public override bool Apply(Request request) { if (request.Flags["block"] == false) return false; Html status = new Html (); Html hr = Html.Format ("<hr/>"); foreach (Html h in request.GetTriggerHtml ()) status += h + hr; request.Response = new BlockedResponse ("Blocked", status); return true; }
public override Response Status(NameValueCollection httpGet, Request request) { Html html = new Html (); if (httpGet ["return"] != null) { request.Response.ReplaceHeader ("Location", httpGet ["return"]); request.Response.HttpCode = HttpStatusCode.Redirect; } if (httpGet ["delete"] != null) { int item = int.Parse (httpGet ["delete"]); try { listLock.EnterWriteLock (); foreach (RegexFilter rf in filterList.ToArray ()) { if (rf.GetHashCode () == item) { filterList.Remove (rf); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<RegexFilter>> pair in hashList) { pair.Value.Remove (rf); } } } } finally { listLock.ExitWriteLock (); } SaveFilters (); } if (httpGet ["action"] != null) { RegexFilter filter = RegexFilter.Parse (httpGet ["pattern"], new Flags (httpGet ["flags"])); if (filter != null) { try { listLock.EnterWriteLock (); AddFilter (filter); } finally { listLock.ExitWriteLock (); } SaveFilters (); } } html += Html.Format (@" <p>Patterns are in a subset of the AdBlock pattern.</p> <p>Example:, http://*, ** or ||</p> <table> <tr><th>Pattern</th><th>Flags</th><th></th></th> <form action=""?"" method=""get""> <tr> <td><input type=""text"" name=""pattern"" value="""" /></td> <td><input type=""text"" name=""flags"" value=""block"" /></td> <td><input type=""submit"" name=""action"" value=""Add"" /></td> </tr> </form>"); try { listLock.EnterReadLock (); html += Html.Format ("<h1>Block List</h1>"); foreach (RegexFilter regex in filterList) { html += Html.Format ("<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td><a href=\"?delete={2}\">delete</a></td></tr>", regex.Pattern, regex.Flags, regex.GetHashCode ()); } } finally { listLock.ExitReadLock (); } html += Html.Format ("</table>"); return WebUI.ResponseTemplate (ToString (), html); }
public HtmlData(Html html) { htmlBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (html.HtmlString); }
private Html Form(string fromHost, string toHost, string returnUrl) { Html returnHtml = new Html (); if (returnUrl != null) returnHtml = Html.Format (@"<input type=""hidden"" name=""return"" value=""{0}"" />", returnUrl); return Html.Format (@" <form action=""{0}"" method=""get""> {1} <tr> <td><input type=""text"" name=""from"" value=""{2}"" /></td> <td><input type=""text"" name=""to"" value=""{3}"" /></td> <td> <input type=""text"" name=""flags"" value="""" /> <input type=""submit"" name=""action"" value=""Add custom flags"" /> <br/> <input type=""submit"" name=""action"" value=""Pass"" /> <input type=""submit"" name=""action"" value=""Fake"" /> <input type=""submit"" name=""action"" value=""Clean"" /> <input type=""submit"" name=""action"" value=""Remove"" /> <input type=""submit"" name=""action"" value=""Block"" /> </td> </tr> </form>", Filters.WebUI.FilterUrl (this), returnHtml, fromHost, toHost); }
public override Response Status(NameValueCollection httpGet, Request request) { Html html = new Html (); if (httpGet ["delete"] != null) { int item = int.Parse (httpGet ["delete"]); using (listLock.Write) { foreach (RefererPair rp in watchlist.ToArray ()) { if (rp.GetHashCode () == item) watchlist.Remove (rp); } } SaveFilters (); } if (httpGet ["clear"] != null) { using (listLock.Write) { blocked.Clear (); } } if (httpGet ["action"] != null || httpGet ["flags"] != null) { RefererPair p = new RefererPair (httpGet ["from"], httpGet ["to"]); p.Flags.Set (httpGet ["flags"]); if (httpGet ["action"].Contains (" ") == false) p.Flags.Set (httpGet ["action"]); using (listLock.Write) { watchlist.Add (p); foreach (RefererPair bp in blocked.ToArray ()) { if (p.Match (bp)) blocked.Remove (bp); } } SaveFilters (); } if (httpGet ["return"] != null) { Response resp = new Response (HttpStatusCode.Redirect, new Html ()); resp.ReplaceHeader ("Location", httpGet ["return"]); return resp; } html += Html.Format (@"<h2>Blocked <a href=""?clear=yes"">clear</a></h2>"); html += Html.Format ("<table><tr><th>From Domain</th><th>To Domain</th><th>Flags</th></tr>"); html += Form ("", ""); using (listLock.Read) { foreach (RefererPair pair in blocked) { html += Form (pair); } html += Html.Format ("</table>"); html += Html.Format ("<h2>Watchlist</h2>"); html += Html.Format ("<table><tr><th>From Domain</th><th>To Domain</th><th>Flags</th><th>Delete</th></tr>"); foreach (RefererPair pair in watchlist) { html += Html.Format ("<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}</td><td><a href=\"?delete={3}\">delete</a></td></tr>", pair.FromHost, pair.ToHost, pair.Flags, pair.GetHashCode ()); } html += Html.Format ("</table>"); } html += Html.Format (@" <div> <ul> <li><strong>Pass</strong> Allow request to pass through unmodified</li> <li><strong>Fake</strong> Change referer to the root of the target host</li> <li><strong>Clean</strong> Change referer to the root of the source host</li> <li><strong>Remove</strong> Remove the referer header</li> <li><strong>Slow</strong> Do not modify the request but slow down the transfer speed</li> <li><strong>Block</strong> Block the entire request</li> </ul> <p>From/To: Wildcard(*) allowed in start of domains, applies to subdomains only</p> <p>Example: * matches and but not</p> </div>"); return WebUI.ResponseTemplate (ToString (), html); }
public void Block(string title, Html htmlMessage) { //Determine content type requested // string cc = null; // while (true) { // if (Accept == null) { // if (Uri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith (".js")) { // cc = "application/x-javascript"; // break; // } // if (Uri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith (".css")) { // cc = "text/css"; // break; // } // if (Uri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith (".png")) { // cc = "image/png"; // break; // } // if (Uri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith (".js")) { // cc = "application/javascript"; // break; // } // } // if (Accept.StartsWith ("text/css")) { // cc = "text/css"; // break; // } // // cc = "text/html"; // break; // } Response = new BlockedResponse (title, htmlMessage); }