 // Adds a booking to the selected custumer booking list given the booking object
 public void AddBooking(Booking aBooking)
 // Set the current booking given its reference number (when selected by the user)
 public void SetCurrentBooking(int refNumber)
     currentBooking = currentCostumer.GetBooking(refNumber);
        private void btn_addExtra_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MainWindow mainWin   = Owner as MainWindow;    //Create a reference to the main window (in order to have access to its properties)
            Costumer   aCostumer = facade.CurrentCostumer; //Get the currentCostumer object
            Booking    aBooking  = facade.CurrentBooking;  //Get the currentBooking object

            //If Brekfast extra is selected...
            if (cmb_extraTypes.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Breakfast")
                Breakfast aBreakfast = new Breakfast();                                      //Create new Breakfast object
                aBooking.Extras.Add(aBreakfast);                                             //Add Breakfast Object to the booking list of extras
                aBooking.DietaryRequirements = txt_dietaryRequirements.Text;                 //Set the booking dietary requirements from user input
                mainWin.txt_bookingDietaryRequirements.Text = aBooking.DietaryRequirements;  //update the dietary requirement of booking on main window textbox
                txt_dietaryRequirements.Text        = "";                                    //clear the textbox
                mainWin.cmb_bookingExtras.IsEnabled = true;                                  //enable comboBox with the extras on main window
                mainWin.cmb_bookingExtras.Items.Add(cmb_extraTypes.SelectedItem.ToString()); //Add extra Type (Breakfast) to the extra comboBox in main window
                MessageBox.Show("Breakfast has been successfully added");                    //Prompt user that Breakfast extra has been created
            //If Evening Meal extra is selected...
            else if (cmb_extraTypes.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Evening meal")
                EveningMeal anEveningMeal = new EveningMeal();                               //Create new Evening Meal object
                aBooking.Extras.Add(anEveningMeal);                                          //Add Evening Meal Object to the booking list of extras
                aBooking.DietaryRequirements = txt_dietaryRequirements.Text;                 //Set the booking dietary requirements from user input
                mainWin.txt_bookingDietaryRequirements.Text = aBooking.DietaryRequirements;  //update the dietary requirement of booking on main window textbox
                txt_dietaryRequirements.Text        = "";                                    //clear the textbox
                mainWin.cmb_bookingExtras.IsEnabled = true;                                  //enable comboBox with the extras on main window
                mainWin.cmb_bookingExtras.Items.Add(cmb_extraTypes.SelectedItem.ToString()); //Add extra Type (Evening Meal) to the extra comboBox in main window
                MessageBox.Show("Evening Meal has been successfully added");                 //Prompt user that Evening Meal extra has been created
            //If Car Hire extra is selected...
            else if (cmb_extraTypes.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Car hire")
                DateTime arrivalDate;                                           //local variable to hold a DateTime value (Car Hire pick-up date)
                DateTime departureDate;                                         //local variable to hold a DateTime value (Car Hire return Date)
                if (DateTime.TryParse(txt_startDate.Text, out arrivalDate))     //Check if pick-up date input is a valid DateTime value
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(txt_endDate.Text, out departureDate)) //Check if return date input is a valid DateTime value
                        // Try to assign input values to CarHire object
                            CarHire aCarHire = new CarHire();                                            //Create new Car Hire object
                            aCarHire.DriverName = txt_driverName.Text;                                   // (try to) Set driver name from user input
                            aCarHire.StartDate  = arrivalDate;                                           // (try to) Set pick-up date from user input
                            aCarHire.ReturnDate = departureDate;                                         // (try to) Set return date from user input
                            aBooking.Extras.Add(aCarHire);                                               //Add Car Hire Object to the booking list of extras
                            txt_driverName.Text = "";                                                    //clear the textbox
                            txt_startDate.Text  = "";                                                    //clear the textbox
                            txt_endDate.Text    = "";                                                    //clear the textbox
                            mainWin.cmb_bookingExtras.IsEnabled = true;                                  //enable comboBox with the extras on main window
                            mainWin.cmb_bookingExtras.Items.Add(cmb_extraTypes.SelectedItem.ToString()); //Add extra Type (Car Hire) to the extra comboBox in main window
                            MessageBox.Show("Car hire has been successfully added");                     //Prompt user that Car Hire extra has been created
                        // Catch exception messages if the assignemt of CarHire properties fail
                        catch (Exception excep)
                            MessageBox.Show(excep.Message);//Print message in Message Box
                        MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid return date date. (YYYY-MM-DD)"); //Promp user to input a valid DateTime showing the correct format
                        txt_endDate.Text = "";                                                  //clear the textbox
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid pick-up date. (YYYY-MM-DD)"); //Promp user to input a valid DateTime showing the correct format
                    txt_startDate.Text = "";                                            //clear the textbox