internal Base Deserialize(ClassMapping mapping, Base existing=null)
            if (mapping == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("mapping");

            if (existing == null)
                var fac = new DefaultModelFactory();
                existing = (Base)fac.Create(mapping.NativeType);
                if (mapping.NativeType != existing.GetType())
                    throw Error.Argument("existing", "Existing instance is of type {0}, but data indicates resource is a {1}", existing.GetType().Name, mapping.NativeType.Name);

            IEnumerable<Tuple<string, IFhirReader>> members = null;

            if (_current.CurrentToken == TokenType.Object)
                members = _current.GetMembers();
            else if(_current.IsPrimitive())
                // Ok, we expected a complex type, but we found a primitive instead. This may happen
                // in Json where the value property and the other elements are separately put into
                // member and _member. In this case, we will parse the primitive into the Value property
                // of the complex type
                if (!mapping.HasPrimitiveValueMember)
                    throw Error.Format("Complex object does not have a value property, yet the reader is at a primitive", _current);

                // Simulate this as actually receiving a member "Value" in a normal complex object,
                // and resume normally
                var valueMember = Tuple.Create(mapping.PrimitiveValueProperty.Name, _current);
                members = new List<Tuple<string, IFhirReader>> { valueMember };
                throw Error.Format("Trying to read a complex object, but reader is not at the start of an object or primitive", _current);

            read(mapping, members, existing);

            return existing;

        internal Base Deserialize(ClassMapping mapping, Base existing=null)
            if (mapping == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("mapping");

            if (existing == null)
                var fac = new DefaultModelFactory();
                existing = (Base)fac.Create(mapping.NativeType);
                if (mapping.NativeType != existing.GetType())
                    throw Error.Argument("existing", "Existing instance is of type {0}, but data indicates resource is a {1}", existing.GetType().Name, mapping.NativeType.Name);

            IEnumerable<Tuple<string, IFhirReader>> members = null;

            members = _current.GetMembers();
            read(mapping, members, existing);

            return existing;
