internal static OperationOutcome ValidateType(this Validator validator, ElementDefinition definition, ScopedNavigator instance)
            var outcome = new OperationOutcome();

            validator.Trace(outcome, "Validating against constraints specified by the element's defined type", Issue.PROCESSING_PROGRESS, instance);

            if(definition.Type.Any(tr => tr.Code == null))
                validator.Trace(outcome, "ElementDefinition contains a type with an empty type code", Issue.PROFILE_ELEMENTDEF_CONTAINS_NULL_TYPE, instance);

            // Check if this is a choice: there are multiple distinct Codes to choose from
            var typeRefs = definition.Type.Where(tr => tr.Code != null);
            var choices = typeRefs.Select(tr => tr.Code.Value).Distinct();

            if (choices.Count() > 1)
                if (instance.Type != null)
                    // This is a choice type, find out what type is present in the instance data
                    // (e.g. deceased[Boolean], or _resourceType in json). This is exposed by IElementNavigator.TypeName.
                    var instanceType = ModelInfo.FhirTypeNameToFhirType(instance.Type);
                    if (instanceType != null)
                        // In fact, the next statements are just an optimalization, without them, we would do an ANY validation
                        // against *all* choices, what we do here is pre-filtering for sensible choices, and report if there isn't
                        // any.
                        var applicableChoices = typeRefs.Where(tr => ModelInfo.IsInstanceTypeFor(tr.Code.Value, instanceType.Value));

                        // Instance typename must be one of the applicable types in the choice
                        if (applicableChoices.Any())
                            outcome.Include(validator.ValidateTypeReferences(applicableChoices, instance));
                            var choiceList = String.Join(",", choices.Select(t => "'" + t.GetLiteral() + "'"));
                            validator.Trace(outcome, $"Type specified in the instance ('{instance.Type}') is not one of the allowed choices ({choiceList})",
                                     Issue.CONTENT_ELEMENT_HAS_INCORRECT_TYPE, instance);
                        validator.Trace(outcome, $"Instance indicates the element is of type '{instance.Type}', which is not a known FHIR core type.",
                                Issue.CONTENT_ELEMENT_CHOICE_INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE, instance);
                    validator.Trace(outcome, "ElementDefinition is a choice or contains a polymorphic type constraint, but the instance does not indicate its actual type",
                        Issue.CONTENT_ELEMENT_CANNOT_DETERMINE_TYPE, instance);
            else if (choices.Count() == 1)
                // Only one type present in list of typerefs, all of the typerefs are candidates
                outcome.Include(validator.ValidateTypeReferences(typeRefs, instance));

            return outcome;