protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String regId = Request["registration"]; //Get registration info, make sure it exists Registration reg = DataStore.GetRegistration(regId); if (reg == null) { Response.Write("Error, registration not found"); Response.End(); } //Grab learning and invitation information as well String learningId = reg.LearningId; Learning learning = DataStore.GetLearning(learningId); Invitation invitation = DataStore.GetInvitationByLearningId(learningId); //Set dynamic content for controls sentMessage.InnerText = invitation.SenderName + " sent you some learning"; learnerEmail.Value = reg.Email; senderEmail.Value = invitation.SenderEmail; learningTitle.Value = learning.Title; learningDescription.Value = learning.Description; //Contruct a single row table with this learner's info RegSummaryTable regTable = new RegSummaryTable(false); //Get completion, score, and other stats from Hosted Scorm Engine RegistrationSummary summary = ScormCloud.RegistrationService.GetRegistrationSummary(regId); //Add this info to our table regTable.AddRow(DataStore.GetRegistration(regId), summary.TotalTime, summary.Complete, summary.Success, summary.Score); learnerInfoTableDiv.InnerHtml = regTable.GetHtml(); //Get launch url from ScormCloud client, redirect to this page on exit startLearningLink.HRef = "Launch.aspx?regid=" + regId; //Include detailed report link for this learner detailedReportLink.HRef = "HostedReport.aspx?registration=" + regId; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Make sure invitation parameter is available String invitationId = Request["invitation"]; if (invitationId == null) { Response.Write("No invitation id specified!"); Response.End(); } //Grab the learning id from the invitation info Invitation invitation = DataStore.GetInvitation(invitationId); String learningId = invitation.LearningId; //Set these learningid attributes for Ajax functionality learningTitle.Attributes["learningid"] = learningId; learningDescription.Attributes["learningid"] = learningId; //Set title and description of learning Learning learning = DataStore.GetLearning(learningId); learningTitle.Value = learning.Title; learningDescription.Value = learning.Description; //Setup preview learning and change settings links previewLearningLink.HRef = "Preview.aspx?courseid=" + learningId; changeSettingsLink.HRef = "Properties.aspx?courseid=" + learningId; //Construct registration table for all learners associated with this learning RegSummaryTable regTable = new RegSummaryTable(true); String[] regIds = DataStore.GetRegistrationIdsForLearning(learningId); foreach (String regId in regIds) { //Get completion, score, and other stats from Hosted Scorm Engine RegistrationSummary summary = ScormCloud.RegistrationService.GetRegistrationSummary(regId); //Add this info to our table regTable.AddRow(DataStore.GetRegistration(regId), summary.TotalTime, summary.Complete, summary.Success, summary.Score); } learnerTableDiv.InnerHtml = regTable.GetHtml(); }