors ViewBag.error = " Error"; FreeRoom.BookingFrom = DateTime.Today.Date; FreeRoom.BookingTo = DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(1).Date; FreeRoom.GuestNumbers = "1"; return View(FreeRoom); } //sets the values if there are no errors // FreeRoom.BookingFrom = model.BookingFrom; // FreeRoom.BookingTo = model.BookingTo2; // FreeRoom.GuestNumbers = model.GuestNumbers; FreeRoom.Name = model.Name; FreeRoom.Email = model.Email; //FreeRoom.RoomNum = model.RoomNum; //FreeRoom.CostOfRoom = model.CostOfRoom; FreeRoom.Add(); FreeRoom.RoomDetails(); FreeRoom.combinelist(); ViewBag.error = " Working"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FreeRoom.Name) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FreeRoom.Email) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.RoomNumandCost)) // checks if there is text in name & email and if a room number is selected fore sending data { FreeRoom.NewBooking(); //need to add the booking before the guest FreeRoom.NewGuest(); } return View(FreeRoom); }